• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 694 Views, 8 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Spike45

Human mane6 meets themselves as ponies in another world were a dangerous adventure awaits them. The lives of both worlds hang in the balance.

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Chapter 5

Fluttershy went up some stairs where she came to the door to Pinkie's room.

"Pinkie?" the introverted mare called out as she opened the door.

"Oh my gosh, this is terrible, what am I gonna do?" Pinkie thought aloud as she frantically paced her room.

"The world can't end yet, there's so many things I still have to do."


"Like, there's still so many sweats I haven't tried yet..."


"So many parties I have yet to throw."

Realizing her friend was too lost her own thoughts to hear her Fluttershy went over to her panicking friend and tapped her shoulder.

"Umm, Pinkie." Fluttershy called again.

With this Pinkie stopped her rambling and finally took notice of the other presence in the room.

"Fluttershy! Good timing."

Pinkie pie quickly zipped away and came back with a big box.

"I need your help throwing as many parties as I can before the world ends."

Fluttershy tried to respond but was quickly cut off by Pinkie forcing the heavy box onto her.

"Ok so we have bunch of early birthday's we have to celebrate, one for everyone in Sa Pien."

"But... Pinkie" said Fluttershy in between grunts as she struggled with the box in her hands.

"Plus one big End of the World send off party."

"But...the world...isn't...ending."

"What!?" said Pinkie pie.

Fluttershy started walking over to Pinkie with the box "I said the worl-WOAH" Fluttershy toppled over backwards and fell to the ground with the box landing beside her. While rubbing her head in pain she finished her statement.

"The world isn't ending."

"What do you mean?" asked Pinkie as she helped her friend off the ground.

"Portals aren't appearing and snatching up people at random, it's just one portal and that one was created by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in an attempt to get there cutie mark." said Fluttershy.

"Oooooooohh" responded Pinkie.

She then began snort and giggle at her over reaction.

"I can't believe how silly I was back there, I even thought about organizing a migration to the moon to save everyone."

As Pinkie continued to laugh Fluttershy looked to her in confusion.

"Umm how would that even-"

"WAIT! Even if the world isn't ending Twilight and them are still in trouble." Pinkie Pie said cutting of Fluttershy.

"Yes, that's why I came-"

"We have to get to the scene of the disappearance to see if we can fix this. Don't worry Fluttershy your auntie Pinkie Pie will take care of everything, now let's go."

Pinkie then ran out the door to head over to Twilights house leaving behind a frustrated Fluttershy.

"I'm a year older then you." she said as she walked out the door following her hyperactive friend.

Meanwhile back at Apple Acres.

" CONSARN IT, AH CAN'T BELIEVE HER" yelled Applejack in anger.

"Why can't that girl stay out of trouble, just wait till ah deal with her, Ahm gonna, Ahm gonna."

"Now calm down there Applejack, you should first worry about the safety of your friends." said Big Mac.

"He's right Applejack that's why we're all meeting at Twilights so we can figure out what to do." said Rarity.

Applejack looked to the ground in frustration "Fine, can you handle rest by yourself Big Mac?"

"Of course, y'all just get goin' and save yer friends."

"Ok, come on Rarity, let's go."

Back at Twilight's the Cutie Mark Crusaders were waiting outside.

"What do we do now?" asked Scootaloo.

"Nothing, that's what Rarity said." said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah but we need to redeem ourselves in everyone's eyes by helping to fix this mess we made." said Scootaloo.

"How do we do that?" asked Applebloom.

"Well first we can find the scroll we used." said Scootaloo.

"That's uh great idea, come on girls let go inside." said Applebloom with new found confidence.

As the girls went inside they saw the place was still a mess, papers, furniture and debris were all over the place along with the crater in the middle of the floor.

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea, I don't want to get into anymore trouble." said Sweetie Belle.

"Don't worry, we ain't gonna cause any more trouble we'll jus find the spell and go right back tah wait'n for everyone." said Applebloom.

Sweetie Belle was still unsure.

"Alright everyone let's spit up, that way we'll find it faster." Scootaloo said with enthusiasm.

With that the girls began to search the room. A couple of minutes passed and the Cutie Mark Crusaders still couldn't find the scroll they were looking for. Applebloom sat down on the floor, she was getting discouraged and was about to give up. As she let out a sigh Scootaloo head popped out behind a turned over desk.

"You ok Applebloom?"

"What if the spell got sucked into that portal thing, if that happened we may never be able to bring our friends back." Applebloom then pulled her legs up to her and wrapped her arms around them while resting her head on her knees.

"Don't say that, we have to save Rainbow Dash and the others, failure is not an option." said Scootaloo as she glared at her depressed friend.

"Yeah but-"

"GUYS I FOUND IT." came Sweetie Belle's voice from the next room.

The two girls quickly got on their feet and ran to their friend who was waiting for them with the scroll in hand.

"Good job Sweetie Belle, where was it?" asked Scootaloo.

"Behind one of the bookshelves."

"This is great now we can save Rainbow Dash." said Scootaloo, Appleboom looked at the scroll in Sweetie Belle's hands and gave it a quizzical look.

"Wait lemme see that."

Sweetie Belle handed over the scroll and Apple started to look it over.

"This isn't the spell."

"Wait, what!?" said Scootaloo in confusion

"Yes it is, it has a star on the seal just like you said." said Scootaloo.

"But it has the word swirl engraved in it, ah'v never seen this scroll before."

"So we cast the wrong spell!?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Where so freaking LAME!" said Scootaloo as she smacked her hand against her forehead.

"What's going on in here?" came a load voice the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to see Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway. She was wearing deerstalker hat with a brown cloak, to go with this get-up Pinkie had a pipe in her mouth that excreted bubbles.

"And just what do you troublemakers think you're doing?"

"We were just helping to save everyone by finding the spell we used" Applebloom explained.

"Did you find it?" asked Fluttershy as she came in the room wearing a bowler hat.

"Yeah." replied Sweetie Belle.

Pinkie Pie blew into her pipe causing more bubbles to be excreted before she took the pipe out of her mouth.

"Good job rookies."

"But it turns out all this happened because we cast the wrong spell" said Sweetie Belle discouraged again by her and her friends mistake.

Pinkie Pie started to sway her head back and forth "Another rookie mistake, don't worry your silly little heads, Pinkie Pie's on the case. Now, let me see this spell."

Applebloom handed over the scroll and Pinkie began to look it over with a magnified glass. Pinkie held up the scroll giving it a serious look, she then began to rub her chin as she read it over.

Fluttershy came up to Pinkie's side, "So do you know how to reverse the spell and bring back our friends?"

Pinkie brought the scroll away from her face.

"Yeah I have no idea what I'm looking at." said the pink haired girl with a defeated look.

The room then became deathly silent as everyone in the room was filled with despair after Pinkie's answer.

"Come on guys cheer up, I'm part of the Earth class so of course I wouldn't know anything about magic, but rarity will definitely be able to fix it."
As Pinkie was consoling her friends a load slam was heard from the front room.

"AAPPLEBLOOOM!" came an angry voice followed by a slamming door.

Appleboom quickly jerked her head up.

"Crab apples" she said as she started to panic.

Fast and heavy footsteps were heard approaching the room. As Applebloom looked at the door way she started a nervous sweat, waiting for the person who would soon enter the room.

Applejack quickly stormed into the room with Rarity in tow behind her .

"APPLEBLOOM!" Applejack yelled again in anger as she approached her Little sister. Applebloom closed her eyes and tensed up to prepare her body for whatever punishment that was to befall her. Applebloom heard her sister's footsteps walk up to her. There was a couple a seconds of silence, even though she couldn't see Applebloom could still feel her sister's presence looming over her. She began to shake in fear of what was to come but instead of pain she felt an arm go around her body while a hand gently pulled her head towards a warm embrace. In shock Applebloom quickly opened her eyes and saw Applejack down on one knee hugging her.

"How can you be so stupid, what if something happened to you too?"

"I'm sorry." said Applebloom as she leaned into the hug.

Applejack continued to embrace her sister for a while longer before she stood back up. She starred back down at her sister as Applebloom stared back with a smile. Applejack slowly brought up one hands and quickly brought it down in the form of a fist on top of Applebloom's head. Applebloom fell to the ground rolling in pain as tears started to form in her eyes. Applejack then rose her fist clenching it as hard as she could while she rested her other hand on her waist, she glared at her sister with extreme anger and again started to yell.


Appleboom looked up at her sister from the floor.

"Yes ma'am." said Applebloom as she fought back her tears.

Scootaloo ran to her friend on the floor, "Are you ok?" asked the girl trying to help her friend back to her feet.

Applejacks attention then turned Scootaloo as she watched her help up Applebloom.

"What's this!? You think you have time to worry about others. Don't think you're the only one that's gonna get off scott free, cuz ahma make sure yer parents find out what y'all bin up to too."

Hearing this Scootaloo looked at AJ with worry and fear of how much trouble she would be in if her parents found out what she been up to.

"Well then, now that we got that out of the way let's focus on bringing are friends back. Did you guys find the spell?" said Rarity.

"Yes, the girls found it but we can't understand how this spell works." said Fluttershy.

"Can you make sense of this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo?" asked Pinkie with concern
as she gave Rarity the scroll.

Rarity opened the scroll and quizzically looked it over. Unable to understand the spell herself she rose an eyebrow in confusion, she then proceeded to put down the scroll and look to her friends.

"We may need some assistance for this matter."

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