• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 12,477 Views, 564 Comments

The Spread of Darkness - The Grimm Reaper

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Chapter 12: End Of The Line

Spike dodged yet another stream of high powered water. He learned quickly that his supposed greatest weapon was susceptible to water. The first jet had skimmed across the tar like surface, leaving a very bad burn. He knew then what would happen if he took on a direct hit. Spike was smart, but he couldn’t see a way to prevent being flayed alive while he was in the heat of battle. His own attacks proved ineffective as the Leviathan was still slicked with water at the time.

The dragon was on his last legs as he’d been repeatedly struck by the creature before him. He could hear the darkness within his mind screaming, throwing out more of the tar-like substance to try and defend itself. With another dodge, Spike found himself standing next to a barrel filled with spears and sharpened weapons outside the ruined Blacksmith’s house. He reached out and grabbed all the weapons in the barrel with the tar and flung them as hard as he could at the Leviathan. Most stuck into unimportant areas all over its body, just agitating the creature further, but one spear managed to sail through the air and stuck true to its left eye.

The Leviathan halted its relentless pursuit of the dark dragon and tried its best to remove the offending spear from its eye. As it fumbled around with its tentacles, trying to get a good grip, Spike took the chance and ran to the left side of the creature so as not to get caught in its line of sight. He’d planned on physically climbing the creature to deal a killing blow to its head, but the wet surface eliminated that idea. With no other option, Spike opted to retreat and find a way around the creature to the king.

It was then the Leviathan was knocked back by a strange ball of energy, somewhat familiar to him. A bipedal figure, cloaked in white with the head of a pony appeared next to him. It was death, another enemy to deal with.

“You can’t defeat the Leviathan, Spike. Leave him to me. You go on and take out that king.” he said. Without another word, he tossed Spike a small object and leapt into the air. With the rate of speed at which he went as well as the full strength of the Angel, the physical impact he created with his fist sent a shock wave that made a crater along the torso of the Leviathan. The creature was sent into the air and thrown across the land about a kilometre away.

Spike couldn’t hide his surprise at the angel’s strength, but did as he was told after a moment of awe. The darkness within him had died down out of surprise as well and Spike’s scales shone dark in the sunlight. With new determination, he made track for the castle where the Gryphon king would be, as would Twilight.

Mar watched Spike speed off (with the running speed of Sonic the Hedgehog) towards where he knew the Gryphons’ castle resided. The roar of the Leviathan brought his attention back to the battle.

“You got up fast. Not even Zeus recovered that quickly. Three hundred years ago, you might have posed a threat to me. Shame, you’d have made a good challenge.” he said, cracking his knuckles. As he cracked the knuckles on his right hand, his fingers disappeared and were replaced by short blades no longer than twenty inches in length with a black surface. On the back of his glove appeared a symbol similar to yin and yang with a slight variance in shape. This was the ‘Seal of Mar’; his family seal. With the dragon skull mask over his head, his voice became distorted.

Let’s see what you can do.” Mar coaxed, dashing into battle with the creature.

Twilight galloped to the ruins she believed the others would be to check up on their wellbeing. To her relief they were fine, but wanted to help her go after Spike.

“No, only I can be there. Spike won’t be able to fight at his fullest with liabilities hindering him. I’m immune to his power now, so he won’t have to worry about me. I have to go there alone and help him defeat the Gryphon King once and for all.” she deadpanned, leaving them behind with those words.

Her teleport led her to the edge of the castle where guards surrounded her upon sight. She looked at the ones in front of her and huffed.

“Piss off!” she said, snapping her magic for an instant. A wave rushed outward, blowing the dust, wind, dirt and guards away in an outward arc. When the gryphons landed on the ground, they began to fidget and convulse as necrosis took hold and ate away at their flesh at an accelerated rate, leaving little more than bones, weapons and armour in its wake.

Twilight advanced forward and made her way for the throne room, clearing the path ahead with similar ease. She was in a bad mood, thanks to her teacher’s little trick. As she appeared in the throne room where the king, Hyperion himself waited, he seemed surprised to see Twilight and not Spike before him.

“You are not the one I was expecting to see, Miss Sparkle. May I ask why you are here?” he asked. Twilight just cracked her neck and made her way over to the throne, sitting next to it.

“I’m waiting for Spike to come and kill you. You’ve held off our reunion for far too long, you and the princesses. For that, I want to see the light leave your eyes. Whether the princesses follow you or not is up to him.” she replied. Hyperion nodded in understanding and took a seat on his throne, looking across the arm to Twilight.

“Then we shall simply wait for him to arrive. Let us hope the Leviathan doesn’t burn his scales off before that happens. I’d very much like to kill him myself.” he responded, testing his fake claw.

“I don’t think the Leviathan will be a problem for Spike. He’s smarter than most other dragons. He’ll be here soon.” Twilight defended her love.

Sooner than you think.” a voice said from behind them. Before either of them could turn around, Hyperion was sent flying forward along with his throne across the room as Spike bucked the thing off its hinges. Hyperion picked himself up off the floor and brushed himself off.

“How is it that you simply won’t die no matter what I throw at you?” he asked in irritation. Spike stepped forward and stood at his full height with his wings furled against his back.

“The scouts from the Mountain could not kill me. Your Leviathan could not hold me. And you will not see the end of this day! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!” Spike shouted at him. He was about to go dark again, but something forced it back down, more like ripped the darkness out of him. The seal grew black, filled with the darkness that once embodied Spike. He tried to enforce the darkness on himself, but nothing happened.

“It seems you’ve been cut off from the darkness within. Death is on my side after all. How fortuitous for me.” Hyperion said, taking his crown off and tossing it to Twilight. “The winner of this battle wins the throne. Are you interested, Spike?” he asked. Spike smiled and nodded.

“Sure. It’s about time I got something out of this war.”

Mar landed on the ground, straightening up and took a few steps forward. He then swung around and threw his bladed hand upward. One of the Leviathan’s many tentacles were sliced clean off. The creature backed off to cry out in pain and get used to it before charging back at its attacker. By this time it had suffered the loss of several tentacles, an entire arm, the same eye Spike had blinded and three teeth. The creature was almost gone.

You’ve proven to be a good exercise for me. You’re en par with Hades in terms of endurance and stamina. Not surprising since you’re what we like to call a Proto-titan. I’ll give you an appropriate send off.” he said. With a deep breath, Mar impaled himself with his blades. The black around the surface of the blades came off like ink spreading along his clothes. It spread past his clothes and engulfed his entire body, turning him into a silhouette for a brief moment. Almost instantly, the silhouette exploded in a burst of light and Mar had been transformed into a black dragon with fur instead of scales. His clothes remained the same. His bladed hand was gone, now replaced with Draconic claws. Instead of being impaled, Mar held his right hand to his chest with a slight bow in his stance.

“This is who I really am; Mar Grimm, the Angel of Death. And this is my true form.” He held his arms forward and locked them in a cross shape. He spread his wings and shot up faster than the eye could follow. Upon descending towards the confused Leviathan, he threw his arms outward. Two black blades of pure energy shot out from his hands and struck the gargantuan creature. He was cut into four equal parts and the ground beneath him had been engraved with the holy cross, which was truthfully, the crest of the Angel Elders, one of which was Mar.

As he descended towards the centre of the cross, where the four parts of the Leviathan lay, He exploded in a burst of energy that turned the Leviathan to ash as it passed over the pieces. Amidst the smoke and fire, Mar stood in the air, his eyes glowing through it all and his white coat flapping in the aftermath of the breeze.

“Mar, what have you done?!” a familiar voice called out to him. The angel turned his head towards the source of the voice. The smoke cleared with a slash of his claw to reveal his brother, Dusk. Better known as the Angel of War and another of the Elders.

“What needed to be done. The Leviathan was never supposed to be involved in this war. You know this as well as I do, brother.” he replied. Dusk seemed less than agreeable.

“Nevertheless, it happened, and it is not your job to interfere with the lives of mortals, unless their time has passed. We have rules to follow, Mar; I suggest you follow them.” Dusk replied.

“You’re beginning to sound like our father, Dusk. I refuse to be ordered around by weaker angels, especially when their opinions are not in the best interests of Heaven and the worlds we watch over. Father was one such angel, and I retired him for it.” Mar declared.

“Don’t lie to me, Mar! You and I know full well you ‘retired’ our father out of revenge for what he put you through.” Dusk replied.

“You agreed that our race functioned better with an Empress instead of a Grand Elder, and that my choosing Rein Cielo was the best possible decision to make!” the argument began to escalate quickly and Dusk felt the need to take on his true form also. Like Mar, his true form was that of a rare creature. A Crimson Phoenix, with black flame that failed to burn his clothing.

“And she made you one of the four Lords as a result. You gained from your decision once again.” he said. Mar grew angry with him.

“If given the choice, I would have left Heaven instead and lived with Terrain! But one of you killed her. For your sake, brother… I hope yours was not the hand that slew her.” he threatened.

“She was a mortal dragon, you are an Angel. It would have never worked.” Mar’s eyes flashed bright yellow and the whites of his eyes turned black.

“THAT WAS FOR US TO DECIDE, NOT YOU!!!” he roared, shooting twards his brother with the intent to kill.

Claw clashed against claw as Spike and Hyperion exchanged slash after slash. Spike learned quickly the devastating effects Hyperion’s fake claw could have, even against dragon scales. The sheer force of the claw’s collision was enough to dislocate the dragon’s shoulder. The talons themselves ripped at his surface, forcing blood to seep out and fall down to his fingertips. In return, Hyperion had been given a black eye and his skull was cracked in three different places. Scratches that bled profusely covered his sides, making him difficult to grab due to the slickness of his body as a result. Both reptile and bird were badly hurt. While Spike had natural strength and power as his advantage, Hyperion had experience fighting the strongest of enemies over many years. He was king for a reason.

“You’re good, Dragon. Should you win, I can see you growing up to be the strongest of your kind.” Hyperion complimented.

“Thanks, but I like to think I already am. I may be cocky, but that cockiness is often based on truth. And I can see why you’ve remained in power for as long as you have.” Spike returned the compliment. Hyperion nodded his thanks and wiped the blood away from his eye so he would not be forced to see through his black eye and Spike would not be tempted to hit it again.

After a moment of circling each other and recovering some of their strength (including relocating Spike’s shoulder), they went at it again. The two of them butted heads, Hyperion was careful not to hit him with a cracked area. They then hacked and slashed at each other, managing to dodge each other’s attacks. Hyperion jumped back and tried firing his retractable claw again, but Spike saw it coming. He leaned to the left and quickly countered, biting at the chain. Hyperion tried to retract it, but Spike had dug his claws into the marble floor, pinning him there. He bit through the chains, effectively disarming the gryphon (literally). With the worst of Hyperion’s arsenal out of the way, Spike continued his assault.

Dusk flew high into the air, Mar close to his tail. He came to an abrupt stop, throwing his forward. Mar was struck in the face and sent across the sky out of sight. Dusk took the time to gather his energy and prepare a ranged attack. As he was ready to fire it, Mar appeared in a burst of sound not ten feet away from him with a similar attack. The brothers threw their energy balls at each other and they collided. Now it was a struggle to see which of them was stronger in power. They distanced themselves as the energy balls grew in size as more power was put into them.

Finally, the energy began to fuse together and the result was close to nuclear. The angels were sent flying miles across, but that distance was nothing to them. As they mimicked each other in recovering and gathering themselves, they disappeared out of sight for an instant in burst of sound before reappearing half way to each other in another burst, resorting to hand-to-hand combat. Dusk was faster when it came to attacking, but mar was stronger and Dusk’s speed didn’t count for dodging. Cuts appeared along Mar’s chest faster than he could follow. He reached out and grabbed Dusk’s torso, throwing everything he had into one punch. The fist of the draconic Angel collided with his brother’s stomach and a wave burst forth from the collision, dissipating the smoke and clouds around them.

Dusk was motionless for a moment, winded beyond belief. Mar took that time to float over to his side and clasp his hands together, throwing his fists down into his back. Dusk hit the ground in a millisecond, bouncing off of it like a Russian Ice skater. He tried to stand up, but he was forced further into a small crater that grew larger thanks to the force Mar had added on his back. Mar figured the battle was won, but Dusk was persistent.

“I… refuse to lose to you again, brother! Father should have made me the Angel of Death, but he chose you instead.” he said with malice poisoning his voice.

“I agree,” Mar replied. “It would have saved us both the trouble and would have saved him from me. But There is one thing I am grateful to Father for.” he added.

“And what’s that?” Dusk demanded.

“Had he not made me the Angel of Death, I would have never met Terrain, and you would have never had a shot with Sam.” he replied. Dusk seemed enraged by the mention of Sam, their oldest friend who had a crush on Mar. But due to mar’s training, she lost sight of that crush and began to see the appeal in Dusk instead.

“Besides, you would have made a lousy Angel of Death. You’re just not that good at it.” Mar added. Dusk growled, then it evolved into a roar of anger as he rose to his feet and charged his brother.

Hyperion fell to the ground, beaten and bloodied. He was hanging onto life by a thread. Spike stood over him, badly beaten himself. Both of them knew this was it. The final blow and Spike will have won.

“Congratulations, Spike. I admire your skill and your determination. You’ve earned my kingdom. Now what will you do with it?” Hyperion asked. Spike breathed heavily as he tried to find the words to use.

“I’ll rebuild it, make it better than before. Gryphons and Ponies both will live together. I’ll ensure the equality of our two species.” he replied. Hyperion chuckled, coughing afterward.

“Our two species? Wouldn’t that be three, considering you’re neither a Gryphon nor a Pony?” he asked.

“I grew up a Pony, I fell in love with a pony, and I fought for a pony. As far as I’m concerned, I am a Pony in mind and soul, just not in body. So like I said, I will bring our races together in peace, thanks to your relinquishing of the throne.” Spike replied. Hyperion smiled.

“You know… that was what… we always wanted; integrated co-existence. Not just peace at a distance. Thank you, Spike. Go ahead.” Hyperion said, closing his eyes. Spike didn’t hesitate. Building up what power he had, he tried to force the darkness out once more, but instead of darkness, his fist glowed a bright golden colour. His scales shimmered and soon he was a gold and white dragon with red eyes. He used this power and smashed his fist through Hyperion’s head. Instead of a messy splattering of blood, his body disintegrated into small flecks if light and rose into the sky, disappearing through the roof one after another.

With the battle ended, Twilight ran towards Spike and dove at him, clamping her hooves around his body. With a joyous laugh, she found the darkness in her vanish and her colours grew brighter and brighter. There was a flash of blinding light and she was transformed into an Alicorn. The glow around Spike dissipated and he was left golden with a white underbelly and frills.

“This is amazing!” Twilight exclaimed. “Could it be some evolution of the dark research in your mother’s Grimoire?” she asked. Spike turned to look at something that shone out of the corner of his eye. The seal of mar glowed on one side, the other shrouded in black. Next to it was the crown. He picked both up and put them together. The seal fused with the crown. The seal’s outline was imprinted into the crown and had taken on a draconic theme. He then proceeded to place the crown on his head and once again a fusion began to happen. The crown went into Spike’s body and emerged as a Quintet of horns. Spike’s frills were replaced with spikey spines. Both horns and spines were turned golden and the wings on his back were returned upright.

“Golden dragon… sounds like some sort of oriental restaurant.” Spike said. Twilight giggled and just leaned in to kiss him.

“I think these are our rewards for surviving and ending the war, as well as not letting the darkness cloud our judgement.” she said.

Mar had received countless blows from his rage filled brother, whose strength now matched his own. He’d been hit numerous times, making no effort to dodge. Each blow hurt like hell, but still he refused to dodge an attack.

“How do you feel about it now, Brother? Still think I’d be no good as Death?! Huh!! How do you feel about it now?!” Dusk demanded, punching him in the stomach in a similar fashion to how Mar had done before.

“Gonna whiz red.” Mar replied simply, mocking the twin Angel. Dusk grew angrier and prepared to double-fist slam him into the ground when Mar took the opportunity he’d been waiting for. With a sudden burst of strength, he clenched his fist and landed a direct punch to Dusk’s gut. The force of the blow tore a hole in the clothes in his back, and Mar knew his organs had been severely damaged as a result. Mar stepped back and conjured another energy ball the size of a castle above them. But it slowly began to compact on itself until it was no bigger than a tennis ball.

“The reason you’d never make a good Angel of Death is because you’re too easily angered. Death needs an ever clear and calm mind to work properly, something I have been tested against countless times by you, father and almost everyone in Heaven. I managed to remain calm up until you killed Terrain. The Angel of Death is gone, Dusk, as is your brother. All that remains is ‘Grimm’, and Fenrir. Two beings now of like mind.” Mar stopped talking for a moment and placed the ball of energy in his mouth. Dusk looked on in horror as Mar swallowed the energy. There was a moment’s pause before his muscles grew to ugly sizes and reverted to just a little larger than before. It happened throughout his body. What was once a somewhat skinny, but strong dragon, was now a perfectly chiselled and undoubtedly stronger one with eyes blacker than the night and irises as gold as a polished ingot.

“In short, Dusk; there are two things you lack. One is resolve. Had you the resolve to be the angel of Death you would have stayed with Father instead of joining me when he really needed you.” Mar shot forward with a pointed hand and shot it through Dusk’s chest, impaling him with his arm. Dusk lurched and hocked up blood as a result of the final attack. “The other thing you lack is your life.” Mar said. On the verge of death, Dusk clutched his brother’s clothes and tried to grab his attention.

“Heaven will not tolerate betrayal from a legendary figurehead.” he said. Mar smiled and nodded.

“I know. But I don’t really care about what they’ll tolerate or not. I think it’s time heaven is placed under new management, perhaps moved to a new system altogether. I’ll have to discuss some things with Celestia and Luna once I’ve destroyed Heaven.” Dusk’s eyes grew wide as he heard Mar’s plan, but that was the last thing he ever did as his life faded away. His soul emerged from his body as a wisp. Mar quickly grabbed it and held it in his hand. Throwing the corpse into the cross in the ground, letting it go lost forever, he crushed the soul with his bare hand, letting it dissipate into nothing.

“And that’s checkmate on both accounts. The seal has been activated and Spike is now the Guardian of Equestria, making this land perpetually invincible. Twilight is an Alicorn and has been given Immortality. Hopefully she’ll clean up after Celestia’s mess and make things even better for the world. Once I kill all the other Angels, This world shall become the new Heaven. The dead of the other worlds will be reborn here, and the dead from this world will be distributed to the other worlds. A perfect system.” Mar took a deep breath and let it all out. “I wonder if Dusk realised Sam would also die as a result of my plan. Maybe I could sway her over to my side, milk that childhood crush for all it’s worth.” he pondered aloud as he disappeared in a burst of sound.

Author's Note:

Okay all, so this is the final chapter, so it gets songs. Don't worry, there will be an Epilogue depicting the aftermath of the two battles, but this is the end of the shit that got real. I bet you all didn't think my character was actually a bad guy doing what he does for good intentions. Anyway, I'm tired now and I need sleep, so I'll write the epilogue tomorrow. Also, sorry in advance for the Backstreeet Boys songs, I know they're sort of outdated and for some reason, hated. But I grew up on those guys so IDGAF!

Comments please!