• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,235 Views, 182 Comments

The Psychopath Interviews - The Psychopath

The Psychopath interrogates the characters of people on this site

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Special 2: Biped

(The character her is from TenshuraX)

All around the world of Equestria, there existed small abandoned labs full of horrors of unspeakable abominations. These labs have either been destroyed by time, or they have simply been blocked by nature. One of them, in particular, was deep underground, and it was one of the worst yet. Strange mutated creatures that seemed forcefully mixed with different parts roamed the halls, and every now and then, one could find some sort of brown splatter on the wall which tried high and low. The center possessed a face that moaned in unending agony to its existence. One of the experimentation rooms, in particular, held great interest to one creature who had found this place.

A shadow moved among the experiments of a desolate lab, its form hidden in the darkness. it seemed to not fear the abominations of creatures which roamed the halls, and was instead more interested in the experiments. The experiments within this room were either in small, dusty vials, or within cracked or damaged containers against the wall. This place had cobwebs everywhere, and the amount of dust was enough to cause anypony to die of respiratory problems. There were strange machines that ornated the wall, sometimes making a little click before going “back to sleep”. A soft laugh broke the stillness of the lab as the shadow stopped, gazing upon the experiments.

The room shook a bit, as the sounds of something tearing and drilling filled the air. The dust kicked up in an attempt to flee, but, alas, dust has no mode of transportation.

“What kind of moron drills into a lab?” a soft voice carried through the halls, it was high-pitched with a hint of annoyance.

The drilling suddenly stopped, giving a tone of suspense to the room, until the wall next to the damaged containers blew open, with strange copper-colored spikes pushing against the thick metal and locking it in place. In game a green stallion.

“Oh? Another experiment?” he plainly spoke.

The shadow moved into the green stallion’s vision, revealing itself as a young human girl with long black hair, wearing a plain white dress.

“And who, pray tell, are you?” she spoke, her voice was soft with an undertone of malice.

“Oh? One who speaks? What’s your name? You tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine.

“What assurance do I have that you will, in fact, tell me your name after I tell you mine?”

Sociopath cracked his neck. “Fine. You prefer death as a quicker alternative?”

“Perhaps, now if only you could, but I may as well give you my business name, I am DJ.”

“I am The Sociopath, who was once known as Impaler. Why are you in these labs?”

“Because I was seeing if there were any experiments I could use to my advantage.”

“Hmph. I suppose you have some backstory to go along with your little treasure hunt, then?”

“Yes, but why should I tell it to you?”

“Stories can light rooms, and I love a good blood bath.”

“Hmm, well then, I may as well tell you who I am. I am DJ Bl4ck0ut. I am a scientist, and I am also known as the Blackout Butcher.”

“Why Blackout? Ponies blackout from your appearance?” Sociopath smirked.

“No. Blackout because that’s what happen to ponies vision as they die: they see nothing but darkness.”

“Mmmm. You kill, then? The World of Insanity might have a place for you. WHY do you do what you do, though?” Sociopath was wandering about the room as he spoke.

“Because I have no reason not to.” as she spoke, she grinned.

“And using parts of them for experiments is … satisfying, more so than simply torturing them” she continued, her grin becoming unnerving as her eyes followed Sociopath’s every movement.

“Heheh. I know quite a few of the lesser inhabitants of the World of Insanity that would take a liking to you. Any family?” Sociopath started to fumble with the machines, pulling a small thorn out of the ground and messing around with the circuits.

“No, none to speak of.” she shrugged and continued “I do know who my parents are, but they never speak with me, so I simply ignore them most of the time.”

“Do they have names?” Sociopath was grinning evily, but discreetly.

“Yes, and you would most likely know them.” as she spoke she reached behind her neck, rubbing something.

“Might want to get rid of that lump.” Sociopath continued” What ARE their names?”

She smirked “Two things, first of all that’s not a lump. second of all my mother’s name is Blazing Willow, and my father’s name is Heart Surge.”

“Anything about them that is interesting? Is one in the army, or other things?”

“No, my father is a doctor and my mother is a fire specialist but that’s about it.”

Sociopath growled as he messed up a wire and caused a small explosion in the machine.”Do you live anywhere?”

“Yes, but I won’t tell you where.” she looked at Sociopath unamused “You’d probably do something stupid and mess it up.”

“I don’t destroy buildings. That’s underneath me.” he said as he wiped away all the dust.

She laughed, her soft voice carrying a slightly grating tone “Says the one who drilled his way into here instead of using the front door.”

“Drilled? The thorns just had the sound of scraping as I scraped off those disgusting horrors on the wall and impaled them on the spikes.”

“Hmm, I see, well then, still no, because I have many delicate instruments there, and a few runnign experiments.”

“Not my problem. Do you have any powers?”

“Not really, but I use science to give myself powers.”

Sociopath’s hoof broke a vial he was holding, and he glared with his teeth at the creature.” Do you make vials and rink the contents?”

“Sometimes, but I prefer syringes.”

Sociopath’s eye twitched a moment, then he readjusted himself.

“Hmm. Any purpose in killing?”

“I already answered that question, now what about YOU, who were your parents?”

“Someponies of a weak constitution. They are unimportant to my lineage. Now excuse me while I look for more important things in this place. You obviously have no powers, and, therefore, are of no interest to me.”

“I mentioned before that I gave myself powers, and you never elaborated upon the question.”

Sociopath facehoofed.”Then what powers do you bestow upon yourself with the drugs?” he was exasperated.

She laughed madly “One is this.” she reached behind her neck again and started to get larger, her entire form changing to that of a 8 foot tall man wearing a black lab coat and surgical mask.

Sociopath just frowned as he stared at the new form, then stomped the ground, creating an earthquake.”Anything impressive?” he mocked.

DJ’s voice had become deep and grating, and his laugh was similar to a thousand nails on a chalkboard “Yes, but a few require a... subject.”

Sociopath slammed his foreleg into the ground a pulled out a frightened stallion with his mouth sewn shut, then tossed him helplessly to DJ’s feet.”There. I brought you some work material. Impress me.” he grimaced.

DJ reached behind him and pulled out what looked like a large pistol, pointing it to one of the abominations that happened to wander too close “This first one requires a more... expendable subject at first.” he pulled the trigger and the thing exploded, sending body parts and blood everywhere.

“...I did bring an expendable subject.”

The sewn stallion was muffling something, but couldn’t get it out.

“Yes, but this next one would have been impossible to tell on that thing, and it was annoying.” DJ returned the pistol and pulled out a syringe “This is just annoying, but I find some stallions are quite annoyed at it.” he said as he glowered down at the stallion. Bending over DJ injected the odd liquid into the stallion’s arm. and as the onlookers watched, the stallion changed into a mare.

“It’s just a simple little thing, and more for annoyance than combat.”

“And what does it do?” Sociopath stomped the ground with his hind leg and locked the sewed mare in place with thorns.”Besides the gender change? I’ve seen The Psychopath do it too...with is...accursed vials.” Sociopath grinded his teeth in anger.

“Well, it also implants a little chip into their muscles, so I can do this.” he pulled out a remote as he spoke and the mare’s arm ripped free of the thorns, seemingly of its own accord.”

“Hmmm. Interesting. You could turn them into sleeper agents. Anything else?”

“I also have a normal weapon. OH! Also, catch.” as he spoke, he pulled a vial out of something and tossed it at Sociopath.

Some new thorns caught the vial and formed a type of bowl to hold it. “And what is this?” the stallion poked the vial with his forehoof.

“That, is water.”


DJ laughed “Normal water, but this,” he takes out another vial, filled with a blood-red mixture “THIS is something different.”


“No. It just looks like blood. Its actual effect is much more... interesting.”

“Show me.” Sociopath gave a faint smile.

“Very well.” he tossed the concoction at the mare “Good night little one.” as the vial broke, spilling the mixture upon the mare her flesh began to bubble and peel away.

“Hmhm. Torture potion. Any particular name?”


“Simplistic but fitting. Any way to finish ‘her’ off?”

“I have 2. Another vial, or simply me using my weapon.”

“You already used your weapon. I still prefer my spears. What is the other vial?”

DJ laughed “Bloodsurge.” He took out a vial, black stained glass and a skull adorned the vial, and he moved behind a large piece of metal after he tossed it “I suggest taking cover.”

“The Insanity doesn’t fear pain.” Sociopath firmly stood his ground.

“I warned you.” the mare’s entire body began to puff up and grow, until she exploded, sending shrapnel-like shards of bone everywhere, moving at high enough velocity to pierce into steel.

These shrapnels ripped and tore through the green stallion, who barely reacted without so much as a shrug.

”Hmmm. I like it!” he forced his muscles out, causing his body to regenerate the missing pieces.

DJ stepped out from behind the steel and looked at the pieces of bone scattered throughout the room and embedded in every single surface “Good, and that is all I have, besides Boston.”


DJ pulled a large blade, easily 7 feet long from behind him, setting it point-first in the ground next to him “This is Boston, my sword.”

“Eh. A sword.”

“Yes, but surprisingly effective. It also seems to terrify several creatures, such as ponies. Well, normally that is.”

“Hmmm. We have many creatures in the World of Insanity who possess bizarre weapons not seen in Equestria before. Anything you want to add? I have much to do, such as looking for a new test subject.”

“No, not really. The only other thing I have is regeneration, but that’s about it.”

“Good. I’ll discuss the possibility of you joining the Insanity in an eventual future. I’ll be leaving now.”

“That is assuming I accept, and that is another discussion entirely.”

The green stallion ignored this remark and passed onto the hole, taking care to create more thorns to block any access to him.

“Hmm, this will do.” he picked up one of the surviving vials and changed back to a little girl.

The little girl walked out of the lab, whistling and holding a dusty vial, the torn and weathered label upon the vial indicated something called ‘chimera X’.

(may the feasting green turkey bless your bowels)