• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,237 Views, 182 Comments

The Psychopath Interviews - The Psychopath

The Psychopath interrogates the characters of people on this site

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Hopes and dreams

(This character is from Esmelthien)

Standing near a fork in the road leading from Trotterdam to Fillydelphia, was a pegasus mare. Her bright blue hair waved in the wind as she waited on her interviewer. Her mint-green eyes were studying an imperfection on her light blue hoof, and she started to get impatient.

She honestly didn’t know why she was even doing this. She had spotted an advert on the bulletin board at the Trotterdam weather centre, and responded to it. She couldn’t explain what exactly it was, but the advert just spoke to her somehow.

She started pacing back and forth, getting agitated at having to wait for so long.

“Argh! When will this ‘Psycho’ get here? Is that even a name?” she shouted.

“Yes it is.” a colorful stallion was right next to the pegasus, his smile literally gleaming in the sunlight...and burning away the grass at his hooves.

She shot upwards in fright at hearing the voice. It seemed odd, somehow, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. She slowly turned around, spotting a strangely coloured stallion who was beaming at her in an ever-so-slightly creepy way.

“Are you ‘Psycho’?”

The stallion sniffled as weird glasses with a chain attached appeared on his face. His muzzle seemed to have also gotten pointier.

“Myes. Why do you ask?”

“So you’re finally here, thank Celestia! I’m supposed to have an interview with you, right at these crossroads here. I can’t seem to remember what the interview was for, though...”

“For something special! Now I’m just going to ask you a few questions.” Psycho sat on a chair that appeared out of nowhere and pulled a cup out of his hat and sipped it. ”I love hot chocolate.”

“I’m more of a tea pony myself,” she said, seemingly unfazed at the sudden appearance of the furniture. “So, what are these questions about? My kill count?” She stifled a chuckle.

“Mmmm.” Psycho threw his hoof all along a keyboard that he also pulled out of his hat and looked at the pegasus with a dead expression. “Computer says noooooo. Instead, already, tell me your name.”

“I’m Nebula Bolt. I’m a weatherpony,” she said, drawing something in the dirt with her hoof.

“What be that in that dirt?”

“It’s just a little drawing, nothing to be concerned about. Nope.”

“What is it? What is it? What is it?” Psycho was climbing all over Nebula to try and get an answer.

“Just a little something in case you get too close, like you just did.” She stomped the drawing with her hoof, and lines started to light up, seeming to conjure some kind of shield around Nebula.

“That’s a cool orb. Mind if I try it?” Psycho somehow picked up the shield and dropped it around him. He proceeded to walk upside down inside it, laughing as he did so. ”Do you have family?” he asked.

Nebula looked at him perplexedly. “Well that’s never happened before.” Psycho stealing her shield was something that intrigued her deeply. She wanted to know more about this stallion.

“I’ve got a mom and a dad, sort of...”

“Wha’ happened?”

“My mom is, well... Let’s just say she’s not completely herself.” She smiled a bit. “And the stallion is more of a step-dad than an actual dad. I’ve also got two sisters, they’re with him, my real father. I’m not sure where exactly they live. I believe it’s somewhere in the east.”

“Mhmmm. What’re their names?” Psych asked with a serious expression despite digging through the ground within the shield.

“My actual dad is called Galaxy. I was named in the same theme. My mom’s name is Red Brick, although I don’t think she’s very sure of that herself.”

“I see.” Psycho was now next to Nebula, his entire body covered in dirt.”And do you have a backstory?”

“Actual backstory, or just that which other ponies think is my backstory?”

“Your backstory, durrr!” Psycho’s eyes spun like twisters.

“Well, I was born in a town called Rockbeak, near the Equestrian border. At a certain point, for reasons I couldn’t understand back then, my dad decided that he was too good for my mother, and he left her and me, going away with both of my sisters. Me and my mom later moved to Trotterdam, where I discovered my talent for runic magic by doodling around in the sand in our back yard. She later married another stallion, my step-dad. Realizing that I couldn’t get what I wanted by just living with them, I hexed both, ‘convincing’ them to allow me to do anything I wanted to, and to make them give me as much of their money as possible without them dying of starvation. Later, I got a job at the weather team as to not make other ponies suspicious, and now I’m here.”

“Oooo. So what ARE your powers, specifically?”

“I can use them to mind control nearly any pony, although it requires me to inscribe stuff on their bodies. I’m also fairly adept at doing these kinds of things.” She sketched a few symbols in the ground with her wings, and gave a quick stomp of her hoof. A crack appeared in the ground near them, quickly getting longer and wider. It expanded until it was over a hundred feet long, and about twenty feet wide. “Then, I can do this,” she stomped her hoof again, this time on a different place of her drawing, “and it closes. Very useful for wrecking stuff without it leaving a trace.”

“Impressive. Hmmm. Tell moi, are you interested in joining the World of Illogic?”

“Depends. Do I get free stuff?”

“That depends. Do you want more fun? No limits? And...defying logic?”

“I’m all for doing illogical things. I do need live ponies to experiment on. You know, for making zombie armies and the like.”

Psycho’s smile faded away.”Oh. You’re like one of them. No. I’m sorry but you failed the interview. Buh-bye!”

Psycho smiled as he put his hoof on a lever that grew from the ground.

“Huh? But I’m all for illogical things! I’ll do anything you want! I want my free stuff!

“No murdering.” the stallion’s hoof was twitching back and forth on the lever, his swirly pupils staring at Nebula from the corner of the eyes.

“Of course they wouldn’t be actual zombies, you can’t control the dead. No, I’m talking about forcing living, breathing ponies into doing what I want! They would effectively be zombies, just not undead. Can I get my experimentees now?”

“Mmmmm. No. Still too evil. AHMA PULLIN’ THE LEVER!”

The stallion, with a face full of naughtiness, gently started to pull said lever, the creaking of the metal flowing through Nebula’s ears.

“No, please, I can’t let this chance slip! I‘ll try to be less evil, I promise!”

“...Nope. Hmmm. Okay, but you’ll be watched. One wrong thing and it’ll all be undone. In the World of Illogic!”

Psycho pulled on the lever, and a bunny hopped towards both ponies. When it finally stopped, its mouth opened wide, showing the other world. As Nebula gazed at this new place, Psycho kicked her into into it, then disappeared within the bunny’s mouth as if he had been swallowed up by a black hole.