• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Second Return - Narim

Equestria is in grave danger and unlikely aid is called to help.

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Celestia picked the scroll and started reading, despite the fact it could have been meant only for her.

"Dear princess Celestia,

Today I've learned a valuable lesson. Well, to be honest, I knew it for a long time. When you want to protect something, sometimes, despite all the efforts, you have to sacrifice someone to achieve this. And there is no bigger proof of friendship than sacrificing yourself for your close ones.

Your faithful student,

PS: Fortunately, this is not one of the boring friendship reports you have to read every week. This goodbye letter of mine is little bit juicier, if I may say so.

To be honest, I lied to you, to Luna, to everypony. I hope you are not shocked. Deceiver was one of the names from which I chose new one. Who knows, even this is just a pile of lies and deceits.

First, let me congratulate myself on saving our worlds, our old bodies, our raison d'être. How did I do that, you ask? Well, I hope I have enough ink for this.

Ever since the moment I merged with Chaos, I couldn't stop thinking about the weapon against the Creator. It had to be the best and with clever design. You don't know him, even I still don't, but Chaos was willing to share everything about him with me. I discovered two crucial information for my plan. One - most of the times, he is present as a light form. Second - he rarely intervenes himself. I knew I had to lure him out, if I ever want to make him stop interfering with our lives.

As for my plan to recreate this world not to be dependent on us, there was a single flaw. Even if we would cut our bonds, the Creator would still be present. That means a possible threat for future generations. No, my sister, I had to finish it once and for all. That was something I had to do, whatever the cost.

I have learned a lot during my experiments before our little disagreement. Although they brought freezing winters and blizzards upon the Old Continent and caused the extinction of many races, wereponies and fire ponies included, I still find it acceptable, in the end. Don't make that face, Celestia. Without it, the history would be very different. Let the others make the final judgment. Yes, that will be for the best.

There is a need to mention something else, too. You are not the only one teaching the others about the importance of friendship. Without any effort from my side, Helia learned a lot about the friendship, love and beauty of life. I am sure of that. You see, Chaos, Nightmare Moon and Helia were just like us. Created to do their purpose. And as you remember, it took us long time before we became who we are today. When I saw Chaos for the first time, it was like looking at the pictures of my very early fillyhood.

My first years with Chaos were hard for both of us. We fought and argued about every single thing. In those days, Chaos had the bigger part in me. That's why I acted the way I acted. Please forgive him, I mean me, about that. Those were not acts of evil. He was inexperienced, learning his way in this world. Eventually, he let me to lead the way, while he gets some turns from time to time. For me, he was like a small brother, wanting to play with every toy possible. Too bad it resulted in creating chaos.

Helia was something similar, but different in certain aspects. There was no way you and she could join together like we did. Imagine her as a filly, who made her first step into a big, unknown world, charged with a mission she could not fully comprehend. Instead of making friends, she was supposed to destroy, from the very first moment she gained consciousness. Despite her manifestations of cold logic, I am sure she, somewhere inside, felt a terrible pain, and fought with her inner strength against her mission, just like Chaos did.

I know her powers well, just like she did. But she never used them. For those thousands of years I kept her locked, she was just playing with me, there is no other explanation. She had to enjoy being alive, even in that miserable form of an underground prisoner. It was better than to finish her goal and be gone, forever. However, she could not resist it for long. She was the main weapon. Chaos and Nightmare Moon were just backup plans by the Creator.

Despite her will and my efforts, she broke free. Let me assure, which I should have done so right at the start of this letter, that almost nopony died. I would say she, the good part of her, is the main hero here. Without her, I would never be able to success. I can't even tell you how much sorry I am for her for the role she had in my plans. With time, she could be like us. I dreamt about having her as a sister. I hate you, Creator, for making me do this.

The whole plan with thirteen elements was very unlikely to succeed. Even so, I went for it. I wanted the Creator, not her. Recreating the world is of no use while he is present. Having Helia imprisoned for the second time was still not enough for his attention.

So I put to use my best skills - taunting, lies and deception. I intended to angry Helia so much she would call him herself. Since you were present, you don't need the explanation. I made her boil in rage and fear. It was I who called for him, but only the presence of Helia made him able to find us. By the way, if my companions are still present, tell them good job for protecting all of you.

He was coming. The plan was working, as Shagga predicted. I suspect, and I am very serious about it, that Shagga is something like our mother, if the Creator should be considered as our father. She was here to balance the powers and to help us all. I have no other explanation for her being able to see every possible event in the future.

It was time to do the spell. I searched every corner of the universe looking for a perfect trap. I doubt I could kill the Creator, as he was probably not alive the way we are. But I had to made him disappear. Forever. For that purpose, using all my magic, energy, skills and wisdom, I created my best, and I really mean it this time, creation. The Black Hole.

The Black Hole, an object with so strong gravity, it prevents anything from escaping its reach. Not even the magic, the fastest thing ever. Since the Creator was heading our way in the form of light, he was sure to get sucked inside. However, there is was Chaos, Helia, and Nightmare Moon. Despite my best efforts, I was still unable to fix one single flaw. The caster too is consumed by the hole. Chaos, acting mature beyond my expectation, told me to separate myself from this body and let him do it alone. Damn it, of course I refused. I won't let anyone sacrifice himself, only me. Sadly, I had to take Helia and Nightmare Moon with me. With me gone, they would have no one to stop them. I used the most of the elements energy, so you can't use them for a while. I am sure I squeezed more than I intended from the elements of Strength, Agility, Protection, Willpower, Perception and Charisma. Sorry, but you won't enjoy them anymore. The original Elements of Harmony will start recharging soon.

So this is it. I, Chaos and Terran together, am trapped in a place of no return. Helia and Nightmare Moon are there with us. The Creator is defeated and Equestria free. To be honest, I don't know if I am still alive or not. There is no way for you to tell, since the signal for Equestria to stop existing can't reach your place anymore. I don't know if I'll be able to die. If not, well, I have some company there. Chaos was a fine prison mate and I am counting on him again.

As I create these lines, I am casting the Black Hole spell, together with my last Reality Bend. I won't be able to fix all the damage, but that is for the good. It would be wise to keep something as a reminder for the future ponies. I've failed to get rid of some possible future problems. Still, nothing you or the ponies around you can't handle.

We won't see each other again. There was no other way I could do my intentions. I still have to thank the Creator for blessing me with sisters like you. Please, take care of Equestria just like you already do and may this Fourth Age lasts forever.

I love you, Celestia and Luna, and everypony else. Even the Black Hole can't stop my love from reaching you. And although I am leaving, it will be with you.


Gone. Discord was gone, forever. He sacrificed himself for the sake of his sisters and Equestria. Luna, realizing she won't see her brother anymore, ran anyway in tears, and her heavy sobbing echoed, as she was running the stairs down.

On the other hand, Celestia was dangerously calm. She even smiled. "There is nothing to worry about, dear ponies. I know him very well. There is no way he would put himself in such risk."

"Discord," she called him, "I know you are hiding. There is no need for that. I won't imprison you again. You can come out."

It was heartbreaking sight. Celestia could not accept the facts.

"Come on, brother. You are too old for hide and seek."

But even she can not deny it for long.

"Remember, Terran? You promised you would come, whenever I call you. I am calling you, if you have not noticed." Her voice was on the brink of tears.

He did not come. There was no way he could.

"Traitor, deceiver!" she insulted him in tears. "You promised! Three of us, together forever! Why did you do that, why. You left us alone, Terran, alone..." Her last words got lost in tears. Ponies felt helpless. "Come," said Twilight, "there is nothing we can do," resigned and left the princess behind, still crying and calling her brother.

Shining Armor parted with them. He needed to check Cadence and start organizing damage report teams. Soarin' left too, saying something about checking Cloudsdale and overall situation. Rainbow wanted to go with him, but with her injury, she could not manage to fly for so long. Her brother asked her friends to take care of her.

Back in the main hall was active portal prepared for them. "Ponyville, Library," was written in purple letters. A parting gift by Napoli.

"Ah can't believe we're just gonna leave the Princess here alone," worried Applejack.
"What do you suggest we do, darling? Two days ago, Discord was still our greatest foe. So much have changed since then. To lose a brother... I just don't know how to help her," felt Rarity.
Not even Twilight, otherwise crafty in every situation. "I think it's best we leave her alone for a time. I shall visit her tomorrow, when we are all rested. It has been the longest day for us."

One by one, they stepped into portal. As soon as the last Pinkie entered, the portal closed.

Spike awaited them inside the library. "Finally, you are back! So, did we win, huh? I knew you guys could handle anything..." He stopped when he saw their expressions. "I'll tell you everything later, Spike," promised Twilight, "but now I need to get some sleep. Good night everyone."

Ah, her comfy bed, how she missed her. Nopony could separate her from it. Her body was used to such pressure. After her multi-day studies, she needed a deep sleep to process all she had learned. Now, after all this, she wishes to forget all of it. Celestia and Luna crying, Discord roaring in pain, his final words. It was too much for her. A hay bed is good, but nothing beats your own, were her final thoughts before falling into dreamless sleep.

"Wake up, Twilight."

"Just a few minutes," she said with her face buried in the pillow.

Spike came later again. "Wake up, there is a letter for you, from the princess," said and waved with the scroll around her.

Instantly, Twilight's body fully has fully awoke. With great concerns, she read the short announcement. She was asked to attend Discord's funeral, taking place in Canterlot next Sunday. The carriage will pick her at the Library at six. Simple as that. Nothing more. Twilight checked the back page too, hoping to find something to tell her about Celestia's feelings. Still, she felt uncertain about replying. Since no words came to her mind, she decided not to.

Later that day, she discovered her friends being invited, or rather asked to participate, too. So in five days, they attend a funeral with nothing to bury, a last farewell with someone who might still be alive. Twilight just hoped it will help to raise Celestia's spirit after that.

In the following days, Ponyville seemed to already forget all about this. The dam got repaired, water once again flowed in the rivers and animals peacefully minded their business. Apple family was busy fixing the orchard, as it was one on the few things Discord not repaired. Applejack did not mind at all. Hard work is the best cure for heavy mind, she says. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were occupied with their jobs. Summer Sun Celebration was next Monday, the day after the funeral. Even though it was held this year in Vanhoover, a remote town in the north, it still meant increased orders for bakers and fashionistas.

For Rainbow Dash, those were one of her most boring days. She was injured before, many times, yet now, she wanted to do so much. To train even harder, to spend time with Soarin'. Even though his sister was injured, he couldn't visit her almost at all. If you are the Wonderbolt, the term free time is something you can forget. Fortunately for Rainbow, Fluttershy was able to keep her company. Sometimes, when she was alone, regretted she didn't asked Discord or Neklan about their adventures. She knew all Daring Doo's adventures by heart and knew theirs had to be even more exciting.

And Twilight? Well, Twilight too wanted to squeeze every possible information from Discord. Anyway, she closed the water mystery case. With the dam repaired, there was no need to investigate further. In her spare time, she got occupied with history books. It was not like she doubted Discord's words (although you should, said her voice of reason), but now that she was introduced with his point of view, it was her duty as a scientist to compare facts. Twilight felt urge to write that down, before she could forget anything important. That would be against Discord's wish. Even Celestia wants to keep some parts unknowns to others. As she was bothering herself about this dilemma, the expected Sunday came.

All six mares gathered at Twilight's. Even Big Macintosh came too. Rarity came in a black mourning dress, hat and veil. It made her look very noble. Grieving, but noble. Pinkie's hairs were straight as noodles. Applejack's front left hoof had a mourning ribbon. All ponies silently watched the clock. Exactly at six o'clock, not a minute sooner or later, one of the royal Pegasi guards knocked on the door and led them to a royal carriage. In a moment, they left Ponyville behind, as they flew into Canterlot.

During that trip, Twilight realized it is exactly two years since she came to Ponyville. Yes, two years ago, at this time, she was at the Pinkie's welcoming party in her library. Shortly after that, they formed their friendship when facing Nightmare Moon. All of that seemed so far away. With all of their adventures and excitement, the time seemed to fly like the fastest Pegasi. On the horizon, in the summer night, ponies could see the towers of Canterlot.

This funeral was intended to be private, without anypony's else attention. Twilight could only guess where the ceremony will be held and as soon as the carriage started to descend, she had to praise the princess for her choice. They landed in the middle of the Canterlot maze, the very place they've met Discord for the first time.

Both princesses were present, just like Shining Armor and Soarin'. Both of them had their uniforms put on, the very same they wore on the wedding. There was one thing nopony could fail to see. A complex marble statue, replacing the old fountain, was raised. It featured fifteen characters. In the middle was Discord, in his draconequus form. His right lion paw rested on the back of an unicorn pony. Pony's mane and tail was made of green marble. Details of his face radiated wisdom, justice and truth. This was his form as Terran. Discord's left eagle claw patted the mane of another unicorn. Created out of black marble, with no details except for a wicked smile. That had to be Chaos.

These three were encircled by twelve other ponies. Girls instantly recognized Napoli, Neklan and Shagga. The others must be the remaining Discord's companions. Each stallion was paired with his mare counterpart. Napoli took place next to a sturdy unicorn mare. Neklan had his head leaned on a Pegasi mare with the most wind-swept mane they ever saw. All of them faced Discord, with smile, respect or admiration. Later, ponies discover Celestia and Luna being authors of this remarkable monument.

The bells of Canterlot announced the midnight. At the same moment, Discord's horns lit with magical light and Celestia approached the statue. Nopony else was expected to arrive. Only those who were with him until his final moments were present. Twilight expected long, heartbreaking speech from Celestia. Her words for him were short and simple.

"Thank you, Terran, and I am sorry." That was all and ponies knew why. It was impossible to describe her feelings for him in any language. Instead, she thanked him for saving Equestria and apologized for imprisoning him. After a brief moment of silence, both princesses started singing a requiem for Discord.

It was the first time ponies heard them singing, very slowly, minding importance of every sound. Lyrics were of very old tongue, but even if they could not understand the words, their hearts were filled with emotions such as love and sadness. Their voice went up, and sang in the sky and wandered through passages of the hedge maze.

"Entúr aátar, simplera óbídie. Sínor daáte, prosuús thé, den anafé étár."

Shining Armor, as a captain, and Soarin', as a high ranked member of the Wonderbolts, sincerely saluted and other ponies deeply bowed. The ceremony was over.

"Your highness," approached Twilight her princess. "I know you grieve for the loss of your brother and your heart is scarred by the thought of not seeing him again. I want you to know we'll all do our best to mend that wound, although it will never fully heal." Other ponies too offered their support.

"Thank you, my dear ponies," accepted Celestia honestly. "Even as the ruler of the Sun, my life would be dark without my sister or ponies like you. Even during those thousand years, when both Terran and Luna were imprisoned at the same time, it were your ancestors who gave me the strength to carry on and hope for better tomorrows. Yes, my dear ponies," she realized. "There is always hope."

With that, she parted with everypony, thanked them for their help and support and took off, heading to Vanhoover. Those who were there to witness her Summer Sun Celebration sunrise would swear there was nothing else in their lives so touching and moving. Only few ponies knew Celestia dedicated that sunrise to bring her light into whichever darkness Discord was trapped in.

Soarin' had to part too, as he had a morning show in Manehatten. Twilight's brother also got his hooves full. "I got something big up in the north. I might need your help in a few weeks, so get ready for a new adventure!" He left smiling and soon disappeared in the maze.

Twilight got an idea. "Uh, Princess Luna?" she nervously asked the princess gazing at the stars.

"Yes, Twilight?"
"Would you mind hearing my friendship report?"
"Sure, I would love to."

"Ahem," started. "Dear Princess Luna. In the past days I found that even your greatest enemy can turn into the greatest hero, and for that, we should make our best to understand each other."

Luna was not saying anything. For there was not more to say. She completely agreed.

He saved them all. Still despised by many, truly loved by few. That was his way of life.

Such was the way of Discord. The Second Return of his was also the last. Or wasn't...?

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