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6. Gotta Believe To Achieve

It was the end to another day of school and the girls had finally made it home. With soccer practice being after school the girls didn't get home around five. Along with homework and eating dinner and taking a shower the girls were quite busy on most weekdays. Currently, it was a Tuesday afternoon and the girls were working on homework together, something they had done since the very beginning. Rainbow had let the girls know that although they were athletes they were also students and if they wanted to play and even be on the team, they needed to have good grades. They had a game this coming up Friday and if they wanted to play in it they needed to keep up with their grades.

Adagio and Aria were working on typical homework such as science and history, while Sonata on the other side had already finished her homework and was working on her math assignment. Sonata unfortunately had a math test tomorrow and she had to work on the study guide that the teacher had given them. However, while working on the study guide, Sonata learned something very quickly, she knew absolutely nothing that was in the study guide. She had tried again and again but she didn't even know where to start. The worst part was if she failed this math test, she would most likely not be able to play in Friday's match and she did not want that. Looking over at her sisters, Sonata noticed that they were busy with their own homework and she didn't want to disturb them with their work. And sadly both Tom and Sunset were at work so she couldn't ask them for help.

Doing a sneak peak over at her sisters and seeing them distracted, she quickly put her math homework in her folder and back into her backpack. With that being her only homework for the night, she no longer had nothing to do. Sonata wanted to do her homework but she didn't know how to, and she didn't want to be a problem to her sisters or parents so she did the only thing she could think of, not do it. Sure, her grade would go down but if she did good on the test it wouldn't matter... but that was only if she did good on the test. Thankfully for her, the test was multiple choice so she didn't have to show any work but that meant she would have a 25% on each question, and with the test being thirty problems... she would be putting her luck to the test. 'There's no way I'm going to pass this test...' Sonata got up from her seat and sadly made her way to her room, unknowingly both Adagio and Aria saw her.

"She's hiding something, but what?" Aria asked, looking over at Adagio.

Adagio could only sigh, she didn't know what was going on with Sonata. "I don't know, but we're going to have to figure it out."

It was later on through the night and the Dazzlings had finished their dinner and already taken their baths. Adagio and Aria were currently in Adagio's room trying to think of a plan. Adagio had a towel over her head as she sat on her bed, as for Aria she already had her pajamas on sitting on a chair. "So what's our plan? Just go and talk to Sonata?"

"It's the only plan we got, we're sisters, she's sure to tell us what's up." With that, Adagio stood up and walked out of her room with Aria right behind her. The two made their way to Sonata's room, whose door just so happen to be closed, something that it normally wasn't.

Adagio was about to knock on the door but just then she heard talking. "Ugh! I don't know how to do this! Why do we have to learn about fractions!? What are we even going to use fractions for in our future!?" Sonata then slammed her hands into her deck. "Whoever created math I hope they go too-" Before Sonata could finish the door opened to her room, silencing her and making her turn to face the door. Walking in came both Adagio and Aria and they had worried expressions. "Adagio? Aria? What are you guys doing here?"

Adagio and Aria looked over at each other and then back at Sonata. "We heard that you were upset about something, and earlier you looked pretty sad about something so we wanted to come and make sure you were okay." Sonata looked and saw that Aria nodded her head agreeing with Adagio's words. Sonata then looked down at her math homework, it was late but if she wanted to do good on her test tomorrow she was going to need her sister's help.

Sonata sighed and then sat down on her chair. "Everything is but okay, I can't do my math homework to save my life and I have a big test tomorrow and if I don't do well I most likely won't be able to play on Friday and I don't want that to happen." Sonata put her hands to her face, the math homework was stressing her out and it was showing.

Adagio and Aria looked at Sonata and then at one another and smiled. "Well, why didn't you just say so earlier? We would've gladly helped you, trust me math is hard for me too that's why I work with Adagio to get it done."

Sonata looked up at her sisters and sighed. "I just didn't want to disturb you guys with your own homework. I'm sorry..." She then picked up her homework and showed her sisters. "Can you please help me with my homework?"

Her sisters smiled and sat down on her bed looking at the homework. "We don't have long until we have to go to bed but if we work together we can get it done quicker." Aria and Sonata nodded their heads as the three sisters got to work.

It took a while but eventually, the girls were able to get the work done. Adagio and Aria made sure that Sonata knew how to do the math equation and if she ever had a problem or question they made sure to help her figure it out and answered her question. Thanks to their work, Sonata was able to not only get the study guide done but also understand the math and hopefully be able to do good on the test tomorrow. She smiled as she went to bed that night, as she felt good that she would do great on the math test tomorrow.

It was the next day and soccer practice had just ended for the girls. Adagio and Aria were in front of the statue outside of the school waiting for their other sister. Sonata had gone back into the school to her math class to ask to see her math test. So here they were, waiting for their sister, and as much as they wanted to go home and rest, they knew how badly Sonata wanted to know if she did well on the math test.

"GUYS!!" Turning their heads, Adagio and Aria look to see Sonata racing out of the front doors to the school and toward her sisters with a big smile on her face waving around a piece of paper. She then made it over to her sisters panting from all the running she had done that day. "Look... at.... what... I... got..." Speaking through her breaths, she handed over the piece of paper to Adagio and Aria. When they opened up the piece of paper they couldn't help but smile themselves. On the piece of paper was Sonata's test, with a perfect 100% on the top of it.

"Sonata, this is amazing!" Adagio smiled. "Mom's going to love this!"

"Yeah!" Aria agreed. "Awesome job, Sonata!"

Sonata blushed at her sisters words but she still held her big smile. "Yeah! If it wasn't for you guys I most likely would've failed the test, but it was thanks to you guys." Sonata then hugged her two sisters. "I love you guys!"

Adagio and Aria noticed Sonata's big smile and they couldn't help but smile themselves. 'Love you too, Sonata.' The girls continued to hug for a while until they heard a honk of a car. They turned their heads to see their mom in her car waiting for the three of them.

Aria slightly pushed Sonata forward. Sonata looked back to see Aria who had a smile on her face. "Time to go show Mom, your amazing test score." Sonata then turned over to look at Adagio who nodded her head with a smile of her own.

Sonata smiled as she walked to Sunset's car with a big smile. "Yeah!" Adagio and Aria walked behind Sonata with smiles on their own. They were glad that Sonata had done well on her math test and they couldn't wait to see their mom's reaction.

Laying down on her bed, Sonata couldn't help but smile. Once she had shown her mom her math test she was showered with praise from her mom. It was safe to say that Sunset was proud of Sonata for getting such an amazing test score and Sonata couldn't help but blush at her mom's words. But at the same time, she couldn't have done it without her sister's help. She had said it once but she would say it again, if it wasn't for Adagio and Aria she wouldn't have passed this test. She was happy that if she ever had a problem she could go to her sisters for help. Sonata was pleased to say that she had the best sisters that anyone could ever ask for. 'I love my sisters so much.' And with that, Sonata fell to sleep, with a big smile on her face as she slept.

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