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5. Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork

Rainbow watched as the girls ran finishing the rest of their laps. She watched as the girls sweated yet they showed their tenacity and pushed through to finish. Before Rainbow knew it all the girls had finished, panting and drinking from their water bottles. Being the coach she was, she decided to give the girls a solid five-minute break to regain their energy so that they could continue the rest of the workout that was to come.

Once the five minutes was over Rainbow blew her whistle signaling for the girls to head over to their coach. Once the girls got in front of Rainbow, they were then each given soccer balls. "Now here's what we're going to do. You all will first bounce the ball with both your left and right knees three times each for ten seconds. Then you and a partner will pass the ball to one another, I want to get a feel for how much you do or don't know. When all is set and done, the ones that I deem worthy will have a team game with each other. The ones I don't deem worthy will be with me and we're going to be doing some extra practice." Rainbow then blew her whistle. "Now begin!"

"Yes, Coach!" And with that, the girls started their exercises. The Dazzlings happily bounced the soccer ball on both of their knees with ease. With already having experience in soccer they already knew a thing or two about what to do so they felt confident in their skills. The rest of the girls were either having just as good of luck or having a bit of difficulty.

Rainbow walked around making sure the girls were doing the absolute best that they could do. Walking past Joy she smiled as she saw her easily bounce the ball from knee to knee and even with her head. "Not bad!" Joy smiled and continued doing her thing. Rainbow walked past Frizzle and Athena and smiled at what she was seeing. Gabby and a few of the other girls got the same amount of praise. Rainbow then walked past a few girls who were struggling to bounce the ball. "Uh, not bad, but you need to be 20% more awesome to be able to get time on the field." The girls frowned but then put on serious faces at Rainbow's words. Her words were the truth, if they wanted to play they needed to be better, and getting better was exactly what they were going to do! Rainbow then walked past the Dazzlings who were effortlessly bouncing the ball, almost like it was second nature. "Wow!" The girls then finished and started to work on their partner passes. "That... was... awesome! Good job girls! You keep that up and your sure to get lots of playtime this year!" The Dazzlings smiled at that, they wanted to play as much as they could to help the team.

Dawnshine, who was a few feet away had seen and heard everything. She growled as she saw the Dazzlings get praised by Coach Rainbow. 'Why do they always get praised? Their nothing special, so what if they can bounce some measly soccer balls with their knees? Anyone can do that, I'm doing it right now without a problem! So why do they get all the praise and glory? Why?!' Being distracted by glaring at the Dazzlings, Dawnshine wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and accidentally dropped the soccer ball. She gasped as the soccer ball fell onto the ground.

Rainbow walked by and shook her head. "Always keep your eye on the ball, never, for even a second, be distracted. If the opponent sees you distracted for even a second, they will capitalize on that moment before you know it." Rainbow then walked away to look at how the others were doing. Dawnshine gritted her teeth as she watched the Dazzlings pass the ball to one another with ease. 'One day Dazzlings... you'll be nothing, I'll make sure of it! I'll rule this school!'

As time went by everyone eventually finished their exercise and now it was time to get word from Coach Rainbow on how well they did. The girls watched and waited as Rainbow was going over her notes. Some girls felt confident and felt as though they passed, others, however, didn't feel too good with how they did. The Dazzlings happily talked amongst their friends as Dawnshine continued to glare at the Dazzlings from afar. Just then a whistle went off, snapping Dawnshine out of her trance, and turned to face Rainbow.

"If you hear your name you are free to play the team game." Everyone watched and waited, hoping to hear their name. "Joy, Frizzle, Athena, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Gabby, Dawnshine, Phoebe, and Arza. You may make your way to the main field, I'll be over there soon to make teams for you." The first ten girls nodded their heads and started walking over to the main soccer field where they would be playing. Rainbow then turned to the rest of the ten girls. "You ten will be with me, I'm going to be giving you some extra practice. Now don't be discouraged, you still did good. But we want you to be amazing! Awesome! And with my help, I'm going to do my best to make sure each of you shines on the field!" The rest of the girls smiled and nodded, encouraged by Rainbow's words.

"Yes, Coach!" Rainbow smiled as she made her way over to the other ten girls who were waiting for her. Once they saw her, they made a circle to her what the teams were going to be. The Dazzlings were silently hoping they would all be put on the same team, but at the same time, playing against their sister would be just as fun.

"Now these are the teams; A team will be Adagio, Frizzle, Arza, Athena, and Dawnshine. While B team will be Phoebe, Joy, Aria, Sonata, and Gabby." The girls smiled as they got into their teams happy with the people they were with. "Now I can't fully watch the match, so I want a clean game between both teams. Remember, this is a team game, and for a team to strive you need communication, team support, and strong teamwork. There's no I in team, this is a group effort, so no fighting. This is a team bonding exercise, show me that you can work as a team, if you can't do that, then there's no place for you on this team game."

"Yes, Coach!" Rainbow nodded her head as all the girls got into their positions waiting to hear the call. Since it was just a practice game there was no real position, it was just them running up and down the field trying to score a goal. Rainbow then blew her whistle signaling the start of the game. With that, the girls started running up and down the field trying to get the ball.

Adagio was lucky and was able to get the ball first. She run up the field trying to get to the goalpost, however, Joy quickly came out of nowhere and stole the ball away from Adagio. Adagio gasped and quickly raced after Joy to get the ball back. Joy who was running, kick the ball over to Phoebe but before the ball could get to her, Athena came out of nowhere and took the ball away from them. Trying to go for the kill shot she kicked the ball from half field as the ball shot over to the goal. Suddenly, Sonata raced over and deflected the ball just like a goalie would. Sonata's team raced over to her and gave her props for deflecting the ball.

Rainbow who was helping the other girls couldn't help but watch as the rest of the girls played the game. All of them having fun running up and down the field trying to score a point. All of them playing exactly like a team would exactly like she wanted to. If they wanted a chance to win another championship, they needed to be a dream team! Because as they say, teamwork makes the dreamwork!

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