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20. One Year Down Three To Go

The Dazzlings were in their own rooms looking up at the ceiling above. Ever since getting home, they had gone up to their rooms laying on their beds looking up above. Now that school was over they didn't know what to do. Sure, now that they were on summer vacation they were happy to get a break from school but school was what they had gotten accustomed to. The three girls thought about their times at school, they had some good times and bad times but they had gotten through all obstacles and finished their Freshman year and were heading into their Sophomore year.

From meeting Dawnshine, from joining the soccer team and going all the way into the playoffs but unfortunately lost. To mee new people and new classmates and their teacher, eat with their friends at lunch, work with one another to finish their homework, from Homecoming, do detention with Dawnshine, all studying all day and night so that they could do their best on the Finals, but most importantly, doing all of this with one another. Thinking about the plethora of memories they had made in their first year made them smile, so much had happened to them in just a year. The three of them had all grown within the year, not only in their mind but also as people. They had learned valuable lessons not only from their teachers but also from their parents, Coach Rainbow, their Aunt Celestia and Luna, their classmates, and friends. Even Dawnshine, who they didn't even like, had taught them new things and made them better and smarter.

As much as the girls hated to admit it, especially Aria, they were going to miss school. They were going to miss hanging out with their friends at lunch. They were going to miss going to their classes and learning new things from their teachers. They were going to miss talking to their classmates and working on assignments and projects with them. They were going to miss playing soccer with their team and playing games to the best of their ability, trying to win as a team. They were going to miss Coach Rainbow and her coaching, she really was the best Coach. They were going to miss coming home from a long day and finishing the rest of the homework they had to do with their sisters. Even Aria was going to miss glaring at Dawnshine from across the hall or during a soccer game. They were going to even miss the small things like waking up in the morning, even if they sometimes didn't want to and get ready for school. Even if sometimes Adagio and Aria had to use force to wake up Sonata by either pushing her off her bed, tickling her foot, and even sometimes splashing her with cold water which always got a good reaction from her. From doing their hair and makeup, eating breakfast with one another, and talking while their mom drove them to school and back home every day.

Sonata stared up at her ceiling wiping away her dried-up tears. Out of all the girls, she was the most sad that school was over for the summer. She liked school, to her, it was her second home in a way. She had her friends there, and she enjoyed her classes and learning new things, she liked her teachers and her classmates. She liked playing soccer with her sisters and her amazing team. Sure they had lost but she didn't care, she had a lot of fun playing with her friends as a team and that was all that mattered. She had fun working on her homework with her sisters, even if most of the time it was them helping her with it, especially math. Math... thinking about it her Math class made Sonata sad all over again as she could feel the tears starting to come again. At the beginning of the year, she hated Math, it didn't make any sense to her as she didn't see any reasons why they needed to learn it which was leading her to fail. But it was thanks to her sisters that she was able to understand and started doing good in Math! She had passed with a B, which was way better than what she had before. And then there was Homecoming, dancing with Arctic... it was such a magical moment for her. She couldn't help but give a smile. "I hope... no, I know that this year will be even better!"

Aria and Adagio, however, were thinking of other things. Sure they too were going to miss school, classes, soccer, working on homework together, and even the Homecoming where they danced with Bael and Venus which made them feel butterflies in their stomach and made them blush. But they had other things to think about, and that was what next year would bring for them. It wasn't that they were scared, if anything they were ready for school to begin again, heck, they sorta wished the next year would happen tomorrow! But the two of them couldn't help but think something was going to happen, something... magical? They couldn't put their finger on it but they had a gut feeling. Adagio thought and thought but she couldn't figure it out, maybe it was just a class that would be special, or maybe a new teacher or student would come, or maybe some sort of event would happen. "I guess whenever it happens then."

Aria meanwhile was thinking the same thing, but she was mostly thinking about Dawnshine. She had a bad feeling that next year she would still have problems with her but she felt like things were only going to get worse. She had a bad gut feeling that their hatred for one another was only going to get worse. As much as she missed glaring at Dawnshine, she didn't want any more problems, it was starting to get old but Dawnshine wouldn't take no for an answer. They still continued having problems, and Dawnshine made it clear that she was going to do whatever she could to make the Dazzling's lives terrible in high school. However, Aria couldn't do anything, she couldn't fight Dawnshine or she'll get in trouble again and she didn't want that. She also couldn't tell Celestia or Luna because they weren't doing anything to make the situation any better, so she was at a standstill. But, Aria was going to make sure she was going to finish things. She still didn't exactly want to be friends with Dawnshine but she was going to make sure she finished fighting with Dawnshine. She was done with Dawnshine and her problems, and she was going to make sure Dawnshine didn't bully anyone ever again. "She caused too many problems for everyone, especially us! I'm going to make sure all of this ends before she does anything else." Aria continued to look up, her gut feeling being just as big as before, if not bigger.

The three girls continued to look up at their ceilings, thinking about what their summer would bring and what the next year would be. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, individually were already special in their own ways, but together, they were a unit, a team, a team that was unstoppable when they worked together, as sisters. And as sisters, they would get through any challenges that came their way in the future to come, they would through them together!

Author's Note:

And the first year of the Dazzling's high school adventures is over, but now they're about to enter year two of high school, Sophomore year. Will the Dazzlings continue to have a joyful high school experience? What is to come in their second year?

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