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23. A Dazzling Dream For All

The Dazzlings were currently at home in the living room doing some work on their computers. Adagio and Aria were working hard so that they could go and hang out, but Sonata was getting distracted and was doing other things on her computer rather than doing her homework. As she was messing around on her computer doing other things instead of doing her homework, she ran into an ad for a test for what your future job should be. Sonata remembered when Sunset told the girls that they should start thinking about what job career they would want to pursue in the future, and just maybe this would be the answer or at least give them a clue about what they want to do.

Sonata looked at the ad for the online test and smiled. "Dagi! Ari! Look what I found!" The two girls after hearing their names looked up and looked at Sonata's computer screen that had the test on it. Adagio and Aria looked at one another and smiled, stopping their work and looking up the test for themselves.

"Okay, then girls." Aria and Sonata turned their heads over to Adagio who had a smirk on her face. "Let's take this test! And at the end of the test, we'll read our results and see what we get! And maybe, this test could help us figure out what we want to do."

Aria rolled her eyes. "It's just an online test, it probably won't even give us good answers." Aria then turned and sighed as Adagio and Sonata just looked at her for a second and then started working on their career tests. "Alright fine, I'll take the dumb test as well. But if I get something that has to do with garbage so help me, I'm going to-"

"Shush! I'm trying to focus Aria!" Aria looked over at Adagio as the two glared at one another. Aria rolled her eyes and went to work on her test as Adagio went back to doing hers. As much as she wanted to say something to Sonata she knew better and decided to keep her mouth shut and not to fight the battle.

The test was fairly simple, just answer a few easy questions which would help give you your answer at the end of the test. Questions such as 'What do you like to do for hobbies?' or 'What do you like to do for fun?' and even questions like 'Would you say you're a good leader?' and 'Would you like to work indoors or outside?' The questions were easy so the Dazzlings were able to finish the test in only a matter of a few minutes. As the girls finished the final question, the test finished, and gave the girls their results. As the girls looked at their results they couldn't help but all feel as though their answers suited them.

"Soo, who wants to start and say what they got?" Sonata asked as she looked up from her screen and to her two sisters. Adagio and Aria looked up and each other, Aria just shrugged her shoulders and Adagio sighed.

"I guess I could go first." Adagio said as she looked back down at her screen. "So at first I didn't think that this was the job for me but the more I thought about it, this job fits me pretty well." Adagio smiled and showed her screen to her two sisters. "The test said that I would be a fashion designer, just like Rarity! It says that my love for fashion and clothes is a big reason behind it, and also because I have a big creative mind so my clothes would be ones that have never been seen before!" Aria and Sonata looked at her results and smiled at one another.

"That's so cool, Dagi!" Sonata smiled. "Okay, okay, my turn!" Sonata then happily turned her computer over to their sister so that they could see her screen. "It says that I'm going to own my own restaurant and be a cook!" Adagio and Aria looked at one another and grimaced. All the times that Sonata had cooked before in the past had turned into a disaster and there had been one too many times where she almost burned down the house, but thankfully with Sunset and them there, they were able to defuse the situation.

Adagio and Aria looked at one another, with Adagio visibly shaking with sweat running down her forehead. "T-That's great Sonata! I'm sure you'll be an amazing cook, and have an incredible restaurant!" Now even though Adagio didn't think Sonata wasn't a good cook now, she knew there was still enough time for Sonata to become a better cook, so she stayed positive. "I'm sure people from all over the world will want to come and try your food!"

Sonata smiled at Adagio's kind words. "Thank you, Dagi!" Even though she may be a bit clueless at times, Sonata wasn't an idiot. She knew that she wasn't the best cook in the world, but she still messed up with making food, and the majority of the time she burned the food, and she may or may not have burned a few pots and pans. She vividly remembered a time that she had tried making soup and salad for Aria when she was sick but she had somehow managed to make the soup cold and the salad hot, which she and her family still questioned how she did. But she was confident that her cooking skills get better and maybe, just maybe, the test would be correct and she would be a cook and have a restaurant to herself.

Adagio smiled and then turned her head over at Aria who was staring at her screen with an unreadable expression. Adagio's smile shifted over to a frown, she didn't like seeing her sister like that and she wanted to help her in any way she could. "Aria, what did your results say for your test? You don't seem so excited with what you got."

Aria looked up from her screen and over to Adagio. "I knew that I was going to get an answer but I didn't think that this was going to be what my results would give me." Aria turned her computer over and showed the girls her computer screen. Adagio and Sonata looked at the screen and were quite impressed.

"Wow, Ari! You got a police officer, that's so cool! You're going to be putting bad guys in jail and arresting people!" Sonata smiled, she imagined Aria being a police officer and making the world a better place, and it put a smile on her face seeing her sister doing good and making the world better.

Adagio smiled and nodded her head agreeing with Sonata. "I agree! Aria you would be helping so many people and would not only make Canterlot, but all kinds of other places better! Helping others and stopping criminals, isn't that something that you would seem interested in doing? Possible car chases with bad guys, stopping a heist, and all sorts of other crazy adventures. Every day would be a new adventure without anything that you'll have to do! But..." Adagio then thought about it and started to think about all the things police officers had to do. "It's a dangerous job, and there's no way to tell what someone could have on them, one wrong day could be the end, and that wouldn't exactly be fun."

Aria looked at Adagio's frown and Sonata's frown but she smiled. "Yeah, well, it's not like I've made any decisions just yet. Maybe I will become a police officer, it would be a pretty cool job! But it is a dangerous job, but I would be doing the right thing and helping people. But this was just an online test, but I will think about being a police officer, just like how you tell will think about being a cook and a fashion designer."

Sonata and Adagio smiled and nodded their heads, they still had two years so they still had time with choosing a career they wanted to do. The three of them had taken an online career test and they had gotten their answer, and each one of them was okay with the answer they got. A cook, a fashion designer, and a police officer, each of them got some results and jobs that they were impressed with. Now, the Dazzlings knew that although it was an online test, that still didn't mean that they didn't have to keep the results on their minds. The jobs matched the girl's personalities perfectly and it wasn't that the girls were upset with the jobs they got.

And whatever the future would bring for the girls, they were going to do whatever they could to make their dreams come true. Whether or not they did do the jobs that the test gave them or not. And no matter what road the girls went and took, they would get through the road together, because they were the Dazzlings, the ultimate team in the world!

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