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10. Repeating The Horrid Past

It was safe to say after the events of last night, the Dazzlings were upset, especially Aria. They had the chance to win the game last night but thanks to Dawnshine their perfect record of 4-0 was now over as they now stood at 4-1. Now although the girls knew that they would most likely lose a few games, it was the fact that they had the chance to win but Dawnshine ruined that. As the girls walked to their classes Aria always made sure to be in front of Adagio and Sonata, out of the three she was the maddest and obviously so. Adagio and Sonata could only sigh and look at each other sadly as they looked at Aria walk in front of them down the hall.

In class all Aria could think about was what had happened yesterday night. She was so close, she had the ball, all she had to do was kick it and it would've gone it and her team would've won. But then Dawnshine had to come along and ruin everything and push into her making her lose her focus and missing the net. They would've won, they were going to win! But it was all Dawnshine's fault and they all knew it. Sure, Rainbow had given her a stern talking to but wasn't enough, not for Aria. Aria still felt the pain in her leg, Dawnshine had purposely fallen on her leg after slamming into her and the pain was still lingering. Aria could still walk sure, but not without limping and feeling the pain every time she took a step. And with an injury like that, she was a liability to the team and Rainbow would most likely not play in the next few games until her leg was fully healed.

Knowing that information made Aria even more mad, she wanted to have time on the field to play but how could she do that now that she had to wait for her leg to heal? 'Just you wait and see Dawnshine, I will get my revenge one way or another! Just you watch!'

It was lunchtime and the girls had just finished eating their lunch. As they ate with their friends, Aria was on high alert looking around for Dawnshine. She wanted to have some words with Dawnshine so she was looking around making sure that she wouldn't miss her. Adagio and Sonata who were sitting beside her knew what she was doing, they could only hope that when Aria did see Dawnshine, she wouldn't do anything drastic and try to resolve things with Dawnshine in an orderly fashion.

Just then the two saw Aria get up from her seat and started walking out of the cafeteria. When they saw where she was going they noticed Dawnshine who had just opened the doors to the cafeteria and was walking to who knew where. Adagio and Sonata looked at one another and then quickly got up and followed Aria making sure she wouldn't do something she would regret.

Aria continued to walk past Dawnshine, completely unaware that she was being followed by her two sisters. She saw Dawnshine turn a corner and decided to stop and see what was around the corner just to be safe. She wasn't sure if Dawnshine had picked up on Aria following her so just to make sure she wasn't about to get sneak attacked she decided to wait. Aria peeked behind the corner and saw that Dawnshine was in her locker taking out some things. She then saw Dawnshine pull out a small little piece of paper and smiled sadly as she stared at it. Aria looked closer and noticed that it was a photo of a family of three. Was it-

"What are you doing here, Aria?" It took everything in her power to not scream but when she did eventually get a hold of herself and turn around, she saw that it was Adagio with her arms crossed along with Sonata who was trying to mimic her actions but failing miserably.

"Yeah! Why are you looking at Dawnshine?" Sonata asked.

Aria rolled her eyes. "What do you think?" Aria then started to turn around. "I'm going to make she-" Aria stopped when she came face to face with the person they were talking about. "Oh, hello, Dawnshine."

Dawnshine just stared at Aria and then at her two sisters. "Charmed. Now, do you mind telling me why you're here?"

Aria frowned. "You know why I'm here! Why did you slam into me last night? I had a perfect shot and would've made us win the game but instead, you ruined things and we lost because of you!"

Dawnshine didn't like that. "We didn't lose the game because of me! We lost because you and your sisters were playing terribly all game! You missed two shots earlier that night, Adagio had gotten her shot blocked, and Sonata couldn't defend well enough and made them get two points! I was doing what was best for the team, if I had gotten the ball I would've been able to score but you got in my way!"

"Not everything is about you!" Aria snapped, her yells echoing through the halls. "From day one you've been nothing but rude to us when we have done nothing to you! What have we done for you to hate us? We've tried to be nice to you but clearly you don't like us!"

"You're annoying that's why!" Dawnshine's voice was louder than Aria's making her go quiet. Her voice was so loud that it made the Dazzlings scared as Sonata hid behind Adagio who stood in front of the startled girl in case Dawnshine tried doing something. "Ever since you three won the Team Tournament all I hear is nothing but nonsense about you three! Everything here things you guys are stars but you're not! You just won some measly Beyblade tournament, anyone could do that! So what about you three makes winning a tournament so amazing? And now you think you're going to amuse everyone here and become some sort of high school stars." Dawnshine rolled her eyes. "I hate you all!" Dawnshine first pointed to Adagio. "You're the oldest and supposedly the leader of these three but yet you can't even control yourself! Some leader you are." Adagio glared at Dawnshine's words as Dawnshine then pointed to Sonata. "The girl that led you three to the Team Tournament finals and won the whole thing but she can't handle someone yelling without getting scared and starting to cry like the little crybaby she is. We're in high school now, suck it up! No one cares about your emotions or you!" Hearing that made Sonata start to cry, although she didn't want to cry in front of Dawnshine, she couldn't help as tears fell. Aria turned and saw as Adagio patted Sonata on the back trying to make the crying girl feel better. She then turn and glared at Dawnshine who was finally pointing at her. "And you! The girl with the most ferocious attitude I've ever met. With anger issues like that, I'm surprised you have the number of friends that you do. No boy is ever going to like a girl with such a fierce temper. See so you're no special than any of us, you're not special, none of you!"

After all of that, hearing Dawnshine talk so disrespectfully and rude... Aria was shaking in anger. She wasn't going to let her get away anymore, she got away with making her drop her things, and making them lose the game last night, but now. She had gone too far, Dawnshine could say all the things she wanted to about Aria, but not about her sisters like that. The smirk on Dawnshine's face wasn't making things any better, so when Dawnshine raised her arm as if to strike, Aria made her move her eyes shining green for a split second.

Dawnshine had thought that she was going to get into Aria's head and when she was dealing with what Dawnshine had said, she would strike and get the edge over Aria, but that didn't happen. The exact opposite happened actually, as before Dawnshine knew it, she was on the ground and Aria started throwing fists at her. Dawnshine, however, wasn't going to let Aria get the best of her and started putting up a fight of her own to not look weak.

Once the fight began Adagio and Sonata knew that they were going to have to do whatever they could to stop it. Sonata ran from behind and tried pulling Aria off of Dawnshine, but Aria wasn't going to let go so easily. Meanwhile, Adagio was trying to get in between the two girls to try and pry them off of each other but things were harder than they seemed. "Come on you two, no fighting! Let's just talk things out and maybe not beat each other up!" Adagio let out a scream as she was almost punched by Aria's fist as it then made contact with Dawnshine's eye as Dawnshine then punched Aria in the stomach.

"C'mon, Aria! Let... go!" Sonata who was trying to pull Aria off of Dawnshine was showing to be more of a problem than she thought. Aria was stubborn and wasn't backing down from Dawnshine anytime soon.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The four girls stopped what they were doing and turned around to see Luna staring at the four girls with an angry expression. "Come with me to my office, now!" Not wanting to anger Luna anymore, the four girls got up and started walking along with Luna to the front office. As they were walking Aria looked over at Dawnshine whose eye was starting to swell up from the punch it had received.

The four girls made it to the office and Luna opened it making the girls walk in. When they got into the office they saw Celestia on her computer typing, but she soon immediately stopped when she heard the door open. When she looked up she was surprised to see the Dazzlings and another girl in her office. "Girls?" The three girls gulped as they took their seats. In front of them wasn't their aunt, it was the principal, and she looked mad.

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