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25. Sisterly Self Conscious

It was the next day and Sonata was happily walking around the school. As she walked by kids acknowledged her and either smiled or waved at her. Being that she was the only one to stand up to Dawnshine, she had gained a lot of respect from others, which she was happy about. So now, here she was walking around the school trying to get to her next class. They had a quick ten-minute break but unfortunately for her, her class was across the school so she had to walk while others got to enjoy their little break. As Sonata was walking to her class, she was unaware of Dawnshine who was behind her ready to unleash her rage. She was still mad at Sonata and blamed her for what happened yesterday and causing the two of them to get into trouble, with her getting the worse of it since she started it.

Seeing that no one was around or looking, Dawnshine saw her opportunity and pushed Sonata into an isolated hall where the lights just so happened to be dim. "Hey! What gives?" Sonata turned her head to see Dawnshine glaring at her with her arms crossed. "Oh, hey, Dawnshine." Sonata knew that Dawnshine was most likely still mad from yesterday's events, so not wanting to back down, she too crossed her arms and started glaring at Dawnshine.

"You caused me a lot of problems yesterday, Sonata." Dawnshine said in a low yet angry tone. "Because of you, now I have detention for a month! This is all your fault you taco-obsessed freak!"

"Hey! Tacos are good! And it's not my fault you were being a meanie and cut in line! And don't even think about asking for an apology for what I called you yesterday, I meant what I said." Sonata glared at Dawnshine, and Dawnshine smirked. Dawnshine could see that Sonata wasn't going to back down, if anything, she seemed like she wanted the fight, and that was exactly what Dawnshine was going to give her.

Dawnshine smirked and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, then I'm not sorry for what I said about you being an absolute failure!" Sonata flinched at that word again and Dawnshine took notice. "I mean you've gotta be the dumbest and ugliest one out of the three. I don't care if you were the leader of the Team Tournament, you guys winning was a fluke, pure luck." Dawnshine then pointed her finger at Sonata. "And let's not forget the real reason why we lost last year's playoff game! Once again, that was all your fault!"

Sonata took a step back, surprised and in shock at Dawnshine’s words. Her words struck Sonata’s heart like a knife, but she had to stay strong. The voice she was using had fury inside of it, and the way she was yelling was making Sonata tremble in fear. Holding back tears, Sonata looked at Dawnshine, confused. "H-How did I make us lose the game? I-If anything it was your fault!" Finding newfound confidence, Sonata spoke her mind. Dawnshine widened her eyes, she was surprised at Sonata’s newly found confidence. "You were the reason the team got two extra points! You hold onto the ball and don't pass to your teammates! If anything, our loss is because of you! Heck, all of our games lost last year were because of you! You're not a team player, and everyone on the team knows it was your fault! Sure, yes we all made mistakes but it was you who made us lose last year!" Sonata panted, but she was proud that she stood up to Dawnshine.

Dawnshine, however, didn't like how Sonata was talking to her. "Oh please, if you were better at being a goalie, we wouldn't have given them three unanswered points that you basically gave them!" Sonata flinched, she hated to admit it, but Dawnshine had a point. That game her nerves had gotten to her and she wasn't playing at the level she should've. "You make a bad name for your sisters, I hear so many good things about Adagio and Aria but never have I ever heard something good about you, besides that you're cute and nice. Even though I don't see where the cute comes in, I guess stupidity is the new cute!" Dawnshine laughed at her own joke while Sonata grimaced, she hated being called stupid.

Not wanting to look weak, Sonata tried to counter. "Hey! I'm very smar-" Before she could finish Sonata was interrupted.

"I WASN'T FINISHED!" Dawnshine's voice boomed through the bathroom scaring Sonata and making her take a step back.

Before Sonata knew it she felt the wind get sucked out of her as she fell and hit the bathroom floor. "Ouchie..." Putting a hand to her head in pain, Sonata looked up to see Dawnshine looking down at her with her leg raised, she had kicked Sonata in the stomach.

"Now listen up, you're a failure and you always will be! There's no question about that, you have, are, and always will be a failure!!" Sonata looked at Dawnshine, tears starting to run down her cheeks and hit the bathroom floor that she was still sitting on. "You're the worst of the three of your sisters, don't ever forget that! You're stupid, ugly, and the definition of a failure!" As Sonata continued to cry, Dawnshine started to walk out of the bathroom before she was late to close. Before opening the door to the bathroom, Dawnshine made one last finishing statement. "You should just kill yourself, no one loves you and no one would care if you were to die." Sonata’s eyes widened in shock at what Dawnshine had said. Her words pierced through Sonata’s heart like a gun bullet. She raised her head with tears running down her face, to see no one but an empty bathroom. Dawnshine had already left leaving the poor girl to herself.

Sonata slowly picked herself off the ground and looked at herself in the mirror, she looked like a complete mess. Just then the bell rang, if she didn't get going she was going to be late for class. Not that she mattered though, class was the last thing on her mind. The words of Dawnshine replayed in Sonata's head like a broken record, to forever be ingrained in her head. Getting herself together, Sonata walked out of the bathroom, and to her next class, the thoughts of Dawnshine were fresh in her mind.

Taking a seat at her lunch table, Sonata slowly started picking away at her food whole staying relatively quiet. The others at the table noticed the silence from Sonata and being the sisters that they were, Adagio and Aria decided to ask.

"Hey, uh, Sonata?" Sonata looked up at Adagio with a blank stare. "Everything okay? You don't seem alright and you're not really eating or talking? Are you feeling okay or do I need to call Mom?" Sonata’s eyes widened, realizing she had been caught. Adagio and Aria noticed this and knew that something was up.

"Yeah, you seemed like something was bothering you in History. You seemed totally out of it and it made the whole atmosphere of class different." Sonata turned her head over to Athena who had spoken up, Sonata started to sweat, and she was cornered. Now the whole table was looking over at Sonata, wondering what was wrong with her.

Sonata was weighing her options on telling the girls about what had happened between her and Dawnshine in the bathroom or not. Sonata decided that it was the right idea to tell the girls the truth and tell them all about what Dawnshine had said. As she was about to talk she saw Dawnshine across the room looking at her with a smirk that made Sonata shut up. The two made contact, and it was obvious that Dawnshine was letting Sonata know that if she told her friends what had happened there would be more problems. Adagio looked over at where Sonata was looking at saw Dawnshine. 'Not her again, what is she looking at Sonata for? She's probably still mad at Sonata for yesterday.

Shaking her head, Sonata looked back at her friends who were still looking at her worried. She gave them the best smile she could, but she knew it was fake and could only hope that they fell for it. "I'm fine, really. I just have a big math test coming up and it's worth a hundred points!" Sonata put exaggeration as she spoke to put emphasis on her words. Now, although she was telling the truth about her test and she was a bit stressed about it, she knew that wasn't the reason.

However, luck seemed to be on Sonata’s side as all the girls nodded their heads and made agreeing grunts. Adagio looked over at Sonata, she didn't know why but she felt like there was more to the story. "Are you sure that's it Sonata?" Sonata looked at Adagio and nodded her head. Adagio looked at Sonata and nodded her head back and then smiled. "Well just know that if you ever need help studying you have me and Aria to help you!"

Sonata nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah, thanks." Adagio smiled back at Sonata and went back to eating and talking with the others.

Sonata watched as the others talked and laughed and although she tried to continue being her normal self, she couldn't muster it. As she continued to eat, she looked over to Dawnshine who was still looking over at her with a smug expression. Sighing, Sonata broke eye contact and looked away from her.

The girl could only hope that Dawnshine would end her torment of the poor girl. Sonata could only hope that whatever happened today would just be a one-time thing and that Dawnshine would stop. However, Sonata had no idea what was to come her way in the next few days to come.

Looking from across the room, Dawnshine looked at Sonata who was slowly eating her food and barely talking to her friends. She smiled at the sight as she ate her own food. 'I told you not to mess with me, but you chose otherwise. Now get ready, Sonata, because as I said, I will get my revenge on you and your sisters!'

Sonata and Dawnshine made eye contact with each other yet again. Sonata looked at Dawnshine scared while Dawnshine looked at Sonata with a smirk, both knowing Dawnshine had control. The battle between the two may have just begun, but only one of them could be the winner, the only question was who?

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Wow, Dawnshine is going crazy! What does this mean for Sonata and the Dazzlings?

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