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48. Heading To Manehattan

The crisp winter air enveloped all of Canterlot especially the Dazzlings's family home as the excitement bubbled within. It was finally winter time and everyone was in the Christmas spirit, especially Sonata. The house was decorated full of Christmas decorations and the big tree shined with the ornaments. For a while now, Sunset and Tom had been keeping a secret from Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. But the surprise they were going to share with their daughters, they were certain it would sprinkle their winter break with joy.

As the family gathered in the cozy living room after eating their dinner, adorned with all the holiday decorations they had put up a week prior, Sunset shared the news. "Girls." she said with a gleam in her eyes which caught her daughter's attention. "This year, instead of our usual winter retreat, we've decided we're heading to Manehattan for vacation!"

The announcement was met with wide-eyed excitement from the three girls. The mere thought of exploring the bustling streets of Manehattan filled their hearts with anticipation. They had heard all about Manehattan when Tom or Rarity came back from going there for a business trip and told them about the stories. The girls had been wanting to go for a while to go there for themselves to see what Manehattan was like.

"When do we leave?" Sonata asked, her eyes sparkling.

Tom grinned. "We'll be leaving tonight! So you three should better start packing soon."

The trio squealed with joy and immediately rushed to their rooms to pack. Clothes, accessories, and a hint of anticipation filled their suitcases as the girls prepared for their impromptu adventure. Tom and Sunset smiled as they watched the three girls run upstairs to start packing their things for the vacation. The two got up and started making their way to the room to also start packing their things.

While the girls were busy they started multi-tasking while packing their things and talking to their sisters. "I'm so excited! I can't wait to get to Manehattan! We're going to have so much fun there!"

Adagio smiled as she packed one of her jackets into her suitcase. "I agree, it's going to be a lot of fun especially since it'll be all of us as a family."

"I just wish it wasn't going to be so cold." Aria said as she grabbed some sweats and some long-sleeve shirts and placed them into her suitcase.

It took them about a hour to finish packing but when they were finally done, they put their things into the car and headed to the airport. The family set out as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The airport was buzzing with travelers, but the family of five was able to navigate through the chaos with the ease of seasoned adventurers. After a brief wait, they boarded their flight to head to Manehattan. Thanks to Tom, the five were able to snag some first-class seats which the Dazzlings were happy about.

On the plane, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata nestled into their seats, their excitement echoing in the confined space. As the three talked to one another, the engines roared to life. Before they knew it they were soaring through the skies and off to Manehattan to enjoy the vacation that awaited them. The girls looked out the window to see the ground from below which looked like small ants to them. With it being night time the girls slowly fell asleep with Sonata falling asleep on Adagio's shoulder and Aria resting her head on her mom's lap.

Morning light kissed the skies as the plane descended upon Manehattan. The trio awoke to the sight of the city's iconic skyline, a sea of towering buildings glittering in the winter sun.

"We're here!" Sunset Shimmer announced with a grin.

The Dazzlings pressed their faces against the windows, soaking in the breathtaking view. Manehattan, a city of endless possibilities, stretched before them. The whole city looked to be decorated for Christmas as well with countless amounts of decorations on the buildings, even the airport was filled with decorations.

Upon the plane landing safe and sound, the family got off the plane and went over to retrieve their bags. It took a while until they got their bags but while they waited, the girls looked around the huge airport that shined with Christmas spirit. People around them walking around most likely trying to get to their destination for the holidays to be with their loved ones.

Sonata looked around the small stores and outside the airport's windows to see Manehattan outside, waiting for them to go on a journey around the city. "Oh, I can't wait! The scenery, the clothes, the stores, the food! This is going to be great!"

Adagio looked at her sister and sighed, she was still somewhat tired and with Sonata being hyper this early was too much. "Just be sure to stay close to us at all times. We don't want you getting lost again." Seeing her sister pout and turn her head made her smile. "We wouldn't want Arctic to worry about you being lost, now do we?"

Sonata smiled and shook her head. "Nope. He's with his friends and family back in Canterlot. I want him to enjoy his time while I get to hang out with you guys!" Sonata then turned to Aria who was on her phone texting.

A devilish smirk grew on Sonata's face. "Are you texting your boyfriend, Ari?" Aria turned her head and gave Sonata a small glare which wasn't as powerful as the blush that was painted all over her face.

"Shut up, Nata." Sonata giggled which made Aria roll her eyes. "If you must know, I am. Bael was just telling me about how his vacation was going, that's all."

Unbeknownst to Aria, Adagio walked over behind her and peeked at her phone. "Oh, Aria~" Aria flinched and turned her head to see Adagio giving her a devilish smirk, one that Sonata's could never match up to. "From what things looked like you two were talking more than just how vacations were going. It might be my eyes playing tricks on me but..." Adagio took a step forward and got right next to Aria's ear. "It looks like he misses you." Aria blushed turning from a purple to a bright pink which made Adagio and Sonata burst out in laughter. Aria could only grit her teeth while her sisters continued to laugh while Sunset and Tom happily watched the three of them.

Once the girls got their backs and got out of the airport and finally in Manehattan, the family decided to embark on a sightseeing adventure before making their way to the Manehattan Hotel where they would be staying. The bustling streets were adorned with festive decorations, and the air was filled with the magic of the season. The Dazzlings marveled at the sights and sounds, weaving through crowds and enjoying every moment. Manehattan was bigger and more beautiful than they could've ever imagined it to be.

Finally, they arrived at their hotel. The lobby was adorned with holiday cheer, and the promise of a cozy room beckoned them. As they entered, the girls couldn't contain their excitement. The hotel room welcomed them with warmth, and the Dazzlings wasted no time in making themselves at home and planning their Manehattan escapade. Ideas for exploration, shopping, and entertainment floated in the air as the family settled in.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata exchanged gleeful glances, their anticipation building. Manehattan awaited, promising a winter vacation filled with memories, laughter, and the joy of togetherness. Little did they know, the adventure that awaited them in the city that never slept would be nothing short of magical.

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