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49. A Dazzling Christmas Day

It was the morning of Christmas, the winter air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine as Sunset Shimmer, Tom, and their daughters, the Dazzlings, prepared for a special Christmas celebration all except for one that is Sonata who was still fast asleep. The cozy living room in their hotel room was adorned with twinkling lights, a beautifully decorated tree, and stockings hung by the fireplace. Sunset hummed a cheerful tune while finishing arranging the last few ornaments on the tree, her heart swelling with excitement for the evening ahead. Looking at the tree with satisfaction, Sunset made her way over to a book and started to write in it.

"Mom, can we start baking the cookies now?" Adagio asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Sunset smiled warmly at her eldest daughter looking up from her book. She smiled, finished writing, and put it down. "Of course, sweetie. Let's get started."

Together, they whipped up batches of sugar cookies, gingerbread men, and peppermint bark, filling the house with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked treats. Meanwhile, Tom and Aria strung popcorn and cranberries to make garlands for the tree, their laughter blending with the joyful chatter of the season.

As for Sonata... she was still fast asleep. "Santa... I want a bunch of plushies... and tacos." Sonata then turned over and smiled with a bit of drool running down her cheek. "And plushie tacos, yeah...." A slight blush then appeared on her face. "And an Arctic plushie." Sonata hugged her pillow with a bright smile as she continued to sleep.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the arrival of Christmas Eve, the family gathered around the fireplace. It took a while to wake up Sonata who seemed to be in a coma but after a few minutes of trying and doing different techniques to wake up the sleeping beauty, all it took was for Aria to yell that it was time to open presents and if anyone who didn't arrive on time she would take their gifts was more then enough to wake Sonata up. Upon hearing that the once sleeping teenage girl became the Flash and was in her bed under the tree in a matter of three seconds. Adagio stared at Sonata in shock, she wasn't going to say anything but she was almost certain it had to do with Sonata's geode which happened to shine for a split second in her pocket. Of course, her eyes could've also been playing tricks on her and Sonata was just so serious that she tapped into third gear... Adagio smiled and shook her head, it was Christmas, she could worry about that another day.

Sunset lit the fire, casting a warm glow across the room, and they settled onto the plush couches, sipping hot cocoa and sharing stories from past holidays.

"Remember the time we built that giant snowman?" Aria reminisced, her eyes sparkling with fond memories.

Sunset chuckled, nodding. "And then it started snowing so hard we couldn't even see it anymore!"

Adagio had to catch herself before she accidentally spit out her hot cocoa. "And then Sonata couldn't see where she was going and ran right into the snowman and then the head got stuck on hers!"

Their laughter filled the room, as well as a bright blush on Sonata's face, a testament to the bond they shared as a family. Despite the challenges they had faced in the past and even now, they had come together and forged a deep connection that nothing could break.

As the day went by with fun and laughter, it was about to be the official start of handing out gifts to one another, the Dazzlings exchanged excited glances. It was time for the much-anticipated gift exchange. They had all secretly picked out special presents for each other, eager to see the joy on their loved ones' faces.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Sunset asked a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

She handed a beautifully wrapped package to Sunset, who unwrapped it carefully. Inside was a handcrafted necklace adorned with shimmering gemstones, reflecting Adagio's love for creating beautiful things.

"Oh, Adagio, it's stunning!" Sunset exclaimed, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. She hugged her daughter tightly, feeling a rush of pride and love.

Next, it was Aria's turn to give her gift. She handed a small, intricately carved wooden box to Tom, who opened it to find a collection of vintage vinyl records from his favorite artists.

"These are amazing, Aria! Thank you so much." Tom said, his eyes shining with gratitude.

Finally, Sonata presented her gifts to her sisters. She had spent weeks knitting cozy scarves in their favorite colors, a thoughtful gesture that brought tears of happiness to both Adagio and Aria even though she tried to hide it to look tough.

"Thank you, Nata." Adagio looked at the scarf as she rubbed it against her face. "It feels so soft too."

Aria looked at her purple scarf with a smile. "Where did you even learn to make these?"

Sonata brightly smiled, both knowing that her sisters liked her gift and also because of her little surprise. "Auntie Rarity helped me make them, she just showed me what to do and I did the rest. Proud to say I did a good job."

"Great is more like it. I love it and it's perfect for the cold season too." Adagio then smiled and took out to gifts and handed one each to Aria and Sonata. "Take it, girls, I know you're going to love them."

Aria and Sonata nodded and unwrapped their gifts in a hurry. Sonata's eyes sparkled as she looked at her gift. "Wow, it's amazing! I love it!" Aria chuckled and rolled her eyes, of course, Sonata would like a gift that helped her make tacos.

Opening up her gift, Aria was shocked to see what was inside. "No way! How did you find this? I thought they ran out?" Aria looked over at Adagio who smirked, she had gotten Aria an action figure from an anime she liked but they were sold out everywhere, at least that's what Aria thought.

"It sure is a good thing my boyfriend has a family member who just so happens to work at a toy factory." Adagio grinned as Aria's mouth dropped even further. "I know, I know, you're wel-" Before she knew what hit her, Aria tackled Adagio nearly knocking the breath out of her. "O... okay, you're... you're welcome. C-can... you l... let me go... now?"

Sonata laughed until she pulled out two more gifts. "Here you go, Mom, and Dad." Sonata handed her gifts to her parents who happily took them. "I hope you like them as much as Dagi and Ari did."

Opening the gifts, Sunset and Tom smiled seeing two more scarfs also in their favorite colors and two notes talking about Sonata's love for the both of them which touched their hearts.

"Thank you, Sonata. I love it." Sunset wrapped the scarf around her neck and smiled.

Tom nodded his head, his scarf already around his neck. "We'll have to thank Rarity for teaching you how to make these two as well. They're amazing."

As the evening unfolded, the Dazzlings and their parents exchanged heartfelt gifts, laughter, and cherished moments that would forever be etched in their memories. It wasn't just about the presents; it was about the love, connection, and gratitude they shared as a family. Now yes, the gifts were great but spending time as a family, that was the greatest gift of all to all of them.

As the clock struck midnight once again, signaling the end of Christmas Day, Sunset looked around at her beautiful husband and daughters, feeling a deep sense of contentment and happiness. Looking in the book from earlier, Sunset smiled, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Celestia had texted her back wishing her a happy holiday. With a smile on her face, Sunset looked at her family who she loved dearly. This was what Christmas was all about—love, togetherness, and the magic of being with the ones you hold dear.

Author's Note:

Sooo I'm late writing this, and I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry I've just been really busy with school since it's getting close to the end of the school year. Hope you guys enjoyed

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