• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 397 Views, 6 Comments

Stay Up - Hoofprintz

An ASMR/Roleplay one shot where you and Luna date each other.

  • ...

The date

Author's Note:

I put some intended dialogue in for the reader in case you don't want to use your imagination, but it's not set in stone, just easy mode. It's the non descriptive text in the *'s.

*Knock on door*

We shall be there with haste!

*Distant clattering sounds+MagicSFX*

One moment please!

*Approaching hoofsteps, MagicSFX, door opens*

Ah, thou hast arrived... a tad sooner than we expected, hmm, no matter. Welcome to our humble abode, lo-

*1 sec pause*

I- I mean f- friend.

*Luna clears her throat*

It feels as if we have been separated for ages.

*It's only been a few days, Luna.*

Truly? Only a few days? Has it truly been such miniscule a span? Hm, regardless, come, come, out of the chill of mine night.

*Hoofsteps, MagicSFX, door closes*

*Luna tsks*

Nary a coat nor sweater dost thou don, what wast thou thinking? No warm attire dost thou possess yet... Hm? What might that be?

*This? I brought you a present.*


A gift? For me? W- W- I- I mean of course tis for me. Such tributes are rudimentary for nobility such as my sister and I.

*2 sec pause*

*Under breath*
Th- Thank you, you are far too kind.

*Luna clears her throat*

We must be honest, we have never... excelled at receiving gifts. It has always felt as if... as if obligation imposes us to reciprocate the gesture.

*That won't be necessary.*

Tis unnecessary?

*I bought it because I love you.*

B- Because you l- love me?

*Under breath*
Such temerity, to boldly say such things with no reservation.

*Wanna open it?*

*Luna clears her throat*

Open it? Naturally, that was our pla-

*Luna gasps*

*Slightly rushed*
A- Apologies, we treasure your generosity, but there are pressing matters that must be attended to. Come, tis not the time to dilly-dally.

*Slightly rushed hoofsteps*

*Luna relieved breath+MagicSFX*

Thank goodness, just in time. We were finishing preparations as thou arrived. Fortunately, everything seems to be in order. A couple seconds more and we could have had a catastrophe on our hooves.

*Something smells delicious.*

The aroma of our efforts pleases thee, does it?

*You cooked?*

We can only hope the flavor is half as pleasant... What troubles thee? Thou seems't perturbed suddenly?

*You seem worried about it?*

Dost thou insinuate that we lack confidence in ourself?

*It was just a question, Luna.*

'Twas Merely an inquiry? I wonder... Mayhap, tis doubt in our abilities. Or... perhaps... we value thine judgment far greater than we should.

*5 sec pause*

Nevertheless, how did thine travels treat thee?

*Great! Your night is really beautiful.*

Tis good to hear, especially on a frigid night such as this. OH! Of course, forgive our lack of manners. Tea is your preference, correct?


Wonderful! The kettle whistled just before thine arrival. We trust that indicates-

pouring tea SFX*

Yes! Steaming hot. Here thou art. Careful, the last thing we wish for is an unnecessary scalding.

*5 sec pause sipping tea SFX.*

We would have thine thoughts.

*It's really good!*

Truly?! Tis most assuring to hear.


*Under breath*
Make acceptable refreshment, done. One down Luna, you can do this. U- Uh- I- I mean, I was a teensy bit worried I had fudged it.

*What's that?*

What? This?

*MagicSFX 3 sec*

*Luna clears her throat*

Tis... that is, we wanted this night to go perfectly, so we may have asked Twilight Sparkle for some assistance.

*You asked Twilight for help with dating?*

Dating? Surely you jest. That pony is even more clueless than we are when it comes to THAT subject. No, we simply requested insight into preparation and organization, her expertise. This... is a checklist.

*Interesting, may I see it?*

Alas we must refuse, t'would ruin the surprises we have planned. On the other hoof, we have completed another task. We hope thou art hungry.

*I'm starving! I haven't eaten a thing all day.*

Famished? Excellent! This way please, we have made the appropriate accomodations.

*Hoofsteps then fireplace roaring*

So? What doest thou think? Tis flawless, is it not?

*Not as flawless as you.*

M- M- Me? I ask for your thoughts on the ambiance, not myself, flatterer.

*Oh, it's great! Very nice.*

Riiiight. I suppose that IS true enough. You're not so- rather, what I mean to say is... you're quite...

That is to say...
You're quite captivating yourself.

*Luna clears her throat*

Go ahead and, what was the saying? Ah, makest thyself at home. If thou wilt give us but a few seconds, we shall return promptly.

*Hoofsteps retreating. Humming from a short distance for 30 seconds. Hoofsteps return*

Here we are. Firstly, thine bowl... and then ours.

*Is this... soup?*

Close. Tis in fact a stew. Vegetable stew to be precise. Tis the fruit of our tireless labors and thou appearest frazzled by thine share. Is there an issue? Thou spokest most highly of it's scent moments ago.

*Dejectedly under breath*
Did I do something wrong?

*No, not at all! It does smell good.*

OH! But of course, thine puzzlement is derived from shock at our culinary expertise. Well, we would not say we are a prodigy or anything of the sort, but we did do our best.

*MagicSFX tasting the stew.*

*It's delicious!*

No jesting?!? We shall see for ourself.

*Luna tastes stew*

Tis! It does taste good!

*Under breath*
I could have sworn I added too much salt.

*Too much salt?*

*Luna clears her throat*

Er... um correct... apologies, but we did use thee as something of a guinea pig in this case. Take solace in the fact that thou were the first to try our initial attempt at cooking.

*It's pretty normal to sample your own cooking during... well the cooking process.*

Tis tradition? We suppose sampling while working would make it easier to balance flavors correctly. Sadly, the opportunity is passed and as the saying goes, all is well that ends well, no?

*True. It turned out very good.*

Was there ever any doubt? Thy must confess that we are one of a kind and whatever we try our hoof at ends in unquestionable success.

*What about that one time you tried to ice skate?*

Except for that.

*Or that time we were making each other hats?*

Th- That as well.

*Or that one time you tried to write your own play?*

*Luna laughs a bit*

We may have forgotten that. Fine, fine, we do get thine point, but if you would so kindly permit, we did good on the stew, yes?

*You did an amazing job on the stew.*

Then that is a victory in our eyes.

*Why did you decide to cook anyway? You've never shown interest before.*

Hm? 'Twas our decision to make a meal, but the idea for this particular dish was Celestia's suggestion.

*Where is she? She's usually mulling about.*

Tia? Sister retired to her chambers for the evening just before thou arrived. Although she was gracious enough to bid us good fortune prior to taking her leave. She expressed concern and offered her assistance with the preparations but we... to be honest, we desired to do this ourself... for thee.

*Thank you Luna. It means a lot that such a beautiful mare would want to do something like this for me.*

You are too kind to us-pardon me, to me. Still I wrestle with contemporary vernacular.

*You can speak whichever way is most comfortable for you, Luna.*

Yes. Thou did say we should always be ourself, that is one of the things we lo- um, like about thee. Very well, we are a Princess after all. Tis only sensible to carry ourself as such. Thank you.

*You enjoy speaking like that, don't you?*

Yes, we are most at ease speaking as we traditionally have. Sister and thyself appearest to be the only two who do not pay it any heed. Speaking of Celestia, we ventured to obtain wisdom from her on... shall we say... difficulties we might encounter tonight. However, we realize now that she is as... lacking, for want of a better term, as we are when it comes to issues of... courtship.

*Whoa, courtship is a strong word, Luna*

Yes, tis, tis why we utilized it. Would thou sayest we are not courting one another?

*No, I guess I wouldn't use a different word.*

Nor would we. And before you ask, yes, we do understand the... particular implications behind the term.

*5 sec Pause*

Thousands upon thousands of years betwixt we immortal siblings and somehow matters of the heart have managed to thoroughly elude us both. Tis quite an enigma, living for so long, having so many experiences we fail to recall the majority and yet having no knowledge on specific subjects. One would think after several millennia there would be naught left for us to learn. Although, tis not a lie that the life of a princess can be a sheltered one.

*2 sec pause*

And we suppose the idiom really is true, one does learn something every day. OH! Thou art done eating. We pray it was entirely satisfactory.

*Even better.*

Good! Then we can remove these-

*2 sec MagicSFX*

And shall return in a few moments.

*Hoofsteps retreat Humming from a short
distance for 30 seconds. Then spoken from a distance*

Art thou steeled for the piece de resistance?


*MagicSFX+Hoofsteps approach*

We have a special treat for thee, the culmination of all of our culinary expertise. Voila! This, is a piece of dark chocolate cheesecake with diced cherries and mint chocolate chips.

Doesn't it look tasty? I had to fight Celestia off with a spoon to keep it safe.

Not to mention fighting off my own cravings.

*Luna clears her throat*

I- I- W- We mean it looks divine, does it not? We thought it would be more erm, romantic, if we were to... share it.

*How bout we feed each other?*

F- Feed one another?

*That's pretty romantic, no?*

V- Very well. Logically speaking, that does sound most sensible... Agreed, that would be the most romantic. Here-


*You first.*

Us first? Thou art no longer a test subject, we assure thee.

*Beautiful mares first.*

True enough, howev-

*I'm pretty sure you really want to try it.*

Very well, we yield, if it is thine wish, we shall not persist.

*Say ah.*

Say ah? Oh, right. Ahhh.

*Eating cake SFX.*

The flavor is correct, however...

*What's wrong?*

Have patience, we must verify something.

*Hoofsteps retreat then spoken from a distance*

How could this have happened? We followed the recipe to the t, did we not? Tis
most bewildering.

*MagicSFX+eating cake SFX*

Oh... OH NO!

*Quick approaching hoofsteps+ MagicSFX*

Wait! Don't-

*Chewing sounds*

You ate some... I messed up and you...

*It's good!*


*Luna clears her throat*

Delectable? Surely you strive to deceive me... a word slipped past my gaze. The notes read powdered sugar. I added regular, and now my endeavors have been for naught.

*I like it.*

Thou... enjoy it?

*How do I put this? It's a little like you.*

It reminds thee of me? We are not sure if thou intendest that as a compliment.

*It may not be perfect, but it's still darn good, besides I love the taste. Nobodies perfect anyway, Luna.*

*Luna clears her throat*

We must concede, when thou explain so concisely it makes our heart flutter within our chest. Once again we give thee our gratitude.

*Luna sits down*

With thine permission, we believe it is our turn, is it not?

*Oh right, here you go.*

That is to say... um... feed us some of the cake, silly.

*Oh heh, you meant that.*



Thank you. Ahhhh.

*Chewing SFX*

Let us see. Hmmm. Agreed. The taste is accurate with what we were going for, but the texture is a touch... granular?

*Luna sighs*

Pride doth seem to goeth before a fall. For all our bravado and posturing all we have managed is some simple tea, a mediocre stew, and a flawed cake.

*Tonight has been perfect, Luna.*


*Luna scoffs*

Tis quite a fib, and a lofty one at that.

*You underestimate yourself. Being with you is always perfect.*

Is our company... does our presence truly affect thee to such a degree?

*I love you, Luna.*

I... we feel the same. Tis why we struggled so fervently to make all of this to thine liking, but it feels like all we have accomplished is...

*What about that present I got you, maybe that'll cheer you up?*

Huh? Our gift? RIGHT! It had slipped our mind quite efficiently. One moment.

*Hoofsteps retreat*

Ah, tis here.

*MagicSFX+Hoofsteps approach*

Here we are. We must admit, we were not expecting anything like this. What is it?


Take a guess? Ooo, make a game of it then. A mane pin!? No. Then a necklace?! Hmmm. How about earrings!? Too heavy.

*You really like jewelry, huh?*

Tis a misunderstanding. We do not wish for jewelry, tis merely customary that we are given such things. It has been so since we came of age. Frankly, as one with our status, jewelry we have received has been... lackluster, compared to what we already possess.

*Makes sense. Princesses do have some fancy possessions.*

A small box? We are not sure... wait, could this be a Vessel of Reminiscence?
We are familiar with the method of one's function, but never have we held one in our hooves. If we recall correctly, It synchronizes to a soul and vividly documents specific memories and feelings.

*That's right. It'll remind you that I'm always here for you. That you'll never be alone again, and that I'll always love you.*

So that we will never again believe we are alone or unloved?

*Teary Sniffle*

Not once have we been presented with such devotion. May we- may we peer inside?

*Of course. MagicSFX*

This is... the first time we met. Thine heart is pounding, legs shaking.

*Luna laughs*

We can even feel the butterflies in thine belly. Thou were a nervous wreck. Was our divine aura too much to endure?

*Yes, it in fact, was.*

The first time thou laid eyes upon us, this elation is almost enough to make us faint.

*It was almost enough to make me faint.*

*Luna laughs*

Were we truly this awkward? We can barely maintain eye contact with thee, while thine stare pierces us like daggers.

*After seeing you I never wanted to look at anyone else ever again.*

These... feelings... this moment... captured in time that we might experience it whenever we choose... we could not properly convey our gratefulness even if given eternity.

*I'm glad you like it*

*5 sec pause*

When we were... serving our banishment, the negative emotions, hatred... rage... envy... grief... sadness, they consumed us, nearly drove us to madness. But we hoped, we prayed, with all sincerity, we never thought we would feel true joy ever again. Thank you. Thank you so much. With a peaceful mind and a joyful heart we can say with certainty our prayers have finally been answered.

*Hugs, teary sniffle, 5 second pause*

If thou have no protests, we would be content with snuggling close and enjoying the warmth of the fireplace.

*That sounds lovely.*

Then we shall come closer.

*Close mic talking*

Now, we may not have a tangible present for thee, but we do want you to know... our true feelings. We contemplated at length what we could give. Riches, land, perhaps titles.

*All highly unnecessary.*

As thy know we dabble in poetry from time to time. At the end of our ruminations there was one way of conveying the contents of our heart that we found most... proper.

*Luna deep breath*

We shall begin.

*Under breath*
It's now or never, Luna.

What are those…
the passing of time?
Severity of pain?
The heights of my happiness to lonelinesses lows?
What are those?
I haven’t a clue
when compared to the love I had felt thinking of you.

I... I love you.

*5 sec pause*

So um, could you please say something...

*5 sec pause*

*Move to normal distance*

I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have-

*Hugs close to mic talking*

*Thank you Luna. I love you too.*

*Luna clears her throat*

We knew it to be true, as we sure thou already knew how we felt, but it feels liberating to speak it aloud. Truly, we do love thee. Thine brilliant mind. Thine adventurous spirit. But we believe most of all, thine beautiful heart. We've not felt tenderness, adoration... love like thine for as long as we can remember. Tis what we are... no, what we were, missing. What we needed to prevent our fall. What we needed to prevent the Nightmare. We love you. We know it is not much, but we give it to thee, unconditionally, if thou would have it.


*Forever Luna.*

Oddly enough, we...

*Luna clears her throat*

We worried ourself dreadfully thinking things would go horribly wrong tonight. The kindness thou hast shown... the love... It really does make it clear. Our efforts tonight... our efforts together thus far, have been worthwhile. Yes, thou art correct.

*2 sec pause*

Tis enough.

Comments ( 6 )

But isn't ASMR meant to help you sleep?

You are very orrect, however I've stumbled on some really weird asmr lol, there are even ASMR like Mori Calliope had done a session that was just loud noises meant to annoy. It was...an experience. I guess a better way of putting it is ASMR for me is any nice reading or sounds that I can listen to while going to sleep. And there are a lot of pony videos on YouTube categorized as ASMR that are similar in nature to this. But I can definitely see where you're coming from.

I like this creation of yours.
Not all good stories need to follow the same format.

Thanks so much! I'm really glad you liked it!

Beautiful story (yes, I am an OTP LunAnon shipper), interesting format. I'd even be interested to hear this as a reading. Good work! :twilightsmile:

Any cover art? :raritywink:

Thanks for the comment! No cover art yet but I will have one coming soon!

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