• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 16,012 Views, 910 Comments

The Winds of Change - CalmNQuiet

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle must rebuild their bonds in the midst of a changing world.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Twilight stood haltingly in front of the polished white sheen of the airship door. Her mind couldn’t quite process everything that was happening. The door slid open with a hiss and revealed a beautiful interior complete with glazed wooden paneled walls and a mix of natural and artificial lighting. She turned and looked at Fixer.

“If you please, Ms. Sparkle,” he said simply. “Don’t keep the Princess waiting.”

She looked back at the farmhouse. She could barely make out the faces of her friends in the window. This was it. She was leaving Appleloosa. Leaving Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, everyone. Her thoughts trailed to Rainbow. She didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye. To tell Dashie that...

She bit down hard on her lip and the tears formed. She was out of options. She turned away and stepped into the airship. The door closed behind her. Without Fixer’s watchful eyes upon her, she crumpled to the floor and cried.

The airship thrummed to life as the door closed behind her. Twilight could feel the magical engine humming with waves of resonant energy which almost felt like a breeze. The melodic purring of the mechanical engines in the airship seemed to harmonize with the magical field perfectly. She staggered unevenly to her hooves and walked to the front of the airship. The panel clearly displayed her destination as a solid blue dot, a light red trail indicating their path and a flashing red dot indicated her position. She looked out the window and down at the ground. She was already high in the sky.

If she wasn’t so distraught, she might have appreciated all the complicated enhancements and tuning the ship possessed. Instead, all she could do was stare at the small red blip on the panel getting closer and closer to an unknown conclusion for her and her friends. Why the Princess? Why now? Have I done something wrong? She closed her eyes. None of this made any sense.

What about Rainbow? I miss her so much. I’m so worried about her.

She fought back the latest wave of tears as the ship’s magical dampening field kicked in. She was past the sound barrier now.

* * *

Applejack stood at the window and watched the glimmering silver airship rise into the air and skyrocket out of view. A faint boom sounded a few minutes after. She sighed and looked to her family. “She’s gone,” she whispered quietly. “I hope Twilight talks some sense into the Princess. I’m not sure what more we can do now.”

“What about Twilight?”

The entire Apple family whirled around and found Rainbow standing next to Fluttershy. Spike was perched on Fluttershy’s back.

“Rainbow! Fluttershy! Where did you guys come from? Haven’t you heard of knocking?” Applejack berated the pegasus.

Rainbow blew a tuft of her mane out of her eyes and shrugged. “I had to sneak in. Two creepy masked pegasi were patrolling your house. I practically had to carry Fluttershy and Spike in here.”

The canary-colored pony squeaked and lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. They just looked so mean. I was scared we’d confront them.”

“Don’t worry about it Flutters, you weren’t heavy.” Rainbow directed her attention back to Applejack. “So, why are there masked pegasi watching your house? And where’s Twilight?”

Applejack looked down and sighed heavily. “I’m not sure how to say this lightly, RD, so I’ll just say it bluntly. Twilight’s gone. Fixer sent her off to Canterlot on that fancy airship of his.”

“Twilight was here?” Spike leapt off of Fluttershy’s back and ran to the orange farmpony. He grabbed her by the foreleg and squeezed. “Why didn’t she tell me she was here?”

The ponies in the room exchanged glances, not quite sure what to say. Applejack did her best to smile and rubbed Spike’s head-scales with a free hoof. “Listen, Spike. Twilight cares about you very much. But, you know how she can get when she sets her mind to something?”

Spike nodded slowly, the tears still welling in his eyes.

“This time, it was very important. She wanted to save my family’s farm. You should be proud of her, Spike. She stood up for us until the very end.”

“That sounds like the Twilight I know. I was afraid after she stopped sending letters. Afraid that she didn’t remember me anymore. Maybe I’ll be able to forgive her if I ever see her again.” Spike rubbed his eyes. “Will I?”

Applejack shook her head. “I don’t know Spike. She’s long gone by now.”

“What if I send a letter to the Princess?” Spike looked around for a parchment and quill. “We could explain everything to the Princess. I’m sure she’d understand and send Twilight right back!”

The door swung open and Fixer strode in. Once again, he was flanked on either side by Delta Squad. “My squad reported a disturbance.” He looked at Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Spike. “It seems they were right. The rest of our missing party is complete.” He narrowed his eyes at Spike. “I hope you weren’t planning anything seditious.”

“Since when is writing letters se...se...” Spike stumbled over the word and looked to Applejack for help.

Applejack shrugged, equally confused.

Fixer eyes fixated on Applejack. “Regardless. Just to be on the safe side. Delta Squad, please escort these ponies to the Sheriff’s office. It really would have been a lot simpler if you kept your friends out of this, Applejack.”

The Delta Squad member on the right stepped forward and barked out an order: “Line up! Keep it orderly. My partner and I are well trained. You don’t want to mess with us.”

Rainbow didn’t move. Something clicked in the back of her mind. She watched as Applejack settled in uncomfortably behind Braeburn and Big Macintosh.

“Rainbow Dash! Move, or I’ll move you!” The pegasus pony stepped forward menacingly, wings flared.

“...Spitfire?” Rainbow whispered out.

“I have no idea who you’re talking about.” The pony glanced to her side at her partner.

“No way...they roped you into this too?” Rainbow darted forward and grabbed the mask with her teeth and yanked hard. A vibrant orange mane tumbled out from beneath the fabric paired with a golden coat and brilliant orange eyes. “Oh, my gosh. Spitfire. You said you were teaching flight school!”

Spitfire growled and shoved Rainbow back with a forehoof. “Cat’s out of the bag now, Soarin’. You may as well drop the mask.”

Rainbow watched in stunned silence as her former teammate peeled off the mask.

“What happened to you guys?” she gasped out.

“Duty. That’s what happened. Duty you got out of.” Spitfire narrowed her eyes. “I’m not happy about it, but I still have my pride.”

“Pride?” Rainbow repeated. “How can you be proud working for that scumbag?” She pointed an accusing hoof at Fixer. “He bosses you guys around. Makes you fly boring recon missions all the time. You’re a captain, Spitfire! You shouldn’t have to take orders from some puffed-up official.”

“You do when you’re told you have to. You did it too, Dash. Don’t try to deny it. And now the shoe’s on the other hoof.” Spitfire smiled dryly. “Now, get in line—or am I going to have to run you into the ground like your first training session?”

Rainbow’s ears flattened back against her head.

“That’s right. Now get in line, wing pony,” Spitfire snarled.

Fluttershy stepped in between Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. “Stop that.”

“Another fighter, huh? I’ve taken down plenty of pegasi. Lots of guts until it really matters.” Spitfire raised her hoof.

Fluttershy leaned forward and wrapped Spitfire in a hug. “No. Not a fighter. Just like you aren’t who you’re trying to be.” She felt Spitfire tremble in the hug. The suited pegasus tried to pull away, but Fluttershy just increased her grip. “You’re Spitfire. Captain of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow told me hundreds of stories of how inspiring you are. Right now, you need to be that Spitfire, not the one you’ve been forced to become.”

Fixer stepped forward. “Delta Leader, what are you doing? Apprehend that pegasus immediately. This is clearly in violation of your terms of service.”

Soarin’ turned and growled. He extended his wing and blocked Fixer’s path. “Back off.”

“You,” Fixer hissed quietly. “You’ll suffer the consequences of your actions.”

“Not without approval from my commanding officer. I’ve never taken orders from you. My captain is over there.” Soarin’ gestured to Spitfire with a hoof. “And don’t even think about trying any of your magic. You know exactly how well I’m trained.”

“Spitfire, I can tell from your eyes you’ve never done anything like this before. Don’t start today,” Fluttershy whispered gently into the quivering pegasus’s ear. “Your teammates respect you. They look up to you. Be their captain again. You don’t have to listen to Fixer because you know he’s wrong. No pony should treat another pony the way he wants.” Fluttershy relaxed her grip as she felt the Captain’s own tensed muscles ease.

“Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire said quietly. “Go do what you have to do. I’ll watch your friends for you.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy whispered and squeezed Spitfire.

Rainbow nodded and saluted. “Thank you, ma’am.” She ran to the door and looked to the skies.

Fixer smiled. “If you’re thinking of going after Twilight, it may be a little difficult. You may have better acceleration, but all reports indicate your sustained wing power, not to mention your body itself, cannot withstand the forces necessary to catch a SonicCraft traveling at maximum speed.”

“That’s not true!” Applebloom shouted. “Twilight figured it out!”

“Figured what out?” Applejack asked, slightly bewildered by the sudden change of events.

“How to give Rainbow airship magic! I’ll show you, it’s in the shed!” Applebloom galloped out the door, followed quickly by the rest of the gang. This left Spitfire and Soarin’ alone with Fixer.

Fixer turned to follow but was blocked this time by a shimmering gold wing. “Stay right where you are. I don’t care whose authority you’re under, but I think you’re done abusing the position of power entrusted to you.” Spitfire smiled at Soarin’.

“Good to have you back, Captain.” Soarin’ responded with a smile of his own.

Fixer narrowed his eyes and turned his head toward the shed. He winced as his head snapped back a couple inches.

“I warned you about magic,” Soarin’ snarled.

* * *

Twilight. Twilight Sparkle. Are you there?

Twilight looked up from the floor. Her ears swiveled to determine the location of the voice. Up above her was a magical projection being beamed onto the windshield of the airship. She got to her hooves and gathered up the unicorn displayed before her.

Ah. Twilight Sparkle. You may not know me, but let me assure you it is my extreme privilege to finally meet you.

“And you are?”

I have a name, but it is inconsequential for you to know. I’d just like to apologize for this unfortunate series of events. In fact, I hoped to add you to my organization. However, your actions in Ponyville and Appleloosa have been less than desirable.

“How did you know I was on this ship?”

It is my business to know these things. I also give credit where it is due. As such, I must thank you. You are instrumental to making Fixer the Minister of Development and also ensuring the successful construction of the Appleloosan Refinery. Would you like me to name it in your honor?

“So this was your plan? Set me up, pin the blame on the current Minister, and promote Fixer?”

Very astute. I’m sure you are aware now what will happen.

Twilight turned and ran out of the bridge. She scrambled through the ship looking into each room. Stumbling upon Fixer’s stateroom, she decimated the magical lock with barely a thought and barged in. She searched frantically through the room. Stumbling upon the magical communique she looked at the two received messages. “Oh no.” Grabbing them with her magic, she wrapped them unceremoniously in a torn sheet from Fixer’s bed and secured the strip of cloth to her body.

Just as she finished tying the cloth the loudspeakers in the ship began blaring a broadcast.

“This vessel is designated as stolen. Contact the Royal Equestrian Air Force with your identification or surrender immediately.”

* * *

Applebloom pushed open the shed door and giggled. “Pardon the mess. We didn’t really have time to clean up between working the farm and building the Em-Em-Double-Ew in the evening.”

Mess was an understatement. Parts were strewn across the floor in half of the shed. The other half of the shed contained stacks of papers with scribbles, diagrams, numbers, and all manner of unreadable signage jotted upon them.

However, the mess didn’t command their attention. Instead, all eyes focused on a pair of bronze-hued braces propped up with a series of wooden supports in the center of the room. The braces rested upon the supports like an outstretched wing. Finely honed joints interconnected each part of the fixture to the next. Most prominent was a glimmering amethyst set into the base of each brace. Each gem hummed slightly with an innate light, twinkling occasionally in the dim light of the shed.

“So, this is what you and Twilight have been working on after supper,” Applejack remarked, her eyes locked to the odd piece of equipment before her. “It’s certainly something.”

“Yep. They’re for Rainbow. Twilight probably quadruple-checked her numbers when we drew up the blueprints of them. It took her all night to align the jewels’ magic. Something about matching them to Rainbow’s natural magical resonance.” Applebloom grinned at Rainbow. “So, what do you think?”

“Well, the gems sure are pretty,” Braeburn remarked dryly. “You can almost see a little bit of Rainbow’s eye color buried in the purple.”

Rainbow blinked, her mind still boggled by the fact Twilight and Applebloom could build something so complicated in such a short amount of time. She walked up to the pair of braces slowly and looked them over. Tentatively, she placed a hoof over the polished stone on the right brace. It brightened considerably at her touch and expelled the slightest amount of heat. “These are pretty cool,” she said slowly. “But I’m not sure how I feel about putting them on though. Sort of feels like cheating who I am.”

“Now hold on a second. Are you saying all the apples I harvested with my Applebuckers is cheatin’?” Applebloom raised herself up and held her head up proudly while glaring at Rainbow. “No. Because I’m the one who sweated under the sun. I’m the one who bucked all those trees. My Applebuckers are a tool. It’s what we do with the tool that matters.”

She turned around and smiled fondly at the pair of wing braces. “These MMWs, they’re a special kind of tool. A kind of tool only one pony can use, because another pony lovingly crafted them to be that way.” She turned back to Rainbow, her eyes glimmering with moisture. “A tool only you can use, Rainbow. And with them, you’ll able to fly to the one who dreamed of their existence in the hopes of seeing you smile.”

Rainbow slowly ran her hoof along the outside edge of a wing brace. The metal felt warm, almost as if it was responding to her touch. “Did Twilight really say that?”

Applebloom smiled and shook her head. “No, she didn’t say it. It’s one of those things you don’t need to say. I could tell just by working with her. The way her eyes lit up when she described how you would fit into them. The way she agonized over every little detail because she wanted you to be safe in them. Twilight poured her heart and soul into these wings for you, Rainbow.”

“She really cares about me huh? All this time, and she didn’t say anything.” Rainbow looked up at the finely polished tips of the wing braces on the table. “Why didn’t she say something?”

“Um...” Fluttershy whispered. “Maybe she wasn’t sure how? Sometimes, it’s really hard to say something really important.” Fluttershy turned and hid her face behind her mane. “I think you should try them on, Rainbow. If you’re okay with it, that is.”

Rainbow eyed the braces warily. “Look, I get what you guys are trying to say.” She shook her head. “But it feels like if I put them on, I’m giving up a part of who I am. Airships have brought me nothing but trouble, and now I’m supposed to become part airship or something?”

“I don’t think so, RD.” Applejack smiled at Applebloom. “Applebloom here showed me she wasn’t any less of an Apple when she strapped on those fancy kickers of hers. In fact, I couldn’t be prouder.” She looked over to the braces. “These Magi-Wing-whatevers are the same. Sure, they may be made of metal and enchanted with some kind of magic, but if I reckon, it’s nothing without the bearer. It needs you and only you.”

Rainbow nodded slowly and looked to Big Macintosh and Braeburn. “Any thoughts, guys?”

Big Mac smiled reassuringly and shook his head.

Braeburn cleared his throat. “I don’t know you nor Twilight very well, but I can see the work that went into these things. If a pony puts this much effort into something, the least you could do is give them the chance. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

Rainbow nodded in response before turning to Spike with a smile. “How about you, little buddy?”

Spike was on the edge of losing a valiant battle against his own tears. “Do it. Do it for Twilight.”

Rainbow’s expression shifted to a more serious one as she stared at the wings. “For Twilight, huh? I did promise I’d stick with her.” Her eyes softened and her face brightened as she imagined Twilight’s approving smile. “Applebloom. Get these on me. I have an airship to catch.”

* * *

Twilight charged back onto the bridge and pointed an accusatory hoof at the pony casually sipping a drink in the magical display. “You’re responsible for all of this, aren’t you? There’s no way the Royal Equestrian Air Force will think I’m an airship thief!”

I’m well aware of that, Twilight. However, due to the nature of the craft you are on, it is far too risky for them to engage you directly at the speeds you are traveling at. Instead, they employ a very explosive safety measure. After all, what’s the lives of a few thieves compared to the security of Equestria?

Her eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her. She scrambled over the various panels trying to find a communicator.

Oh, you’ll find them quite disabled, I’m afraid. I thought I would keep this between you and I. It’s not often one gets personal time with the Princess’ protege. Besides, I triggered the mechanism. After all, I’m the one responsible for them.

“This is your last warning. Halt your ship and surrender immediately. Failure to do so will be met with fatal repercussions.”

Twilight groaned and rubbed her head. Come on. Think, Twilight. You can get out of this. No problem is without a solution.

* * *

Rainbow felt incredible. The braces strapped firmly to her wings under the careful guidance of Applebloom fit extremely comfortably. They barely added any weight and didn’t hinder her carpal joint. The most peculiar aspect was the constant warming sensation over her wings flowing from the base of the braces to the tips of her primaries. It felt like her entire body was encased in some form of shield.

Here goes nothing.

She focused her mind on pushing through the sound barrier. Her wings beat hard against the air and she felt her heart waver slightly as she surged forward. However, even as her surroundings sped past faster, she couldn’t feel the steady increase of wind beating against her body and holding her back.


The sound barrier popped behind her with nary a sensation. The air passing over her wings tingled, but she couldn’t feel anything more. So this is how those fat clunky airships pick up so much speed. They don’t have to fight the wind. She grinned confidently as her prismatic sphere of color extended into the distance. Nothing can stop me now. She focused her thoughts on Twilight and blasted forward with even greater speeds. The airships would never be able to compete with her again. As long as she could will herself, she could always go faster.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle. I believe our time together is rapidly drawing to a close. Care to share anything with me before you and this entire ship turns into a mass of particles in the sky?

Twilight got to her hooves and smiled. “I’ll see you in Canterlot.”

Indeed. Good luck with your magic. You’ll find this SonicCraft very unaccommodating. Goodbye.

The magical display faded. Immediately, sirens all across the ship started to blare. Twilight ran out of the bridge to airship door. She just had to get it open, teleport down somewhere safely, and wait for the Royal Equestrian Air Force to investigate.

She closed her eyes and focused her mind and her horn.


Gritting her teeth, she tried again. Nothing. All she could feel was the rapidly pulsating magical engine beneath her hooves—a pulse which was starting to become very erratic. Her mind raced to determine a solution.

Oh no. It’s not a timed bomb. It’s the engine. The ship is going to detonate the entire engine with me still on board. The overloading engine is emitting a magical resonance field that’s shredding my spells before they can fully form.

A distinctive wall of color washed over her at that moment, sending a series of tingles down her horn. She quickly looked out the window to catch a glimpse of the tell-tale rainboom fading into the distance. Dashie! I have to get off this ship!

She stared at the solid oaken door before her. Surely it was protected by magic to keep it from being torn asunder in flight. How much magic? Digging her hooves into the floor, she lowered her head and focused. Slowly, she overpowered the field with one of her own around her horn. She aimed it at the door and unleashed the full force of her spell.

The door blasted off its hinges and flew into the great beyond. The sudden change in pressure sucked Twilight outside into the sky. Twilight looked down at the ground far below. Dashie, if you’re out there...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a massive swelling of energy from the airship. Twilight barely had time to react. She forced all of her energy into a small counter-field around her horn again and generated a protective lavender bubble around herself.

The airship exploded violently in a disorderly mass of wood, metal, and glass. Twilight screamed in pain as the overloaded magical energy from the engine extended in a massive shockwave. The debris bombarded against her shield, threatening to tear her body apart with shrapnel. She struggled to hold the integrity of her spell, but the lingering shockwaves from the magical disruption was overwhelming her.

She looked frantically in the sky for Rainbow. Twisting her body in the air, she spotted the rainbow contrail high above her. At the end of the trail was Rainbow, wearing the wings Twilight designed for her. She reached out with her hooves into the air toward the pegasus. “Dashie...”

A small shard of glass tore through a microfissure in her shield and grazed along her horn. Twilight winced in pain, her concentration broken. The protective bubble shattered and fell away.

* Moments Earlier *

Rainbow could see the airship on the horizon, the nagging fear of a vain search ebbing away at the back of her mind. Fortunately, the airship was flying the shortest route from Appleloosa to Canterlot in a straight line. Twilight! She adjusted her trajectory and bee-lined for the glimmering white vessel in the distance.

A sudden explosion from the side of the airship sent a wave of terror down her spine. Her heart dropped when a purple pony followed immediately after. Hang on, Twilight! I’m coming!

She poured her all her efforts into her wings and shot forward toward the falling figure. Suddenly, her wings tingled. Seconds later, the gleaming white airship shattered into a mass of projectiles headed right for her. She barely had time to register the danger and dodge out of the way straight up into the sky.

Even as she flew upwards, she kept her eyes locked on Twilight. A sickening, helpless sensation filling her body. The remnants of the airship, now torn asunder, blasted toward Twilight. Rainbow wanted to look away. The mental imagery of the unicorn being shredded by thousands of pieces of debris drove her heart into a panic.

I’m going to watch Twi...

She couldn’t finish the thought. When she was away, she could always think of Twilight. But, if Twilight vanished from her life entirely...

Her wings sagged in the air as tears tickled at the corners of her eyes. No...this can’t be happening.

Her eyes lit up from a bright purple flash of light. Suddenly, Twilight was surrounded by a shield. Hundreds of charred pieces harmlessly bounced off the barrier. Rainbow grinned with renewed her hope. That’s my Twi! That shield won’t last forever, and she’s still falling!

She flexed her wings and dived.

A little voice in the back of her head whispered to her: The shrapnel will tear you to pieces. Stop.

She gritted her teeth and tensed every muscle in her body. I have to catch her. I promised Twilight I would be there for her.

Narrowing her eyes, she focused on the falling unicorn. As she watched Twilight’s shield fizzle and fall away into a million beautiful purple shards, she increased her speed. A stray hunk of metal glanced across her right goggle on her descent, but she ignored it.

If that piece was a little closer, you’d be dead! You’ve barely seen her for years.

The moisture from her eyes collecting in her goggles fogged the glass, but she continued on.

And that was a mistake. I’m going to make things right!

Twilight was so close now.


Rainbow wrapped her hooves tightly around Twilight as she plucked her from the sky. Grasping the unicorn close to body, she breathed in the winning scent of the pony she risked her life to save. She pulled out of the dive with a well-practiced maneuver and flew away from falling the debris.

Spreading her wings wide, she gently slowed her pace until her rainbow trail faded. Holding Twilight with with one forehoof she gently brought the unicorn’s head up with the other. “Twi? Can you hear me?”

The unconscious Twilight sucked in two deep breaths as her eyes fluttered open.

Rainbow smiled and stared into Twilight’s gorgeous purple eyes. Shakily, she opened her mouth and whispered the first thing that came to mind. “Hey, Twi.”

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Rainbow as her lips quivered. “Dashie, am I dead?”

Rainbow struggled to hold her composure as she blinked back the tears. The question triggered thoughts of what they narrowly escaped. “No, Twi. I got you before...” She couldn’t continue the thought. “Your shield was amazing.”

Twilight smiled languidly, her body still sapped of strength from her ordeal. She reached up slowly and pushed away Rainbow’s goggles. “Dashie, you’re bleeding.” Twilight carefully ran her hoof along the cut right above Rainbow’s right eye. She tried to focus her magic to cast a simple healing spell, but it sputtered out.

“Heh, I didn’t notice. It doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry about it,” Rainbow remarked casually.

“You’re hurt--”

“Twi, don’t worry about it. I’d go through a lot worse for you. What’s important is you’re all right.”

“Why did you come? You could’ve waited in Appleloosa,” Twilight whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut and stopped listening, dreading the answer.

“Well, there was a dust storm, our friends, the wings you built...it’s a long story. But I realized how important you’ve always been to me. So, I took off after you. I guess you could say it worked out?” Rainbow chuckled nervously.

The answer was confusing. Twilight opened her eyes and looked directly at Rainbow. “Important?”

“Maybe...a l-little more than just important.” Rainbow stumbled over her words, her face starting to redden. “Am I important to you, Twi?”

The unicorn flushed in response and nodded slowly. “That hasn’t changed at all. I just needed a little reminder.” Twilight pulled herself closer to Rainbow’s face with her hooves. “Remind me?”

Rainbow swallowed the lump in her throat as the unicorn drew closer. She almost forgot to keep her wings beating. Looking down, Twilight was so close. She just had to overcome her own doubts. You can do this, Rainbow. No more fears.

She leaned down and lightly touched their lips together.

Instantly, Twilight pushed back, sealing their first kiss in years. In a flash, five years of frustration, longing, and uncertainty melted away. Instead, she could only feel the warmth rippling through her body as Rainbow’s hooves roamed over her fur.

Rainbow pressed into the kiss as Twilight’s trembling hooves pulled her in closer. The firmness of Twilight’s grip and the reckless abandon of the unicorn in her hooves disintegrated years of doubt and fear she carried with her.

After several minutes, they drew apart slowly. Panting in time with one another, they shared a laugh.

“Why didn’t we do this sooner?” Twilight giggled.

“I think we kept getting interrupted,” Rainbow responded, still out of breath.

“We should make up for lost time,” Twilight responded with a coy smile.

A flock of birds flew by. They squawked loudly at the unexpected visitors in the sky.

Rainbow leaned in close to Twilight again. “No more interruptions.” She pressed forward and pulled Twilight into another kiss.

I came back for her. I made things right.


Amazing Artwork done by lostzilla: Dive

Author's Note:

I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I can’t help myself. Thank you all so much for reading and all your support. I never would have made it this far without it. A special thanks to my editor. He wanted me to add the last scene seems to work really well with Hans Zimmer’s: Time. Please chime in in the comments if you agree or disagree! We are almost to the end Act I. Celestia and Luna will finally play their cards in the next chapter.