• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 16,021 Views, 910 Comments

The Winds of Change - CalmNQuiet

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle must rebuild their bonds in the midst of a changing world.

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Chapter 2

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash remained locked in their embrace with no regard to the minutes ticking by. Neither pony had any desire to break from one another. The years of tension crowned the singular moment of their hug, a closeness warding against a fear of rekindled warmth becoming lost and forgotten once more.

The gradual setting of the sun brought a beautiful suffusion to the room and filled its darkened corners with a splendid glow. Beyond the library’s large windows, the sunlight pierced the city’s everliving gloom in breathtaking splendor. But like some sort of living beast, the smog fought back with oppressive strength, quickly diminishing the sun’s radiance back into obscurity.

The warm bloom nestled around the embracing ponies, alighting their coats with a glorious sheen. They were positively glowing. Twilight slowly extracted her face from Rainbow’s chest, mentally gauging if she’d disengaged herself too soon. As her head turned upwards to face the owner of the hooves and wings wrapped tightly around her, she wondered why she hesitated in the first place.

Brilliant eyes beamed down at her, aglow with happiness and determination she’d not seen for years. She wondered if her tear-streaked eyes, reddened from her outburst, still appeared beautiful to the pegasus holding her fast -- their time apart planting faint seeds of doubt in her mind. Yet, as she gazed up, she felt reassured by the slowly growing smile upon the face of her beholder. The bonds of their friendship remained as strong as ever.

Twilight’s sensitive ears twitched to the familiar grinding of massive iron gears groaning against one another, betraying the stress of the mechanisms they drove. As the gears clicked into place, the towering building housing them reverberated and shuddered. Tarnished iron hands set upon a faded white background whined into position at five and twelve.

The clockwork triggered the tower’s mighty bronze bell, filling the air with a resplendent ring slicing through the serene silence. Twilight was caught in the intensity of the moment as her eyes fluttered and her arching head brought her lips closer to her long-lost companion. Her mind shouted at her in alarm: Twilight! Get ahold of yourself! You don’t even know if she still feels that way about you.

The bell tolled again as Twilight pressed herself forward, sensing the tightening of the muscles in the hooves around her. Her eyes yearned for a sign of reassurance from Rainbow as her head moved forward hesitantly. Instead, she was met with apprehension. She struggled to convince herself this simple act would begin the healing process her heart desired. The steadily rising tension between reason and sentiment broiled within her mind -- a tempest of emotion only Rainbow could quell.

Both ponies were entrapped by their minds, their reality defined by the clear chime of the bell in the distance. Desperate to free herself from her bonds before the moment passed, Twilight sought to close the distance, pulling herself closer. Her lips parted and her senses of the world faded away, barely registering the peal of the bell.

Her heart raced as her mind was subdued. Even if she wasn’t quite ready to forget the years she spent alone, she was ready to forgive them. The setting sun dimmed the world around her as she finally caught a glimpse of the tender cyan lips parted and awaiting her. She didn’t need to look any further. She only needed to strike now and claim what was rightfully hers. The bell struck in the distance as Twilight finally took the plunge. It couldn’t be more perfect.

“Ms. Sparkle.”

The three, evenly timed knocks upon the oaken door jarred the two ponies apart. Perfection ruined. Twilight’s mind snapped awake to a barrage of unpleasant thoughts. I almost kissed her. What was I thinking? Her eyes shot open and found the pegasus pulling her head away just as rapidly. She noted the clear signs of surprise and perhaps some confusion on Rainbow’s face before finally disengaging herself from the embrace.

Twilight couldn’t comprehend how she somehow forgot the presence of her library assistant. Her mind was a blur of colors and the smiling face of her long-lost partner. Dealing with her prissy assistant seemed quite unappealing at the moment. Unfortunately, ignorance was out of the question. Twilight dryly recalled a dogma Ponyville’s leaders loved repeating at every opportunity: “Duty is not to be shirked, lest the machinations of industry come crumbling down around us and throw the world into chaos.”

Twilight trotted languidly to the heavy oaken door, her unwilling muscles driven by forced inclination. Even if Ponyville was no longer the quaint town she loved, her library was still her own. Within the walls of her domain, she focused all her energies, throwing herself into her work to preserve the same catalogue and resources her patrons once loved. With a faint sigh, she slowly pulled the door open and cast a weary look out upon the prim unicorn standing before her.

“Thank you for your work,” Twilight mumbled. “Please lock up the library when you leave.” The words came mechanically and mutedly, a formality of a practiced charade she maintained for years after the departure of her beloved dragon assistant. Librarian and assistant would exchange wooden pleasantries and officious smiles throughout the day. Her assistant’s timing was impeccable -- the trio of knocks always occurred precisely at the end of the clock tower's precise song.

Still, both ponies were quite similar. Initially, Twilight’s hope stemmed from finding new friendship as the old ones departed, but the unicorn remained cold and distant over the years. As her assistant departed down the stairs to secure the library and retire home for the night, Twilight returned her attention to the pegasus in her room.

Rainbow quivered with barely contained energy. She looked like she was about to explode. As soon as the oaken door closed, she fell over in peals of laughter. “Oh... Oh Celestia...” The laughter only grew louder as all four of her limbs quivered in mirth. “She’s...she’s like a machine! Are you sure you didn’t build her in one of the factories?” That sent her into laughing fits once more as tears streamed forth from the corners of her eyes.

Twilight watched with amusement as Rainbow shakily pulled herself upright and adopted the most stone-faced expression she could muster. “Ms. Sparkle,” she imitated monotonously, “we require more magazines.” She immediately burst into laughter again, her feathers rustling in delight. “At least...”, she choked out, “at least she had some personality when she was insulting me!”

A huge wave of relief washed over Twilight as she absorbed the moment. She could feel a playful smile forming from Rainbow’s antics. In the back of her mind, she was glad the rather harsh insults from earlier didn’t have a significant impact. After all, making light of the situation helped tremendously. When she finally joined in the laughter, it felt incredibly natural, a chance to share a merry moment with an old friend. It was almost as if no time passed at all between them.

By the time her laughter subsided, she found herself propped against Rainbow for support. A little voice in her head reminded her this was the most comfortable she’d been in ages. The thought brought a small smile to Twilight’s face as she turned her head to gaze at the pegasus by her side. Rainbow was still laughing, though it was in shorter bouts punctuated by quieter chuckles. It took a few minutes before Rainbow caught onto Twilight’s quiet observance. The response triggered a shiver of delight down her spine as a cyan hoof casually stroked over her mane and ears before coming to rest at the base of her horn.

“I’ve really missed this, Twi. Talking with you, laughing with you. My teammates were great, but they were never as awesome as you.” Rainbow smiled and gazed wistfully out the window at the rapidly darkening sky. “Around you, I don’t have to show off or try to prove myself.” Twilight merely nodded and rested her head upon Rainbow’s shoulder, content to share the sunset and wait for the coming night.

As the night settled in, the artificial glow of the city started overtaking the darkness. The factories employed magically augmented oil burning lamps, filling sleepless production floors and paved streets with a persistent, unwavering light. Up above, the concrete jungle of smokestacks ceaselessly issued curtains of smoke.

Twilight watched quietly at the divisive skyline of industry cloaking the nighttime splendor from her. She extracted herself from the comfortable resting position against Rainbow before wandering over to the window, placing a single hoof upon a cool pane of glass. Her vision traced the smoke upwards to the gloomy sky, reminiscing on the moon and stars she loved watching.

“I wonder if other ponies miss the moon and stars like I do,” Twilight murmured as her breath fogged the glass of the window. “It’s easy to forget about them if you don’t see them every night.” Her melancholy was interrupted by the comforting sensation of a hoof resting on her back.

“You should give ponies more credit, Twilight. I didn’t forget about you even though we didn’t see each other for years.” The words carried a reassuring tone and was accompanied by an equally comforting pat by the pegasus.

“I never thought you’d compare yourself to other ponies, Rainbow. Especially since you’re the embodiment of loyalty.”

“Well... let’s just say all those years away shifted my perspectives just a little.” Rainbow’s voice carried the slightest hint of reservation. Twilight mentally filed away that observation in her mind but decided not to comment on it, especially since Rainbow seemed to be surprising her consistently ever since her sudden reappearance. This train of thought was interrupted by a sudden tightening of the hoof resting upon her back.

“Twilight! I got it. Let’s go to Appleloosa.” The excitement was undeniable, punctuated by a charming squeak Twilight hadn’t heard in years. She stifled a giggle as Rainbow continued.

“This is perfect! You want to see the moon and stars again, and Appleloosa is on the frontier away from all this pollution. I’m sure the skies are clear there. Plus, we can find Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike. And I can show you all the awesome tricks I learned over the years!”

A pair of cyan hooves gripped Twilight’s shoulders, pulling her around. As her eyes met Rainbow’s, she could easily see the excitement and energy dancing within. She smiled. “Alright, Rainbow. Let’s go to Appleloosa. I don’t want to stay in Ponyville anymore since you’re back.”

“Yes! Thank you Twilight!” Twilight felt her heart flutter as she watched Rainbow leap into a loop in the air and gracefully landed in front of her. Her entire body flooded with a cozy warmth as Rainbow grabbed her firmly and pulled her into a tight hug. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to leave your library, Twi. After everything we’ve been through, I’m never leaving you again.”

Twilight felt content staying wrapped in Rainbow’s hooves for the rest of the night, but a very audible growl escaped her belly much to her displeasure. She wiggled out of the embrace with an embarrassed smile for having lost track of the time. It was almost completely dark in the office, save for the minor amount of visibility provided by the gleaming lights of the factories outside. “It seems I’ve lost track of the time. Would you like something to eat? Judging by the state of your feathers, you probably flew all the way here.”

She couldn’t help feeling warmed as she noted the blush creeping across Rainbow’s face as the flustered pegasus inspected her wings and pelt. The muted light outside wasn’t enough to see clearly. Twilight corrected this quickly as her horn blazed and lit the collection of lamps adorning the room’s perimeter. Laden shelves and oaken tables brightened with the improved light, but it also confirmed the long flight wasn’t kind to the pegasus. Her hide was specked with dust and smoke particulate. Her wings fared no better from avoiding becoming smudged with smoke residue.

Twilight realized Rainbow had gone through a lot to get back to Ponyville and back to her. Her mind filled with questions, but those would have to wait. Rainbow’s well-being was foremost in her mind. “Maybe...you’d like to clean up a little? I have a filtered water shower down the hall. I can prepare something for us to eat. Would you like apple, strawberry, pineapple, mango, or pitaya?”

“Pitaya? What the heck is that?” The question was hard to understand because Rainbow was attempting to clean and preen her feathers.

“Oh, colloquially it’s called dragon fruit,” Twilight responded.

“Fruit related to dragons? That sounds awesome!” Rainbow flashed an enthusiastic smile at Twilight after discovering preening was going to be a lost cause at this point. “So... about that shower. Down the hall on the left, right? You don’t mind?”

Twilight shook her head and indicated toward another oak door on the other side of the room. “Go right ahead, Rainbow, I’ll prepare our dinner for us while you get cleaned up.”

“Thanks, Twi, I really appreciate it.” Rainbow turned and dashed to the door, barely pausing to open it before disappearing down the hall and into the washroom.

Twilight reminisced on the last time Rainbow used that shower all those years ago -- a musing not completely innocent in nature considering the heat slowly spreading from her cheeks down. She forced a few particularly savory thoughts out of her head, fighting back a blush as she trotted into the hall to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Of course, food preparation took a turn to the mundane nowadays. Twilight opened up the cupboard and looked over a neat stack of tin containers. They were organized alphabetically by flavor and ordered with the newer tins on the bottom and the older ones on the top to ensure maximum freshness at time of consumption. She picked up the entire stack of pitaya-flavored tins and slid them in place between the apple and mango sections, mentally noting they’d be considered “dragon fruit” from now on.

She lifted up two containers with her magic, one apple and one dragon fruit, and placed them on the table in the kitchen. She pondered for a moment if she should get out bowls. The whole point of the tins’ existence was skipping the dishwashing process.

Just a few days after Spike’s departure, she realized how many things the little dragon handled for her so she could focus on her studying. Dishwashing was just one of the many tasks she tried avoiding after his departure.. After a moment’s consideration she magically reached into to the cupboard and fetched two bowls, setting them carefully upon the table. It just didn’t feel right being lazy the night of Rainbow’s return.

Twilight tasked herself with opening up the containers and serving them up on the bowls she procured. She levitated the one labeled “APPLE” in large blocky font on the top and “FORTIFIED” on the side and pulled the tin open. A familiar scent greeted her. It was a mix of apples, vegetables, and a sort of sickly sweet tang of aftereffects of the preservation methods used on the contents.

Normally, this sort of food would spark the concerns of Ponyville’s denizens, but Twilight spent several weeks investigating the contents and determined they were made primarily of the labeled ingredient with additional fortifiers such as oats and vitamins -- nutritionally adequate as long as the partaker didn’t find it too bland.

Once both tins sat in their respective bowls, Twilight settled down on a pillow by the table and waited for Rainbow to finish cleaning up. Of course, sitting and waiting provided a lot of time to think again about the pegasus in the shower, resulting in numerous mental images Twilight quickly pushed from her head with a quick shake of her head.

Ok, calm down and focus on something else. How about a checklist? Twilight exhaled a sigh of relief as her mind wandered over to familiar territory. If she was going to leave Ponyville, she needed to be prepared and pack accordingly.

The list was easy to construct. The essentials included food, containers for water, bits, and a journal to keep track of her thoughts. Since this trip would likely take a while, a couple of keepsakes would be important, such as the scrapbook and the golden tiara resting on the shelf in her office.

Just as she packed away the last of the tins of food for the next day, her thoughts were interrupted by a faint “Hey, Twi...” from down the hall.

Twilight directed her attention down the hall, catching a glimpse of a rather moistened Rainbow holding a lavender towel.

“Um...would you happen to have a spare towel? I grabbed yours without thinking.” It wasn’t hard to see the blush hidden partially behind the towel. Twilight quietly mused to herself it was because it was her towel that was being held -- her fragrance was probably bombarding the perturbed pegasus.

“Oh, no problem Rainbow, I’ll get one for you.” Twilight conceded herself a slight smile after noting the blush before levitating a towel from the nearby closet to the bathroom. “Here you go, I’ll meet you in the kitchen as soon as you’re ready.” Her smile widened as Rainbow brightened up considerably at the mention of food. “I’ll be there in a jiffy, Twi!” Before Twilight could respond, the bathroom door swept shut and the sound of furious scrubbing and drying could be heard. She suppressed her laughter and trotted happily into the kitchen and settled down on a cushion next to her plate. A brief touch of magic was all that was needed to warm the food to a palatable temperature.

A slam and a flurry of hooves upon the floor announced the graceful arrival of her dining companion. Twilight watched as the pegasus settled down on the cushion across from her, eyeing the porridge suspiciously.

Twilight smiled and leaned down to lap at her own portion, trying to savor the flavor of apples under the slight sting of preservatives. “It’s pretty good, Rainbow. I imagine you haven’t had much exposure to NutriTins? It’s a compact nutrient meal of oats with fruits and vitamins. It’s really convenient and nutritious.”

Rainbow leaned down and sniffed at the porridge, her facial expression betraying her distrust of the foodstuffs before her regardless of Twilight’s assurances. “So, Twi...where exactly do you get this NutriTin stuff?” An exploratory lick of the porridge resulted in a look best described as half-surprised and half-perplexed at the dragon-fruit flavor. However, after a moment of indecision, she fell to her food with gusto motivated by the long flight earlier in the day. As she ate, she listened as Twilight did what she did best: explaining all things factual and expository.

“NutriTins are the result of farmland being dispersed further and further from the high population centers of Equestria. Long-distance transportation of goods such as fruits and vegetables posed significant challenges, so manufactory centers were designated and farmland planned around them.”

“This allowed the centers to process the perishable goods produced and preserve them in compact form for shipping into major population centers such as Ponyville. Sure, fresh fruits and vegetables are still available, but those are far more expensive and shipped in using air freight which has limited weight-bearing capacity.” Twilight concluded and returned to her porridge. She wanted to finish eating it before it cooled entirely.

Twilight eyed Rainbow from across the table, attempting to gauge how well the information sunk in. The results weren’t promising, as the pegasus sported a rather dazed look. Sighing inwardly at her less-than-capable lecturing skills. She returned to her food with little motivation to explain further.

The rest of the meal passed by without anything eventful to note. Twilight wanted to chat with Rainbow but couldn’t find the right topics to discuss. The idea of talking about the past few years still sent tremors of pain through her heart. Even when their eyes met across the table, she couldn’t find the words to break the ice. As their food slowly dwindled and Rainbow began to play with the remnants of the reddish porridge, Twilight finally thought up of a viable topic. I hope she doesn’t think I’m too forward for asking this.

Rainbow already seemed one step ahead of her and interrupted the silence before she could ask her question. “Twilight, could I stay at your place tonight? I...didn’t really plan ahead to find a hotel or anything.”

A wave of relief washed over Twilight. “Of course you can stay with me tonight, Rainbow. I was actually going to ask you myself. Now that you’re finally back, I really don’t want you to go anywhere.” She smiled inwardly at the thought of Rainbow sleeping over with her.

“Drop the bowls off in the sink for me, please. I’ll set up the futon for you.” She found the futon in a few minutes and spread it out next to her bed with a pillow graciously donated from her own bed.

“Hey, Twi, need any help?” Rainbow poked her head into Twilight’s bedroom just in time to see Twilight bent over her bed with a pillow in her mouth. A pair of blue wings instinctually stiffened and shot into the air as Rainbow’s face turned to bright scarlet.

Twilight turned around and smiled at Rainbow as she dropped her extra pillow onto the futon. “Oh, hey Rainbow. I’m all set. It’s really comfy if you want to settle down.” She tilted her head curiously, noting the state of Rainbow’s wings and the steadily spreading blush. Not wanting to make the situation any more tense, she smiled as kindly as she could and patted at the futon under her hooves. “Let’s get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow.”

A wave of fatigue washed over her at the thought of the coming day. This would be the first major change in her life for a long time, and she wasn’t certain how she would cope with the sudden loss of the familiar setting of her library. Almost mechanically, she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over herself. Slumber fought against her mind buzzing with millions of scenarios for the future.

However, her worries quieted as her eyes drifted over to the pegasus settling down on the futon next to her. The sudden reappearance of her most trusted...what? Twilight wasn’t sure how she should consider Rainbow, but it was good to have her back.

Everything felt so surreal. Twilight never expected to be sleeping in the same room as Rainbow, even if she fantasized about it nearly every night. She craved the intimacy she missed for years but fought back the urge by reminding herself she wasn’t sure how Rainbow felt about her. We hugged, and she held me close. She would do that for any good friend. We almost kissed...but that might’ve just been the heat of the moment.

Twilight’s thoughts began slowly tangling themselves in her mind into an amalgamation of restlessness, leaving her wide awake. She wouldn’t be able to sleep like this. Well...desperate times. “Rainbow, are you asleep yet?” Twilight mentally groaned. It seemed her capacity for asking poignant questions plummeted in proportion to her sudden insomnia.

“Huh? What? Oh, yeah...I’m still awake. Something on your mind?” came the muffled reply.

Ok, Twilight, ask this carefully. You don’t want to scare her off. She squeezed the covers between her forehooves, trying to relieve some of the tension in her body.

Taking a deep breath she whispered: “How do you feel about me?”

The question rang clear in her mind like a bell toll, but her overwhelming anxiety caused the volume of the question to drop steadily off toward the end.

“I’m feeling fine, I guess,” Rainbow responded. “A little tired after flying the full distance from Canterlot to Ponyville, but nothing I can’t handle.” Rainbow turned over on her futon and looked up at Twilight, catching just a glimpse of her mane. “What about you Twi? You sound a little...off.”

Drat, she noticed. Twilight tried mustering a tone of confidence in her voice. “I’m alright, Rainbow. I just have a lot on my mind. I’m a little worried about traveling.” Her hooves played with the blanket in a physical manifestation of the turmoil in her head.

She felt this was too early to be diving into a delicate topic like this, but she desperately wanted to know before she launched herself into a grand adventure far from her comfort zone with a pony she knew best from memories alone. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t feel or notice another set of hooves placed on top of hers, pacifying her nervous fussing.

“Twi, calm down. I’ll be there with you every step of the way. It’ll be a wonderful experience. I promise.” Twilight took a deep breath and met Rainbow’s gaze. The eyes she saw held no malice or deception. She could only sense determination and loyalty, a rather apt combo radiating from Rainbow. I trust her. What changed?

Nothing...deep down, I’ve always trusted her.

“Dashie...” Twilight paused to blink away the tears gathering in the corner of her eyes, “... I can’t begin to describe how happy I am to have you back.” The pressure on her hoof intensified. Rainbow turned her head away, blinking rapidly and hiding her eyes from Twilight.

“Twi, no one has called me that in years. I’ve missed it so much.” In one fluid motion Rainbow wrapped her forehooves around Twilight in an all-encompassing embrace, leaving them both laying in Twilight’s bed.

“I should have...” Rainbow’s words trailed off as her body convulsed with emotion. The sudden outburst surprised Twilight. She hadn’t expected Rainbow to react so heavily to the nickname, but she was glad Rainbow took it to heart so deeply. Her own heart swelled as she squeezed the pegasus tightly within her grasp.

Sleep easily overtook her within Rainbow’s hooves. A glimmer of hope lingered in her thoughts.

I’m falling in love with her again.

Thank you everyone for reading. I apologize if the chapter could be stronger at parts. I’m still practicing my writing and I hope I will improve over time. I’d like to thank everyone who encouraged me in comments to continue this story. I’ll do my best to write a fulfilling story. If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to share them. I’d like to thank my beloved editor, who still wishes to remain anonymous, for proofreading and editing this chapter.