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Game of Tag, Nest, Celebrity

Author's Note:

I know that my last few stories had the previously, the theme song, and the next time thing, but I'm dropping all that because it'll take out too much time to write down.

"Yo Flash Sentry, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Bell, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer. And the Greeed, Ankh, right?" Crimson said as Starlight holds a monitor with her in her office as Starlight was standing in front of them after they defeated that Cheetah Yummy. Flash, Ankh, and the girls wondered who this woman is and how does she know them.

"What is this?" Ankh asked as he is suspicious about this.

"The meeting of people is a portent to an upcoming birth." Crimson said.

"An upcoming what now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"But just what will that be?" Crimson continue. "And just how will the cake I'm making turn out." They can see her picking up a couple of mixing bowls on her desk. She poured what's in the first mixing bowl into the other before sending it down. "Isn't your chest bursting with expectations?"

"Back to introductions, this is the president of Kougami Foundation, Crimson Kougami." Starlight told the group infront of her. "And..." She placed the monitor back in the car before taking a box and walked over to them. "This isn't much, but as a token of our meeting..." She opened the box and showed them four red, light blue, and green cans they saw in those rider-vendors.

"Those are..." Sunset said in a surprise tone while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked excited. Flash walked over to Starlight to get a closer look at the cans.

"Then all this time, you guys have been helping us...?" Flash asked Starlight.

"Please take it." Starlight told him.

"Thank you!" He said as he took the box.

"These are really awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted as took the box from Flash.

"We saw the blue and red cans in action, but I wonder what the green ones do!" Pinkie added as she picked up one of the green cans. "Let's see what it is!" She then popped the can and it transformed. The can flipped in the palm of her hand and transformed into a miniature robo grasshopper. It hopped off her hand and around her.

"It's a grasshopper." Fluttershy said as it hopped around them before it moved away. Pinkie chase after it while Ankh glared at Starlight as she hold up the monitor with Crimson on it.

"Are you the one gathering Medals, despite being a human?" He asked crimson.

"That's right!" She quickly answered as she was working on the cake. "I'm actually here to negotiate."

"Negotiate?" Ankh repeated.

Meanwhile in the city, a teen boy with bright yellow skin and dark yellow hair wearing punk rock clothing that is black and yellow is walking through the streets alone. This teen boy came to an abandoned building where there's trash on the ground and hopped on a skateboard to go faster down the hall. He stopped when he came to a counter next to a window and leaned back against it.

This boy looked around until two more men entered the room. Another is a man with dark grey skin with black hair and wearing gray a tank top that shows off his muscular arms. Another is a man with bright green skin, dark green hair, and wearing a greenish yellow leather jacket. The teen boy looked over to the guy in green as he looked back.

"Heh, that's good. Those forms suit you." The teen boy said in a familiar voice to the two men in the room.

"It's not good." The man in green told the boy. "But it's better than the humans making a fuss all day long."

"Right! It makes it easier to move around." The teen boy said as he took off his hat. Medals soon form around him and revealed that he is actually the Greeed Kazari. "I hate to admit it, but what Ankh said was right. In these 800 years, humans have evolved. We need to change too."

"Ankh?!" The man in green asked in an angry tone as Medals formed around him to reveal that he is really Uva. The man in grey turned as medals formed around him and revealed to be Gameru.

"Mezuuru still isn't back... Why is that...?" Gameru asked.

"You know her." Kazari spoke up. "Maybe she hasn't found a human that she like..." He then hopped off the counter. "...or she's found one and is playing with it. Right?"

Meanwhile near a tall building in the city, a limo pulled up before the driver got out and open the passenger door and a woman stepped out. The driver then opened up the trunk and got out some bags. The woman took some of the bags before heading to the building. She got inside and waited for the elevator when a woman with ocean blue skin, lapis lazuli eyes, and bluish white hair while wearing dark blue jacket and a plaid blue skirt came pu behind her. "Did you buy all that?" She asked the woman.

"Yeah." The woman answered.

"Do you like buying a lot?" She asked her.

"A lot?" The woman repeated. "This isn't really that much." The sounds of Medals being dropped on the floor as they were coming from the woman in blue before she revealed to be Mesuuru the whole time. The woman saw Mezuuru from the reflection of the elevator and quickly turned to her.

"I like your greed." Mezuuru told the woman. "It brings you to the depths of sadness." She walked up to the woman with a Cell Medal as a slot appeared on the woman's forehead. After she put the Medal in the slot, the woman dropped her bag and she was somehow in a room filled with clothing all of the sudden.

"Huh?" The woman looked around in confusion as she wondered how she got here when she was at the hotel just a sce ago. "Just what was I doing?" She picked her bags she dropped and place them on a table. Clothes were not the only thing, there were also some shoes and magazines all over the place. The woman got herself a drink of water and little did she know that there were spores forming in a corner behind her. The woman felt there was something in the room with her, but when she turned to look in the corner there was nothing there. "Oh well." She said as she was getting the things she bought out of her bags.

The door to her room however was opened and down the hall is Mezuuru in her human form with a wicked grin on our face.

"You want us to share the Medals?!" Ankh repeated what Crimson asked of them.

"That's correct." Crimson confirmed as Pinkie Pie was playing with the robo grasshopper. "My foundation will offer precious equipment like bikes and weapons. In exchange, you guys will offer the Medals you obtained in battle. It's a simple deal." Ankh on the other hand just shot a glare at her. "I'm not asking for all of it. Just... 70 percent of the ones you collected."

"That seems about a quarter of it." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Screw you!" Ankh shouted in an annoyed tone as he holds up his claw. Just as he approached Starlight, gunshots were heard and were stopped Ankh from coming any closer. The others jumped by the gunshot before they all turned to see Steel on a Rider-Vendor with a gun out.

"The next one won't miss." Steel gave Ankh a one and only warning.

"You again." Flash said when he saw Steel.

"You..." Ankh snarled at Steel before the robo grasshopper hopped on his shoulder.

"Ankh! Guys!" Pinkie's voice came out of it. "This is so awesome! It becomes a communicator! " They turned to see Pinkie not far away and holding another one. "They could come in handy when we're separated!"

"Huh, these fellas sure knows their techno things." Applejack said as Ankh took the robo grasshopper off his shoulder.

"Maybe they could help out..." Flash said before Ankh shot a glare at him.

"Flash..." He growled.

"Flash Sentry, you and the girls understand, don't you?" Crimson asked them. "You understand how wonderful our Medal System is. It's necessary in your battle with the Greeed."

"They have helped us a lot in the past." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah!" Flash agreed. "Oh, I just remembered. Why are you collecting the Medals?"

"Yeah, we should at least know why." Rainbow Dash said, but no one gave an answer.

"It's a secret." Crimson told them.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow complained.

"Starlight, let's leave it at that for today." Crimson told her. "Ankh, I will hear your reply another day." Was the last thing she said before the screen went black. Steel put his helmet on before he drove off just as Starlight start up the can and drove away.

"That was odd..." Sunset said before she noticed the sun was going down. "We better get home." They all then went to their own homes as Flash was thinking about what Crimson had offered.

Meanwhile, the woman was looking at some dresses in a fashion magazine till a few caught her eye. "Oh, I definitely want this!" The woman said with delight. "I'll go buy it tomorrow." The sounds of Medals being made was heard as more spores was being made.

Mezuuru was standing on the roof of the building and can feel more Cell Medals being made as she grin. "Slowly..." She spoke up. "Take your time, my children."

The next morning at the Crystal Prep School, Twilight was in her little lab with her pet dog Spike doing some research on the mask rider she saw yesterday. She had a dart board with pictures of others took of OOO and red string attached to each image, next to another dart board with pictures of Canterlot High and a strange power search coming from there.

She stops her work before checking her phone to see if there was any replies from Shining Armor, but as usual there were none. Twilight sat down in her seat and hang her head down as she really missed her big brother and what's worse, the Friendship games are coming up soon. Principal Cinch wanted her to participate in the games and to make sure she did, she was blackmailing her with the entry to that private school sheet wanted to go to.

Spike hopped on her lap and she petted his head. "I don't know what I'm going to do Spike." She told him. "I don't know who this mask rider is or if I really should go through with the Friendship Games." She then picked up a dark purple round pendant and looked at it. "At least it'll help me find out what odd energy searches are coming from that school. It's all of this came from a whole different--" A thought then shot into her head.

Twilight sat Spike down and went over to her computer before she began to type in a search for masked riders. After a small search, one entry that came up and it was in Japanese. Lucky for her that she took a course on how to speak Japanese and but the other entries had the same name replaced in mask. "Kamen Rider..." She repeated before she clicked on the entry and saw amateur photos of the many different Kamen Riders that are in Japan, from the first Kamen Rider to Kamen Rider W.

She then looked at the amateur photo of OOO someone and knew that him, these other riders, and everything that's happening in the city are connected somehow, and she's going to find out how.

Later that day, Flash and his friends got off work and he was telling them about his, Ankh, and the girls encounter with Crimson. "So she wants Ankh to share 70% of the Medals he has?" Micro repeated as they walked.

"But why are they even collecting them too?" Sandalwood asked.

"No idea, she told us it was a secret." Flash responded before he saw Ankh near some steps, looking at his phone, and eating a popsicle. "Just like he never told me why either."

"Kougami, eh?" Ankh thought as he was searching what or who they are. "Tell me what humans are doing with the Medals."

"Well, I better get home." Micro told the others. "I want to see how those robo cans can work and if I can make any upgrades."

"I got to go too." Sandalwood added. "I promised Treehugger I help her out with something after I got off work."

"See you both." Flash said as he waved his friends goodbye. After they were gone, he turned to Ankh with a glare. "You eat too much ice cream, you that! Plus, it's autumn already! I can't keep buying you some everyday!" Ankh looked at Flash for a moment before he looked back at his phone. "Man... I can't even buy for the repairs for my car if this keeps up with him."

"What a pest..." Ankh complained. "I can't concentrate."

"Hey..." Flash said as he walked over to Ankh. "If you want me to help you with the Medals, go easy on the ice cream!"

"I'm not talking about you!" Ankh told him. "This aura... Is it a Yummy... or..."

"Eh?" Flash asked before he realized what Ankh might be talking about. "You think the Greeed are up to something again?" The two of them soon walked to a water front and start to search for something that concur what the two of them think. Ankh was looking at the city and round them for the aura he is feeling.

"Flash." He spoke up as he holds up his claw. "Transform!" He tossed Flash the three Core Medals. "Hurry!" Something then burst out of the water, causing Flash to roll out of the way as he had the driver on and already had the Medals in the slots before he scanned them.

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as the driver chanted.


Ta,To,Ba! TaToBa! TaToBa~!

As Flash transformed into OOO, the figure that leaped out of the water landed not too far from them and revealed to be Mezuuru. "My... Despite reviving in such a state...you're still as sharp-eyed as ever, Ankh." She said in a impressed tone.

"It's your humid aura." Ankh told her. "Flash, be careful." He whispered to OOO. "She's one of the Greeed, Mezuuru."

"Pleased to meet you, OOO boy." Mezuuru greeted when looked at him.

"Boy?!" O's shouted as he was insulted by what she called him.

"Mezuuru, don't follow me around!" Ankh demanded. "It's a nuisance!" She chuckled at his demand.

"You guys are the true eyesore. I can't even go on a walk." She told them before she charged at them. She the flipped over OOO before he grabbed her by the arm and knocked her off balance that caused her to roll on the ground. OOO then took out his Medajaribur and swung it at her when she came close. Mezuuru easily blocked the attack before she tried to attack back, only for him roll under her attack. He tried to thrust his sword at Mezuuru, only for her to easily dodged each one before she ducked under a swing from him.

Mezuuru leg sweep and knocked him on the ground. OOO quickly got up and thrust his sword at Mezuuru as she quickly jumped off his shoulder and jumped to the top a building. "OOO boy! See you again!" She called out before she walked away.

"She was out for a walk?" OOO asked himself as he felt something was off before he looked at Ankh. "You think she's made a Yummy already and only attacked just to distract us?" He asked as he straighten his driver and transformed back to Flash.

"Even if she has, Mezuuru's Yummys won't show up that easily." Ankh said as he walked over to him. "She probably made a nest somewhere to devour human greed."

"What's that mean? Do you know where it is?" Flash asked.

"Dunno." Ankh answered as he looked out into the city. Ankh looked around at each building as he was trying to figure out where it might be. His attention was the drawn to the building far ahead that Mezuuru was before. "Right now, I'm going to study this." He told Flash as he held up his phone before he walked away.

"Wait, Ankh! You're going to wait for that Yummy to build up on Medals again, aren't you?!" Flash shouted as he still wasn't happy about what happened with Lightning Dust. "Hey! Tell me!" He got no answer as Ankh continue walking. Flash then got out his phone and texted the girls about Mezuuru and to find where the Yummy might be. He was about to send the text before he realized where Ankh was looking before he left. "That's where it is." He said when he looked to where Ankh was looking.

"What?! OOO and Ankh?!" Uva asked furiously. Mezuuru had returned to the other Greeed and told them about her encounter with them.

"Yeah." Mezuuru replied. "I had to retreat quickly. The Yummy I set up might already been discovered. If it grows well, I could share a lot of Cell Medals with you. I will be so angry if Ankh just steals them." Uva slammed his fist on a table and destroyed it before he approached Mezuuru.

"I'll go!" He told her. "I will destroy OOO and Ankh using this hand!" He then left before any of them could say anything.

"Uva... is angry..." Gameru said after Uva left.

"It's because he had his Medals taken." Kazari pointed out. "Same thing happened to me, so I understand how he feels."

"Oh?" Mezuuru turned to Kazari. "It's rare to hear you be so sympathetic, Kazari. Is it because of the pitiable state you're in?"

"Maybe." Kazari replied.

Meanwhile, the woman went to the clothing and was trying on the dresses she saw in the magazine. "The bag and the one-piece in the magazine." She told the employee that is helping her with her coat. "As well as the boots I left last time. I want them after all, so please bring them."

"Thank you very much!" The employee said. "I'll bring them right away." As she left to get what the woman requested, the woman was admiring herself in the mirror with her new coat. The sounds of Medals being made was heard again.

Meanwhile, Rarity was at the hotel where the woman lives and was amazed by it. "Oh my, when she asked me to design some clothing for her, I didn't think she would be this rich." Rarity said as she looked up at the building. She was about to head inside before Flash quickly grabbed her and stopped her. "Flash, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Flash said as he looked out of breath. "Look, a Yummy is being made here and it's not safe. Come this way!" Rarity followed him and he explained what he meant.

"So this Mezuuru is having another one of those Yummys created here in this mansion?!" Sge asked in shock.

"Maybe." Flash said before he looked up at the building. "The only problem is, I have no idea which floor it's on or who it is they're using. So for now, you better get away from here."

"But, I was asked here to make a dress for someone." Rarity explained. "But if those Yummys are here, we should get everyone out of the building."

"Okay, we'll do that." Flash said. "But after that, get out of here until I handle it." Rarity nodded in response before they headed inside. Their path was blocked when Uva in his human form stepped out and glared at Flash.

"OOO, correct?" Uva asked Flash. Both Flash and Rarity however were confused by this man and how he knows Flash is OOO.

"Uh, have we met before?" Flash asked Uva.

"It's our first time meeting like this." Uva responded.

"Um, sir, you shouldn't be here." Rarity told Uva. "It's not going to be safe here, you should leave now." They then saw medals form on Uva's body before revealing his true form to them. Both of them were shocked to see who the man is really a Greeed.

"Give back my Core Medals!" Uva demanded Flash.

"Rarity, run and get the others!" Flash told her before he took out the O's driver and put it on. As Rarity ran away, Uva leaped at Flash before he quickly rolled out of way. Flash got back up before he remembers that Ankh has the Core Medals for him to transform.

"What's wrong? Take out the Medals! Where's Ankh?!" Uva shouted at Flash.

"I don't know...he went somewhere else." Flash told him before he looked around hastily for Ankh. "Where are you?"

"You bastard, are you screwing with me?" Uva asked in an angry tone before he swung his claw at Flash. Flash dodged the attack before dodging the next. Flash tucked and roll under another swing from Uva and got behind him. When Uva thrust his claw at Flash while he was on the ground, Flash moved to obe side and grabbed his arm. Uva easily yanked him off the ground and Flash crash back down. He saw one of the robo cans fell out of his pocket before he turned to Uva. "I'll kill you first. Ankh can't do anything without OOO."

Flash quickly grabbed the can and moved out of the way from another attack. Flash started to run away from Uva as he opened the can and sent the robo hawk to find Ankh.

Meanwhile, Ankh was leaving a Kougami Foundation building. "This isn't the place." He said as he is disappointed that it wasn't the one he's looking for. "I should have guessed it wouldn't be that easy to find Crimson Kougami." He took out his phone to find another Kougami Foundation location.

He then heard a robo hawk near before he looked up. He saw one flying by before it dropped a the same green can that was given to Flash and the girls. It landed in his hand and transformed into the robo grasshopper. "Ankh, is that you?" Flash asked through its communication system.

"Stop playing around already." Ankh responded with an annoyed tone.

"I'm already playing tag with one of the Greeed!" Flash shouted as it sounds like he was running.

"What was that?" Ankh asked before he heard Flash yelled.

Back with Flash, he was running from Uva as he held another robo grasshopper. "Flash, just keep running until I get there." Ankh told him.

"Wasn't planning on stopping anyway!" Flash shouted before he put the robo away.

Back with Ankh, he ran over to a rider-vendor before placing a Cell Medal in it and pressed the black button. Once it transformed into a motorcycle, Ankh got on and was about to put on the helmet before he heard Crimson. "Ankh." He looked up and saw a live recording of Crimson on the side of the building. "Looks like you're finding our system useful."

Ankh didn't have time to talk to her as he puts on the helmet before he revved up the bike and drove off to save Flash.

Flash jumped over a fence as he continued to run from Uva. After stumbling into a few trashcans, he fell as Uva managed to caught up with him. The quickly got up and start to move before Uva kicked down the fence and continue to go after Flash. Flash saw a rider-vendor and quickly went over to it. Flash quickly took out a Cell Medal and put in the slot before pressing the black button to transform it into a bike.

Flash quickly got on it before driving away from Uva just as he almost came close. "Stay away!" He shouted as he drove off. Uva continue to chase him still as he jumped in the air. As he drove, Flash looked behind him for a sec to see Uva jumping as he chased him. Even on a motorcycle, Uva is able to catch up to him. Uva jumped high and from the antennas on his head, he unleashed thunderbolts and nearly hit Flash from behind.

Rarity was running to get help until she saw the woman with a few bags. Theis is the woman who called her for the dress and Mezuuru is using to make the Yummy. Rarity noticed she is heading in the direction of the hotel where it's being made. "Ms.Ruby..." She said before she ran over to her. "Ms.Ruby!"

"What is it, Rarity?" Ruby asked. "Do you not have enough fabric for my dress?"

"That's not important." Rarity told in a serious tone. "Right now, Ruby..."

"I guess I could lend you some of my old dresses to remake at my mansion." Ruby interrupted Rarity. "I understand how you feel, but to be frank, it's kind of a bother." A phone then rang and Ruby pulled one out of her bag. "Sorry." She said as she checked it. "It's from my father. He's in Japan, by the way." She then answered the call. "Hello, Papa! What is it?" What she was hearing on the other end put a frown on her face. "Bankrupt? W-What? Tell me you're joking." Tears started to run down her face as she heard her father. "Dad?" She ran past Rarity as she sounded upset. "Then what'll happen to me? What about food? A part-time job? Apologizing doesn't fix my problems! What am I going to do?!"

Rarity looked at Ruby with sympathy as she felt sorry for someone who had never had to work a day in their life before.

Meanwhile, Flash continue drive and dodge lightning bolts from Uva until he saw Ankh up ahead. "Ankh!" Flash called out just as Uva jumped on the bike and try to get him off balance. Flash made turn and knocked Uva off as Ankh was following close behind. When they were side by side, Flash took out the O's driver and put it on. "Ankh! The Medals!" Ankh passed him three Core Medals as they drove beside each other. Flash took each medal and place each one in each slot in the driver.

After the center tilted to the side, Flash took the scanner and scanned each medal. "Henshin!" He shouted as medals formed around him as he drove.


Ta,To,Ba! TaToBa! TaToBa~!

After he transformed into OOO, he turned the bike around and put it to a stop as he revved it up. Uva stood up ahead of him as both sides perpar to charge at each other. "Don't use my Medals!" Uva shouted as OOO revved up more. Uva charged at OOO as he drove at him. Uva leaped into the air as OOO hope on the seat of the bike before he jumped right towards Uva. Uva managed to get a strike in on the rider as OOO fell to the ground and Uva landed perfectly fine. Uva wasn't done as OOO got up and Uva charged at him.

The two were trading blow for blow as Uva is furious. "It's my Medal. It's my Medal!" He shouted as he struck OOO a few times. "Give it back!" The two of them grabbed hold of each other as Uva was trying to take back his Core Medal. OOO punched him back before he could and Uva slashed him back. He then quickly kicked him and punch him in the chest. OOO managed to block a couple of hits before he was struck and fell back. Uva struck him again while he was down as Ankh watched from a far.

"That Uva..." He said to himself as he wondered something. "Is it possible that he doesn't know?" OOO managed to get Uva off him and get up before he ducked under a slash from Uva. OOO then back kicked him before Uva slashed him again and OOO fell again. "Uva! Did you hear that Kazari has one of your Medals?!" That got Uva's attention.

"What?!" Uva asked when he heard Ankh.

"I knew it!" Ankh shouted. "There's no way that Kazari would tell you. He's got it! He took one from us!"

"He's telling the truth!" OOO spoke up as he got up. "When he and I clashed he managed to get one right out of the belt!"

"It can't be... That Kazari..." Uva said with disbelief. "That Kazari..." As he was processing what the two of them told him, Ankh hold up the cheetah medal and look towards OOO.

"Flash, now!" Ankh shouted as he tossed him the medal and OOO quickly caught it.

"Although I don't really like this method..." He said before he then replaced the grasshopper medal with the cheetah one. He then tilted the belt to its side before scanning each metal and changing the suit.


With a cheetah wheels now in place, OOO readied himself as Uva noticed that the only told him that to distract him. Uva then charged at the rider, but thanks to the cheetah medal, OOO moved faster as he charged back. With his speed, OOO gave a kicks to Uva at super fast speed and knock him down. After he screeched to a stop, OOO charged at Uva again as he charged back. He then gave a flying kick at high speed that knocked Uva back and caused a few medals to fall out of him, including two Core Medals.

Ankh detached himself from Shining Armor and flew towards the two Core Medals to catch them. Once he caught them, he flew back and reattached himself to Shining Armor as he sees he got a mantis medal and a beetle medal. With two of his Core Medals gone, the chest plate on Uva exploded into medals and he was weakened. "So we've got three in a set." Ankh said as he held up three of his Core Medals: the beetle, the mantis, and the grasshopper.

Comments ( 2 )

I still likes the preview can you atleast have that

No, because that would just end up spoiling about what will happen next

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