• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 8,242 Views, 518 Comments

Spike's Turnabout - PonyJoel

It's time for a change in Spike's life. No more abuse, no more being used, no more loneliness. His decision will change Equestria's future for everyone.

  • ...

Going with Indigo Zap

Author's Note:

It's now Indigo's turn with Spike.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's now 9:30 in the morning. Lemon Zest is already up and cleaning her house a bit. Spike is waking up, he yawns and stretches. He goes to the bathroom to take a hot bath to freshen for the day. After he finished taking his bath, he comes down the stairs to see Lemon Zest sweeping the floors.

"Need any help, Lemon?"

"No need, Spike. Thank you anyways."

"You're welcome."

There is a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Lemon said as she puts the broom aside to answer the door.

"Hey, Lemon."

"Hi, Indigo."

"I'm here to pick up, Spike."

"Huh?" Spike said in confusion.

"Well, Spike. My turn for taking care of you for the week has come to an end. Indigo Zap is next in line to take care of you for the week." Lemon said.

"She is?" Spike said.

"Yea! We'll have a fun time together, train here and there, meeting up with Sunny Flare during her weather patrol," Indigo said. Little did she know that Spike ran up the stairs to pack his things and came back down in an instant.

"Alright! I'm ready to go!" Spike said excitedly.

Indigo blinks twice and gives a surprising look. Lemon couldn't help but laugh at Indigo's reaction.

"I think someone likes Sunny Flare," Lemon said teasingly.

"Yea...I...do..." Spike said as he's dozing off a little.

"Would you like to date her someday?" Indigo said jokingly.

"Yes...I...would..." Spike said as he dozes off more. Spike's eyes widen a bit in the realization of his comments and blush a bit.

Lemon and Indigo get a good laugh as Spike blushes a bit more.

"It's alright, Spike. We couldn't resist to tease you a bit. You gave us more than enough notion when Indigo mentioned Sunny Flare."

"Hehe, you two got me there," Spike turns around. "I can't help it. She's more beautiful than Rarity. Her elegant smile, her personality, her kindness," Spike said.

"Okay, Romeo, work on that smooth talk on her when you're older. Right now, I'm taking you to my home in the sky."

"Alright, Indigo," Spike said. "Thanks for letting me stay with you for an extended week, Lemon Zest."

"My pleasure, Spike. I'll see you soon."

Before leaving, Spike goes up to Lemon and hugs her. Then Spike gets on Indigo's back. Indigo bites Spike's bag and flies off as Spike holds onto Indigo. Indigo soars through the skies taking the long route. Spike sees all of Pony Central from afar. Indigo flies higher to land in front of her house. Spike gets off and falls through the clouds.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Spike screams in horror.

"Whoops," Indigo swoops down and catches Spike mid-air. "Sorry about that."

Spike takes a minute to calm himself down. "It's alright. I remember that I can't walk on clouds as Twilight and her friends can."

"Did she happen to find a way to walk on clouds by any chance?"

"Yes. There is a spell that allows earth ponies and unicorns to walk on clouds."

"Hmm, then I'm pretty sure Sugarcoat has a book at the Pine Tree Library with that kind of spell."

"Let's go have a look."

Indigo flies with Spike to the Pine Tree Library. Upon arrival Sugarcoat is outside signing her signature to the delivery pony.

"Hey, Sugarcoat," Indigo said.

"Hi, Indigo. Hi, Spike. Need help with something?"

"Actually, yes. You have a book of Spells?" Spike asks.

"Of course I do. What kind of spell are you looking for?"

"One spell that can allow any creature to walk on clouds," Spike said.

"Oh, that one," Sugarcoat trots to her desk and pulls out the book. "Lots of creatures asked of the spell for a while now. I'll be the one who'll use it on you, Spike."

"Sounds good, Sugarcoat," Spike said as he gets in front of Sugarcoat.

In a few moments, Sugarcoat uses her magic to activate the cloud walking spell. Spike starts to have a slight tingle throughout his body for a few moments then goes away.

"There you go, Spike. You can now walk on clouds."

"Are you sure?" Spike questions out of uncertainty.

"Try it yourself." Sugarcoat states.

"I will. Indigo, can you fly me to the nearest cloud in the sky?"

"Sure thing, Spike," Indigo takes Spike and flies toward the first cloud she sees. "Alright, Spike. I'll drop you and fly under the cloud. In case the spell backfires."

"Alright, then. I'm ready!" Spike shouts.

Indigo drops Spike and flies under the cloud.

"Here goes nothing!" Spike lands on the cloud and doesn't phase through. "Success!"

"Awesome, Spike. Now you can bunk with me for the week for sure," Indigo said as she picks up Spike and flies back down to Sugarcoat.

"Thank you, Sugarcoat," Spike said.

"You're welcome, Spike. I'll see you around later."

Indigo picks up Spike and flies him back to her house. When Indigo lands in front of her house, Spike jumps off and lands on the cloud.

"Yep, the spell works. I can walk on clouds for sure."

"Perfect, now I can give you the grand tour of my, Sky High Paradise."

"Nice name."


Spike picks up his belongings and follows Indigo inside of her home. Spike can see the posters of the Shadowbolts, posters of Disturbance hard rock music group, and flying trophies. Spike places his bag on the fluffy cloudy couch.

"So, am I sleeping on the couch?"

"Nope," Indigo shakes her head. "There's a room I barely use so you can have it."

"Cool. Where is it?"

"Two flights up. I'll show you after the tour,"

"Sounds good," Spike said.

Indigo shows Spike the ground floor; it has a kitchen, a living room, a game room, a music room, and a dining room. Indigo now takes Spike to the second floor; it has a bedroom, bathroom, weight training room, a second music room, and a reading room. Indigo now takes Spike to the last floor; it has another bedroom which she mentioned to Spike, another bathroom, a meditation room, and an empty room."

"This room is empty cause it's colder here. Also, the window in the room leads to the outside slide."

"What's with the slide, Indigo?"

"Every morning, I come up here to ride the slide down. It gives me momentum when I want to fly faster."


"It's quite useful and fun as well. Even if I feel like dropping some water balloons on a hot summer day."

"Now that's funny. Though it'll be unfortunate for me."

"The water balloons are usually warm water."

"Nice. Now I know what to expect on a hot summer day," Spike said as he goes to the spare bedroom and put his belongings on the fluffy clouded bed. Indigo is at the door.

"Since you are bunking with me, Spike. I'll be taking you with me to Foal Mountain when I train. I don't want to leave you hanging on a cloud until you grow your wings."

"Sounds good. Also, quick question; will I get to train with you at Foal Mountain?"

"You will if you are up for it. Except for my flying routine. I tend to fly faster."

"Would it help if I were to participate during your flight training?"

"How so, Spike?" Indigo asks with a level of concern.

"Well, what if I pretend to be an injured creature of Pony Central that needs help? I can pretend to be in danger or act like I'm scared. Giving you and helping you develop a better mindset when the real dangers are to occur."

"Sounds tempting. Very tempting, Spike. However, I thought you wanted to be free from being used as a test subject?"

"I did. I still do. You are my friend, Indigo. I want to help you. When I was used to be a test subject, it wasn't of my own doing; it was Twilight using me cause she had no one else to test on. She used me for most of her testing. It came to the point of being too much. In this case, I want to decide between helping a friend or not. I choose to help you train, Indigo."

After much thought and consideration, Indigo relents. She hopes that her training technique doesn't brutalize the baby dragon. Then again, she can call it a day when things get too rough out at Foal Mountain. She smiles at Spike for his offering in services to help a friend.

"Alright, Spike. I'll accept your offer. We'll start training tomorrow. Today is a rest day for me."

"Okay, so what should we do?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be meeting with Sunny Flare at the Weather Command Station in an hour for lunch. She has the rest of the day off so, the three of us will be hanging out together."

"Sweet!" Spike shouts happily.

"Also, we're going to the castle to do some exploring tomorrow afternoon. We haven't check it out yet cause you were in a deep sleep recovering your memories."

"Right, that should be interesting."

"I'm gonna catch up on some reading, Spike. How bout you unpack your things and meet me in the reading room. I do have old school comics that you'll like."

"Cool, see you there," Spike said excitedly.

Indigo leaves Spike's room and goes down a flight to the reading room. Spike unpacks some of the things he took from Lemon's house and places them away. After twenty minutes of unpacking, he grabs his Power Ponies comic and goes down a flight to Indigo's reading room.

"Hey, Spike," Indigo said as she reads a Pony Rangers comic book on a beanbag chair.

"Hey, Indigo," Spike said, now sitting on a bean bag chair. "Whatcha, reading?"

"Pony Rangers versus Galactica Unicronus. One of my favorite comic book stories."

"What are the Pony Rangers?" Spike asks curiously.

"Sit back and relax. I'm about to tell you a great story."

Indigo tells Spike the origins of the Pony Rangers. The Pony Rangers are close friends that were summoned by an ancient deity who is searching for the next pure heart force to fight against the Sinister of Evil, Galactica Unicronus. The Pony Rangers are a team of five different ponies from different regions of Equestria. Aquamarine, a naval soldier specialist who loves living close by the sea. She's a weapon's specialist and a master of Kung-fu. Phoenix, a wildlife caretaker. He is a survivor specialist and can live off the land in any eco-system. Also, he's a master of Mixed Martial Arts. Karen-Jane otherwise nicknamed KJ, an animal caretaker who defends near-extinct animals from poachers. She's a swordswoman and a weapon's specialist. Then, there is Aleister. A warrior who never stops fighting. He single-handily defeated an underground society plotting to rid the world of mother nature. His heart beats to defend his home, family, and friends. Finally, the team leader herself, Lunas. She's the last of the deities that hasn't been corrupted by darkness. She's the wises of everypony.

"Wow, Lunas sounds a lot like Princess Luna," Spike said.

"In a way, yes. Now, where was I?"

Lunas has cosmic energy and uses it to give her friends an extra power boost to fight Galactica Unicronus' forces. During her time on earth, she starts learning more about the earth's culture through her friends. Aquamarine, Phoenix, KJ, Aleister, and Lunas were brought together by Nova, the God of Life. Nova explains that darkness is slowly taking over life. She has summoned the next best team to fight the darkness. At first, the group laughed. Even Lunas had a good laugh until they saw the seriousness of Nova. The group took the time to get to know each other. They trained, fought, laughed, cried, and won every battle they faced.

"So, who is Galactia Unicronus?" Spike asks out of curiosity and excitement.

"So, Galactica Unicronus is a God of Death. He and Nova are siblings. There is so much I can tell you from the Pony Rangers comic but, I think you should read for yourself."

"I think I will," Spike said. "The Pony Rangers are interesting and sounds a bit better than the Power Ponies."

Indigo looks at the clock in the reading room.

"Ah, ten minutes before lunch break for Sunny's weather team."

"Then let's get going. I can read the Pony Rangers comic later," Spike said.

"Alright, then," Indigo said as she stretches her wings.

"Hey, Indigo?"

"Yes, Spike?"

"Can we leave by sliding on that slide you mentioned upstairs?"

Indigo chuckles a bit. "Sure, Spike. I'll lay flat for you."

Spike and Indigo go to the empty room. Indigo opens the window showing the long slide that goes beneath the cloud. Indigo gets in position and lays flat. Spike sits on her back and goes down on the slide. The extra weight gives Indigo added speed as she soars the skies of Pony Central. She flies past the Pine Tree Library and Sugary Skies Bakery. Indigo lands in front of the Weather Command Station. With a few minutes to spare, they now wait for Sunny Flare.