• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,542 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Twilight, throw me at Spike

"Wait you mean these ponies are made of crystal?"

"Yes, they are a sub race that evolved from a group of ponies that moved to the area that became the Crystal empire a long time ago, After a few generations of being in constant contact with the Crystal heart's magic their flesh turned to stone, with some exceptions of course."

"I must see these ponies," Spinel decided as she bounced up and down in her chair in excitement.

"You think all that stuff was true?" Spike whispered once Twilight took her seat next to him, Twilight looked at Spike in surprise "What? she wasn't exactly whispering her story, It was honestly hard not to listen,"

"Honestly I'm not sure," Twilight replied "Tho it would defiantly explain some of her...problems," Twilight opened her note book and read some of her theories, "High possibility of PTSD, Definitely has Abandonment and Anger issues," Twilight flipped threw the pad and tore a page out "Can you send this letter to the Princess?" She asked "I'm going to request she come over for tea next time she's available so I can...talk to her about Spinel," Spike rolled the paper up and, after opening a window, blew it into magical dust with his fire. with the letter sent Twilight was about to start going over her notes when the train slowed down, not to a stop but it noticeably lost speed, followed by Spinel screaming.

"What?" Twilight demanded jumping up, Spike just chose to ignore her and continued reading one of the many comics he had brought. Twilight rushed to Spinel only to find her scream had been one of joy,

"IT'S SNOWING!," She cheered "Oh I love snow, I was watching the Camp Pining Hearts Heart's warming Special and-" Twilight shook her head as Spinel started going into great detail about how a griffin named Paulette manipulated the entire camp into a snow war by ,accidentally, drooping a present and picking the wrong one up and handing it to Percy, who was then blamed by Pierre to be a thief for stealing his present, Spinel kept going but it was at that Point that Twilight had found her noise canceling headphones and decided to wait out the remaining 20 minutes of the train ride in silence.

Twilight was packing her stuff when Spike's ears suddenly perked and and he jumped up and started yelling something at Spinel, Twilight looked up to See Spinel counting down on her figures, she removed her headphones just as Spinel reached one.

"You didn't say anything!" Spinel said as she opened her window "That means you think it's fine,"

"Spinel wait!" Spike called, but to late, without hesitation Spinel jumped out the window, there was a long moment of silence as the train started slowing to a stop at the train station. Twilight opened her note book and added a note. before packing all her bags and getting up.

"Spike get our stuff and if Shining is waiting for us at the station tell him I'll be right there," Twilight light her horn and teleported herself outside the train, she took flight and looked for the speck of Pink in the white land and found Spinel pretty fast due to a sudden onslaught of Snowballs being thrown at her. Twilight bubbled herself and landed next to Spinel, who was not in anyway deterred by the bubble as evident of how many Snowballs she was still throwing, after a minute she finally stopped "You done?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Spinel said as she looked around.

"Good, now how about we go and-"

"I'm gonna make a Snownado now!" Spinel cried out in.

"A what?" Twilight managed to ask before Spinel set to work, and turned herself into a twister, Twilight watched, somewhat amused, as she Spinel's plan failed almost instantly, she had clearly hoped that her spinning would cause this snownado thing, instead it had caused snow to clump up around her and caused her to trip, in about 5 seconds Spinel was stuck in a Giant snow ball.

"Well this was unexpected but I can work with this. Twilight, throw me at Spike!"

"How about no," Twilight decided as she picked up the Spinel snow ball and began the walk to the Train station.

"Kill joy," Spinel replied.

"She'll be her in a second," Spike said as Shining took the bags from him in confusion.

"What happened?" Shining asked "was there a fight or..."

"Discord accidentally sucked a weird gem creature out of it's world and brought it here," Spike replied simply "and Twilight's trying to figure out what's wrong with it since it...very obviously has issues, and it, it's name is Spinel btw, jumped off the train so she went to grab Spinel...and here she comes with what might be the largest snowball I've ever seen," Shining looked over and watched as Twilight walked to the station with a Snowball about 4 times her size.

"Shining!" She cheered as she hugged her brother happily "It's so good to see you,"

"It's great to see you to Twily but what's with the..."

"Oh, Spike did you tell him about..."

"Spinel? Yeah,"

"Yell this is Spinel," Twilight rolled the ball and showed Spinel's head sticking out of the snowball with a pouting face.

"I wanted to be thrown at Spike," She complained.

"I hate you to," Spike replied simply.

"Um," Shining pointed to his brother then the gem, then looked to Twilight for an answer,"

"Spinel saw Spike eating a gem, and she's a gem-"

"And say no more," Shining replied as he patted his brother on the head. "Look on the bright side bro, this is just the kick in the pants you needed to start that diet," Spike blew a raspberry at him in response.

"Ha,ha very funny" He said as Shining walked up the the Snowball that held Spinel and offered her his hoof.

"How nice," Spinel said looking at it "but I'm currently immobilized by magic so..." Twilight placed Spinel Snow ball down and released her, the results where immediate, Spinel pelted the living snot out of Spike with the snow surrounding her until Twilight focused her magic and pulled Spinel out of the snow, with her pouting once more. "I hate magic,"

"Shining looked at Spike and found a Snow dragon in his place, he lightly tapped it's nose and Spike's head was free.

"I hate her so much," Spike said with a shiver as Shining pulled him out and placed him on his back.

"I think she might hate you to," Shining replied simply. "Now what say we get ourselves to the Empire and get you all some hot co-co?"