• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,316 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

  • ...

Day 1 part 3, end of day 1

Day 1 Part 3

“Why the fuck would I kidnap that little unicorn?” Chrysalis asked in annoyance as Celestia and Luna glared at her.

“Because she sabotaged your plan to take over Equestria!” Celestia replied angrily.

“Yes she did, however I would hardly kidnap her, if I wanted her gone you’d find her decapitated corpse in the middle of the castle courtyard.” Chrysalis said while her wings vibrated in annoyance. “Furthermore I couldn’t hope to stand up to either of you at the moment so what could I possibly have to gain from kidnapping the purple brat?” Chrysalis asked narrowing her eyes.

“You’re evil, that’s a good enough reason isn’t it?” Celestia answered with a glare.

“Celestia, Celestia, Celestia, evil does not mean stupid, and I am far from suicidal.” Chrysalis replied with a shrug.

“Celly I think she’s telling the truth.” Luna said with a sigh.

“I am, now would you please leave I’m on a tight schedule?” Chrysalis asked.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Well it’s mating season and my eggs aren’t going to fertilize themselves.” Chrysalis replied archly. Celestia blanched while Luna merely looked more interested.

“But what do you mean by a tight schedule?” Luna asked intrigued.

“We’re bugs; that means that the average male lives a day, and only one is born every year.” Chrysalis replied with a shrug.

“So we’re cockblocking you?” Luna asked.

“That’s a simple way to put it; however it is very accurate.” Chrysalis answered with a slight glare.

“Well then we should be going.” Luna said hastily.

“But Luna she might know something!” Celestia protested.

“She doesn’t know anything Tia, let’s just go back to Canterlot and go through the archives again.” Luna said before she vanished.

“This isn’t over.” Celestia said glaring at Chrysalis.

“Bite me.” The changeling queen replied with a shrug. Celestia snorted in annoyance before she too teleported away.


Twilight and Ethan reappeared inside his house in a flash of bright light.

“Oh wonderful they’re back…” Wadsworth muttered to himself before hovering over to where Ethan and Twilight were sprawled on the floor. “Master do you require any assistance?” The robot asked.

“Get me a scotch please Wadsworth, do you want anything Sparky?” He asked the unicorn.

“Alcohol isn’t something that mixes well with ponies who suffered psychological breakdowns; I’ll have a soda radiation be damned.” Twilight answered.

“One bottle of scotch and a Nuka Cola on the way.” Wadsworth told them before floating upstairs towards the soda machine. He returned moments later with both drinks which he passed to the proper recipient. “Do try and not need me.” He told Ethan before floating away.

“You keep your alcohol in the soda machine?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow as she climbed into one of the chairs.

“Hey it keeps it colder then the fridge, plus it’s classier.” Ethan replied with a shrug from his chair as he opened his bottle and took a sip.

“So want to tell me what happened back there?” Twilight asked, Ethan’s mood darkened immediately.

“Not particularly, but I guess you deserve to know.” Ethan said with a grimace.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Twilight told him gently.

“No, you need to know.” Ethan said with a long sigh. “I’m normally a pretty chill guy, I crack jokes, I laugh a lot, and to be honest I don’t take life all that seriously anymore. But when someone threatens someone I care about I get mad, it’s like someone in my mind presses a button and I become overwhelmed with rage and anger. It’s the reason why Amata kicked me out of the Vault…” Ethan told her sadly trailing off.

“Who?” Twilight asked in confusion (she knew what a Vault was thanks to reading the survival guide) but she didn’t know who Amata was.

“Amata, the first girl I ever loved.” Ethan said taking another sip of his scotch.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Well I’d been living in the Vault 101 for almost all my life; in fact I didn’t even know that I wasn’t born there until I left. Anyways one day my dad decided to leave and the Overseer (Amata’s father) decided that I was a threat to the Vault. Amata woke me up and told me that the Vault security officers were coming for me. I killed ten people I’d known all my life with a baseball bat.” Ethan told her.

“I’m so sorry.” Twilight told him.

“Wait it gets better.” Ethan told her bitterly. “Eventually I made my way to the Overseer’s office but I didn’t have the key so I couldn’t get out. So I went to the Overseer’s room and I found him beating Amata for information about me. I broke his legs with my bat, and then I snapped his neck with my boot.” Ethan said with a tiny sob before he took another sip of scotch.

“That must have been awful for you, to be forced to kill people you’d known all your life…” Twilight said quietly.

“Yeah, then Amata refused to look at me, I tried to get her to leave with me but she told me that I was a monster.” Ethan said with another tiny sob. Twilight got up from her seat and walked over to Ethan and wrapped him in a hug.

“You aren’t a monster Ethan.” She told him quietly.

“Thanks Sparky, but I’m not done.” Ethan said returning the embrace with a sigh. “Later just when things were looking up (I’d just found my father and we were going to bring fresh water back to the Wasteland) I got an urgent radio message from Amata. She said that Allen Mack had usurped her authority and crowned himself Overseer, she asked me to come back and help her. Imagine my surprise and joy when my childhood love called me home to help her…” Ethan said trailing off and taking another sip of his scotch.

“You must have felt like it was a dream come true.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, at first it kind of was. I walked back into the Vault in a full set of combat armor wielding a combat shotgun and my railway rifle. None of the guards dared to try and stop me and it was smooth sailing. I talked to Amata and she told me that I should talk to Mack. So I did and the bastard wouldn’t give an inch of ground no matter how I tried to convince him that it was Amata’s rightful place. Then he started threatening to rape Amata. I shot him in the chest with a railway spike and pinned him to back wall of the office. After that Amata thanked me for my help, and then told me that she never wanted to see me again because I was an amoral monster.” Ethan said; his knuckles were turning white as he tightened his grip on the bottle of scotch.

“But Ethan you aren’t a monster, you saved my life without a second’s hesitation and you’ve saved the Wasteland!” Twilight protested.

“I know I’m not, but that doesn’t stop me from not doing terrible things when my friends are in danger.” Ethan told her with another sigh, his grip on the bottle loosened and he put it down on the coffee table. Twilight for her part gave the man another hug.

“You were defending someone you loved; love makes people do crazy things.” She told him thoughtfully. “Trust me I know.” She added with a sigh.

“And what crazy thing did you do?” Ethan asked her a little bit of humor returning to his voice.

“I… I decided not to be with her.” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Hmm?” Ethan asked.

“We just couldn’t be together; I’d die too soon and leave her broken hearted for the rest of her life.” Twilight said with a sad sigh.

“Who Sparky?” Ethan asked.

“My Teacher, My Princess, My Best Friend, the only mare that I'll ever probably love.” Twilight told him with another sigh. “Whenever she brought it up I’d change the subject or pretend that I didn’t understand what she was talking about. In the end I guess she decided that I didn’t love her back because she stopped trying…” Twilight said before letting out a tiny sob.

“How long will she live?” Ethan asked.

“Forever.” Twilight replied flatly. “Even with magical advances I’d only last two or three hundred years and then she’d be alone for eternity, just like Luna and Starswirl.” She said with another sigh.

“Sparky I hate to tell you this, but that’s stupid.” Ethan told her frankly.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“That’s a stupid way of looking at things. If she was willing to have you then you shouldn’t have worried about the consequences. She obviously knew that she was going to outlive you and had resigned herself to that fact. Trust me Sparky you should take every opportunity at love that you can get.” Ethan told her with a small sigh. “Life’s too short not to.” He added.

“If I ever get back I think I’ll ask her about whether she’s still interested, assuming I get back at all…” Twilight said trailing off.

“We’ll figure something out Sparky, tomorrow I’m going to make a call and see if a friend of mine can pick us up. From there we should be able to find some way to get you home.” Ethan told her a smile returning to his face.

“Who’re you going to call?” Twilight asked.

“A friend, I’ll leave it at that till she gets here.” Ethan told her with a smile.

“I hate to bring it up again, but how often do you lose control?” Twilight asked him.

“I’ve lost it three other times, I broke a man named Mister Burke’s nose before someone pulled me off the slimy peace of shit. I decapitated Colonel Autumn with a flaming lawnmower blade. And as for the last one, well I’m actually kind of proud of that one.” Ethan told her with a chuckle.

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

“You see there’s this android named Harkness, he came to the Capital Wasteland to get away from his masters who were essentially using him as a slave. Well I took the contract to hunt him down and eventually I found that he was the chief of security for Rivet City. He’s kind of a dick, but he genuinely cares about the people he’s there to protect. To make a long story short I tricked the man who had given me the contract into giving me the cybernetic enhancement that was the reward, and then I got Harkness to play along like he’d been captured. Then as they were leaving the two of us turned on the man and killed him.” Ethan said with a wolfish grin.

“That doesn’t sound like the others.” Twilight said with a frown.

“Yeah, that’s because I didn’t tell you how we killed him.” Ethan said his grin disappearing.

“I see…” Twilight said trailing off and taking another sip of her soda.

“Are the organics done exchanging their feelings?” Wadsworth asked as he hovered back into the room.

“Yeah I’d say that we’re done, Wadsworth can you get me a sobering pill?” Ethan asked the robot, a little tray with a single white pill slid out of Wadsworth’s chest and Ethan popped it in his mouth. “Much better, thanks Wadsworth.”

“I aim to please master.” Wadsworth replied dryly.

“Come on Sparky let’s grab some dinner and then you can go to sleep, you’ve had a rough day.” Ethan told Twilight before he ruffled her mane before standing up.

“What about you?” Twilight asked.

“Like I said I have a call to make, and then I’m going to head back to the school and finish up.” Ethan told her with a shrug.

“Finish up?” Twilight asked.

“Kill the rest of the raiders and then loot the place clean.” Ethan clarified with a grin.


Celestia sat despondently in her bed looking at the book in front of her, then with an errant thought she burned it to a crisp and sent the ash flying into the trashcan. She didn’t need one shade of gray, let alone fifty. Luna was sitting on the balcony outside looking at the stars trying to find Twilight’s signal among them, but so far she wasn’t having any luck. Celestia sighed again and looked at the stars wondering what misfortune had befallen her student.

“Celly stop it, you’re driving me crazy with your constant sighing. You’re acting like someone who lost their lover.” Luna said coming in from the balcony. Celestia flinched at the last word and Luna raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I hadn’t realized that you two were so close.” Luna murmured more to herself then to her sister.

“We aren’t, or at least not yet.” Celestia admitted with a heavy sigh.

“What happened Celly?” Luna asked taking a seat on the bed next to Celestia.

“She ignored my advances Lulu, and not very tactfully either.” Celestia said with a quiet sigh.

“Perhaps she doesn’t think herself worthy of you.” Luna put in.

“She’s Twilight Sparkle the unicorn who saved Equestria at least three times, if she’s not worthy of me then I might as well live up to the publics’ view of me as a virginal goddess.” Celestia replied darkly.

“They think that of you?” Luna asked shocked.

“Yes, for some reason they’ve associated me with virgins.” Celestia said dryly.

“At least that’s something nopony will ever accuse me of being.” Luna said with a smirk.

“Yes, being known as the night goddess does have that effect.” Celestia agreed sharing the smirk.

“So back to Twilight, maybe she didn’t understand what you were trying to tell her or what if she is worried about the age difference?” Luna asked, Celestia looked thoughtful as she pondered that.

“Now that I think about it some books about our past love lives went missing for a little while and then mysteriously showed up again a few days later…” Celestia said trailing off.

“Oh Faust; she probably found that idiot historian’s work about my love life with Starswirl!” Luna exclaimed in exasperation. “Princess Luna never again sought the comfort of a lover, instead she let her grief slowly eat away at her until she transformed into Nightmare Moon I still can’t believe that you let that get published Tia.” Luna said giving her sister an annoyed look.

“Lulu we’ve been over this, I can’t censor the media.” Celestia said rolling her eyes.

“It’s slander!” Luna said agitatedly.

“That only exists in one book because I had the others collected and burned after the pony had died.” Celestia said and Luna quieted.

“Well regardless, Twilight is probably afraid that if she gives into her feelings for you she’ll send you into a downward spiral of depression that will eventually turn you into a ravaging monster.” Luna said changing the subject.

“That would explain her attitude…” Celestia said trailing off.

“Well I’m glad I could help sister, I’ll alert you if anything changes.” Luna said before disappearing in a cloud of black mist.

Celestia looked back at the sky and slowly began to hum a soft tune to herself as she began to fall asleep.


“You are spending time with strange company these days my friend.” The supermutant told Ethan as the two of them sat on the scenic overlook, although scenic wasn’t really the best word for it.

“Tell me about it Leo, she’s a mess but I like her.” Ethan replied with a slight smile.

“Shoving her head first into the wasteland was not your best idea.” Leo said conversationally.

“I realize that now Leo, on the bright side things should start to get better starting tomorrow.

“There is something that I need to tell you Ethan, the supermutants have a new leader. They are gathering their forces for a frontal assault, I do not know when it will happen, but be warned they are on the move.” Leo told him before standing up. “I should go; I’ll be seeing you Ethan.” With that the friendly supermutant got to his feet and walked away quietly. Ethan shot a look at the doorway to his old home and sighed before he walked back towards Megaton. Tomorrow would be better, he just knew it.