• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,332 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

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Day 9 part 2

Day 9 part 2

Cassandra walked the Capital Wasteland completely alone, except for her thoughts which were as methodical as a ticking clock. She knew that the Legion was in the Capital Wasteland, she’d gotten the information out of a centurion whose testicles she’d removed before cutting off his feet and left him to slowly bleed for half an hour. Whatever else they may be, they don’t lie when they’re that close to death, it just wasn’t possible for the human mind. They wouldn’t attack anywhere too heavily fortified, which meant that they’d go for an easy target.

Cassandra had long ago memorized the locations of the settlements scattered around the Capital Wasteland, and she could’ve found them without the supercomputer attached to her wrist, but she decided to use it to be on the safe side. Her first destination was the town of Arefu; she’d been there once or twice before and knew that despite the presence of the Family that the town would present no real challenge to a determined group of Legionaries. She strode up the ramp, unconcerned by the sudden flurry of small red dots that meant that several of the Family’s snipers had her zeroed in and continued without pause.

A chill morning breeze swept over her, causing the flaps of her duster to flutter lightly and shift around her. Vance stood at the top of the ramp, his face impassive. But a small spark could be clearly seen within his eyes as he looked down at Cassandra while she walked towards him. They’d met, fought, gotten drunk, and then killed some raiders while drunk, and then he’d been at her wedding, with a smirk on his face as the thing that he’d predicted that caused the fight in the first place came true.

“Ah Cassandra, it is a pleasure to have you here again.” Vance told Cassandra with a half bow that Cassandra returned in kind.

“Thank you Vance, it seems that the Legion hasn’t been here.” Cassandra replied, looking around the peaceful settlement. Vance stiffened slightly at the mention of the Legion, but kept his face controlled.

“Are they in the area?” He asked.

“Yes, and they’re planning something.” Cassandra replied darkly. Vance’s eyes flashed once, and he bent his head in thought before replying.

“That does not sound very heartening.” He told her slowly, and Cassandra nodded. “Very well then, I will triple our security around the settlement and put measures into place to prevent infiltration.” Vance added, while he scratched his chin in thought.

“Good, I have to check on the other settlements. It was good to see you again Vance.” Cassandra told him before tossing him a blood pack (which Vance caught one-handed) and strolling away down the ramp.


“By Celestia’s great golden beard!” Shining exclaimed when he first saw a deathclaw.

“I thought Celestia was a mare.” Ethan said in confusion.

“Don’t ask me where it came from, but that’s an expression.” Twilight replied with a shrug.

“You ponies have the weirdest sayings.” Ethan told her with a chuckle as he watched the deathclaw move about the ruins outside of Olney. “So Sparky, you still want to tango with a deathclaw?” He asked her.

“Tango?” Twilight asked.

“It means fight.” Ethan supplied.

“You humans have the weirdest sayings Ethan.” Twilight told him with a smirk and Ethan rolled his eyes. “You know, it looks like a dragon got really bored and went out to fuck an alligator, and then somehow the alligator actually gave birth to that thing.” Twilight added as her eyes looked the deathclaw over.

“Twily, you can’t seriously be thinking about fighting that thing, it’ll rip you to shreds!” Shining exclaimed, casting a worried glance at the deathclaw, which seemed to have noticed them and was slowly walking closer.

“Meh, I’ve killed worse.” Twilight said with a shrug.

“What could possibly be worse than that? Its claws are as long as my leg!” Shining asked incredulously.

“I threw two five ton supermutants out of a building at the same time.” Twilight replied with another shrug. The deathclaw had begun to charge them, and Ethan had drawn his novasurge and was tracking the beast as it got nearer.

“So Sparky, are you going to kill it or should I?” Ethan asked slightly impatiently as the deathclaw drew closer. Twilight’s horn flared, and suddenly the deathclaw’s right kneecap cracked, and the beast looked down at the leg in confusion as the limb went completely numb before it began to scream in pain. Shining stared at his sister.

“Did you just break its kneecap?” Shining asked in horror as he turned to stare at the deathclaw, that was even now limping determinedly towards them. “And is it still coming towards us?!” He added with wide eyes.

“Tenacious bastards aren’t they?” Ethan asked with a chuckle as the deathclaw continued on its path towards them.

“I didn’t even know I could do that.” Twilight said in slightly disgusted sounding amazement, but also as if she were sick.

“You okay Sparky?” Ethan asked her.

“Not really, no I’m not.” Twilight said, her voice sounding slightly slurred.

“What’s wrong?” Ethan asked.

“I just feel…bad…” Twilight replied with a frown before she suddenly doubled over and puked up her breakfast. Shining Armor, who just barely managed to dodge to the side of the green mess, turned to regard his sister with worry.

“Twily what’s wrong?” He asked.

“Stomach, feel, sleepy…” Twilight answered, before her head suddenly slumped forward and her eyes closed.

“What’s wrong with her?!” Shining asked anxiously as he went over to his sister and pulled her onto his sturdy back.

“Not sure, one second.” Ethan replied, before turning back to the deathclaw, who had been slowly and painfully walking towards them and shooting it twice in the head, reducing it to a pool of green goo. “Sorry, I didn’t want it sneaking up on us.” Ethan told Shining before going over to Twilight’s limp form and grabbing her pipboy in his hand.

“What is that thing anyways?” Shining asked as he looked at the computer.

“It’s a machine that can do a lot of things.” Ethan replied distractedly, while he jumped from menu to menu rapidly. “Shit!” He suddenly exclaimed before reaching into his coat pocket and fumbling around for something.

“What is it?” Shining asked worriedly.

“I’ve gotten so used to listening to my pipboy for radiation that I forgot to explain the concept to Twilight in depth. She’s at around eight hundred rads!” Ethan explained as he finally withdrew a pack of radaway from his pocket. He tore open the tab and shoved it in Twilight’s mouth before tilting her head back and letting the liquid run down her throat. “Be prepared for some, ur, leakage, that stuff goes right through you.” Ethan advised Shining Armor, who frowned but said nothing. Ethan then tore open another radaway, and repeated the process. “That should hold her for a bit, and on the bright side I have a friend who lives up here. He’s kind of crazy, but he’ll definitely provide us with ‘asylum’.”

“Alright, let’s get there fast, she needs a bed.” Shining told Ethan, his dislike of this traveling companion apparently disappearing with the incapacitation of his sister.

They set off at as fast a pace as carrying an unconscious Twilight Sparkle would allow, which wasn’t really very fast until Ethan took over the job and simply slung the unconscious mare over his shoulder and took off at a jog.

“Aren’t you worried about hurting her?” Shining shouted as he caught up to the man.

“It’s all internal; the worst I’m doing is causing slight bruising.” Ethan replied without looking back at the unicorn.

They jogged on in silence until they sighted a chain-link fence on the horizon, and Ethan put on a burst of speed that left Shining gasping for breath. Ethan reached the gate, where he was met by a teenaged girl with brown hair. Her eyes widened in fascination as they took in Twilight and Shining, but before she could say anything Ethan held up his hand to forestall her.

“We need a bed and around five radaway immediately.” He told her, the girl nodded and opened the gate for them.

“Ethan, are these unicorns?” She asked her voice full of awe.

“Yes; and this one is dying of radiation poisoning.” Ethan said grimly.

“Follow me, I think we have an extra bed.” The girl told Ethan, who followed after her.

“Thanks Rachael.” Ethan told her with a smile as she led them to a shack with a red cross painted on it.

Once inside they found a clean stretcher to lay Twilight’s still form on and Ethan busily began to apply packs of radaway, provided by the helpful teenager whose eyes never seemed to lose their interest in Twilight or Shining.

“Hey Rachael, go and tell your father that I’ll see him once she wakes up, oh and take Shining with you.” Ethan instructed, a look of anger crossed Shining’s face.

“What makes you think that I’d leave my sister here with you?” He asked angrily.

“Because you need to meet Dave.” Ethan replied calmly.

“And why would I want to do that?”

“Because if you don’t then you’re considered an illegal alien and my dad President Dave will have you shot because Ethan’s visa only allows for one guest.” Rachael supplied easily with a shrug.

Shining turned to stare at her, and then back to Ethan whose face was unreadable before turning back to Rachael and saying. “Fine let’s get this over with.” Once he was out of the room, Ethan began to sing softly.

Under a silver sky I wander

These broken highways have become my home

Alone in a world rust in ruined state

Through gray civilization’s dust I roam

And my wasteland soul

Never will be truly whole

My only remaining goal now

To survive

Someday the rains will come and wash it all away

The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day

Shattered remains of once great cities

These silent higways lead to halls of stone

Every horizon sees it closer now

I’ll venture onwards into the unkown

And my callused hands have learned to weather and withstand

The tribulations of this land

In which I stride.

Someday the rains will come and wash it all away

The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day

Someday the rains will come and wash it all away

The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day

Tin cans and bottle caps and twisted steel

This worlds seen better days I’m sure

But I’d give every withered wealth I’ve found

For just a glimpse of something pure

but my wasteland soul

Never will be truly whole

My only remaining goal now

To survive

Someday the rains will come and wash it all away

The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day

Someday the rains will come and wash it all away

The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day

The heart of the wasteland

The heart of the wasteland

The heart of the wasteland

The heart of the wasteland…

“I didn’t know that you sang.” Twilight said suddenly, jarring Ethan out of his musical trance.

“Oh hey Sparky, I didn’t expect you to be up so soon. You look good for someone who just survived advanced radiation poisoning.” Ethan told her with a grin, as he looked at the unicorn. The color had returned to Twilight’s face and she looked much better overall.

“Thanks, so what was that song you were singing?” Twilight asked him.

“The Wasteland Soul.” Ethan replied with a sad smile.

“It was very pretty, even though you’re completely tone deaf.” Twilight told him with a chuckle.

“Thanks, I think.” Ethan replied with a grin.

“So, did you write that?” Twilight asked.

“Me? Hell no.” Ethan replied with a chuckle.

“Then who did?” Twilight pressed.

“Another man who ventured out into the wastes from a vault and changed the world.” Ethan replied enigmatically with a small grin. They shared a silent moment, that was broken by loud swears coming from Shining Armor that could be easily heard through the walls of the medical hut. “I should probably go see what’s going on, toilet’s over there by the way.” Ethan told Twilight, with a nod towards the toilet in the back of the room.

“Umm thanks?” Twilight replied uncertain as to why she needed the information.

“Oh, and it’s supposed to be bright green.” Ethan added before he left the hut.

“I wonder what he mea-” Twilight began until her lower body rumbled ominously.


“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Shining shouted at Dave in anger.

“You are obviously an alien of some kind, so I see no reason not to deport you immediately” Dave told him.

“I’m not an alien, I just come from another goddamned planet!” Shining shouted, smashing a metal clad hoof into the president’s desk making a rather noticeable dent.

“So not only do you admit to being an illegal alien, but you’re also damaging republic property.” Dave said.

“Look, I’ll only be here until my sister gets better, after that I’ll never trouble you again!” Shining told Dave who frowned.

“Hmm, an interesting proposition, but I’m afraid I don’t negotiate with aliens.” Dave said.

“Oh come on, this is ridicules!” Shining shouted in frustration.

“Mister alien, if you do not keep a civil tone with me then I will have you deported effective immediately!” Dave told him primly.

“Listen. My name is Shining Armor; I am the Captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard in command of protecting the life of Princess Celestia! I am a trained soldier and if need be I can and will defend myself!” Shining said with a growl.

“Threatening me will get you nowhere alien scum!” Dave replied with indignantly.

“Gah, this is impossible!” Shining shouted.

“And that’s the kind of undetermined spirit that we here in the republic of Dave look down on.” Dave told him starchily.

“Listen here you pig-headed egomaniacal fuck up, I’m only going to be here until my sister is better, but you will not force me to leave!” Shining replied loudly.

“So you’re attempting to take over my Republic are you? Well that will not be the way that the Republic dies, you will never take our freedom!” Dave shouted as he reached for the hunting rifle slung across his shoulder.

“Hey you two, cut it out!” Ethan yelled as he walked into the room.

“This idiot wouldn’t grant me asylum!” Shining shouted, pointing an armor clad hoof at Dave.

“This alien is threatening the sanctity of my republic!” Dave shouted, pointing an angry finger at Shining.

“I am not! I just want your permission to stay here until my sister is better!” Shining yelled.

“Dave, give the guy a break, the wasteland has been bitch slapping him ever since he got here.” Ethan told Dave, who frowned.

“But Ethan, he’s obviously an alien. If I make an exception for him, then I’ll have to make an exception for those talking deathclaws!” Dave exclaimed.

“They can talk?” Ethan asked in confusion.

“That’s what Rachael says, and my little girl doesn’t lie.” Dave replied crossing his arms over his chest.

“Dear Celestia I’m surrounded by idiots.” Shining moaned.

“He’ll only be here for a few hours while his sister recovers (she’s awake by the way Shining, but I wouldn’t recommend seeing her at the moment) and if any talking deathclaws get ideas I’ll kill them for you okay?” Ethan told Dave.

“Fine, but he’ll still be treated as a public menace.” Dave replied with a scowl at Shining.

“Thank you mister president.” Ethan told Dave respectfully, before he and Shining left the presidential office.

“How can you stand him?” Shining asked once they were out of earshot.

“I can’t, but he’s better than any alternative.” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“So wha-” Shining began, until he was cut off by a loud scream from the medical hut.


“Should we help her?” Shining asked looking at the hut nervously.

“Na, she’ll be fine. It’s just radioactive urine, nothing to worry about.”