• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 12,339 Views, 1,245 Comments

Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

  • ...

Six to Zero

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 38
By Honored Service




I flailed my arms around, trying to find something, anything, to grab a hold of to stop my fall into the darkness around me. My screaming stopped as my lungs ran out of air and i continued my plummet towards death. The wind continued to rip at my face and sting my eyes as I dropped through the bottomless pit. My eyes cracked open to see Quick Flurry in front of me wearing a huge smile on his face.

“How can you be smiling at this!?” I screamed at him over the roar of the wind. The goofy pegasus just pointed down.

I looked down and squinted my eyes through the darkness. I could just barely make out… the bottom? The rocky ground was covered in long slits that were shooting air up at us, keeping all of us floating in midair, making it feel as if we were still falling to our deaths. I simply rolled over to the side of the vent shafts and fell down off the air current onto the hard floor.


“Ouch.” I rubbed my ass where I had landed onto the floor.

“Very graceful. Ten out of Ten.” Sergeant Stand Bold smirked at me as he glided off the current and landed next to me.

“Oh shut it.” I mouthed back, brushing dirt and dust of my armor. “Where’s Greens?” I looked over to see the nervous and timid pegasus still caught in the air flow, eyes clamped shut and screaming for his life in a horse whisper.

“Yo Greens!” I shouted over to the pony. “Greens!” I searched around the ground near me and picked up a small rock and lightly tossed it at the pegasus. It hit his side and he looked up at the rest of us. “You can come over here, we’re waiting on you.”

With a blushing face, Fresh Greens maneuvered his way out of the air stream and walked over to our group. “Okay Battle Plan what's up?” I asked dusting of my armor and lifting my rifle to my side and flipping on the small flashlight mounted on the rail on the barrel. The light cut through the darkness and illuminated a long dark tunnel stretching far down, so far that the light dimmed out before reaching any sort of end.

“Well the map only covers the surface of Mytartica, but this seems to have been the entrance to the Temple. My guess is that we move on that way.” Battle Plan pointed a hoof down the long dark tunnel while levitating the map into his saddle bags. “What's the worse-“

“No.” Covert simply stated and held a finger to his red mouth. “Let us not say that again.”

“Agreed.” Gilda shrugged her shoulders and lifted a torch from her pack on her back and tossed it to Covert.

“Give me a light?” Covert held the torch over towards me. I reached over and fired a small blast of fire onto its end and a dim light settled over the group.

“Okay I’ll take point, everpony else fall in, and Covert you take the rear.” I moved to the front of the group and swallowed. “Once more into the breach. Again."

“Oh dear.” Lightning Speed gulped and looked to his partner on guard watching over the market in Canterlot.

“What is it?” Trick Furry asked looking down from his perch on a market stall. He adjusted the eye patch covering his wounded left eye from earlier in the fighting for Canterlot.

“I thought I saw something, something moving off towards the entrance of the market.” Lightning pointed off towards the heavily barricaded front of the war zone. The castle was heavily defended by every type of shadow known to pony and across the street was the heavily armed and well-defended Royal Guards. It was a standoff of massive proportions. Neither side was willing to attack or retreat, resulting in long days of just sitting and watching each other. A few arrows here, a few lone charges there, nothing really happened.

“You always say you saw something.” Trick gestured to the wide street that had been turned into a no-pony’s-land, “there never is anything that happens! It’s been like this since that human left.”

“That ‘human’ is an officer and will treat him with respect.” A new voice sounded out behind the two guards. They spun around and popped to attention and snapped a salute as Captain Shining Armor stood before them. “And Lieutenant Honored Service has seen fit to hand over control of this campaign to me.”

Both guards dropped their salutes and returned to watching the front, “Well sir,” Lightning Speed spoke while gesturing to the area he had saw movement, “I thought I had seen something moving along the walls towards the garden.”

“Good work guard. Attention to detail, anything could signal an attack.” Shining Armor made a mental note to have a scout group of pegasus recon that area carefully next fly over.

“Sir?” Trick Flurry looked up from his telescope to the superior officer.

“What is it soldier?”

“How can anypony survive in a war like this?” The guard said while looking towards the magical black flames that licked up the side of the castle. One could almost hear the shadow demons walking around behind the tall walls.

“I wish I could answer that. All I know is that there is one creature that was created to fight in this mess. And thank the goddesses that he’s on our side.” Shining Armor nodded to the guard and continued his rounds around the Royal Guard encampment. “And I hope he returns soon.”

“Oh man I love this shit!” I yelled. I jumped over a saw blade that shot out from a slot in the wall. Its razor sharp blades sliced through the air as I sailed over the hidden booby trap. I tucked and rolled under a wave of poison tipped darts that fired out of the other side of the wall. I cackled madly as a giant boulder dropped from the ceiling and began to roll after me. “SHIT!”

I sprinted left then right, diving through another ancient hallway as the rumbling of the chasing boulder followed me through the maze of tunnels and corridors. The rock was beginning to gain speed on me as on me as I noticed a slowly closing door ahead of me. The door was dropping down from the sealing, blocking my exit and leaving me to be crushed by the giant boulder. It was closing in fast as I approached the old door. I jumped and slid towards the door hoping to squeeze underneath it. But my boots slammed into the closed door sealing me in the dead end hallway.

“Well I saw that going better in my head.” I said to myself as I turned around to face my death at the hands of a giant tumbling rock. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a strip of cloth and tied it around my eyes, blinding me from the certain death. I pulled a crumbled cigarette from another pocket and snapped my fingers, a small flame igniting the end of the cancer stick. “Еще не закончена.” I spoke out before taking a drag on the cigarette and throwing a punch forward with my gauntlet, charged with an enormous amount of blood red magic.


I slowly lifted up the blindfold and smiled. The boulder lay cracked in two large pieces on either side of me. I chuckled to myself as I threw the cloth and cig onto the ground. “Oh man, sometimes I'm too much for even myself.” I dusted my hands off and turned back to the sealed door wall thing.

“Open sesame.”

The ponies of the Royal Guard Reserve gathered around the Canterlot market square. Ponies from every city of Equestria had shipped out and responded to the call issued by the guard. Their numbers reached into the hundreds as trains continued to pour into the capital city. Shining Armor directed troop flow as more and more soldiers came to the fight.

“You know, with this many fighters, we may not even need to wait for the human.” Shining Armor though aloud as his fellow advisors and NCOs gathered around.

“Captain, the instructions from her Highness were very specific to hold position, cut off any resistance by the shadows, and wait for Princess Luna to return with reinforcements.” Once fellow officer spoke up out of the group and addressed the young captain.

“I know, but why wait if we could win this thing tonight.” Shining Armor said, reviewing the numbers of guards on station compared to the amount of shadows that could be hiding behind the castle walls, which surly couldn’t be many.

“With all due respect Captain Armor,” a large night guard stepped forward, her leathery wings pinned to her side, “it would be foolish, unwise, and down right stupid to attack. Day Terror herself is in that castle and I know of only two creatures that have fought her at close range and managed to get away. One of them is an Alicorn that moves the moon, and another is some kind of war demon alien sent from another universe.”

“Very well, I shall hold off on any direct attack for another week. But then I will seek council from Luna herself and then launch the assault on the castle and get our other princess back.”

The dust slowly began to settle as the last crumbling bits of door fell to the ground. The wall that had dropped down from the ceiling was unable to hold back my cunning and lightning fast wit.

“Oh don’t look so impressive Honored.” Quick Flurry said jokingly as he jumped through the ruble into the new room.

“Yeah, I could have knocked through that wall easily too, if I had a super alien weapon enhanced with magical bullets.” Battle Plan laughed as he trotted through the improvised doorway into the room beyond.

“Whatever! I worked hard on this!” I shouted at the ponies as they walked through the doorway, which I had made, using precision and determination to get through.

“Buddy, you said ‘open sesame’ and fired an entire clip into it.” Covert said nonchalantly while hoping through the hole.

“Forget y’all!” I screamed after them. Gilda simply smiled and nodded as she casually walked through into the room full of mysteries.

“So what's in here?” I ducked my head under the rocks and peered into the room. “Wow. That’s pretty cool.”

The room the group of explores stepped into was a room unlike any other they had seen before in the ruins of the Temple. A long wide room waited from them as they each entered into the stony interior. Carvings decorated each wall, depicting battles from all ages of the ancient human wars. Humans fighting alongside ponies and griffons, battling against dragons, hydras, and all sorts of monsters ripped right from ancient Greek myths. Each member of the group walked to their own sections of the room and looked over the detailed carvings. Save for the human.

The human wandered into the center of the room, focused on the carving on the floor which he was stepping on. It showed a warrior, covered head to toe in impervious armor, wielding a two handed sword that was set ablaze with fire. Dead dragons, hydras, manticores, other humans, and strange snake looking creatures covered the ground under the sword wielding human.

“Who were you?” Honored Service spoke to the carving as he walked along the pictures. More battles were shown, each one depicting a different human, but the sword remaining the same in each picture. The final carving etched into the floor showed a human crouched over a long black case, the sword sealed inside of it. “Hello what's this?” Honored crouched down to inspect the carving below him.

The human was holding a knife in one hand; pressing the blade into the other hand and a trickle of blood flowed out onto the black case. “Okay so either that seals it away, or opens it. But I think it’s safe to say that this sword is the Element of Protection.” The other members of the group slowly came back together around Honored.

“Did any of happen to find a black case?” Honored asked the group. A series of head shakes followed.

“Well I guess that would have been to convenient. Then let’s get out of here, at least now we know how to activate the Elements of Sanctuary.”

“And how’s that?” Hammer Strike asked, setting his hammer against a stone pillar in the corner of the room. It shifted ever so lightly as he rested the weapon against the ancient stone support column.

“Easy they just need-“


An ear-splitting crack sounded out through the entire room. Honored tucked and rolled to a crouched firing position, M16A2 aimed and ready to fire lethal rounds at whatever caused the sound. The group head’s all turned towards the column that the hammer had been rested against, the top of it swayed and swung to the side, striking against another column, a domino effect beginning, all the columns around the room collapsed, dust flying into the air, obscuring everyone’s eyesight.

I coughed; swallowing in deep lungful’s of dusty air. “Everyone stay put, don’t move till the dust settles.” I called out over the noise of the sill collapsing rocks and columns. “Everyone okay?”


“I’m fine.”

“Just cool.”


“Oh man, were going to die. I'm going to die, all of us. Die and nopony knows where we-“


“Thank you.”

“Okay so everpony is fine.” The dust began to settle and the flashlight on my rifle was able to begin to light the room up once more. Covert moved around and began to relight the torches around the room that hadn’t been knocked off the wall by the collapsing columns. Dim, flickering light began to illuminate the room as the rest of the dust finally settled to the ground.

“Well that’s exactly what I like to see.”

In the destruction of the columns, the carved walls all around the room had been broken open, and inside the walls filled with rocks, spiders webs, and dust rested six different sized night black cases. Each one sealed tight, waiting to be opened.

“Jack pot.” The smile on my face stretched from ear to ear as I walked towards a long black case resting in the near center of the room. A large five pointed star attached to a ribbon was carved onto the top of the black case. I was pulled right to it. I reached a hand out and placed it against the cold surface. “Hello there Element. I guess I should take back those things I said about you not existing.”

Covert and Gilda stepped up next to me, while Battle Plan, Hammer Strike, Quick Flurry, Sergeant Stand Bold, and Fresh Greens surrounded the black case in front of me, all watching me with wide eyes as I drew my wicked knife from its sheath and placed the magic dipped razor edge against my un gauntleted hand. I slowly drew the blade across my flesh and winced as the steel sliced through the soft tissue with ease.

Blood flowed from the cut and dripped onto the top of the black case. I placed my hand, palm down on the black box, covering the engraved star with blood.

A bright light filled the room as the box slid open, blinding us all.

A smile played on Luna’s lips as she felt a surge of magical energy rush through her body. That feeling, it was one that only could have come from an extremely powerful object with unbelievable magic properties.

“Good work human. Good work.” She kept her smile up and began to make plans to round up the Elements of Harmony. The final push on the castle would be soon. Then this war would be over. Day terror would be removed, the Nightmare would be extinguished, and Celestia would be rescued.

Everything would be back to normal. Well as normal as it could get with that crazy human running around.



Day Terror hurled the nearest shadow human into a wall, where it exploded like a fruit against the hard surface. “NO!” She screamed again, fire lashing out across the throne room, scorching the walls and tapestries hung around the large room. Day Terror was left panting on the scorched marble after she had felt the surge of some magical energy. That energy could only have come from one place. That damned human had made it to the Elements of Sanctuary. Her shadows had failed to reach them in time.

“That’s it. Maybe it’s time to bring the real fight to them.”

Day Terror summoned a spell up and fired it, causing her to shimmer like a mirror and creating a replica of herself. She sent the copy of herself to stand in front of the large castle window overlooking the market. It stood there and looked at the barricade of the Royal Guard on the other side of the street.

“There just watch that stupid ponies.” Day Terror nodded and then snuck her way down the stairs and towards the garden. The path was clear, and the fake Day Terror should keep the guards on watch from noticing the dark shape take off into the night.

“You want something done, do it yourself.” Day Terror grumbled to herself as the night air ripped around her. She glided through the air and off towards the distance, a long flight awaited her if she was going to catch that damn human and his gang of would be warriors.


“It’s empty.” I said starring at the box.

“WHAT!?” All the ponies shouted. Covert was staring in shock at me, while Gilda just opened and closed her beak.

“Nah I'm just messing with y’all.” I reached into the black case and drew a five foot sword hidden inside a scabbard. The scabbard was a metallic chrome sparkling in the dim light of the surrounding torches. I ran a hand along the polished metal and rested it on the hilt. A yellow star rested on the middle of the hilt at the cross guard. I slowly pulled the blade free from the scabbard.


The sword came out with a beautiful sound of metal scrapping metal. “Sparkle, sparkle.” I said aloud as the blade caught the light of the room. The five foot blade was deep red, reflecting the flames around the room. Small, complicated carvings that interwove with one another covered every inch of the blade. They seemed like strange tribal markings that wove around the blade.

A collective gasp traveled through the group as they all stared at the magical weapon. “Well what are you waiting for?” I looked around at the other ponies, “try and get the other one opens!”

Nopony made a move towards the five other black cases scattered around the rumble of the room.

“Honored,” Sergeant Stand Bold coughed, “we don’t know who the other elements belong to. Princess Luna thought she knew that.”

I stared at him dumbstruck. “You mean we came all this way.” I gripped the Sword of Protection tighter, “and we don’t know who gets these Elements?”

“Yea.” Quick Flurry said while kicking a hoof against a black case with a carving of a jagged lightning bolt. A lightning bolt that was very similar to the jagged one adoring his flank.

“Quick, look at your cutie mark and then look at that case.” I pointed the sword at the case resting next to the one winged pegasus.

“It has a lightning bolt, so what?” Quick Flurry looked at it, and kicked a hoof against the top of the sealed case. “It aint going to do nothing.”

I flicked my knife to him, where it stuck into the ground in front of him. “Only one way to find out. That’s the Element of Steadfast. And I’d say you're pretty steadfast to your friends.” I gestured to his stub of a wing on one side of his body, “I think that’s you.”

Quick Flurry looked back at the case and then back to me. “But what if I'm not.”

“But what if you are.” Battle Plan said, resting a foreleg over Quick’s shoulder. “You saved me from those shadows and lost a wing in the process. But you still stuck by me and continued to fight. You could have left me. You could have given up. But you didn’t. You’re the most dedicated friend I have.”

Flurry puffed up his chest and clapped his mouth around the handle of my knife. He glanced back at me and then back to Battle Plan. The unicorn nodded and Quick Flurry brought he knife down gently against his foreleg and let the blood flow onto the black case.

And for the second time that day, we were blinded by the pure white energy that rushed forth from the magical case.

“Keep it up human.” Luna smiled again as the wave of magic washed over her. Another Element found. Two down, four to go.

“No. This isn’t possible!” Day Terror pumped her wings faster as she rushed towards the distant land of Mythartica. Two of the six elements were already found. This human wouldn’t stop. “NO!” She yelled into the sky and she rocketed forward, propelled by a trial of sickly green and black fire through the night sky.

Everyone’s eyes readjusted from the bright, blinding light as Quick Flurry dove head first into the opened case. “Oh boy oh boy oh boy!” The pegasus said while rummaging into the chest to find his Element. “Neat.”

He pulled out a dagger. A pretty long dagger. It was about a foot and half long with a beautiful curve to it. It was decorated with a series of light yellow and orange gems crafted into the blade. Each one glowed with the faint aurora of magic held inside of them. The bladed came to a handle made of gold looking material with a grip that shimmered in the light. Quick Flurry tossed it from hoof to hoof before catching it in one hoof, where the handle then molded around his hoof so it was resting solidly in his grasp.

“That is pretty neat.” I pointed at him and raised my new magical long sword. Even though it was five feet long, it felt nearly weightless as our two blades tapped together. I looked to the next black case to see the symbol etched onto its top.

A circle with a wisp of flame coming off the top. I was a little stumped by this one. I looked at the ponies gathered to see if any of them had any type of flaming circle. None did. I looked closer. A black flame seemingly coming off the circle. Granted the symbols weren’t in color so it could be something other than a flame. But what looks like a flame… water dripping off the circle… darkness rising form the ground. A shadow. That emblem represent a shadow. Stealth.

“Covert!” I spun around and waved my hands at the third black case. “That one is yours! It has a kind of symbol that represents a shadow. And shadows are stealthy, you're stealthy.” I smiled and handed my knife over to him.

“Yeah.” He paused and looked towards the black case. “And if you're wrong then what?”

“Well I mean we’re here so why not give it a try? We came all this way so just a little prick, a splash of blood, and then we can move on even if it doesn’t work. Don’t let the fact that I haven’t been wrong yet sway you. I'm two and zero on the finding of the Elements.” I wiggled the knife at him, smiling.

“Fine. But only because I'm so stealthy does this actually make sense.” He took the knife and made a quick cut on his shadow hand, black liquid seeping out and dripping onto the case. We waited for a moment and nothing happened. “Well I tried-“

The third flash was just as bright as the first two.

“Keep going Honored. Half way there.” Luna’s heart was pounding in her chest to feel the pulse of the next three Elements. Once they were unlocked, Day Terror’s fun would be over and Nightmare would pay for his crimes.

“Halfway there. Prepare to die human. You and your precious new Elements.” Day Terror raced through the sky like a meteor. She rocketed across the desert and Everfree forest. She was determined to make sure those Elements stayed buried in the middle of Mytartica.

Covert was left standing in front of us gripping his hands around the shiny black scabbard of a long thin blade. A very katana like sword. It had a slight curve in the scabbard showing off the length and size of the blade. He placed a shadow hand on the grip and drew the blade. The silver blade slid out without making any noise. Silent. Stealthy. “Most impressive. No sound at all.” Covert spoke to himself as he admired the blade. He whisked it through the air, the silver flashing quickly, making no sound, nothing as it glided through the air. “It must be enchanted to make no noise at all.” He quickly disappeared from sight and reappeared next to a pile of rock. Picking one up, he sliced through the air and cut the rock in half with ease, but no sound came from the sword striking the rock, and no noise echoed the room as the two halves hit the floor. Perfectly silent.

Just like Covert.

The fourth case was propped up against the wall. I waved my flashlight on the rifle to it and looked right at the symbol etched into the front. “Well that’s not hard at all.” I was staring at large spade carved into the case. I looked back to Stand Bold and tossed him the knife.

“Now you just want me to cut myself.” He said mockingly while walking towards the case. “Spill my perfect pony blood to appease the human.”

This time we were ready for the fourth blinding light.

“Luna do you keep feeling that?” Twilight looked up from her book she was reading to the princess. “It’s some kind of surge in the magical field. I can’t place my hoof on it.”

“Yes Twilight, and I know what it is. It is nothing to be afraid of. It’s a good thing.” Luna had found the girls all resting in the library, lounging around the first floor. If it wasn’t for the few holes burned through the walls, one would almost think everything was perfectly normal in Ponyville. The lack of guards, the calmness that had settled over the town, and the fact that no shadows were falling from the sky, crashing into the land causing death and destruction made it seem if everything was perfect. Just like it was before Day Terror and Nightmare.

Rarity looked up from her garment she was sewing and tilted her head. “Did you feel that darling?”

“Curses to everything!” Day Terror hollered to the sky around her. Her wings screamed in protest as she flapped harder, trying to reach the damned human and the Elements. It would be too late. The human would have the Elements of Sanctuary and then. No.

She couldn’t think like that.

There was no hope for the human. He had never beaten her in a fight yet.

“So what exactly is this thing?” Sergeant Stand Bold lifted his weapon out of the black case. He turned around and showed it to us. I of course, being the greatest thing to happen in the fighting world since the sword, knew exactly what it was. Bold was holding a crossbow designed to be held by a pony. Well I assumed it was because it was shaped differently as to be held in the foreleg and not by a hand. It was constructed out of beautiful dark wood with a pitch black metal bow.

“It’s a crossbow.” I stated flatly. I wanted a cool crossbow. “It’s like a bow and arrow except compact and made easily to fire like one of my rifles.” I gestured to the way it was shaped. “You hold it in a foreleg and fire the bolt down range.”

A small quiver rested inside the case. A group of bolts lined the small pouch. Stand Bold lifted one out for us to see. “That’s pretty cool.” I said looking at the bolt. It was tipped with a pink diamond gem that glowed brightly when it was moved through the air. “I bet it does something cool.”

“ We'll just have to wait and see now, won't we?” Stand Bold said with a smile as he slung the crossbow over his shoulder and rested it along his side under his wing.

Hammer Strike stepped in front of me and held his hoof out to me. “What?” I asked. He merly motioned for my knife. “Why do you need that?”

He pointed the same hoof to the case behind me. I looked and saw a hammer engraved on the front. “Oh look at you, figuring things out.” I smiled and handed the knife to him.

“What if this one does not blind us?” Hammer asked as he placed a bloody hoof against the case.

“It will.” I smiled as I was proved right again.

Luna just smiled at Twilight as the bookish unicorn looked to the alicorn. “It’s alright Twilight, everything is going to be okay.”

Day Terror for once felt hopelessness as another wave of magic washed over her. “No.” She croaked out. “It won’t end like this. It can’t!”

“Well what do you know,” Hammer Strike said, his words muffled as his head was stuck inside the opened case, “it’s a hammer.” He pulled his head out and showed everypony gathered around the hammer clasped in his teeth. It was a massive sized hammer and yet he moved it with ease. It was longer than my broadsword and looked like it weighed a ton. It had a deep purple shaft leading up to a giant hammer which was solid diamond. Or at least looked like diamond. At the bottom of the shaft a large blue gem shined bright in the dim room.

“That thing looks wicked Hammer.” I said staring at the weapon. Hammer Strike reared back and lightly tossed the war hammer towards me. I reached out and caught it and crashed to the ground, the weapon pinning me down to the ground. I struggled under the weight of the hammer as it pinned me to the ground. Even with my increased strength I wasn’t able to shift the hammer at all. “Help-“ cough- “me.” I was struggling to breath under its weight.

Hammer jumped forward and pulled the hammer of me with ease. I coughed and sat up, shaking my head. “The fuck is that thing made of?” I stared at how ease it was for Hammer to wield the weapon, and yet I was unable to move it an inch, crazy fucking magic.

My eyes traveled from the hammer to the last black case. It was resting the farthest away from our group. I aimed the flashlight at it and slowly made my way towards it. The light reflected off its shiny black surface. “Alright who gets to cut themselves this time?” I wondered out loud as I held the knife out to other three reaming creatures that hadn’t received a weapon. Gilda, Fresh Greens, and Battle Plan. Each one of them shifted awkwardly at the thought of slicing themselves, but I thought it was worth it to get a super magical weapon and to have your Element of Sanctuary activated.

“Well considering the emblem on the case will decide, let’s take a look!” I stepped aside and smiled. The emblem was carved showing a pattern of squares, some very dark while the others where lighter color. A crisscross pattern of light and dark squares. Looking like a chess board. I smiled at Battle Plan who had a queen and king chess piece cutie mark. I wiggled the knife at him.

“Of bucking course it would be.” He grumbled and stepped forward to receive his new weapon at the cost of some blood.

“It is finished.” Luna looked to the Elements of Harmony that were seated around her. “Honored and his companions have done it. They have found the Elements of Sanctuary and will be able to help lead the attack on the castle. Day Terror will fall. And you girls will help.”

“How so princess?” Applejack asked from her seat across from Luna. “We are good in a fight, but nothing like the fighting that has been goin’ on here.”

“True Applejack,” Luna said before explaining her plan, “you six will wait until the path is clear and then you will make your way, guarded of course, to Day Terror. You will then blast her with the Elements just as you did me. This should cause the Nightmare to be separated from my sister and then Honored will do his thing.”

“Now you must die human.” Day Terror was panicking. She was nearly to the Temple, but it was too late. The sixth and final wave of energy had struck her, she knew it was too late. She had hoped to just intimidate the human into submission by killing off his little friends, but now they had the Elements. “I just hope I can kill that human.” Day Terror smiled as her horn exploded into light and she rocketed forward again towards the large crater in the middle of the landscape.

“And that is one awesome looking bow.” Gild whistled at the silver bow resting in Battle Plan’s magical aurora. It was long and curved with a glint of silver always shining off of it.

“Where are the arrows?” Battle plan looked into the case, but no arrows or quiver were anywhere to be found.

“Can I make a suggestion?” I raised my hand carefully. “May I hold it?”

“Think you can keep this one up?” Hammer Strike said quietly with a smirk.

“Haha real funny.” I flicked him off and took a hold of the bow. It felt light and it was perfectly crafted to fit into any hand, like the grip molded into the users hand, hoof, anything, you name it. I held the bow in front of me and gently placed my hand on the drawstring. As I began to pull back, an arrow made of magic faded into view resting on the notch and string. “And boom, there it is. It fires magical arrows Battle Plan.”

I let Battle Plan take the weapon back into his magical aurora. “How’d you know that?”

“Ancient myth from my planet. Figured it would be worth a shot here.” I smiled and looked around. We had them. All six Elements of Sanctuary. Day Terror was going down. “We did it y’all. Day Terror doesn’t stand a chance. Her or her shadows.”

"Care to put that theory to the test?"?”

The dark cool voice froze my blood as something struck me in the back and sent me hurtling across the room.

“Good bye human. Say hello to Fast Skies for me.”

I smashed into a wall and fell.




Author's Note:

Well readers, its that time. i leave in a few days for training and wont have my computer or anything to type with. I leave for 13 weeks. It will be a long 13 weeks, but once i return expect more chapters and a conclusion. i wanted to leave with a conclusion to this story, but i dont want to rush the glorious ending, and trust me, it will be one for the records.

Have a safe, cool summer readers. Enjoy it and ill be writing for y'all in no time.

Good bye for now,

Stay tolerating,
Stay loving,
Stay brony my friends,

-Pvt. Johnson US Army