• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 2,190 Views, 112 Comments

Spirit Detective: Sunset Shimmer - Blue Horizon

What should have been an easy snatch and grab before conquering Equestria, Sunset now finds herself working under a blue pony-tailed girl calling herself the Grim Reaper, and her boss: a toddler.

  • ...

Prologue: Floaty

"Sweetie Belle!"

Those two words hung in the air for Sunset, who groaned and clutched her head. Her eyes were sealed shut as an invisible force crushed down upon her from every direction while the sirens blaring in the background drowned out her drowns and whimpers. "Shut up," she whimpered. "Shut up." Her ears twitched and flopped at the various conversations and sparse screams and wails from behind her.

The tears that rolled down the side of her cheeks evaporated when they fell onto the strands of her fiery mane. The sirens continued to grow louder as they sped all around her. "I said-"

Sunset screamed.

She screamed like her heart exploded within her chest. Blood rushed throughout her chest then throughout her body. At least, that was what she thought. Her wails slowly died down, along with the sirens and everything else. When she opened her eyes, she found herself enveloped in a bright red bubble looking down at the sky.

A blink. Then another blink. An occasional tinted cloud drifted across the purplish sky. She clopped the side of her face and shook her head. "Wait..." She slowly brought her forelimb down in-front of her face. "My hooves!" She looked down along her chest, her furred chest, and ran her other fore-hoof up along her face until it met her horn. "Yes! I'm back, baby! Now they will-" Sunset blinked as she looked down at the sky again. "Where's the ground?!"

Sunset rolled over.

Dozens of teenagers where huddled together underneath Sunset with the occasional bright flashing from various phones. Several others stood around and happily conversed as they blocked a corner of the street from her sight. Sunset continued to look around and noticed Principal Celestia waving toward the police, or ambulance, with tears rolling down her cheeks. Splotches of red were splayed along a bus that had smashed into a traffic pole and there was a nearby stop sign bent awkwardly with a crimson puddle pooling on the ground. Flailing about, Sunset awkwardly swam to the group of people and touched her hooves on the ground.

The crowd parted for two emergency respondents and the gurney that trailed behind them. A yellowish tinted girl lay face down in the middle of the street, her normally immaculate red and gold hair disheveled, and lay still in a pool of blood. The leather jacket she loved had been shredded across her back while her left arm was bent in a very wrong way. Stuck in her other hand was the element of magic, her fingers locked around the embedded swirling purple star. Sunset felt her aura clutch the crown then gave it a hearty tug. Come on you stupid shit. With each tug, the crown didn't budge. "Give me my destiny!" The crimson bubble burst and all the nearby sounds her flooded her ears.

She could hear a distraught bus driver as he tried to explain to some cop that there was a bright flash of light then the girl was suddenly there.

She could hear the sounds of dozens of camera shutters going off, a few happily chatting on their phones, while Principle Celestia yelled to get the students to head into the school. A few yards to the side was the school's famous, and infamous, fashionista consoling her wailing younger sister as Vice-Principle Luna tried to usher them away somewhere more private.

Sunset stumbled backwards, falling onto her flank, slipping between a student’s legs. "But... I..." One of the respondents walked over to the body and shook his head. Unrolling a black tarp, he carefully covered her then lifted her onto the gurney. She watched as the crown seemingly dissolve while her body was carted away. "I can't be dead, I can't! What about my destiny! My ascension!"

"Well, I'm afraid that you are going to have to wait a little while longer for whatever you think is coming your way." Sunset's ears swerved to the young woman's voice coming from somewhere behind and above. "I have to say that unexpected deaths like this are a rare, once in a century type deal, or so I'm told, but normally they aren't, uh, unicorns?"

The ambulance carrying her body drove off into the street.

"Uhm, hello?" A young woman with long blue hair stylized in a ponytail floated down ahead of her riding a broom. Purple eyes scrutinized Sunset's form before she pulled a book from underneath the white sash she had wrapped around her light pink outfit. "Let's see, unicorns, unicorns, unicorns," she mumbled while flipping through the book. "Nope, not a thing! Well, I guess there is a first time for everything, I suppose. I have to say, you look so adorable like this!" She slid the book back underneath her sash then reached out and petted Sunset's mane. "And super soft too, I wish my hair was this soft. So do you got a name, unicorn?"

Sunset blinked. "I, but, who are you?"

"Botan's the name. Guide to the River Styx is the game. Though some call me the Grim Reaper, others, of a more melodramatic sort, call me Death itself." She leaned in close to Sunset "I really hate those names, but it's not like I can tell everyone to quit using them... so it is what it is, and that's who I am." She leaned back and tilted her head slightly with a smile and held a hand out. "Nice to meet'cha!"

Sunset's eye twitched. She felt a shiver run along her spine and through her horn. With a hoof, she pushed the hand away. "Look, lady, I just died and you say 'nice to meet'cha', and with a smile! I mean, just, what? That's not how this is supposed to work, that's not how any of this is supposed to work! I am Sunset Shimmer! The prodigy who hatched a phoenix as a filly, the student who amazed the Princess of the Sun to the point where she was taken in, and taught personally in the castle." She repeatedly stomped her hooves on the ground. "Where are my wings, where is my crown?!"

"Hmm, Sunset Shimmer." Botan tapped her chin. "Where have I heard that name before?" Botan closed the book and reopened it, running her fingers through various pages. "Ah, here we go! Sunset Shimmer, 24-year old. Born in Canterlot, this area always uses weird names," she added with a whisper, "let's see, says you're crude and violent, impatient and reckless, with sticky fingers and an ego that is only matched by her brain. Fighting, extortion, thievery, gambling, alcoholic, and, wow! An arms dealer too! A real devil, ain'tcha? But..., it says you're living in Europe with your girlfriend, so what are you doing here?"

"Lady, do I look like a 24-year-old arms dealer to you? I can't even buy alcohol here! Kinda obvious I'm not her, so can we just, I don't know, move on with whatever you're actually here for?"

"Yep, definitely impatient!" She said with a laugh. Sunset stomped a forehoof and growled out. "Oh, aren'tcha just adorable? But, if I am to be completely honest with you, I haven't gotten a clue! That Sunset Shimmer isn't supposed to die for at least a few decades, so no place in heaven or hell has been set aside for her yet, and like you said, you're clearly not her either so... since we can't really do anything with you, you can either lull around as a ghost here for the next few decades until we have a place for you, or you can take a test to come back to life! Really, you've fallen through all the cracks, even down in the underworld! Especially the underworld... way too much paperwork if you ask me. Glad that's not my job!"

"No... no buckin' place for me?!" For a brief moment, Sunset was glad she didn't have canines anymore, they'd be ground flat by now. She could feel steam coming from her ears and face. "You're telling me that my death from swapping places with that little brat wasn't even... on your schedule! That everything I just did was pointless! That you didn't even know who I am!"

"Well," she rubbed the back of her head, "you're not one who takes bad news very well but... Sweetie Belle wasn't actually going to get run over. She was going to trip over the roll of silk she dropped and actually go completely under the bus. She'd have a few scrapes on her legs, arms and face, but that's about it. So, like you just said, your death was totally pointless! You do a nifty trick then woosh, bam, splat, you're dead. For all those brains, that was a pretty moronic move!

"Now, before you get all in a tizzy, like I said before, I'm here to give you a test so you can come back to life! This totally isn't without precedent, like yourself, sometimes things just fall through the cracks. And while I am totally new to the idea, just like you are, an accident like this does occasionally happen. And can you blame us? There's seven billion people here, and that's just on this world, in this realm! Do you have any idea how much paperwork that is? Now, I know you won't rest in peace with your current state, even if there was a place for you. So you really have nothing to lose by taking it and it's not a bad deal anyway. You come back to life, maybe continue with your cool magic tricks, and give good ol' destiny a hard kick in its nethers. So, what do you say?"

Sunset took a deep breath in, closed her eyes, and exhaled. She felt her heartbeat slowdown as she processed what the supposed grim reaper had said. A new chance at life? With whatever magic the element had given her? It was worth taking. Especially when she could show up that wannabe princess who stole her spot. Speaking of fake princesses, Sunset opened her eyes and scanned the crowd around them, turning left and right looking for an awkward standing or bumbling purple teenager, but she wasn't there. strange, I know she saw what happened. It didn't matter to her though, not anymore. She looked up at Botan and nodded. "I'll take your stupid test, just tell me what I need to do."

"Excellent!" Botan clapped her hands. "I've always wondered what these tests were like. Though, I'm quite curious, why did you save the girl anyway. It's clear that you have no interest in her, or anyone here, not really. So why'd you do it Sunny?"

"I..." Sunset hesitated. Why did she save the brat? She hated her sister for trying to run against her a year ago. She humiliated her, made an example of what it meant to go up against Sunset Shimmer. Everything was just a means to an end. So why? What was it that compelled her to swap spots and save Sweetie Belle? Sunset looked at the two who had collapsed near the portal. Sweetie's purple and pink hair flattened across her elder sister's tear stained chest, who stared blankly into the street while Luna stood behind her patting her back. "I don't really know." Sunset looked up at Botan. "And Sunny? Really? I'm not a filly anymore."

"Filly? Oh I bet you were just a wonderful cute little filly. Now, I'll need you to get on, we have a brief flight we have to make before we can begin your test!"

Author's Note:

Cue theme music! Smile Bomb

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this little blast from the past! If you have any comments, tips, suggestions, fixes, or just want to tell me I suck, feel free to leave them below! I'd love to read them all; the good, bad, and the ugly.

I also want to thank everyone who helped finally convince me to hit the submit button. Enjoy.