• Published 4th Aug 2018
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Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.10 - Joke’s On You, Pt.1 - Trekking into Trouble

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 10
Joke’s On You, Pt.1 - Trekking into Trouble

“I must say; when Nica told us you want to explore the Everfree Forest with me, I thought it was a joke,” Fleetfoot admitted as she drifted atop the wind’s current, allowing her to get a good look at the cloaked creature sitting on her back. “A little pokemon like you doesn’t look anything like an adventuring type to me. If I were your size, I’d be terrified. Imagine how easy it’d be to get crushed by a massive monster or collapsing tree. Although, I heard you’re pretty tough.” She grinned before joking, “On the other hoof, if you’re really a ghost, you would fit right in. They would change the name to ‘Haunted Everfree Forest.’ Hehe, has a nice ring to it. Gotta write that down before somepony else tries to take the credit.”

The middle part of Mimikyu’s costume rolled its eyes at the annoying pegasus’ rambling before a shadowy, spectral hand emerged from under his costume, pointing at a small path nestled among the trees.

“You want to explore on hoof, or uh, on ghost power or whatever, fine with me, but we better hurry. Dash promised Spitfire she’d introduce us to the other pokemon in Ponyville, and the captain sure hates waiting.”

Mimikyu leaped from his raid’s back, now moving side by side the Wonderbolt. Every movement among the bushes filled him with a primal excitement, hoping some sort of monster would emerge to greet them. Worst case scenario, he would enjoy exploring this dangerous forest, as its gloomy atmosphere was certainly inviting, or at least for him. Best case scenario, his Wonderbolt companion would have… an unfortunate encounter with a beast, accidentally ‘falling before an angry Manticore.’ A broken leg as revenge for Nica sounded very appealing. He grinned. No matter the outcome, it was going to be a win-win scenario.

“Come on Spitfire, put your back into it!” Pikachu cheered as he anchored his rear feet against the flyers aerodynamic flight suit. His forepaws were wrapped against her neck in a choking vice grip. Spitfire ducked and weaved throughout the air while his tail and ears flapped wildly in the wind. I may be familiar with riding fast-flying pokemon, but those Wonderbolts have some insane speed behind them. Even previous foes attempting to throw me off during battle are easier to hold onto than these guys. Still, I can’t deny that I enjoy the challenge. He grit his teeth and squinted his eyes as his ride became even faster. Uh oh, I immediately regret my decision!

Just glancing to the left alone proved to be a struggle as he peeked over at Rainbow Dash, or rather at the plump mouse holding on for dear life whose face was frozen in an expression of pure concentration. Her own set of paws were wrapped around Dash’s midsection, rather than digging them into her neck for a better grip. With both Wonderbolts racing each other, he and Nica ended up playing a game called ‘keep your paws on or fall very, very, very far down.’ The name was still a work in progress.

Pikachu’s attention zeroed in on the long tail flapping violently against the wind. If there’s something I learned about her thus far, it is how versatile her tail is. Surely a tail-fencing master like her could use it to keep herself from being shaken off… so why? The pupils in his eyes shrank into thin pinpricks in the realization. I bet since I can’t use my own tail to keep myself from falling off, she refuses to use her own. Ugh, I don’t know whether to be touched or annoyed. She’s too kind and fair for her own good.

He tilted his head, now looking at his own paws which desperately clung to the costume, his muscles tense and starting to ache at the constant use. The fabric stretched to its limit as he held on through each twist and turn atop Spitfire’s back.

“Sorry boss, but no matter how fast you think you can fly, you have no chance against my ‘Sonic Rainboom,'” Dash bragged, adopting a smug smirk.

“Now now, let's not get overconfident. I have an ace of my own, rookie. You're about to learn why they call me Spitfire,” the captain declared as both Wonderbolts started staring at each other with competitive grins.

“It’s on!” both pegasi shouted before darting up to gain height, causing Pikachu and Nica an extra struggle against both the rushing wind and gravity. The mares began a deathly dive mere seconds later.

“Hold on tight, Pikachu! This ones gonna be rough,” Nica warned while tightening her grip.

Pikachu wasn’t taking any chances. He clenched his adjusted forepaws and miniscule rear legs against the suit, only to soon bite down on the stretchy fabric for additional support. One of his eyes remained open as Spitfire truly lived up to her name. Wild flames burst alive from within her mane, dancing atop the pegasus’ body. Her tail trailed behind, leaving a breathtaking streak of shimmering orange throughout the air. Pikachu had to admit, it really was amazing. The speed of the flyer tripled while the air boiled from her daredevil descent. A few scattered beads of sweat started dripping down his face from the increasing temperature.

From the corner of his vision, Pikachu caught a flash of multicolored light unfurling amidst the atmosphere, as Rainbow Dash sped past her senior, leaving the team eating her rainbow-streaked dust.

“Catch ya’ later, slowpokes!” Dash howled against the wind, a cheeky smile plastered on her face. A few solitary tears trickled back, from how fast the two ponies were racing across the sky.

Numerous droplets escaped Pikachu’s eyes as well and were torn away by the relentless current of wind. Despite holding the pegasus with all his strength, his little paws were slowly losing their grip while his gums began stinging from the constant pressure of his grinding teeth. The moment Spitfire shot above a valley of trees with a sharp right turn, he lost his hold and fell off the captain’s back, rocketing towards the ground and landing with a deafening thump.

The earth trembled and clouds of dust crept along the terrain. Two trees were bent at an awkward angle and had deep scars with Pikachu-shaped holes amongst their outside bark.

Pikachu’s entire body throbbed from the rough landing, and continued to pulse in agony. His limbs were buried under a massive amount of dirt, and a couple scrap pieces of bark from the broken pines. In his muddled mind, he had no clue whether seconds or minutes had passed, but one thing was certain; he was now laying stunned in a massive crater. He brushed through his fur with his paws, wiping away the soil and fragments of wood caught from the crash.

“Oh no, are you okay?”

He looked towards the source of the concerned voice echoing above his head. Spitfire’s head, now doused of their previous flames, peeked into the ditch Pikachu was currently residing in. “Y-yea… I’m fine.” He poked the collar on his neck and sighed in relief. It was still in one piece and working. He leapt from the crater, landing next to the Wonderbolt.

“I’m terribly sorry for my reckless behavior. I should have focused on your safety as top priority over winning a silly race… not that I won, but that’s unimportant. Although, that fall certainly was something. Could even be an academy record.”

“Hehe, great,” Pikachu muttered with an audible tension in his voice. I want to go down in the history books, but not for having one of the best fails! My friends would never let me live down the embarrassment. Ignoring her questioning gaze, he continued, “It’s alright. I’ve crashed into solid stone with much more force than a simple fall. Still, you’re incredibly fast. In a battle you’d be nearly uncatchable!” He raised his head proudly and puffed out his chest, while attempting to hide the multitude of bruises and scratches littered around his battered body. “I’ve held onto countless pokemon who’ve tried to shake me off, and trust me, despite my small appearance my grip is quite strong when needed.”

“Can’t deny that,” Spitfire admitted with a look of admiration. “I may not be able to keep up with a legendary Sonic Rainboom, but with my secret technique I can soar among the clouds faster than any other pegasi. You held on really long against such speeds.”

“Finally, there you guys are! We’ve been looking all over!” Dash bellowed before thrashing through the crooked branches, landing in front of them with a loud thud.

Nica withdrew her tail which was wrapped securely around Dash’s midsection, and jumped onto the solid ground. Within moments she had the stunned Pikachu coddled in her grasp. “Are you feeling alright? Did you injure yourself during the crash?”

“Only a few bruises, but nothing too bad,” Pikachu responded nonchalantly before placing his forepaws on his hips. “I see you somehow managed to hang on despite Rainbow Dash flying twice as fast as my ride. You used your tail, didn’t you?”

“Y-yes… sorry about that,” Nica whispered, hanging her head in shame. Already, Pikachu felt a crushing sensation of guilt on his shoulders for upsetting his kind and caring guardian.

“Stop being sorry, it’s not a competition. I’m glad you didn’t crash as I did. It certainly isn't an experience I’d recommend.”

Nica gave a relieved smile, before curiously running her eyes back over the ditch created from Pikachu’s landing. “Interesting…”

“Interesting?” Pikachu questioned. “What is?”

“N-nothing…” Nica blurted out, furtively glancing back at her own copper-dipped forepaws.

Pikachu looked at his creation of a crater before saying, “Let me guess, you crashed into the ground at one point as well and this crater is a reminder of that.”

Nica gasped. “H-how did you know? I don’t think I’ve mentioned that to you before.”

“So I was right,” Pikachu stated as he approached his taller friend. “You once mentioned something about being hungry, thirsty and hurt when you first arrived in Equestria, and Dash added something about plummeting towards the ground if I remember correctly. Did it involve a powerful crash into the dirt? One similar to my crater?”

Nica nodded and then pointed at the wide hole. “When I ended up in Equestria… I made a crater three, or maybe even four times bigger. I know I’m heavier and all, but it seems the speed at which I hit the ground was a tad extreme.” She chuckled nervously and rubbed back of her neck. “L-let’s just say that when it comes to traveling between dimensions and stuff… magic is way safer and less lethal than what Palkia has to offer. His methods are a bit outdated.”

“R-really?” Pikachu said, with Spitfire joining in moments later, her mouths agape in surprise.

Nica nodded and stroked her chin, her face displaying pure concentration. “Hmm, now that I think about it, my landing certainly wasn’t the worst part. My body accumulated a lot of damage when I was transferred into this world, already dehydrated before even reaching my final destination. If I’m recalling this accurately, my durability is one of the main reasons why I was first selected for the mission to stop Darkrai. According to Palkia, almost no pokemon can successfully survive such travel; Even legendary pokemon can have struggles with this form of transportation.”

Pikachu raised forepaw towards the sky while dancing on the tips of his rear paws, like a child striving to attract the teachers attention in school. Without waiting to be called on, he blurted out, “What about me! Do you think I would survive?”

Nica gave him a questioning glance.

“Hehe, j-just curious.” He watched in disappointment as the Raichu sent him a grim expression and shook her head, sending a clear message. The odds would not be in his favor if he were to go through Nica’s trial. He pushed away any trace of envy and smiled cheerfully, with true joy lighting up his features. “I suppose I should consider myself pretty lucky. Not only was my arrival in Equestria painless, I was blessed with a lovely guardian like you to show me around and get me settled in this new world. You didn’t get such luxury when you first arrived.” Before he could react, he found himself pressed against her soft padding, constricted in one of Nica’s signature hugs.

“Oh, I’m so glad I was able to help! Anything I could do to make your stay more pleasant was top priority, especially with you all as our guests. Well, I guess I’m technically a guest too, but that doesn't matter.” She poked her tongue out and let a short set of vibrant giggles escape into her copper colored paws. “If you or another one of Ash’s pokemon ever need anything, just say the word. I’ll be there in a heartbeat.” Nica released him and looked around, observing her new surroundings. “I’m pretty sure we ended up in the Everfree Forest. Where should we go next for our ‘Day Of Fun?’”


“Whew, finally. I found you!” Starlight wheezed as she pushed herself through a few scattered bushes, gifting the shrubs a few lone patches of fur as she passed by. A few crinkled leaves and branches were stuck on her adventurous hat.

Rainbow Dash looked at Starlight and asked, “Uh, why are you dressed up like Daring Do? And don’t you hate the woods?”

“Oh, well, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to hang with Nica and her new friend, Pikachu, so I decided to suck it up. Besides, I bet with you two it’ll be a blast.” She gave them a friendly wink and continued, “This, Twilight gave to me when I told her I’m going on an adventure with Nica. It’s for a Daring Do cosplay. Something about looking the part, and an Au-E-Zop-Tal? I stopped listening pretty fast, but I managed to sneak out the back before she began gathering her notes for a full-blown summary.” She levitated away the leaves and branches intertwined within her new costume hat before shivering in mock horror. She dropped the rubble off to the side, and then poked her horn in demonstration. “But thankfully, there’s a hole for the horn. There might even be some slits for wings in the back.”

Pikachu pushed his face away from the fuzzy belly to look at the pegasi with an inviting smile. “Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, would you like to join us on our adventure?”

“You bet!” Dash paused in hesitation after receiving a disapproving glare from her captain. “Actually, I promised the team to introduce them to the other pokemon that arrived in Ponyville. They’ve been pretty interested.”

Spitfire nodded. “Best of luck on your quest through the forest. Also, expect some gifts stored within your room sometime later today. It was the least we could do after how horribly we treated you.”

“You know you don’t need to give me any apology gifts,” Nica lectured before releasing her hero. She turned to the captain and tapped her forepaws together. “N-not that I won’t appreciate them. I just don’t want you to spend your hard earned bits on someone like me. I’d rather you get something for yourself.”

Pikachu trotted towards Spitfire, leaped towards her head and whispered in her perked ears, “If you fought against those past invading pokemon and defeated them, you must be capable of fighting.” He clenched his forepaw. “Can we have a fight later today? Nothing too serious, just to test out each others strengths.”

“You kidding? Even If those Raichu were way weaker than you and Nica, I wouldn’t stand a chance on my own. We simply weren’t raised with the same mentality to fight.” Spitfire spread her wings and gestured over her own uniform. “We had a number advantage, our flight suits have heavy resistance to electricity, and pegasus biology helps us handle weather hazards like lightning, wind and cold better than any earth pony or unicorn. Even with those advantages I doubt I would win.”

“In that case, how about I face the three of you?” Pikachu suggested, not missing the spark alight in the captain's eyes.

“I’ll… consider it,” Spitfire mumbled before giving Nica a cheeky smile. “It was nice meeting you, Nica. I hope we can work as a team one day. Teamwork is the best way to get to know each other.” She flew up and saluted, as did Rainbow Dash.

“Teamwork always sounds like a win to me.” She stood on the tips of her rear paws and saluted. Moments later, she enthusiastically waved goodbye at the retreating pegasi as they become nothing more than mere dots among the horizon.

Pikachu’s ears perked up at Nica’s voice as he glanced at her with a goofy grin plastered across his face. Teamwork… with Nica! Oh, I’m so excited, I just can’t wait.

Nica was propped up against an old, withered tree. Beside her, a small ditch of a neon green substance illuminated the surrounding forest, dispersing the shadows that crept among the Everfree’s depths. Her attention was locked on a massive beast crafted seemingly from stone. It was an alarming length, though its speed was not impacted as it leapt forward to deliver a crushing blow on Pikachu. He responded to the attack and dodged backwards just in time, narrowly missing the beast’s rugged teeth.

“Pikachu, fight back with ‘Electro Ball!’” Starlight commanded, once again taking the role of a trainer. “Your opponent is big and slow, hitting it will be a breeze!” A large red book levitated by her side, filled to the brim with knowledge about the wood’s most dangerous creatures.

Pikachu repeated his name in concentration a few times before swinging his tail, throwing an ‘Electro Ball’ at the monster. It was thrown back in an explosion of electricity, ending up within another pit of the green goo.

Starlight pulled out her book for a quick reference, turning pages before stopping at a specific picture. “Ah ha! This creature is called a Cragadile. While its armour is impenetrable, like solid steel, it can still move very fast in situations when angered, although not often. It’s usually a slow beast that depends on its jaw to protect or attack other residents of these woods. Their maw is strong enough to easily crush through stone, either delivering a killing blow or leaving critical wounds. Apparently, they're also extremely territorial.”

Nica glanced at the large book and said, “Pity you don’t have a device like a pokedex. It would make gathering data about the creatures of this world much more efficient.”

Pikachu peeked back at the emerging monster, whose rock-like, armored back was now coated by a large burn, sparks of static still dancing among the scorch mark. Whew. Even though this beast has a very strong defense, lightning still seems to affect it. I would be in big trouble if things didn’t work out so well. Green droplets dripped down its body, sliding the way water would among plastic. He looked at his guardian and asked, “Hey, Nica, wanna fight it instead? It’s really fun!”

“I’ll… pass.”

Pikachu turned to her and rolled his eyes at the Raichu positioned behind him. “Oh come on. First Timberwolves, then a Manticore, and now a Cragadile. I hoped we could have this adventure together, yet thus far only I and Starlight have had the share of fighting.” His speech was cut short as an alarming clink made his ears perk up. The beast's claws scraped against the stone ground, recovering from its earlier attack. Pikachu simply basted it with a powerful ‘Thunderbolt’ and returned to the conversation. A multitude of burns now covered its face as well.

Nica watched dejectedly as the large beast lumbered away, no longer interested in defending its territory. “The thing is, while I really enjoy a good adventure, I would rather avoid fighting. All those creatures living here, despite their scary appearances, are no match for veterans like us. I can’t bring myself to fight such unfair battles.”

Straight looked at her in confusion. “Isn’t this considered self-defense? They’re attacking us after all.”

“Because we’re intruding on their territory and look pretty tasty to the creatures living here,” Nica answered. “These animals aren’t even pokemon. I don’t think they enjoy fighting like we do, much less benefit from it. Besides, they don’t have Pokemon Centers to heal in. They’re forced to recover naturally, which could leave them open to real attacks from other beasts in the forest.”

“Fair point.”

“Oh, right, I should’ve taken your personality into consideration. Not all pokemon enjoy fighting as much I do.” Pikachu smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “What’s your idea of a fun adventure then?”

Nica rubbed her chin. “I suppose exploring is fun, as long as it doesn’t involve hurting-.” Her ears perked up, cutting her off as a slight, but unnatural noise caught her attention. A menacing rustling was originating behind her. Her training kicked into action as she launched herself to the side, just missing being captured by a sly tendril of thorny vines. With one missing its target, multiple more popped out of the surrounding underbrush, each protracted twice as long as her tail. She sent a burst of power into her extra appendage to shield herself from the flurry of incoming attacks while turning back to look at Pikachu. “How about we simply evade all the dangerous monsters with our agility while we explore. It’ll be fun!”

“Works for me,” Pikachu responded with a satisfied smile. He leapt left and right on his tiny feet, avoiding the spiked thorns embedded into the moving creepers.

“I’ll play along,” Starlight added as she lit her horn, summoning a magical barrier to protect herself. “I must say, the creatures from the Everfree Forest seem to be getting extremely aggressive in recent days, not to mention those hostile vines. I hope it’s nothing serious though. My mentor Twilight had enough world-threatening disasters for a lifetime.”

Nica stood on tip of her rear foot, using it to backflip the moment more tendrils darted after her. She landed on a large vine and sprinted on it as if it was a bridge, careful not to step on any sharp points. “Now this is what I call fun.” Jumping from one plant to the next, the angered ramblers stalked after her, darting this way and that for her every move. She avoided them easily, stepping atop a few little pricks as she weaved around the thicket, nothing she couldn’t ignore. A toothy grin enveloped her once gloomy expression.

Pikachu took her example in stride, taking two jumps for each single one she took. “You said it.” He leaped from one vine to another, evading their every attempt to grab and constrict around him. He yelped the moment his rear feet made contact with a stray thorn or two, too small to resist the sharp points.

After what seemed like a lifetime of dodging and weaving amidst the angered tendrils, the trio approached an open clearing, away from the doom and gloom of the Everfree. Baby blue flowers were sprinkled among the clearing, reflecting the sky’s gentle light.

Nica’s eyes sparkled in delight as her mouth hung agape in admiration. “So… beautiful.” Upon seeing that Pikachu had approached the bed of flowers to examine them, she took his example, carefully stepping on her two feet between each flower, trying not to damage a single one. While the fragrance of the flowers didn’t impress her much, the blue color and appearance was stunning, immediately becoming a favorite for the kind-hearted Raichu. Glancing quickly over at her friends embraced within the charming nature, an idea bloomed in her mind. She took a deep calming breath, gathering courage, before picking up the best flower in her reach. With hesitant steps, she made her way towards her hero and whispered, “Pikachu.”

“Yes?” Pikachu asked, looking away from the flowers. He stood up on his two feet and gazed up at her curiously.

Once close enough, she stopped and gulped, ignoring the pounding of her heart in her chest. She slowly raised the flower and gently attached it to his ear. “A wonderful flower for a wonderful Pikachu.” She smiled. “It looks really good on you.”

Pikachu blushed before picking a flower of his own, not one to be outdone. He stood on the tips of his little rear feet and stretched his forepaws to deliver his own.

Understanding the gesture, Nica lowered her head, allowing her friend to tuck a blue flower behind her ear.

Both pokemon laughed cheerfully at one another and shared a knowing look. Soon, they had gathered a bouquet of flowers and walked towards Starlight.

“This book is all about the fauna of the Everfree Forest, but there’s no information about flora. I can’t find anything in this tome regarding these blossoms.”

With an enthusiastic jump, Nica and Pikachu landed on Starlight’s back and climbed onto her head, pulling away her adventure hat. They placed similar blue flowers behind her ears, and sprinkled a couple atop her hat, replicating the look of a flower crown.

Nica climbed down towards Starlight’s back with the head gear wrapped by her tail.

Starlight rubbed the flower with her forehoof and then looked at her passengers, sporting a mischievous smirk. “Flower decorations. That’s a neat idea, but I think we can do better.” With the help of her magic, Starlight carefully lowered both pokemon onto the grass and then levitated multiple more blossoms onto their heads. She followed up with two beams of blinding magic as both pokemon covered their eyes.

Nica opened one eye, and then another, quickly looking at the small bouquet of blue flowers attached to Pikachu’s right ear. She felt something similar decorating her left ear. Nica said, “I must say, I’m enjoying myself. I hope you’re having fun too.”

“Of course I am,” Pikachu said with a nod.

“Yup,” Starlight added with an enthusiastic tone as she reattached her hat.

Nica looked around at the frightful sights, not feeling intimidated in the least with her two pals here by her side. “So, once we’re done exploring this place, what will we do next?” She clapped her forepaws in excitement, already imagining hundreds of fun scenarios.

Pikachu grinned. “Pinkie once mentioned a place called Yakyakistan that’s located in the Frozen North, filled with very prideful and violent creatures called Yaks. When I asked how to get there, she told me Princess Cadence from the Crystal Empire can lead the way. I was thinking we could…”

“Yak smash!”

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