• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,774 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Fluttershy: Kindness and Steel

Tempest sized up Fluttershy and immediately wrote her off as a pushover. The girl refused to meet the agent's eyes, and was trying to hide behind her long pink hair. Already scared and Tempest hadn't even asked a question yet.

Luna leaned forward and took Fluttershy's hand. “It's all right, Fluttershy. Just answer Agent Shadow's questions and it will be okay.”

Fluttershy squeaked and nodded. Luna looked back at Tempest and gave her a nod of her own.

“All right,” Tempest began. “You are a member of the Rainbooms, correct?”


“And what is your role in the band?”

“I... I do backup vocals and some songwriting.”

“And you were playing with the band during the Battle of the Bands?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“What can you tell me about the light show your band projected during the finals?”

“We were surprised we made it into the finals, and Rainbow Dash felt we needed something to stand out. We talked to DJ-PON3 and she agreed to help us out.”

“Why were you surprised you made it into the finals?”

“Our semi-final song didn't exactly... um... go well.”

The corner of Tempest's mouth rose slightly. “Would this be because Sunset Shimmer interfered with your performance?”

Fluttershy's head shot up. “That wasn't her fault! She was trying to help us!”

“Ruining your performance was helping?”

Fluttershy's eyebrows came together. “Other students were already trying to sabotage us. Sunset Shimmer was trying to get them to stop. It's not her fault she wound up on stage and interrupted us.”

“Good thing you were allowed to move onto the finals then, wasn't it?” Tempest asked.

“Maybe,” Fluttershy replied.

Tempest jotted down a note. “And you won the Canterlot Mall Chance to Prance contest.”

“Yes, we did. We split the prize money with some girls from Crystal Prep. We donated our share to Camp Everfree.”

Tempest's smile returned. “Let's talk about Camp Everfree. I talked to Filthy Rich... do you know him?”

“Um... I saw him while we were at Camp Everfree. He's a land developer, isn't he?”

“Yes. Mr. Rich mentioned your original fundraiser you held out there. He also said he spotted some unusual vines sprouting on the grounds of the camp. You wouldn't happen to know anything about those, would you?”

“I'm more into animals,” Fluttershy answered. “But Gloriosa Daisy did say they were having some issues with kudzu that week at the camp. That might have been it. I don't know for sure.”

“Do you know anything about the cave at the nearby quarry?”

“That's where we held our first fundraiser. We set up a party and a stage so we could perform for the Camp Everfree alumni.”

“By 'we,' you mean the Rainbooms?” Tempest asked.

Fluttershy nodded. The agent nodded in response.

“Do you like being in the band?”

Fluttershy blinked, the question taking her off guard. “Yes, I do. We have fun.”

Tempest smiled again. “I hope you'll excuse my impertinence, but that surprises me. You don't really seem like the type who'd enjoy being on stage.”

“I'm... trying new things. The other girls help with that.”

“Even Sunset Shimmer?” Tempest leaned forward slightly.

“Yes, even Sunset. Why would you ask that?”

“From what I understand, until the night of the gas leak, she was something of a terror around here. Did she ever bully you?”

Fluttershy swallowed and hid behind her hair again. Tempest kept a triumphant grin off her face. There it is.

“So, she did,” the agent began. “And now you're friends with her. Seems a little odd. I would think that once she changed, you'd want to stay away from her.”

“She was just lonely and misguided. After the... gas leak explosion, she was lost and trying to find a new path in life. We decided to help her.”

“You and the other Rainbooms,” Tempest stated.

“Yes,” said Fluttershy.

“Even Twilight Sparkle?”

Fluttershy frowned. “We hadn't met her yet. She was still at Crystal Prep.”

“I see.” Tempest leaned back in her chair. “You must be a very forgiving person. If I was in your position with someone who used to bully me, I'd either give them a wide berth or maybe have it out with them.”

Fluttershy's frown deepened, but she didn't reply.

“How could you even be sure she actually had changed?” Tempest pressed. “People like that usually fake changing just to get closer to --”

Fluttershy bolted to her feet, startling the agent. Her eyes were wide and angry. Tempest found herself swallowing under the penetrating gaze.

“You don't know anything!” Fluttershy snapped. “Sunset is a good person and a good friend! She didn't start off that way, but she's become much better and I am sick and tired of people like you, who don't know what she's done or what she's been through, coming here and making snide remarks about how it's all an act! Well, let me tell you something, Agent Shadow, you could search the entire world and you wouldn't find a truer friend than Sunset Shimmer! And it sickens me to think that you're so jaded about humanity that the idea of basic human kindness can't possibly exist without some ulterior motive! It's cynical, it's callous, and frankly, it tells me more about you than it does about her!”

The angry girl turned to Luna. “May I go back to class, Vice Principal Luna? I don't want to answer any more questions right now.”

Luna glanced at Tempest, who was still staring dumbfounded at Fluttershy. “Yessss... I think that would be for the best, Fluttershy. I'm sure if Agent Shadow has any further questions, we can talk about them when we've all had a chance to calm down.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, the anger was gone, replaced by her usual meekness. “Thank you, Vice Principal Luna.”

Fluttershy walked to the conference room door. Tempest shook herself out of her stupor and leaned forward. “We're not done here, Miss Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy's head whirled around and Tempest felt the stare boring back into her.

“I think we are, Agent Shadow.”

She disappeared through the door, letting it close firmly behind her. Tempest blinked and glared at Luna, who simply smiled back.

“Who would you like to talk to next, Agent Shadow?”

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