• Published 15th May 2017
  • 2,746 Views, 289 Comments

Samudra's Journal - vren55

On the fall of a Seapony Empress. Pre-equel to Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress

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Entry 61: It was the kelpies

It’s the kelpies.

I… I can’t believe it. It’s the kelpies. They’ve somehow taken to walking on land. We fought a group today and overpowered them. From what I could tell of the bodies, they were kelpies, armored seaponies, except with added legs.

Oh the legs were a bit clumsy. They weren’t quite large enough to carry the armored body of a kelpie as they were based off of ponies. Still, the fact that kelpies could now walk on land is… astounding to say the least.

To explain everything diary, I need to tell you how we managed to find the kelpies.

We’ve had no leads for some time, so Chamelia came up with a plan to lure and ambush the attackers, whomever they were. The original plan was to use Chamelia as bait, but Thera volunteered. She had a lot of spells put on her to protect, but also to enable her to escape should the need arise. Teleportation, armored hide, everything I and Chamelia could think of, which was a lot.

For a while, nothing happened. As all hunts do, patience is everything. Thera and her escort went along doing normal changeling things, going by areas where the attacks had happened, most of which were near the sea. Whilst I and Chamelia, who taught me a few transformation spells that even I hadn’t heard of, monitored Thera, watching over her.

Sure enough, the kelpies attacked at night, bursting out the shore, they slaughtered Thera’s guards. It helped that half of them were asleep, but I couldn’t believe how dangerous they’d gotten. Alright, on land, they weren’t so powerful, but their armored hides and deep pony water magic meant that close to the sea, the kelpies could subdue the changelings easily.

We counter attacked then. Chamelia literally tossed me into the ocean so I could use my hydromancy, while she plunged into the thick of the fray. I used the ocean to prevent the kelpies from leaving, whilst Chamelia… she did this strange charge, plunging down from the sky like some meteor, she slammed into the ground and scattered several kelpies. She then proceeded to wield her pair of axes to defend Thera, whilst striking out with her magic.

Between the three of us, we routed the kelpies easily and left many dead on the beach. I couldn’t believe my eyes though, and more worriedly, I hadn’t seen their queen.

Now though, at least we know our enemy. It’s been agreed that Aquestria will drive the kelpies from the ocean to the land, where the Queens Council and I will then destroy them. After all, I fully intend to participate in purging these creatures. I need to know how they keep adapting to my attempts to wipe them out.


After months of hounding the kelpies and their queen, the changelings and I finally cornered them on a beach by the Eastern Sea. The queen this time was far more powerful.

Unlike the previous kelpie queen, which simply had hydromancy and while larger than the average kelpie, didn’t dwarf them, this queen was twice as large as the other kelpies and had far more developed hooves. It’s mane also seemed to be… kelp-like for the lack of a better word. I’m unsure as to its purpose, but along with these changes with appearance came a greater strength in hydromancy.

It was also a bit more vocal. It cursed my name, cursed the changeling queens that were slaughtering the kelpies she led, but it was to no avail. We crushed them.

That was when I and the changelings noticed that the kelpies basically disintegrated after mortal deathblows. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s certainly something that I have to investigate. That being said, it’s making it far more difficult to understand why the kelpies are… what they are.

The exception was the kelpie queen. We took the body in and the changelings and I studied it. However… it was just so… alien. Some of the bone structure was familiar to that of deep ponies, but the flesh? The muscles? The organs? My experts couldn’t make head or tail of it. Everything seemed… alien, for the lack of a better word. It was durable, but just impossible to comprehend.

In the end, we just discarded the body. There was nothing much that we could gain from it and whatever it was made of… well made it so that the body refused to be preserved, no matter how we tried.

For now, I will celebrate with my new changeling allies. While nowhere near as sophisticated or well-organized as Aquestria, the queens are intelligent, and while insular, protective of those they recognize as their friends. Marking our new alliance, we have established a secret trading base so that seaponies and changelings can exchange goods. Who knows, our new allies may provide us with a way to expand our influence into the surface world.

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