• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 29,662 Views, 2,040 Comments

My Little Minecraft: At the End - Journeyman

I hold the power of creation in the palm of my hand, yet these creatures still frighten me.

  • ...

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Chapter 26: Princess of the Night

Chapter 26: Princess of the Night

The silvery light of the moon hung over the forest canopy. The Everfree Forest never slept, even if Celestia’s warm sun made the more dangerous monsters hide in the darker depths. Chittering and rustling could be heard from all across the forest, though little could be seen through the thick brush and stout trees. Great, heaving footsteps from some behemoth creature echoed from the deeper portions of the forest, but it was, luckily, too preoccupied to venture closer to pony civilization. The ponies closest to the forest were not residents from Ponyville proper; a single alicorn and a small collection of Night Guards lay held up in a dilapidated stone castle.

Much of the rubble and languor that had taken over the Everfree Castle had been cleared and moved, but few ponies dwelt in the castle, and those that did did not wish to be heard. The once magnificent and splendid halls that once thrived a millenium ago had fallen into a state of extreme disrepair, but the sorry state of the castle was not the reason the smattering of ponies was there. Their meeting was as clandestine as it was secret, as those involved knew a great game of lives and danger was being played without their knowledge.

Princess Luna sat on a simple velvet cushion in the throne room. The throne itself had cracked and splintered over the long years, so she did not mind. The castle was the base of operations to search for the miner. Now that he had been captured, Luna deemed it best to reorganize her resources back at the garrison and continue from there. She and her small entourage were the last ones to leave. Normally, she would have been among the first, but Captain Hawk’s report forced to her wait until they were alone in order to discuss events in more detail.

The throne room itself felt damp and cold, despite the roaring hearths lining the walls. Such blazes would undoubtedly attract monsters, but they were deep in the castle and were not destined to stay for long. Vines snaked along the walls, curling their tendrils into the rocks, seeking any foothold in order to extend their voluminous growth.

Luna waited in silence, pondering on what she had just heard from Captain Hawk. Lightning Chaser and Professor Hexxus Incantus stood further back. Hexxus’ eyes drooped. He was not used to staying up so late, even under such stressful times. Hawk and Lightning looked as refreshed as ever, a benefit of being nocturnal and carrying a soldier’s stamina.

“So...” Luna finally broke the silence purveying the wide throne room. “We are the pawns between two separate beings. The board is in motion.” There were two aliens, and one likely hated the other. Now there were two more creatures, and they were as sly as Discord himself.

“The question is: who is this shadow pony that came to Fluttershy in her hour of need?”

“We thought it prudent not to question anypony just yet, at least not until you were debriefed on the situation, princess,” Hawk replied. “As of yet, we do not have any immediate suspects on either’s identity. The alien described by the biped is similar, but if his depiction can be taken at face value, it is much too tall to be Ms. Fluttershy's attacker. The mare herself does not believe the biped to be the same creature as her attacker, either.”

“Can the Element be trusted?” Lightning asked. She picked at the bandage wrapped around her head before lowering her hoof. Hemos’ warning was still fresh in her mind.

“That was my thought exactly. While I do not doubt Fluttershy's integrity, her reliability is in question,” Hexxus added.

“I will personally vouch for Fluttershy,” Luna declared, eyeing Hexxus coolly.

“I beg your pardon if you believe I insinuated ill thoughts against Ms. Fluttershy, Highness. That was not my intent.”

“Understood.” Luna’s face did not change in the slightest. “And it was a wise choice to not question ponies so early. The shadow pony’s secrecy worries me greatly.”

“How so, princess?” Hexxus asked.

“It would expose it,” Lightning, not Luna, replied. “If this chessmaster values secrecy so much, it might be for a very good reason, rather than to avoid the attention of the crown. If this second being, this white eyes, will strike if the shadow pony’s identity and location become known, we know not what the collateral damage may be if the two start fighting. As long as they wish to remain in the shadows for now, we are safe.” Lighting snorted. “Until they get what they want, anyway.”

“Ms. Chaser is correct. Until more information is revealed on the matter, I do not wish for this shadow pony to be revealed to anypony outside of those that know the secret. Understood?”

The trio bowed. “Yes, Highness.”

Hexxus, before Luna continued, raised his voice after he raised his head. “Pardon, but I have been curious as to something. This shadow pony disguised its body and voice to remain hidden. Why approach Ms. Fluttershy at all? Revealing itself and its forbidden knowledge seems quite counterintuitive if he or she wished to remain hidden. Here we are now, discussing what to do about that very same being.”

“The shadow doesn’t want to see ponies getting hurt,” Chaser answered simply.

“Or the shadow needs her alive,” Hawk added. “It seems to fit best. Only now it comes out of hiding? Bah, I don’t buy it. Its hooves were forced to save her for some reason. It needs her. For what, I am not certain.”

“Both plausible theories,” Luna said. “Whatever the reason may be, the shadow pony acted with surety that I would not make the fateful decision to reveal its presence to the public.” Luna could not help but smile, both out of admiration and anger and having her reactions being read before she made them. “Quite a clever move, no matter the objective.”

A small draft hissed softly through a crack in the walls and collapsed ceiling. It ruffled fur and feather alike, caressing each and every one of them. Some shivered, some weathered the chill. Only wind... the storm should be picking up again soon.

“As for this Farlander, we shall do nothing.”

“It wants us to know,” Hawk agreed. Lighting accorded with his conclusion.

Hexxus, however, was not up to speed. “Forgive me for not being the best tactician, but how do you mean?”

“The Farlander has yet to make a move itself, but when it finally did, it did so in one of the few places that was not only heavily guarded, but would be noticed immediately. Whatever it’s up to, it’s doing it now and either wants us to know, or doesn’t care that we know. Plus, it confirmed our suspicions it’s a teleporter simply by entering and escaping a room on lockdown.”

Hexxus’ eyes widened in dawning comprehension. “Ah, I see now.”

The room was silent once again, but the time for talking was over. Luna rose to her hooves slowly, letting the blood to flow to her extremities before she started walking. Hexxus scooped up the pillow and doused the hearths with his magic and followed her. Hawk and Lightning took up the rear guard, keeping a wary eye and ear on the shadows and noises from the depths.

Their hooves echoed in silence until they reached the decrepit stone courtyard. The land had retaken that section of the castle in the name of mother nature. Large patches of grass and tenacious weeds had wormed their way through cracks that formed with the passage of time. Tiny critters scurried to their dens to avoid the larger intruders, not knowing that one of them was older than the castle itself.

“What shall be done?” Hexxus asked to break the silence. The night, usually so comforting to the stallion, was making him twitch in nervousness. Talk of cloak-and-dagger machinations lodged behind lies and shadows did little to ease frayed nerves and lack of sleep.

Luna, however, did not respond with silence or a quiet affirmation of secrecy, but a smile. Hawk blinked. It wasn’t a common sight to see Luna smiling with such open delight. The last time she had done so was after last Nightmare Night when she befriended half the town.

“Why, professor, I am going to ask for a moment of this shadow pony’s time, of course.” The mild breeze twirled her star-ridden mane as she walked. With her eyes closed and a deep breath of the moist forest air, Luna was nearly prancing in contentment. The night swayed her emotions away from the depressing and irksome emotions the report made her feel only moments ago.

“Truly? We know not where this mysterious benefactor is, let alone how to contact it.”

Luna smirked. “There is a way, magus.”

“How is that possible?” Hexxus pressed. “Ms. Fluttershy’s attacker was quite persistent. If we alert the media for an audience with this shadow pony, than we would undoubted catch the attention of the white eyed one, and the fallout would be likely severe.”

“I wish to contact the shadow pony, magus, but I did not say I would make my invitation public.” Luna and the trio exited the courtyard and the external castle walls. Just outside, a single chariot waited with a quartet of Night Guards waiting patiently harnessed. “Well... not exactly. ‘Stay in the Light’? Let’s see how it enjoys the company of the Princess of the Night.”

Minecraft/MLP:FIM crossover.
For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE.
Chapter Commentary: LINK
Edited by: Maverick Frond, Material Defender

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