• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Arc 2: Riverwalk Competition - Chapter 8: Morning

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Alex woke up with Twilight Sparkle cuddled next to him on his bed. Alex shook the unicorn awake.

“Huh? What’s going on?” asked Twilight.

“It’s Saturday,” Alex answered. “The competition is today.” Suddenly, Twilight perked up.

“Oh my, that’s right! When do we need to be there?”

“It’s seven o’clock now and the competition starts at 9:00, but we’ll need to get there early if we want to beat the crowds.”

“Beat the crowds?”

“You don’t think that no one’s going to show up to this thing, do you?”

“No, but-”

“Then let’s go!”

Alex picked up Twilight and carried her downstairs. Carolyn was already up making breakfast.

“Go ahead and eat something,” said Alex. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Tom is already in there,” responded Carolyn.

Alex went to the bathroom and banged on the door.

“Who is it?” asked Tom.

“Guess,” said Alex.

“Give us a moment,” said a familiar voice.

“Rainbow Dash?” yelled Alex. “Why are you in the shower with Tom?”

“Relax” Tome told Alex, “I have a bathing suit on.”

Alex took a sigh of relief. He grabbed his clothes and placed them on the bed so he could get in the shower once Tom was done. He didn’t know how much longer he would take, so Alex just decided to join Twilight for breakfast. Carolyn made French toast, also making some sausage for the humans. Once Alex heard Tom and Rainbow Dash leave the shower and come down for breakfast, Alex practically swallowed his entire French toast to get upstairs and take a shower.

“Alex seems really eager for today,” commented Twilight.

“Twilight,” chirped Carolyn, “your French toast is ready.”

“That’s okay. Tom can have mine. I’m going to shower with Alex.”

Alex must have heard it, because he stood still at the top of the stairs and turned around.

“No Twilight,” he said. “Showers are supposed to be a private time for humans.”

“We all need to bathe before we can leave,” she reasoned. “Plus, you can put a bathing suit on too if you’re so worried about ‘exposing’ yourself.”

If Twilight and her friends needed to shower as well, it sounded like Alex would need to let Twilight in with him. Maybe she needed help with bathing, even if she was a unicorn. Alex quickly changed out of his pajamas and into his red swimsuit.

“Alright,” said Alex. “Let’s go.”

Alex and Twilight stepped into the shower stall together. Alex turned the water on, which was still warm from Tom’s shower. Alex then grabbed a bottle of shampoo and began lathering Twilight with its suds.

“What are you doing?” asked Twilight.

“I figured since you’re in here with me, I’d help you wash up.”

“Thank you, but I’m perfectly capable of washing myself. I’m a unicorn after all.”


Alex put soap all over his body as he watched Twilight clumsily moved the shampoo over her back with her magic.

Even with magic, they have trouble getting that spot, thought Alex.

“You look like you’re having some trouble back there,” he remarked. “Do you want me to help?”

Twilight pretended to ignore him as she rubbed the suds across her back, leaving bare spots all over. After realizing that she wasn’t getting anywhere with this, she decided to let Alex have at it.

Alex applied just a touch more shampoo on his hand and began gently massaging Twilight’s back, getting the bare spots that she missed. Twilight felt more at ease as Alex’s fingers rubbed her back. Twilight’s eyes were closed in bliss as her massage continued. She suddenly felt the jet of hot water wash over her body, startling her.

“What was that all about?” she demanded.

“What? I’m rinsing you off now.”

Twilight huffed; she really enjoyed that. Alex washed the suds off of her flank, revealing her magenta star tattoo.

“I like that tattoo of yours,” commented Alex.

“Tattoo? Oh, you must be talking about my cutie mark.”

“Cutie mark? Is that what you call tattoos in your world?”

“No, a cutie mark is a symbol that magically appears on a pony’s flank when he or she discovers their special talent.”

“And... just what is your special talent?”

Twilight explained the story of how she passed an entrance test which led her to become Princess Celestia’s personal protégé and got her cutie mark.

“Is that why you chose a Spellcaster deck?” asked Alex.

“That’s right.” Alex stopped the water, prompting Twilight to get out. “Alex, you wouldn’t mind helping my other friends washing up either, would you? I’d imagine that it would be more difficult for an earth or pegasus pony to take a shower without some assistance.”

Alex considered this. He would be able to get to know a little more about the ponies that were currently living with him and thus get them to trust him a little more.

“No problem,” Alex said with a smile.

Twilight happily strolled to her friends’ rooms to get them in the shower. The only pony Alex would not assist was Fluttershy, who said she would get helped by Sarah when her turn to wash came. Alex enjoyed the time he spent with Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, asking them each about the story around their cutie marks. Rarity even compared Alex’s washing to being in a spa, which Alex blushed a little at.

Alex finally got to get dressed and joined his friends and family for breakfast. Tom and Rainbow Dash were already finished, and Tom was on a Skype chat with his dad, Thomas Emmitt Sr.

Alex didn’t get to see his reaction to the alien ponies living in their house, but he was sure that Thomas was surprised. Time seemed to pass and Thomas was a little more comfortable to the idea that the ponies were now living with them. Alex got in at a different point in the conversation though.

“Hey Dad, I was just wondering, can I borrow your duel runner today? The Riverwalk Summer competition is today and I want to have something for the riding duels.”

“Promise not to wreck it?” Tom's dad had a baritone southern accent.

“Of course, Dad,” he moaned.

“Alright son, you can use it today.”

“Awesome! Thank you so much.”

“No problem. I’ll see you Monday at the airport.”

“Bye Dad.”


Tom closed his Macbook Pro and went upstairs to grab his motorcycle helmet from his room.

“Tom?” asked Rainbow Dash, “What’s a riding duel?”

Tom was told in the shower about Rainbow Dash’s story of her cutie mark, namely the sonic rainboom that she performed to get it. Tom was certain she would love this.

“Riding duels are where people get on motorcycles and play Duel Monsters while on them. Seeing as you have wings, you can probably just fly alongside a duelist and be just fine.”

“So… you’re playing a card game… on a motorcycle?”

“Think of it like this. You’re playing a card game going 60+ mph.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and her mouth opened at the sound of being able to duel at such speeds.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” she squealed. “That sounds awesome! We totally have to do that.”

“We were planning on leaving in five minutes to get to the park early. Hopefully, the people running the competition will let us use the track early.”

“The hay with that,” said Rainbow Dash, pushing Tom out the door, “let’s go now. Bye Mrs. Em!”

“Looks like we’re ready to leave,” giggled Alex.

Tom took his father’s black duel runner, which had the body of a 2010 Victory Cross Country, from his garage and rode it to the Riverwalk Park with Rainbow Dash flying next to him. Alex grabbed his bicycle from the garage with an extra seat in the hand opposite to the arm with his D-Pad on it. Alex took his time and screwed the seat in place.

“What’s with the other seat?” asked Twilight, walking outside to him with her own duel disk on her arm.

“If Tom, Sarah, and I want to ride into town together, since we only have 2 bikes, one of us puts the extra seat in for her.”

“So, is she coming with you?”

“Sarah has a bike to spare. I wanted to know if you would like to ride with me?”

“You… want me to come with you?”

“Why not? We’re friends, right? Grab a helmet and let’s go.”

“What about my other friends?”

“Carolyn will drive them to the park. Are you ready now?”

Twilight grabbed a helmet from the garage and placed it on her head as best as she could given her horn. Once Alex hopped on, Twilight took the seat behind him and held on to him with her arms.

“Hold on,” he warned.

Alex sped off the driveway and down the street. The street they were on was a nice stretch of hill that went down, making a comfortably fast coast. Alex turned at the T-intersection, which looked like a dead end, but Alex rode on the grass further down the hill and onto an asphalt path that had been constructed that year. Alex and Twilight rode the path down to the end until they turned onto the street where a large bridge crossing a river was.

Alex and Twilight rode up the bridge until he turned onto the red brick path that rode through a forest and alongside the river, known to the locals as the Riverwalk, coasting down the hill there. Being relatively early, there weren’t many people out except for some joggers and people walking their dogs. There were only a couple of duelists already making their way to the park, but Alex was able to avoid and weave through all people obstructing his path.

Alex traveled through the different intersections of pathway until they came up at a long parking area, with more trees on the left and stretch of green grass on the right. Alex continued down the stretch of road until he made his way to the entrance of Naperville’s Centennial Beach, a quarry that was converted to a large swimming pool years and years ago. This was where Alex could park and lock his bike.

“That was fun!” shouted Twilight. “We should do that again.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” said a familiar voice.

Twilight and Alex turned around to see Reese and Emma being escorted by Claude.

“Guys,” greeted Alex. “What are you all doing here?”

“I decided to bring Reese and Emma here early,” Claude answered. “I was going to get you guys too, but it seems like you beat me to it. Where’s you brother and sister?”

“You mean Tom and Sarah? Tom rode down here with Rainbow Dash and Sarah will be riding down momentarily.”

“What about the other ponies?”

“Mrs. Emmitt’s dropping them off. We’re all just arriving early to avoid the rush, as I assume you did too?”

“Sharp kid.”

“Plus, I was going to give Twilight her very first duel just now.”

“Oh, then by all means, go have fun. I’ll catch you around.”

“Good luck today,” said Reese, giving him a thumbs up and walking away with Emma close by.

“Are you ready Twilight?”

“I’ve been ready since I cast that spell last night. Let’s go!”

Alex and Twilight made their way down into the sandy volleyball courts in the middle of a small depression in the ground, where the nets were taken down to make room for the duelists.

Twilight had a hint of sullenness on her face, seeing as she had none of her friends to cheer her on yet. Tom and Rainbow Dash soon came up at the edge of the depressed ground.

“I thought you were supposed to be dueling Rainbow Dash,” called Alex.

“They’re not ready with the track yet,” answered Tom, “but they said we can be the first ones to test it when it’s ready, so make your duel snappy.”

“Yeah, what he said!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

Sarah rode up on a bike next to a silver Chevy Suburban, out of which came Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

“I’ll pick you up when its over,” said Carolyn.

“Thank ya kindly Mrs. Em,” bid Applejack. The van drove away with the ponies and humans waving goodbye before giving all attention to the duel that was about to happen.

Reese, Emma, and Claude weren’t too far away.

“Oh hell,” relented Reese. “Let’s see what she can do.” The three of them stopped to watch from the side of the depression opposite everyone else.

“Looks like we have an audience,” said Alex.

“Great,” sighed Twilight. “Now with the support of my friends, I cannot lose.”

“I’ll see about that,” said Alex.

Alex and Twilight activated and unsheathed their duel disks.

“Duel detected,” called an intercom. “Initiating widespread area holographic image projection sequence.” All of the hologram projectors in the area spread out over the entire park and even farther away than that. All preparations for the dueling today were set. Alex and Twilight drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they both yelled.

Twilight Sparkle vs. Alex

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Ancient Rules, allowing her to special summon a level 5 or higher normal monster from her hand, choosing Dark Magician (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100). Next, Twilight normal summons Gagaga Magician (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). Twilight activates Gagaga Magician’s effect, making its level anything between 1 and 8, choosing 7 (Lvl.: 4 -> 7). Twilight overlays Dark Magician and Gagaga Magician to xyz summon Hierophant of Prophecy (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2600).

Twilight places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“An xyz summon on the first turn,” said Alex. “You really are a smart pony, aren’t you?”

“If you think buttering me up is going to help you win,” chided Twilight, “then you’re dead wrong. Make your move.”

Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Partisan (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800). When Dragunity Partisan is normal summoned, Alex can special summon a Winged Beast-type Dragunity monster from his hand and equip it with Dragunity Partisan, choosing Dragunity Militum (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). Alex activates Dragunity Militum’s effect. Once per turn, he can special summon a Dragunity card from the spell and trap card zone, choosing Dragunity Partisan. Alex tunes Dragunity Militum with Dragunity Partisan to synchro summon Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1100).

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

I can’t attack just yet, thought Alex. I’ve got only one Winged-Beast type monster to use Gae Bulg’s effect. If that trap card of hers is going to stop my attack, my monster is completely vulnerable. What I need is field presence. At least my trap cards can hold me off if all else fails.

“Ready Twi?” Alex called.

“I just hope you are,” responded Twilight.

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Spellbook of Power, increasing Hierophant of Prophecy’s by 1000 until the end phase (ATK: 2800 -> 3800). Twilight then summons Temperance of Prophecy (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000). Twilight activates Temperance of Prophecy’s effect. During the main phase, Twilight can tribute Temperance of Prophecy and special summon a level 5 or higher LIGHT of DARK Spellcaster-type monster from her deck, choosing Sorciere de Fleur (ATK: 2900 DEF: 0).

When Sorciere de Fleur is summoned, Twilight can special summon a monster from her opponent’s graveyard onto her side of the field, choosing Dragunity Militum. Twilight then activates the effect of Hierophant of Prophecy. By detaching one xyz material from it, Twilight can destroy a number of spell and trap cards on the field equal to the number of Spellbook cards in Twilight’s graveyard (1), choosing one of Alex’s face down cards.

Twilight attacks Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg with Hierophant of Prophecy, but Alex activates Attack Invulnerability, preventing his monster’s destruction by battle for this battle phase. Damage is still calculated.

Alex’s Life Points: 4000 -> 2200

Twilight attacks Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg with Sorciere de Fleur.

Alex’s Life Points: 2200 -> 1300

During the end phase of the turn in which the monster special summoned by Sorciere de Fleur’s effect was summoned, that monster is destroyed. Also, Hierophant of Prophecy’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 3800 -> 2800).

Twilight ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Alex really wanted to compliment Twilight on destroying his strategy like that, but he knew that she would see it as another attempt to make her more cocky and likely to slip up. Twilight was not an ordinary duelist. She was the protégé of the ruler of her home nation, so it was her job to be this smart and strategic. Alex would just have to be smarter.

Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Legionnaire (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800). When Dragunity Legionnaire is normal summoned, Alex can equip a level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster from his graveyard onto Dragunity Legionnaire, choosing Dragunity Partisan. Alex then activates Dragunity Legionnaire’s effect. By sending one card equipped to it to the graveyard, Alex can destroy one monster on the field, choosing Sorciere de Fleur. Alex then sends Dragunity Legionnaire to the graveyard to special summon Dragunity Arma Mystletainn from his hand (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1500).

Alex attacks Hierophant of Prophecy with Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. Alex activates Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg’s effect. When it attacks or is attacked, Alex can banish a Winged Beast-type monster in his graveyard and have Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg gain ATK equal to the banished monster’s ATK during the damage step, choosing Dragunity Militum (ATK: 2000 -> 3700). Twilight activates Damage Diet, halving all damage she receives this turn.

Twilight’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3550

Alex attacks Twilight directly with Dragunity Arma Mystletainn.

Twilight’s Life Points: 3550 -> 2500

Alex overlays Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg and Dragunity Arma Mystletainn to xyz summon Jade Wyvern (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100).

Alex places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1300 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Having a bit of a pickle are we?” Alex taunted playfully.

“Not yet I’m not,” whispered Twilight, smiling.

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight sets one monster.

Twilight places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-2500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Pilum (ATK: 1400 DEF: 1000).

Alex attacks Twilight’s face down monster, which was a Spellbook Magician of Prophecy (ATK: 500 DEF: 400). When Spellbook Magician of Prophecy is flipped face up, Twilight can add a Spellbook card from her deck to her hand. Twilight activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster of hers is destroyed. Alex then attacks Twilight directly with Dragunity Pilum.

Twilight’s Life Points: 2500 -> 1100

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1300 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Ready for this one?” asked Twilight.

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Temple of the Kings, allowing her to activate trap cards the same turn they are set. Twilight activates Chain Burst, having any player take 1000 points of damage each time they activate a trap card. Twilight then activates Spellbook of Life, banishing a Spellcaster-type monster in her graveyard and revealing a Spellbook card in her hand to special summon a Spellcaster-type monster in her graveyard, choosing Temperance of Prophecy. Twilight activates Temperance of Prophecy’s effect, tributing it to special summon a level 5 or higher LIGHT of DARK Spellcaster-type monster from her deck, choosing Emperor of Prophecy (ATK: 2300 DEF: 2000).

Twilight then normal summons Amores of Prophecy (ATK: 600 DEF: 2000). Twilight activates Amores of Prophecy’s effect. By revealing a Spellbook card in her hand, she can special summon a level 4 or lower Spellcaster-type monster from her hand, choosing another Gagaga Magician. Twilight activates Emperor of Prophecy’s effect. By banishing both a Spellbook card in her graveyard and a Spellcaster-type monster she controls (Amores of Prophecy), she can take control of an opponent’s monster until the end phase, choosing Jade Wyvern. Next, Twilight activates Gagaga Magician’s effect, making its level any number between 1 and 8, choosing 5 (Lvl.: 4 -> 5).

Twilight overlays Emperor of Prophecy and Gagaga Magician to xyz summon Empress of Prophecy (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1700). Empress of Prophecy gains 300 ATK for each xyz material attached to monsters that Twilight controls (2 x 300 = 600, ATK: 2000 -> 2600). Twilight activates Empress of Prophecy’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it (ATK: 2600 -> 2300), Twilight can shuffle her deck and then reveal the top 5 cards of her deck. Twilight can destroy monsters on the field up to the number of Spellbook cards revealed by this effect. There are two Spellbook cards. Twilight destroys Dragunity Phalanx and Jade Wyvern. Twilight returns these cards to the deck in any order she chooses.

Twilight attacks Alex directly with Empress of Prophecy, but Alex activates Defense Draw, reducing any battle damage that he would receive this turn to 0 and draw one card from his deck. Chain Burst’s effect activates.

Alex’s Life Points: 1300 -> 300

Twilight places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-1100 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Everyone on the sideline cheered loudly at Twilight’s move. Alex couldn’t hold it back anymore.

“Twilight, that was brilliant.”

“Please,” scoffed Twilight. “I’m not falling for that one.”

“Twi, I’m being serious. This is only your first duel and you just made a move that most professional duelists would be jealous of.”

“Yeah,” agreed Pinkie Pie. “The writer almost used an entire page on Microsoft Word for that move.”

“Writer?” asked Tom. “What are you talking about?”

Pinkie darted her gaze to the left and right nervously.

“Nothing,” she quickly responded.

“You not only summoned a strong monster, but you managed to clear my entire field. I mean this when I say, Twilight, you’re unlike any duelist I’ve ever met.”

Twilight’s couldn’t help but smile at her opponent’s genuine compliments.

“That doesn’t mean you should be set on winning either,” finished Alex.

Alex’s Turn: Alex activates Cards of Consonance, discarding a Dragon-type tuner monster with 1000 or less ATK and drawing two cards. Alex summons Dragunity Dux (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). Alex activates Dragunity Dux’s effect, targeting a level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster in his graveyard and equipping it onto Dragunity Dux, choosing Dragunity Phalanx. Alex then activates Dragunity Phalanx’s effect, special summoning itself from the spell/trap card zone when equipped to a monster by an effect.

Alex tunes Dragunity Dux with Dragunity Phalanx to synchro summon Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1200). Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana is synchro summoned, Alex can equip a level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster from his graveyard onto it, choosing Dragunity Phalanx. Alex activates Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana’s effect, sending a card equipped to it to the graveyard and doubling its ATK (ATK: 1900 -> 3800).

Alex attacks Empress of Prophecy, but Twilight activates her Attack Invulnerability, choosing the second effect of taking no battle damage this turn. Chain Burst’s effect activates.

Twilight’s Life Points: 1100 -> 100

Alex activates Dragon’s Gunfire, choosing its first effect of inflicting 800 points of damage towards Twilight.

Twilight’s Life Points: 100 -> 0

Alex wins.

Twilight fell onto the sand. Alex was worried that Twilight’s pride might have been hurt by losing like that when she was so close to winning.

“Twi, are you okay?” asked Alex, going to her side along with her friends. Reese, Emma, and Claude stood still where they were.

Alex was relieved to find Twilight happily laughing.

“That was fun!” she said.

“That's great,” Alex answered. “Twilight, you have a knack for dueling, and I think that with your prowess, you have a chance to be one hell of a duelist.” Twilight leapt into Alex and wrapped her arms around his torso. Alex gently patted her back, appreciating her soft fur and silky mane.

Suddenly, Tom’s pocket glowed red, a vibrating sound coming from it.

“What in Celestia’s name is that?” asked Rarity.

“We’re ready,” answered Tom to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash and Tom made no wait in getting to the riding dueling track as fast as possible. Alex, along with Tom, Sarah, and the other five ponies made their way over too. Reese, Emma, and Claude walked over as well.

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