• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 55: Life

Cont. from Discord vs. Alex, Tom, and Kyle

Alex’s Turn: Alex activates Harmonious Bonds of Friendship, special summoning a monster from his graveyard when his life points are lower than 100, choosing Jade Wyvern. Next, he targets one monster in each of his partners’ graveyards and has Jade Wyvern gain ATK equal to their combined ATK, targeting Tom’s Amber Minotaur and Kyle’s Olivine Dragon (2400 + 3000 = 5400, ATK: 2500 -> 7900).

Alex attacks Discord (ATK: 6200 DEF: 4000) with Jade Wyvern.

Discord’s Life Points: 1700 -> 0

Alex, Tom, and Kyle win.

Alex’s final attack blasted Discord into the ground, leaving a massive crater. Alex continued to pant, still weak from his duel. With the green beam still up, Alex couldn’t help but feel weary about Discord’s well-being; unsure if he was still alive or dead.

Suddenly, a lion paw viciously reached out of the crater. However, it was grey and looked like it was made of stone. Discord slowly crawled out of the hole, revealing that pieces of his body were turned to stone too, the grey spots spreading over his body slowly.

“No,” growled Discord, rising into the air with his magic. “I will not be stopped here. I’ll continue to possess whomever I can to achieve my goal. And I think I’ll start with you!”

Discord made a beeline straight for Alex, who shielded himself from the inevitable. Just as Discord got close, he felt a force wrap itself around his neck and hold him in midair. Everyone could see a yellow, hand-shaped aura gripping Discord's throat as he struggled to break free and get air. Kyle then looked down to see Lauren, awake and well, on her knees and supporting her upper body with her left hand while her right hand was reaching up in the air, her fingers curled as if she was grabbing something.

Discord looked in shock as Lauren held him. As Lauren gripped harder with her hand, the aura squeezed Discord’s neck even tighter, causing the stone patches on his body to spread over him even faster.

“Lauren…” wheezed Discord.

“No,” Lauren spoke, squeezing with enough force for his entire body to be encased in stone. “I will never allow you to hurt anyone ever again!”

Lauren squeezed her hand as hard as she could, the aura-hand gripping with enough tightness to crack Discord’s petrified body. With a final squeeze, Lauren was able to squeeze her hand into a fist. The aura crushed Discord in two pieces, leaving nothing but Discord’s head and torso separated from each other. With the final squeeze, Lauren fainted on the ground again, making the aura disappear and Discord’s dismembered statue fall to the ground.

“Mom!” yelled Kyle, running to Lauren’s side.

Alex, Tom, Spike, Twilight, and the rest of her friends also rushed to assist Lauren.

“Mom!” shouted Kyle, picking her up and cradling her in his arms.

“Kyle,” sighed Lauren. “What did I tell you about raising your voice to me?”

Her voice sounded sincere and kind, making Kyle giggle. She fluttered her eyes, looking at the small group above her. Upon realizing who it was she cowered in fear.

“Please,” she whimpered, “don’t hurt me!”

“No one’s gonna hurt no one, ma’am,” assured Applejack bluntly.

“We know that you were possessed by Discord,” said Spike, “so no hard feelings.”

“Heh,” exhaled Lauren. “Well, that’s a relief.”

Alex then looked at the green beam with unease.

“Lauren,” said Alex. “How do we turn off the beam?”

“The beam?” asked Lauren. “I’m afraid its no use. We might have saved Equestria from Discord, but without him to actually fire the beam, the whole thing is going to backfire.”


“The beam will absorb energy from the particle accelerator once the proton collision stage happens. If that energy doesn’t have anywhere to go, it will just backfire, kind of like in a cartoon when a character sticks their finger in the barrel of a gun. That kind of energy could wipe out this entire planet.”

“What?” asked Tom. “Is there no way to stop it?”

“There might be a way, but I know Kyle won’t like it.”

“What is it?” asked Kyle.

“…I’m going to have to shut it down myself.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“I can absorb the energy from the beam into me with the powers Discord inadvertently gave to me. However, I’m concerned that all the energy that I absorb will kill me as well.”

“What? No. Lauren, please don’t do this. I’ve gone so far to try and save you, and now I have. Please, Mom, don’t do this.”

“Kyle,” sighed Lauren, putting her palm on his cheek. “The job of any mother is to leave their world a better place for their children to live in. I certainly won’t be selfish enough to sacrifice everyone so you can have one person.”

Kyle couldn’t control his sobbing now.


“Kyle, could you be a good son and help your mother up?”

Kyle obediently did as he was told, standing to his feet while holding onto Lauren’s hand, which he then pulled up to bring Lauren to her feet. She then put her arms around Kyle in one final embrace.

“Goodbye, Kyle. I love you so very much.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

There wasn’t a dry eye in on the island. Everyone tearfully watched as Lauren finally let go of Kyle.

“You’re going to want to step back,” warned Lauren, standing herself in the middle of the teardrop shaped space made by the path.

Alex and his friends ran to the side to join the others as Lauren went on to save the world. Lauren threw her arms out to the side, each of her hands beginning to glow yellow. Alex and his friends then saw around them as the green beam began to waver, being interfered with by Lauren’s magic.

From the outside, the helicopters, along with a plethora of police cars that had gathered at Wilson Hall parking lot, watched the sight with awe, confusion, and wonder.

Lauren strained to absorb the energy, but she resiliently continued, grunting and moaning all of the way.

Ponies from the nearby town of Appleloosa watched the beam as it began to rise of the ground and recede towards Earth, quicker and quicker with each passing second. As the end of the beam reentered into Earth’s atmosphere, the top began to close on itself, forming a dome-like shape.

Alex and his friends watched as the beam lowered itself down and reformed the dome from earlier. Alex, continuing to look up, seeing as the dome began to depress from the inside, the tip of the depression heading for Lauren.

As the dome collapsed, the depression tip tightened as it began to be sucked into Lauren’s chest. Lauren suddenly jolted awake, now being filled with enough energy to continue onward. The edge of the dome began to rise from the Fermilab ring, going to be sucked up with the rest of the dome. Lauren continued to go on, until she felt a feeling inside her.

She was filling up with energy, and she was soon feeling like she was going to burst. As she began to feel full, the dome stopped. Everyone on the island gasped, unsure if Lauren could make it or not. Lauren shed a tear. The aspect of death was certainly frightening, but she knew that if not for her, the Earth would perish. Upon looking at Kyle and his friends, she then peeked upon Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on the ground. At that moment, Lauren seemed to know what to do, as told by her eyes and mouth open wide with the feeling of discovery.

Lauren strived onwards, absorbing the dome and continuing to make it recede. She then began pulsating white rays of light from her, much like the radar on a submarine.

“What’s going on?” asked Twilght.

As Lauren continued, cards began to appear out of thin air and fall to the ground, revealing themselves to be the Stones of Equus once absorbed by the dome. No eye was focused on this, however; only on whether Lauren would finally succeed. The dome was nothing more than a tornado shaped cone that only continued to shrink into Rae’s body, the pulses continuing to emit from her as cards began to fall from the air.

With one last bout of energy, Lauren absorbed the rest of the dome in one quick action, causing an even bigger pulse to emanate from her and shine over the entire area of the ring. Lauren then fell to her knees. Kyle watched with intensity, waiting to see the fate of his mother. As Lauren fell over, she suddenly put her arms up, catching herself and supporting her body on the ground on all fours.

Kyle, weeping and smiling, ran to Lauren, ecstatic that she was still alive. Kyle helped her up again and hugged her tightly, which was just as enthusiastically returned by Lauren. Alex and the rest of the group watched happily at their reunion, not only glad that their so-called Equus War was finally over, but that Kyle had his happily ever after.

Twilight then heard the ground rustle next to her. Upon looking to her left, she was filled with shock and awe to see the bodies of Princess Celestia and Luna begin to stir. Princess Celestia opened her eyes, surprised over her location. She then looked at her hooves, unsure if she was dreaming.

“I’m… I’m alive?” she asked.

“Princess Celestia!” shouted Twilight, running up and practically tackling her.

The rest of the ponies were alerted to Twilight’s commotion, only to see the princesses alive and well with their own eyes. Just as relived as Twilight was they all dog-piled Celestia and Luna, smothering them with hugs and affection. Princess Luna was then surprised to see John run up to her, slide to the ground next to her, and hug her as well.

“How?” asked Twilight, tears in her eyes. “How is this possible?”

“We continued to watch over the duel,” explained Celestia. “However, when Lauren began to emit the dome’s energy from her body, it seemed like it was beckoning our souls back into our bodies. It was like we were returning home.”

Twilight continued to look at her princess with elation. Emma then ran from the crowd, grabbed Kyle from his hug with Lauren and gave him a kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Kyle returned the embrace.


Kyle and Emma turned to see Reese standing there, looking at them with slight disdain.

“Don’t look at me like that,” said Emma. “So what if I’m seeing your ex-worst enemy, he’s not an enemy anymore.”

Reese shrugged his shoulders and walked up to Alex to congratulate him. Emma continued to hug Reese, but soon she, and everyone else for that matter, began to hear the sounds of police sirens and helicopter propellers closing in on the area.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012


The doors opened up, revealing a large crowd of ponies as they stood inside the royal chambers of the Canterlot palace throne room. Alex, Tom, Reese, Emma, Kyle, Lauren, John, Claude, Jenny, Lisa, Zelda, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Shining Armor, Cadance walked forward down the center.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were standing there as well, waiting for them all. As they all gathered towards Celestia, they formed a horizontal line in front of them, their numbers being so great that they easily spanned from wall to wall of the chamber.

Alex looked behind him to see Grant, Gilda, Trixie, and Chrysalis sitting standing in the front row. Despite the ponies being indifferent to their appearance, three royal guards encircled them, preventing anyone from doing them any harm. Grant gave Alex a thumbs up before the latter turned back to face the princesses. Once Celestia was certain that everyone was there, she began.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the end of the Equus War and the third and final defeat of Discord, all thanks to these brave humans and ponies whose bonds of friendship have carried them through thick and thin and saved both Equestria and Earth from destruction.”

The entire crowd cheered. Princess Celestia then motioned her head towards a curtained window towards the heroes in front of her. She then pulled the curtains back with her horn, revealing an ornate stained glass window.

On it was the broken statue of Discord. Under it stood Alex, Tom, and Kyle, holding their arms up with a black card in their right hand with their D-Pad’s on their left wrists. In the center of the three stood Lauren, who had her arm straight up, shooting a yellow spell at the Discord statue. Next to the four humans stood Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash shooting beams from their heads at Discord as well. Bordering the rest of the icon was the rest of the humans and ponies who assisted in the battle at Fermilab. Reese couldn’t help but take his eyes off of his painted face on the window. Tom took a picture with his phone.

“However,” stated Celestia, bringing all attention back to her, “there is one last thing to address.”

The guards guarding the former villains were escorted them up in front of the line where Alex and his friends stood. Celestia continued.

“Our nation was founded under the principles of friendship and love. Unfortunately, life may not have been too kind to everypony. These four creatures that stand before you want nothing more than to be loved like everyone else. Despite the pain they may have caused others in the past, they have shown themselves ready to revoke their lives of vice if it would mean our acceptance of them, and I see no reason as to why I should deny them that.”

Chrysalis, Gilda, and Trixie expected boos or uncomfortable silence with winced faces, but were surprised to find most of the ponies cheering them on. Grant, Chrysalis, Gilda, and Trixie turned to the crowd to see everyone applauding and cheering. Alex then looked at Grant and gave him a thumbs up. Upon noticing him, Grant returned the compliment with another thumbs up.

Once the ceremony was over later that afternoon, Alex and his friends walked outside the palace with Grant, Chrysalis, Gilda, and Trixie.

"I wonder where the Flim-Flam brothers went," asked Jenny.

"From what I heard," said Gilda, "Celestia just let them go. Something about not being that much of a threat."

“So,” said Alex to the former villains as they continued to walk, “what happens now?”

“Celestia asked Tri– I mean, me to be a personal advisor!” squealed Trixie in excitement. “I start tomorrow.”

“It seems that Canterlot doesn’t really function by dragon-mail,” spoke Gilda, “so Celestia asked me if I want to be Canterlot's mail courier.”

“Sounds like fun,” said Tom. “Chrysalis?”

“Twilight, do you know the caverns that I hid you and Cadance away in after… well, you know?”


“Celestia is having me move our colony in there. However, we are free to roam the streets without fear of persecution or being outcast.”

“That’s great to hear,” said Tom.

“And it’s thanks to you. We are eternally grateful for all that you’ve done.”

“I’m glad to hear it,”

“Well,” said Gilda. “I hope to see all of you around sometime.”

“Likewise,” answered Alex.


With that Trixie re-entered the palace, Gilda flew off into the clouds above Canterlot, and Chrysalis flew off to the direction of her colony.

“Hey, Grant,” said Alex, “you never told me where you’re going.”

“You know,” said Grant, looking at the sky, “I don’t think I’ve ever told a soul why I roamed the country like I did. But I think I can disclose that to you now.”

“And?” asked Rainbow Dash, flying in close to him.

“I never really had a family, like, what a true family was supposed to be. My parents wanted little to do with me. My father drank, my mother smoked, and I didn’t have any siblings to relate to other than the friends that I would make at school. I wanted to make more connections with as many people as possible, so one day, I packed my deck, my duel disk, a bag of clothes, and my life savings and I decided to travel the country.

“The bonds that I shared with every one in every town I went to was more genuine than anything I could experience at home. And, of course, I played you, Alex. I can honestly say now, that it was the most important duel of my life. Without it, I don’t think I would have had someone who would have cared to save me when I became cursed by Onyx Cerberus. For that, I thank you.”

“Speaking of,” said Alex, reaching into his pocket.

From it, he pulled out Onyx Cerberus and handed it to Grant. Grant looked at the card uneasily.

“What is this?” he asked.

“It’s your card, man,” said Alex. "Lauren gave everyone of her former minions their Stones of Equus back. She even gave one of hers to Tom, Kyle, and I."

Alex held up a card, revealing it to be Tourmaline Griffon, while Tom held up a Citrine Manticore.

“I can’t accept this," spoke Grant uneasily. "Too many painful memories.”

“Well, look at it this way. It’s not a painful reminder of your past; that’s behind you now. Think of it as a trophy for overcoming your curse.”

Grant continued to look at the card. He finally smirked and placed the card in his pocket.

“Well,” said Grant. “I hope we can meet again someday,” said Grant, walking away.

“Where are you going?” asked Twilight.

“Wherever the road takes me. I think I might like it here.”

Grant continued to walk, getting smaller and smaller as he got farther away. Alex then heard the palace doors open, Princess Celestia, Trixie, Kyle, and Lauren walking out and towards Alex and his friends.

“So,” said Alex to Kyle and Lauren, “what plans does your future hold?”

“Are you joking?” asked Lauren, “I have a company to run.”

“You mean after all that happened to you and what people think you did? People are going to hate you.”

“Just an average day in the life of a CEO,” joked Lauren, causing Alex and the other humans to laugh. “Plus, if I ever get into any trouble, I know who to call,” she said looking a Celestia, who gave her a wink.

“Alright,” said Alex. “I wish the best of luck to you.”

“Alex,” called Kyle quietly.

Alex looked at Kyle, whose arm and hand were formed similarly to the start of an arm wrestling match. Alex understood the gesture and clasped hands with him.

“Best of luck to you,” said Alex.

“You too,” said Kyle.

The two friends let go of each others hands, allowing Kyle to step backwards next to Lauren.

“Come on, Kyle,” said Lauren. “Let’s go home.”

Lauren covered herself and Kyle in a bright flash of light, both disappearing upon the light fading out.

“Hey,” called Zelda, “don’t forget about me.”

“Of course,” said Alex. “What are your plans?”

“I’m heading back to Boston. I gotta’ make sure my dad is alright, you know?”

“Of course,” replied Alex, offering a hand.

“Well,” said Zelda, “I guess this is goodbye.”

“For now.”

“Yes,” she giggled, “for now.”

Princess Celestia then came in.

“Are you all ready to be sent home?” she asked.

“All?" asked Alex. "As in the ponies too? But we’ve defeated Discord. They have no reason to continue living with us; they have their own homes and families to return to.”

“And we don’t know that?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I want to have some more fun with my friends before I go home. You know, without the threat of death or destruction.”

“Then who are we to argue?” answered Tom, wrapping his arm around Rainbow Dash’s neck playfully. “Beam us home!”

“Very well,” said Celestia.

As Celestia charged her horn to send Alex and his friends back to Earth, Twilight stood next to Alex and looked up to him. As she thought of all the new friends that she had made, a friendship report had come into her mind.

Dear Princess Celestia,

There are some creatures in this world who have not been fortunate in making friends. Because of that, they turn to a darker side of themselves as their only comfort, causing them to hurt anyone who gets close. However, I learned over the past month that those ponies and people are just as deserving of friendship as anyone else, and that through love and forgiveness, one can add warmth to even the coldest of hearts.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia’s horn then emitted a bright blast, covering everyone with it.

Friday, June 8th, 2012


Early in the afternoon, Alex, Tom, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash were having a late lunch at the Portillo’s on Jefferson and Rt. 59, finishing up their chopped salads. The inside looked western-themed, compete with wagon wheels, cowboy art, the works. They were laughing, as if someone had just finished a funny anecdote.

“Yes,” said Alex, “good times.”

“So,” said Twilight, “what plans do we have for our big last night together?”

“We got front row tickets to Roger Water’s The Wall at Wrigley!” spoke Tom. “Isn’t being the savior of the world grand?”

“You mean…”

“Yeah, Claude used some connections or something to get us six free tickets for saving the world and stuff!”

“Six? Who’s the fifth and sixth?”

“Dad. He went and saw them at Soldier Field for Animals and he’s been dying to see them ever since. We also got one for Spike.”

“Sounds cool,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Well,” said Alex, “from what I hear, it’s a spectacular show.”

“And I can’t wait for it,” answered Twilight enthusiastically.

Tom’s phone suddenly began to ring. Tom reached into his pocket and answered the phone.


“... …”

“We’ll be right there.”


“What is it?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It’s Claude’s wife. She just had her baby.”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Alex sat there with their mouths agape for a second before darting off their seats and rushing out of the restaurant.

Alex and Tom arrived at Edwards Hospital about ten minutes later. Twilight rode in the back of Alex’s duel runner while Rainbow Dash flew alongside Tom’s. Alex and Tom quickly parked their bikes in between Carolyn’s van and Thomas’ duel runner as Rainbow Dash landed on the ground. Alex, Twilight, and Tom dismounted and ran inside.

Upon making it to the nursery, Alex found Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie with Sarah and Thomas looking through the nursery window. Pinkie Pie turned around to find her other four friends having made it.

“Guys!” she screamed. “The baby’s here! I want to see it! I’ve never seen a baby human before! Which one is it!!”

A door opened up from the side next to Alex and his friends. Claude pushed his wife, who held onto her baby boy, into the hallway towards Alex and her friends. The baby had a round head, a patch of black hair on his dark-skinned head, wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in his mother’s arms.

“Aww,” exclaimed everyone upon seeing the infant.

“Isn’t he beautiful?” asked Claude. “We’re naming him Arthur.”

“Arthur, huh?” asked Alex. “I’m going to take a wild guess and say that your Heroic deck will belong to him one day.”

“I was planning on it. How’d you know?”

“Dude. Excalibur? Arthur?”

“Haha, right.”

“What are you planning on doing with Ruby Phoenix?”

“I think I’ll pass that on to him as well. Start a family heirloom. As for my deck, I’m packing it away for now. I need to focus on raising my son before I go about saving the world again.”

“I understand,”said Alex. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I’ve ever met your wife.”

“Yes,” said Claude, “this is my wife, Lottie.”

Alex didn’t feel like making her reach over and shake his hand with a baby in her arms, so he opted to wave.

“Hi,” said Alex.

“Pleasure to meet you,” said Lottie. “Claude has told me a lot about you.”

“Has he?”

“He tells me you’re quite the duelist.”

“I’m flattered.”

“And Applejack”

Applejack turned to her and walked up.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“I heard you said some things about my husband.”

“About how good of a father he’s gonna be?”

“Yes. How dd you know what I was going to say?”

“I’d keep my word over something like that, Mrs. Luke. Your husband may possibly be one of the bravest creatures I’ve met. He really will be the perfect dad for your child.”

“Oh, bless you.”

"Yer very welcome."

“So,” said Claude to Tom, “you excited for your concert tonight?”

“You bet,” he answered. “Tonight’s going to be the best night ever!”

“Oh dear,” muttered Rarity. “Hopefully they aren’t speaking too soon.”

“Well, I’d suggest you’d get going,” said Claude. “Traffic into Chicago is going to be bumper-to-bumper.”

“Thanks,” said Alex, shaking Claude’s hand. “Congratulations, Claude. I wish you the best in your endeavors.”

“You too, man.”

Alex walked over to Spike as Tom and Thomas went to shake Claude’s hand and congratulate him.

“Ready for tonight?” asked Alex.

“110 percent!” declared Spike.

Spike then jumped onto Twilight’s back as she and Rainbow Dash went to give their thanks and best wishes to Claude.

“Thank you, Claude, for all that you’ve done,” said Twilight, letting Claude shake her hoof.

Rainbow Dash held her wing out, having Claude force his palm onto it.

“Alright,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, flying back towards Tom. “Later, dude!”

Spike then stood on Twilight’s back and shook Claude’s hand.

“It was really fun dueling with you and all,” said Spike. “Best of luck for your family."

“‘Preciate it, man,” answered Claude.

With that, Alex, Tom, Thomas, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike walked down the hallway to the exit.

“Enjoy yourselves, darlings!” called Rarity.

“Thanks!” called Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike in tandem.

Thomas led Tom and Alex onto the highway to Chicago. Alex followed from behind with Twilight in the backseat of his duel runner. Tom was last, Spike riding in his backseat with Rainbow Dash flying close behind. Alex looked up into the sky, looking at the Equestrian planet as it was safely floating in the blue, cloudless sky.

Everything is good, thought Alex. And as long as I’m around, that’s the way it’s going to stay.

Alex pressed the Bluetooth function on his duel runner’s touch screen.

“Hey, Tom!” spoke Alex through Tom’s helmet, which got Rainbow Dash and Spike’s attention.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Duel? To kill some time?”

“Hehe. You know it.”

Tom looked up to Rainbow Dash, who smiled with anticipation.

Tom, Alex, and Rainbow Dash then sped up ahead of Thomas, surprising him. Upon realizing their intentions, he smiled.

Go get ‘em, he thought.

“Speed World 2,” yelled Alex. “Set on!”

“Duel detected,” called an electronic voice.

Holographic auras emanated from the streetlights as Alex and Tom swerved into the empty two riding-duel lanes.

“Ready, Twilight?” asked Alex, reaching his right hand behind him.

“Whenever you are,” responded Twilight, smacking his palm with her hoof.

“Kick his rear, Tom!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

“Anything for you,” said Tom.

Alex looked at Tom. Without Tom looking, Spike took his hand off of Tom and gave him a supportive thumbs up. Alex then rode up right alongside Tom.

“Doesn’t it feel good to have a duel and not worry about dying?” Alex asked him.

“Doesn’t it feel good to have a duel and not worry about losing?” responded Tom. “I sure do.”

Tom sped up, losing Alex.

“I’m gonna make you eat those words, buddy,” muttered Alex confidently.

Alex sped up so he was just behind Tom. With a final mutual glance at one another, Alex and Tom drew five cards from their decks and placed them on their wrist dealers.

“DUEL!” they both yelled.

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