• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 46: Prelude

Kyle woke up in the room where he dueled Trixie. However, the first thing he noticed upon waking was a chill around his wrists and ankles. There, he noticed that he was bound by shackles, restricting most of his movements.

“Kyle,” spoke a familiar voice.

Kyle turned to see that it was Luna, also bound like he saw her when he first entered.

“Luna,” he said. “Are you alright?”

“Of course not!” she bellowed. “I’m weak, tired, and I’m held captive against my will!”

“Looks like I’m in the same boat as you.”

“Why didn’t you bring the others?” asked Luna.

“I was buying them time.”

“Time? Time for what? They’re about to do something awful to me and you’re biding your time?”

“If Alex and his friends aren’t prepared, then they’ll end up like us. I felt that I’d be strong enough to take on most, if not all of them. Unfortunately, Trixie pulled a joker from her sleeve. I’m sorry that I couldn’t stop it.”

Luna suddenly began to feel guilty. Despite failing, he put on an impressive attempt to save her, which is something she couldn’t deny.

“I apologize as well. I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that. I’m still amazed that you were able to pull off summoning that other monster of yours.”

Kyle chuckled, amused himself that he was able to summon it.

“Yeah, well, like I said, I guess it’s because I’m in good company.”

A voice echoed from the room.

“You couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

Rae stepped up from the shadows, revealing herself to Kyle and Luna.

“Rae,” growled Kyle.

“It’s so good to see you too, dear,” she spoke. “So, where are the others? We’re they smart enough to realize that facing us is a losing battle?”

“On the contrary. In fact, I’d be surprised if they weren’t on their way as we speak. Are your forces ready?”

“As a matter of fact they are.”

“And once Alex and his friends take your minions down and rescue us, it’s curtains for you.”

“Aw, how cute. You really think that Alex and his friends will find you?”

“Damn straight.”

“Well, how do you think that they’re going to save you when they’re busy fighting you?”


Rae held out her hand over the space Kyle and Luna, causing the chains holding the two of them to glow a dark purple. Kyle and Luna began to glow as well, suddenly feeling a surge of pain run through their bodies. Kyle and Luna screamed.

“What’s happening,” Kyle weakly groaned.

“It feels like my energy is being pumped from me!” grunted Luna, trying to fight it.

“Yes,” spoke Rae, “and once your magic is taken from you, my plan will be near completion!”

“Joke’s on you! How much use are we supposed to be fighting our friends if we’re dead?”

“Hmhmhmm. It’s as if you thought I didn’t plan that out in advance.”

The chains then began to “glow” black, which mixed into the purple glow of the chains. The pain in Kyle and Luna seemed to intensify, as told by the increase of volume from their screams. Kyle looked at Luna, whose coat began to turn black as her eyes turned more into an icy shade of blue, and becoming more catlike.

Kyle suddenly began to remember things he had previously forgotten. Dueling Claude at the Riverwalk tournament, defeating and nearly murdering Reese, throwing John off the stage, dueling Alex and summoning Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon for the first time.

“No!” yelled Kyle. “Not again!”

Kyle fought as hard as he could. Rae smiled as she watched her former hunter’s pointless struggle. Kyle’s clenched teeth brought on by pain and fear slowly turned into a malicious smile. As Kyle’s smile grew wider and wider, he began to laugh louder and louder, slowly reverting back into Rae’s perfect hunter once again.

Alex, his friends, and family continued to travel on to Fermilab, going east on Ferry underneath the Illinois Prairie Path bridge. Rainbow Dash decided to fly next to Alex and Tom, who led the pack, giving them each a salute with her hoof.

“To think,” said Alex to Tom with a slight smile, “this could be the last time we ride together.”

“What’s wrong?” asked Tom. “Are you upset that you only got to use your duel runner for a week?”

“No. I’m upset I only got a week to ride with you.”

“Hey man, we pretty much “rode” together for nearly thirteen years. I’d say that’s a pretty long time.”

“And I just thought I’d let you know, just in case you didn’t hear me the first eight times: they were the best thirteen years I’ve ever spent.”

“Me too man. Me too.”

Alex and Tom rode close enough from the sides to fist-bump each other. Rainbow Dash, feeling dejected from their tender moment, flew up to Tom and punched his still balled up hand with her hoof before he could pull it away.

“Of course,” said Tom in a playfully sarcastic, “how could I forget my good friend Rainbow Dash?”

Tom held out his fist and allowed Rainbow Dash to give him a proper bump. Twilight, who still sat behind Alex in the backseat, hugged him tight to get his attention. Alex reached behind and gently pat the purple unicorn on the stomach.

Zelda continued to fly over the group, looking out over the area. From the distance, she could see Flim and Flam, both sitting in a large, red, wooden automobile-like contraption with a cowcatcher, which was parked in a parking lot next to a power station on N. Eola Rd.

“Guys,” called Zelda through her goggles, contacting every vehicle through the radio. “We got company up ahead. What should we do?”

Jenny and Lisa, who were the rear car in the group, looked at each other.

“Like hell we’re going to let these guys have all the fun,” said Jenny.

“You read my mind, girlfriend,” responded Lisa.

Being literally the middle of the night, there were little to no cars out. Jenny swerved her car into the opposing lane and accelerated, passing up each car ahead of them. Sarah looked through her window, watching as Jenny’s car passed the van.

“Jenny!” she yelled.

Soon, they got up next to Alex. Lisa then rolled down her window to talk to Alex if need be.

“Jenny!” yelled Alex. “Lisa! What the hell are you doing?”

“We’re leaving the door open for you!” yelled Lisa. “Whatever happens, continue onward, and don’t look back!”

Before Alex could retort, Lisa rolled up her windows before Jenny accelerated. Now at the front, Jenny went into the proper lane.

From the parking lot where Flim and Flam were waiting, they saw the lights from Alex’s fleet coming their way. They already had their D-Pad’s on their wrists, expecting a battle.

“Lookie here!” spoke Flim. “It seems the cavalry has finally arrived!”

“Let’s slow them down some, shall we?” asked Flam.

They pulled their large machine out of the parking space and onto the street, blocking traffic from both ways.

Upon turning onto N. Eola, everyone could see Flim and Flam in the way.

“Crap,” exclaimed Alex, already beginning to decelerate.

Jenny and Lisa took one last look at each other before Jenny floored the accelerator on her car. Alex was shocked as he watched Jenny’s car fly through the streets, seemingly ignoring the fact that there was a vehicle in their path.

“Lisa! Jenny! NO!” screamed Lisa, watching the impending carnage.

“What the…” said Flim and Flam in unison.

With one final joyous yell, Jenny and Lisa aimed the car straight at the large wooden wheels on the vehicle blocking them.

"Ramming speed!" squealed Jenny.

The only thing Flim and Flam could think of doing in that time was to clear the vehicle, getting out from the left side and running southeast.

With the vehicle made of wood, Jenny’s car shattered the Flim-Flam brothers’ machine. However, with the pieces of debris that they were running over, Jenny’s car spun out towards the west side of the street. As it hit the curb, it began to roll several times in the open grassy field before it finally stopped right side up on its wheels.

“JENNY!” yelled Tom.

However, with their car in proper position, albeit broken, the two girls unbuckled their seatbelts and walked out dizzily. Their clothes were torn a bit and both were bleeding a tad, but it was minor enough to wait before going to a hospital.

“Let’s go again!” chanted Jenny jokingly. “Let’s go again!”

Seeing that the girls were alright, Alex and Tom took a sigh of relief.

“Zelda,” contacted Alex through his helmet, “tell everyone to keep moving. We’ll take a shortcut through the prairie path.”

“Roger that!” said Zelda.

Overriding the radios once more, she addressed everyone.

“Alex said to keep moving. Jenny and Lisa are fine.”

The line of cars and bikes were able to pass through the ruined car and the wreckage that Jenny and Lisa created.

Flim and Flam, having dove and taken cover prior to the crash, finally got up to take a look at the damage.

“Hey!” yelled Jenny.

Flim and Flam turned slightly to the left to see Jenny and Lisa approaching them in the parking lot.

“You’ll pay for that!” yelled Flim.

“You’ll pay for hurting my friends!” yelled Lisa back.

“Yes, I know all about you two,” said Flam. “Well, honestly, not so much you,” he said to Lisa. He then pointed his hoof at Jenny, saying, “But you. I heard how you lost to Chrysalis on Thursday. You probably wouldn’t fare very well against us.”

“Well,” spoke Jenny, “I heard that Alex defeated you before he had his Hieratics or his Shining Platinum Dragon. So, no, I’m sure I’ll kick the ever-loving crap out of you!”

“Either way,” said Flim, “someone is paying for the damage to our Super Speedy Cider Squeezy.”

“Jesus, you dummies really named your car that?”

“Shut up!” barked Flam. “I will not sit here and let you sully our once-proud invention. Now, it’s time for payback.”

Flim and Flam’s duel disks unsheathed in tandem. Jenny and Lisa unsheathed their duel disks as well.

“Duel detected,” called an intercom voice from a headlight in the parking lot, encasing the vicinity in a holographic aura.

Jenny, Lisa, Flim, and Flam drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they all yelled.

Lisa and Jenny vs. Flim and Flam

Lisa’s Turn: Lisa summons Cloudian – Ghost Fog (ATK: 900 DEF: 0). Next, she activates Double Summon, summoning Cloudian – Cirrostratus (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). When Cloudian – Cirrostratus is normal summoned, Lisa can place a Fog Counter on it for each Cloudian monster on the field (2).

Lisa places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-8000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Cloudians, hm?” spoke Flim. “And a tricky combo you’ve prepared with them it seems. No matter. My brother and I will surpass your strategies.”

Flim’s Turn: Flim activates the continuous spell card The World Tree. Next, Flim sets one monster.

Flim places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Really?” asked Jenny. “That’s all? I really wished I’d see some kind of challenge.”

“Continue to tread on,” spoke Flam, “and you’ll see how far your words will carry you.”

“You know,” said Lisa. “If you’re going to insult my friend like that, could you keep from sounding like a complete prude?”

Flam looked at Lisa with a dissatisfied frown.

“So be it,” sighed Jenny.

Jenny’s Turn: Jenny activates Celestial Transformation, allowing her to special summon a Fairy-type monster from her hand, although its ATK is halved, special summoning Vylon Charger from her hand (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000). Jenny places one card face down. Next, Jenny activates Card Destruction, having all players discard all of the cards in their hand and draw cards equal to the amount they had in their hand.

Jenny normal summons Vylon Prism (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1500). Jenny activates Star Changer, increasing Vylon Charger’s level by one (Lvl.: 4 -> 5). Jenny tunes Vylon Charger with Vylon Prism to synchro summon Vylon Alpha (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1100). Jenny activates Vylon Alpha’s effect, allowing her to equip an equip spell card from her graveyard onto it, choosing Vylon Segment.

Also, Jenny activates Vylon Prism’s effect, paying 500 life points to equip it to a monster she controls, choosing Vylon Alpha.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 8000 -> 7500

Jenny ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-7500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Jenny and Lisa looked very confident with each other over their moves. However, their smiles were replaced by confused stares upon Flam laughing at them.

“I really have to thank you!” he said in between chuckles. “With your activation of Card Destruction, you’ve just sealed your own doom!”

“What are you going on about?” asked Jenny, crossing her arms.

“You’ll find out all too soon…”

Flam’s Turn: Flam activates Harpie’s Feather Duster, destroying all spells and trap cards on the opponent’s field. Next he activates his spell Weed Overgrowth, banishing a number of Plant-type monsters in his graveyard equal to the number of face up monsters on the field (3). He then special summons that many copies of Dino Weeds to his side of the field from his deck (ATK: 100 DEF: 1500). Flam overlays his three Dino Weeds to xyz summon Dionaea Dragon (ATK: 500 DEF: 2800).

Flam activates Dionaea Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Flam can equip one monster that the opponent controls to it and have Dionaea Dragon gain ATK equal to the equipped monster’s ATK, choosing Cloudian – Cirrostratus (ATK: 500 -> 1400). Flam then normal summons Botanical Lion (ATK: 1600 DEF: 2000). With Botanical Lion’s effect, it gains 300 ATK for each Plant-type monster that Flam controls (2 x 300 = 600, ATK: 1600 -> 2200). Next, Flam activates Shield and Sword, switching the ATK and DEF of all monsters on the field (ATK: 0 DEF: 0) (ATK: 2200 -> 1100, DEF: 1100 -> 2200) (ATK: 1400 -> 2800 -> 4200 DEF: 2800 -> 1400 -> 500) (ATK: 2200 -> 2000 -> 2600 DEF: 2000 -> 2200 -> 1600).

Flam attacks Vylon Alpha with Botanical Lion.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 7500 -> 6000

Flam attacks Cloudian – Ghost Fog with Dionaea Dragon. With Cloudian – Ghost Fog’s effect, Lisa and Jenny take no battle damage. However, because Dionaea Dragon doesn’t have a level, Cloudian – Ghost Fog’s effect doesn’t apply.

During the end phase, all monsters’ ATKs and DEFs return to normal with Shield and Sword’s effect (ATK: 4200 -> 500 -> 1400. DEF: 500 -> 2800) (ATK: 2600 -> 1600 -> 2200, DEF: 1600 -> 2000).

Flam places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-8000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

With the powerful attack of Botanical Lion knocking them down to the ground, Jenny and Lisa stood back up weakly, their wounds from the car crash only being worsened by the damage.

“I think it’s a shame that you fillies underestimated us,” spoke Flam.

“Because now,” butted in Flim, “you’re taking the unicorn by the horns!”

“Why?” asked Lisa, her voice trembling due to her low stamina. “Why are you even doing this? Joining the ranks of someone who wants to destroy your home?”

“You mean a home where we’re driven out of every town because they spit our high quality cider right in our faces?”

“Cider?” asked Jenny, flabbergasted.

“Yes,” exclaimed Flim. “That Applejack one was especially troublesome. After we almost drove her out of town, the town turned on us after they refused to buy our cider!”

“No, seriously. Cider? Really? You’re really going up in arms to destroy the world over apple cider?”

“That cider is our livelihood! Without it, we’re penniless.”

“And blowing your world up is going to make it better?”

“It doesn’t matter,” spoke Flam. “Once both worlds are destroyed, we’ll make a new one from the ashes, where our cider will reign supreme!”

“You’re not doing jack!” yelled Lisa. “We may be down now, but we’re not out!”

Lisa’s Turn: Lisa sets one monster.

Lisa places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-6000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“You won’t escape!” yelled Flim.

Flim’s Turn: Flim activates Thunder Crash, destroying all monsters on his side of the field, including his face down Mystic Tomato. For each monster destroyed by this effect, 300 points of damage are inflicted onto the opponent (3 x 300 = 900).

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 6000 -> 5100

With The World Tree’s effect, whenever a Plant-type monster is destroyed, a Flower Counter is placed on it (FlC.: 0 -> 3). Flim activates The World Tree’s effect, destroying one card on the field by removing two Flower Counters (FlC.: 3 -> 1), choosing Lisa’s face down card.

Flim activates Call of the Haunted, special summoning Mystic Tomato from his graveyard (ATK: 1400 DEF: 1100). Next, he normal summons Cactus Fighter (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1400). Flim activates another effect of The World Tree, removing a Flower Counter (FlC.: 1 -> 0) to increase the ATK of a Plant-Type monster he controls by 400, choosing Cactus Fighter (ATK: 1900 -> 2300).

Flam attacks Lisa’s face down monster with Mystic Tomato, which was a Cloudian – Smoke Ball (ATK: 200 DEF: 600).

Flam then attacks Lisa and Jenny directly with Cactus Fighter.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 5100 -> 2800

During the end phase, Cactus Fighter’s ATK returns to normal with The World Tree’s effect (ATK: 2300 -> 1900).

Flim ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-8000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0


Jenny’s Turn: Jenny activates Pot of Greed, drawing two cards. Jenny activates Dark Hole, destroying all monsters on the field (FlC.: 0 -> 2).

Jenny places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-2800 Monsters-0 Face Down Cards-1

“You really seem to be giving up!” said Flam. “I’m sorry it had to come to this.”

“Sorry my ass,” spoke Jenny, kneeling. “Don’t lie to me.”

“Fine. Guilty as charged. Your defeat, and a perfect one at that, will be a fitting metaphor for those who stand in Rae Sulfa Tun’s way.”

Flam’s Turn: Flam activates Xyz Reborn, special summoning Dionaea Dragon from his graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn to it as xyz material. Flam then normal summons Lord Poison (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000).

Flam attacks Lisa and Jenny directly with Lord Poison.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 2800 -> 1300

Flam then attacks Lisa and Jenny directly with Dionaea Dragon.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 1300 -> 800

Jenny activates Self-Destruct Button, having all players’ life points become 0 when her life points are lower than her opponent’s with a 7000 point difference.

Lisa and Jenny’s Life Points: 800 -> 0

Flim and Flam’s Life Points: 8000 -> 0

The duel ends in a draw.

The effects of Self-Destruct Button blew every duelist away in a large ball of fire and energy, knocking them back at least thirty feet. Flim and Flam, who took the heaviest damage, were unconscious before their bodies hit the ground. However, Jenny and Lisa, having only taken 800 points of damage, got up rather quickly, trying their best to ignore the pain shooting through their body.

“Well,” exclaimed Lisa. “That was quite a trollish move.”

“And option B was a better alternative?”

“Touché. Anyways, what now?”

Jenny and Lisa looked at Flim and Flam, who were sprawled out over the ground.

“Meh,” said Lisa, “let’s pick them up.”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“For once, I don’t think so. These guys don’t seem harmful enough to pose some kind of threat. They just seem like the kind of ponies who will side with whichever team is winning.”

“How can you tell?”

“Just this nagging feeling…”

Lisa and Jenny successfully dragged Flim and Flam to their car, albeit trying to manage some space in their back seats.

“Seriously,” warned Lisa. “If these guys up and kill us…”

“Ten bucks says they don’t.”

“You’re on. Wait...”

"Too late!"

Jenny and Lisa entered the car, the former putting the key into the ignition and turning. Although it started normally, the car, being as damaged as it was, clunkily moved forward, off the path, and onto the street, trying their best to catch up to Alex and the rest of his friends.

Alex and his friends parked in the Fermilab parking lot outside Wilson Hall. Everyone either dismounted, exited, or landed, now being all together.

“This is it,” said Alex. “Our final stand. We either save the world or die trying.”

“Jeez, man,” spoke Tom, slapping his hand on Alex’s shoulder, “don’t be such a Debbie Downer. I’m sure we’ll do just fine. Plus, I’d hate to have Luna see you hot and bothered trying to save her.”

“Speaking of which,” butted in Celestia. “There isn’t much time. Let’s go!”

The mass of people and ponies (and dragon) ran straight for Wilson Hall. Alex saw two men in labcoats walk outside. Before Alex could assume them to be blocking their progress, Alex was shocked to see the men holding the doors open for them, letting them pass.

Upon walking inside the atrium, there were two lines of people in either work or lab attire, making a path to another door on the other side of the room. Alex and the others ignored them as they continued on. Upon opening the door, Alex saw a stairwell.

“Going up!” yelled Alex.

Everyone followed suit, winding and twisting their way up the stairs. Upon finally reaching the top floor, Alex and everyone found themselves in the room where Kyle and Luna were held captive. However, the room they were in was now completely barren.

“Rae!” yelled Alex. “Come out right now! It’s time to end this!”

“Don’t play games!” yelled back Claude at the open air. “We are heavily armed, and we will not take a fight lightly.”

Soon, a poisonous chuckle rang through the room. Alex and the others looked around the room as the laughter bounced off in different directions.”

“If you’re not fond of playing games, then please tell me why you’re wearing your D-Pads?” spoke Rae’s voice.

“You know what we meant!” shouted Tom. “Now come here and the ass kicking won’t hurt nearly as bad.”

“Such intimidating threats. However, you will not be facing me… yet. My minions still have enough time and enough strength for one more go. Why don’t you give them some company?”

Soon, a purple spark emitted from the center of the room. The sparks began growing bigger and bigger until they were full-fledged bolts. Fluttershy hid behind Princess Celestia, while Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Tom, and Claude stood offensively.

Alex suddenly felt a breeze blow towards the sparks, which began to converse. The space then started swirling, forming a black portal. Alex noticed that the gusts were getting stronger and stronger, almost to the point where his shoes couldn't provide friction to anchor him to the ground.

Thomas held onto Carolyn and Sarah with both arms, trying to keep them safe. However, the gusts were too strong. Alex and Tom were pulled forward into the portal, being sucked in until the blackness inside rendered them invisible.

“Come on, girls,” said Twilight. “Now or never.”

Twilight and her other five pony friends jumped slightly into the air, letting the portal's suction pull them in. Shining Armor and Cadance followed suit. Reese and Emma ran towards it and leaped inside. John, Claude, Zelda, and Spike ran in simultaneously as well. Sarah then let go of Thomas, letting the portal take her too.

“Sarah!” yelled Carolyn.

“Carolyn!” called Celestia to the two remaining humans. “Thomas! Hold on to me. I’ll help you find your children.”

Carolyn and Thomas did as they were told, both hugging the white alicorn at the waist. With a final nod, Celestia galloped at the portal, bringing Carolyn and Thomas with her. With everyone taken, the portal shrunk and shut, bringing the room back to normal.

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