• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 45: Army

Claude was sleeping in his bed with his very-pregnant wife when he received a phone call. The phone blared throughout the room, waking both Claude and his wife up. Claude clumsily reached for the phone from his bedside table, picking it up and putting it to the side of his head.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” he groaned.

“Luna’s been kidnapped,” said Alex.

Claude immediately shot up in his bed.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me. Luna was taken by a person that I think was Grant.”

“What do you mean think was Grant?”

“Before I could get a good look at him, he shot Luna with something, causing her to crash into me and then when I got back up they were gone. Listen, I don’t know what happened, but Luna’s in trouble and I need your help.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Claude hung up his phone and went to his dresser.

“Baby?” asked his wife, tiredly, “what’s going on?”

“Something big.”

“Something big that involves leaving me alone in the night?”

“Yes. Something so big, that the fate of the world is riding on it.”

“You know, you always say that…”

“I mean it this time,” said Claude, walking up and kneeling to his wife’s side. “If my friends and I can’t stop this thing, there’s no future for us or our son.” Claude rubbed his wife’s engorged belly.

“If that’s the case,” she said. “I won’t stop you. But don’t come home until you’ve won.”

Claude giggled.

“If I don’t stop this, there won’t be any home to come to.”

Claude then gave his wife a passionate kiss. If this would be the last moments he’d spend with his wife, he’d make them count.

“I love you, baby,” Claude said.

“I love you too, honey.”

Claude then went towards his dresser to change.

“Claude…” she whispered.

Reese and Emma burst into the Emmitt’s house.

“We came as fast as we could,” said Reese.

Alex, Tom, Sarah, Carolyn, Thomas, Kyle, the ponies (plus Spike) and Princess Celestia were all in the living room. Celestia was openly crying on the couch, mourning over her loss. Twilight and Fluttershy were doing their best to console her.
“What do you suppose we do now?” asked Tom.

“Are you kidding?” asked Rainbow Dash, angered by her friend’s question, “we’re going to go save her!”

“I know that! But we can’t just waltz in and ask them to hand her over! We need to plan this out.”

“There’s no time! Luna could be getting tortured as we speak.”

“Rainbow Dash!” scolded Twilight, letting Celestia’s sobbing do the talking for her.

“Well what do you expect me to say? ‘That they’re having a tea party and having a grand old time playing Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Pony?’”

“No, but I need you to consider the princess. She’s just lost her sister and I don’t think she wants to hear that she’s in pain.”

“As much as I respect you and the princesses’ wishes,” spoke Reese, “but Rainbow Dash is right. If we’re going to keep Luna from undergoing any more suffering, then we should head out and take her down.”

“There you go!” spoke Rainbow, relieved to have some support.

“Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, “we don’t need anymore casualties to add to the list. If we want to all survive this, then we need to keep our heads on straight and not run around like chickens with our heads cut off.”

“The only head that’s getting cut off is your egg head if we go with your plan.”

“Rainbow! This is not the time to be slinging insults.”



“Enough!” broke a voice.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight turned to see that Kyle was the source of the voice.

“Kyle…” spoke Twilight.

“If anyone’s going to fight them, it’s going to be me.”

“WHAT?!?” yelled everyone in unison.

“I’ve spent a little over half a year watching as my mother turned into a monster hell-bent on world destruction. It was just yesterday that I freed myself from that. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of watching as the world burns around me. I’m going to go over to Fermilab and take Rae and her army down.”

“Wait, Fermilab?” asked Alex. “Isn’t that the site of the particle accelerator?”

“I forgot to mention. Fermilab is the site of Rae’s final stage of her plan. After we discovered that Zelda had arrived in Naperville, we took Fermilab over as our final base of operations.”

“Took over? I’m interested to know how she took over a government laboratory.”

“Simple. Rae used her affluence to gain access. From there, she magically brainwashed every single employee into working for her. That way, the rest of us could access the building and make residence there, while all of the employees would continue working as normal, and no one would suspect a thing.

“Once we obtained most of the Stones of Equus, we would have combined it with energy made from the particle accelerator to create a beam of energy powerful enough to blow Equestria to bits. However, I think they’re going to replace the Stones with Luna.”

“Then we must absolutely go now!” spoke Celestia, putting her head up so she could be heard. “If they take her powers, they might have enough to destroy Equestria.”

“Right,” said Kyle. “That’s why I’m going alone.”

“What?” asked Emma. “Why?”

“Twilight is right. You need to mobilize. While you and your other friends come here and prepare yourselves, I will do what I can to stall the process.”

“You’re nuts!” yelled Twilight. “You were beaten by Luna this morning, and then she was just beaten! If you go, you’ll be defeated twice as bad!”

“No,” said Kyle. “They won’t defeat me. As a good friend has taught me,” he spoke, turning to Tom, “Rae herself could challenge me and I’d beat her if it meant saving my family.”

Tom smiled, despite knowing he was in a moral checkmate.

“Plus,” said Kyle, holding out his now glowing right hand, “how many of you can snatch an Equus card without the Elements of Harmony?”

Twilight then understood. With a nod, she gave Kyle her answer.

“I think you’re right, Kyle. If you think this will help us, then I won’t stop you.”

Kyle then looked to everyone else, only to see the same look of trust and determination on their faces. Kyle gave a slight nod.

“Thank you,” he said. “I won’t forget any of you.”

He then walked to the front door, opened it, and shut it behind him, not once looking back. Emma suddenly rushed out of the house to follow Kyle, leaving Reese to follow her. As Kyle walked to the driveway to get onto his duel runner, he turned around upon hearing the door open. He was soon greeted by Emma throwing her arms around him. Reese’s eyes bulged and his mouth drooped upon sighting them.

“Good luck,” she spoke in a sob-like tone.

“Yeah,” was all Kyle could say. “Thanks.”

Despite the coldness of his reply, Emma still smiled, knowing he had to take on the whole of their enemies by himself. Kyle relinquished himself from the grip, heading back to his bike.

“What was that all about?” asked Reese, slightly angry.

“What?” questioned Emma coyly, “I think I’ve grown a soft spot for him.”

Emma turned back to the driveway to see Kyle riding away. Emma smiled again, her faith going to him.

Luna woke up in a large, darkened room supported by marble pillars on marble floors. Upon shifting her body, she heard the sound of rattling chains. Upon hearing them, she fully awoke, seeing that all four of her limbs were bound by shackles. She began to whimper as she attempted to pull the chains off of her.

“I hope you’re nice and cozy,” spoke Rae from behind her.

Luna turned around to see Rae. The alicorn attempted to shoot a spell from her horn at her enemy, but upon making her horn glow, a ring at the base of her horn glowed brightly too, delivering shocks that ran through her entire body. Once the shocks stopped, Luna crumpled to the floor in exhaustion.

“I forgot to mention,” giggled Rae, “that that ring on your horn prevents the use of your magic. I mean, we wouldn’t want things to go… awry now, would we?”

Upon saying “would we,” Chrysalis, Grant, Trixie, Flim, and Flam, stepped from the shadows, revealing themselves to Luna. Upon seeing Grant, Luna angrily rushed at him, only for her chains to hold her back.

“I’ll kill you!” she shouted at him. “You hear me? You’re dead!”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to kill anyone,” said Grant. “So just sit tight and just wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“The end,” said Rae. “We’re going to drain you of your powers and use them, along with the Stones of Equus to destroy your planet.”

Luna began to pull at her chains some more in a desperate attempt to break free. Rae only laughed at her struggle while everyone looked on at Luna.

“Guys!” yelled Gilda, who was looking at a large window at the end of the room. “I see someone!”

“Someone?” asked Rae for clarification. “There aren’t others?”

“No. It’s… Kyle!”

“Kyle? Coming alone? Such a brave boy…” Rae then pinched the lapel of her coat, putting her lips up to it.

“This is Rae speaking. Once Kyle arrives, let him in.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Rae let go of her lapel.

“This oughta be interesting…”

Kyle rode up to the parking lot of the Fermilab’s Wilson Hall, a tall, beaker shaped building. Upon parking his bike, he briskly walked to the building, staring at the window where he knew Rae would be. Upon entering inside the, he was greeted by a man in a lab coat.

“Kyle,” he said, “Rae is expecting you.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” he answered sarcastically.

Kyle headed walked through the atrium of the building, he went to a the center elevator that was left open, seemingly as if it was meant for him to enter. Upon entering inside, the doors immediately closed, producing not a reaction from Kyle. He waited patiently as the elevator rocketed to the top level where Rae would see him. Kyle then felt the sudden pull downwards from the elevator, signaling its stop. Kyle took a deep breath, and then walked into the room as soon as the doors opened.

“KYLE!” screamed Luna, already in tears.

“Ahh,” greeted Rae, “if it isn’t my loyal hunter, Kyle. I hoped you’d bring the others.”

“They’ll come soon enough,” said Kyle. “But right now, this is business that’s mine and mine alone.”

Rae couldn’t help but laugh at Kyle.

“And what, pray tell, do you expect to do? It’s six of us versus one of you.”

“That may be true in our numbers,” said Kyle with a small smile, “but right now, I have a fury burning inside of me that’s making me seven times as strong.”

Rae smirked at Kyle’s overwhelming confidence as he continued speaking.

“And right now, you’ll be feeling the brunt of it!”

Rae laughed again.

“Alright, Kyle. I guess its time I showed a dog its rightful place.”

As she began to step up to face Kyle, Trixie stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

“Trixie,” she said. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Stand back, Rae. You need to rest until its time. Let Trixie duel in your stead. Besides, it’s been far too long since I’ve gotten a chance to duel.”

Rae stood still staring her companion in the eye. She then backed up.

“Fine,” said Rae. “You have my permission to defeat him.”

“As if you’re going to defeat me.”

Kyle’s duel disk appeared on his arm from the blaze that formed on his arm. A bright star and crescent flew from Trixie’s cutie mark, where it landed on Trixie’s left wrist and formed into her duel disk. Kyle and Trixie drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they yelled.

Kyle vs. Trixie

Kyle’s Turn: Kyle sets one monster and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-5 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

“Ah,” sighed Trixie, “so desperate. No matter. Trixie shall dispose of him quickly.”

Trixie’s Turn: Trixie places two cards face down. Next, she activates Photon Lead, special summoning a level 4 or lower LIGHT monster from her hand, choosing Arcana Force VII – The Chariot (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1700). A coin is tossed. It lands on heads.

Trixie attacks Kyle’s face down monster, which is a Morphing Jar (ATK: 700 DEF: 600). When Morphing Jar is flip summoned, both players discard their hands and draw five cards from their decks. With Arcana Force VII – The Chariot’s heads effect, when it destroys a monster by battle, she can special summon the monster to her side of the field, special summoning Morphing Jar. Trixie attacks Kyle directly with Morphing Jar.

Kyle’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3300

Trixie then tributes Morphing Jar and Arcana Force VII – The Chariot to normal summon Arcana Force XXI – The World (ATK: 3100 DEF: 3100). A coin is flipped. It lands on tails.

Trixie places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-3

“Such a foolish and totally predictable move,” said Trixie. “Tell Trixie, does it really take you that short of a time for you to underestimate us?”

“Shut up!” shouted Kyle. “You are just one of several stepping stones I will tread across to defeat Rae. With my fury, you are nothing but an ant underneath my boot!”

Kyle’s Turn: During Kyle’s draw phase, he adds the top card of his graveyard to his hand. Kyle activates the field spell Molten Destruction, having all FIRE type monsters on the field gain 500 ATK and lose 400 DEF. Kyle summons Neo Flamvell Sabre (ATK: 1500 DEF: 200). Next, Kyle activates Double Summon, summoning Laval Lakeside Lady (ATK: 200 DEF: 200). Kyle tunes Neo Flamvell Sabre with Laval Lakeside Lady to synchro summon Ancient Flamvell Deity (ATK: 2500 DEF: 200).

When Ancient Flamvell Deity is synchro summoned, Kyle can banish cards in Trixie’s graveyard up to the number of cards in his hand (3). Ancient Flamvell Deity’s ATK raises by 200 for each card banished (3 x 200 = 600) (ATK: 2500 -> 3100). Kyle then activates Battle Waltz, special summoning a Waltz token with the same Type, Attribute, Level, ATK, and DEF as a synchro monster he controls to the field. Kyle overlays Ancient Flamvell Deity and the Waltz token to xyz summon Olivine Dragon (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500) (ATK: 3000 -> 3500, DEF: 2500 -> 2100).

Kyle attacks Arcana Force XXI – The World with Olivine Dragon, but Trixie activates Attack Invulnerability, preventing her monster’s destruction by battle. Damage is still applied.

Trixie’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3600

Kyle places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3300 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“So, you managed to bring your ace monster,” observed Trixie aloud. “No matter. The Great and Powerful Trixie will show you how weak your monsters are under my command of my Arcana Force!”

Trixie’s Turn: Trixie activates the quick-play spell Beam Splitter, banishing one level 8 or higher LIGHT monster she controls. Trixie can then special summon three monsters from her deck whose combined levels equal the level of the banished monster, choosing two Arcana Force 0 – The Fools (ATK: 0 DEF: 0) and an Arcana Force XII – The Hanged Man (ATK: 2200 DEF: 2200). With Beam Splitter’s effect, their ATK becomes 0 (ATK: 2200 -> 0), and their effects are negated.

Trixie then activates her face down Inferno Reckless Summon, special summoning as many monsters with 1500 or less ATK from her hand, deck, or graveyard that share the same name of a special summoned monster, special summoning another Arcana Force 0 – The Fool from her deck. A coin is tossed. It lands on heads. Since Kyle has only one copy of Olivine Dragon (along with it originating from his extra deck), Kyle cannot special summon monsters with Inferno Reckless Summon’s effect.

Trixie tributes all three Arcana Force 0 – The Fools to special summon Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler (ATK: 4000 DEF: 4000). A coin is tossed. It lands on tails. Trixie tributes Arcana Force XII – The Hanged Man to normal summon Darklord Desire with its effect (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2800). Trixie activates Darklord Desire’s effect, decreasing its ATK by 1000 (ATK: 3000 -> 2000) to destroy a monster that Kyle controls, choosing Olivine Dragon, but Kyle activates Utopian Aura, preventing the destruction of an xyz monster he controls by a card effect by detaching an xyz material from a monster he controls.

Trixie overlays Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler and Darklord Desire to xyz summon Cobalt Ursa Minor (ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000). Trixie activates Cobalt Ursa Minor’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can activate one of two effect. She chooses the second. Trixie draws one card. If the drawn card is a monster card, Cobalt Ursa Minor’s ATK is increased by the level of the drawn monster times 200. She draws a Darklord Superbia (Lvl.: 8) (8 x 200 = 1600, ATK: 3000 -> 4600).

Kyle activates Olivine Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it when an xyz monster his opponent controls activates its effect, Kyle can inflict damage equal to the monster’s rank times 200, but Trixie activates Barrel Behind the Door, inflicting the damage onto Kyle instead (Rnk.: 10) (10 x 200 = 2000).

Kyle’s Life Points: 3300 -> 1300

Trixie attacks Olivine Dragon with Cobalt Ursa Minor.

Kyle’s Life Points: 1300 -> 200

Kyle activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster he controls has been destroyed by battle.

During the end phase, Cobalt Ursa Minor’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 4600 -> 3000).

Trixie places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-3600 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Trixie laughed as Kyle struggled to get up.

“I’m far from done yet,” spoke Kyle.

Kyle’s Turn: Kyle sets one monster.

Kyle places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“Hmph,” exclaimed Trixie, “let’s just get this over with.”

Trixie’s Turn: Trixie activates Graceful Revival, special summoning Arcana Force 0 – The Fool from her graveyard. A coin is tossed. It lands on heads. Next, Trixie tributes Arcana Force 0 – The Fool to summon Arcana Force XIV – Temperance (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2400). A coin is tossed. It lands on tails. Trixie activates Reversal of Fate, switching Arcana Force XIV – Temperance’s effect to its heads effect.

Trixie attacks Kyle’s face down monster, which is a Flamvell Guard (ATK: 100 DEF: 2100) (ATK: 100 -> 600, DEF: 2100 -> 1700). Trixie then attacks Kyle directly with Cobalt Ursa Minor, but Kyle activates Call of the Haunted, special summoning Olivine Dragon from his graveyard (ATK: 3000 -> 3500, DEF: 2500 -> 2100). Trixie halts her attack.

Trixie activates Cobalt Ursa Minor’s effect, detaching an xyz material from it to activate its second effect. Trixie draws one card. The card drawn is a Graceful Charity. Trixie activates Graceful Charity, drawing three cards and discarding two.
Trixie places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3600 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Face it,” taunted Trixie. “You are nothing without Rae. She gave you everything. A purpose, a home when you were cast aside–”

“No,” interrupted Kyle. “I refuse to believe that the woman who saved me from my personal hell could be the one I stand before.”

“Whatever you believe in, it doesn’t matter. Rae gave you power beyond your wildest dreams, and you’ve squandered it. Without it, you’re just as weak as the ones that you used to fight!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” said Kyle, a confident smirk growing on his face, causing Trixie to grimace. “How could someone as weak as Tom defeat Gilda and Grant? How could someone like Alex be weak if they defeated, me, Chrysalis, or even you? The answer is simple. Their friends believed in them and they used their bonds to carry their spirit forward! My bonds will do the same, and I will use them to defeat you!”

Kyle let out a loud yell as he held his arms out to the sides. Kyle’s trench coat became covered in a green blaze. Trixie, Rae, and everyone in the room was terrified, knowing what this meant.

“Impossible!” yelled Rae. “That monster was manifested from my powers! How are you able to wield it?”

“Because I don’t need your powers,” yelled Kyle. “I have a new one. It’s called friendship!”

Kyle’s Turn: Kyle activates Rekindling, special summoning as many FIRE monsters with 200 DEF from his graveyard as possible, special summoning Ancient Flamvell Deity, Neo Flamvell Sabre, Laval Lakeside Lady, and Laval Lancelord (ATK: 2200 DEF: 200). Kyle tunes Neo Flamvell Sabre and Laval Lakeside Lady to synchro summon another Ancient Flamvell Deity. Kyle overlays Olivine Dragon and both of his Ancient Flamvell Deities to xyz summon Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon (ATK: 4500 DEF: 3800) (ATK: 4500 -> 5000, DEF: 3800 -> 3400).

Kyle activates Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Kyle can destroy one attack position xyz monster that Trixie controls and inflict damage equal to the difference between Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon’s ATK and the destroyed monsters ATK, choosing Cobalt Ursa Minor.

Trixie’s Life Points: 3600 -> 1600

Kyle then activates his face down Molten Blowback, inflicting 2000 points of damage to Trixie when he destroyed her monster with a FIRE monster he controls, but Trixie activates Gift of the Mystical Elf, increasing her life points by 300 for each monster on the field before the damage hits (3 x 300 = 900).

Trixie’s Life Points: 1600 -> 2500

Trixie’s Life Points: 2500 -> 500

Kyle attacks Arcana Force XIV – Temperance with Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon. With Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon’s effect, Trixie takes no battle damage from that battle. Trixie then activates Trap Reborn, paying half of her life points to activate a trap card from her opponent’s graveyard, choosing Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster she controls is destroyed by battle.

Trixie’s Life Points: 500 -> 250

Kyle then attacks Trixie directly with Laval Lancelord, but Trixie activates The High Priestess’ Staff from her hand, negating the direct attack, ending the battle phase, and inflicting 500 points of damage to Kyle. With Molten Blowback’s effect, Kyle takes no effect damage until the end of the turn in which he activated that card.

During the end phase, because of Rekindling’s effect, Laval Lancelord is removed from play.

Kyle places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“So,” said Kyle, his coat still ablaze, “you managed to survive too.”

“But of course,” spoke Trixie, who, despite trying to keep her cool, sounded weak from the barrage of damage she took. “You wouldn’t think that a duelist as talented as Trixie would lose to a treacherous simpleton like you, now would she?”

“You still think you can win this?”

“Trixie knows she can.”

Trixie’s cloak began to pick up in a gust from an unknown source. Rae knew what was coming.

“Kyle,” said Trixie. “Do you know the lie Trixie tells every pony in her traveling show? She told them that Trixie was able to defeat an Ursa Major. Of course, Trixie was never even able to defeat a Minor. But who needs to tame an Ursa Major when one exists in your deck?”

“What?” exclaimed Kyle.

Trixie’s Turn: Trixie activates Pot of Greed drawing two cards. Next, she activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Darklord Superbia from her graveyard (ATK: 2900 DEF: 2400). When Darklord Superbia is special summoned from her graveyard, Trixie can special summon a Fairy-type monster from her graveyard, choosing Arcana Force 0 – The Fool.

Trixie tributes Arcana Force 0 – The Fool to normal summon another Darklord Desire. Trixie then activates her Double Summon, tributing Darklord Superbia to summon another Darklord Desire. Trixie activates Xyz Plant, which becomes a monster with the same level as a monster she controls. Trixie then equips Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon with Unstable Evolution, making its ATK 2400 when her opponent’s life points are lower than hers (ATK: 5000 -> 2400 -> 2900).


Trixie’s three monsters turned into whispy aura like beams that traveled outside, going through the window.

“I construct the overlay network with both Darklord Desires and Xyz Plant! Xyz Summon! Appear! Garnet Ursa Major!”

Despite Trixie’s booming voice, the monster was nowhere to be seen. Kyle even looked around to find nothing. However, the building began to shake. Trixie smiled, anticipating the official reveal of her strongest monster. Everyone but Trixie and Rae were shocked and horrified to see a giant, translucent, purple bear with stars printed on its body rip the roof off of the building, exposing it to the night.

From the outside, the monstrously huge bear stood on its hind legs to be able to reach the top level of the building where Trixie and Kyle dueled. Kyle could only stare in fear as he stared eye to eye with this creature.


Trixie overlays both Darklord Desires and Xyz Plant to xyz summon Garnet Ursa Major (ATK: 4000 DEF: 4000). Trixie activates Garnet Ursa Major’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, when it destroys a monster by battle, Trixie can inflict damage equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK. Also, Kyle cannot activate trap cards until the end of the battle phase when it attacks.

Trixie attacks Ultra Olivine Tri-Dragon with Garnet Ursa Major.

Kyle’s Life Points: 200 -> 0

Trixie wins.

Kyle’s body flew in the air until he crashed into the elevator doors, warping them on impact. With the duel ended, the holographic imagery was suppressed, including all monsters, spells, and the damage that Garnet Ursa Major left to the room.. Trixie’s duel disk lit up, where it traveled into her cutie mark via a beam similar to her monsters when they were xyz summoned. Rae walked up behind Trixie and pet her mane.

“Well done, Trixie,” she said.

Rae walked back up to Kyle, who was still unconscious from hitting the elevator doors. She knelt over her fallen former confidante.

“Welcome back, Kyle,” she said before she reached at him.

Jenny, Lisa, and Zelda ran through the front door around five minutes to midnight. Claude was sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of water, while John was sitting on the couch in the living room, stroking Celestia’s side in an attempt to help her feel better. Each of the ponies (plus Alex) had their respective Element of Harmony wrapped around their neck, minus Twilight who wore hers on her head. Everyone, however, minus Carolyn, Thomas, or Sarah, had a duel disk on their wrist. Even Lisa and Jenny wore theirs upon entering.

“Lisa, Zelda, and Jenny, reporting for duty!” yelled Jenny.

“Thank you for coming,” said Alex. “I do hope you know what you’re signing up for by joining us.”

“Please,” scoffed Jenny. “I nearly committed vehicular manslaughter yesterday. I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Alrighty, then.”

Alex then walked to the middle of the stairway to address everyone.

“Everyone!” he called, getting every head turning towards him. “I’d just like to thank you for coming to lend your support. As you very well know, for the past few weeks, Rae Sulfa Tun and her legion of hunters has been trying to steal the Stones of Equus to destroy Equestria and then this world. Along the way, we’ve gained some allies, some being former compadres of Rae herself. I can’t find any more reason to be faithful for our victory tonight. Not only do we have them, but we are in possession of the most powerful magic known to Equestria. It will certainly be a challenge for them, but it won’t be a cakewalk for us either.

“As a couple of you have shown,” he said, looking at Claude and Reese, “you were more than willing to put your lives on the line and almost died for our cause. I ask you, each and every one of you, to lend me that same devotion right now. As we speak, Luna is Rae’s prisoner, and Kyle is assumedly fighting her and her minions all alone. Are we going to let their sacrifice be in vein?”

While the humans remained silent as they listened to Alex’s speech, the ponies (plus Spike) responded with a hearty, “No!”
“Are we going to let Rae be victorious?”


“Or are we going to fight back and let Rae know that she can never trample on any of us?”


“Then as of now, we ride!”

Everyone in the room cheered as Alex briskly walked down the stairs and out the front door, each and every person following him, except for Zelda, who went to the backyard for her glider. Celestia however, stayed on the couch, still overcome with grief over her sisters taking. Spike even tried to follow on, but Twilight stood in front of him.

“Twilight!” exclaimed Spike. “What are you doing?”

“Spike,” said Twilight, “this mission is far too dangerous for you to come along. Now please, get to bed, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“But what if none of you come back?”

Spike then leapt onto Twilight and gave her a hug. Twilight’s tears began to stream down her face. Celestia looked on at this, her sorrowful expression being replaced by determination. Knowing that she couldn’t leave one of her oldest friends behind at a time like this, she finally relented.

“Do you think you have what it takes to help stop Rae?”

Spike nodded confidently.

“Alright,” she said. “Then you cancome too.”

Spike gave Twilight another hug before they both ran off to join the others. Celestia even felt compelled to get up and follow them.

As everyone loaded into a respective car, a bright beam of light zapped down from the sky and onto the Emmitt’s front lawn. From the beam appeared Shining Armor and Cadance, each wearing their D-Pads.

“Shining Armor!” called Twilight. “Cadance! What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be watching over Canterlot?”

“As of right now,” spoke Shining Armor, “we have every single guard on our payroll guarding the city. We won’t let so much as a fly enter or leave the city without answering to us.”

“Do you think I’d allow you to make such a call?” asked Princess Celestia, walking outside the house. Everyone looked elated to see their princess standing there like that.

“With all due respect, I may have been appointed as temporary ruler of Canterlot, but as the captain of the Royal Guard, it is my responsibility to keep every pony safe. If that means coming down here to join your battle, then so be it.”

Celestia couldn’t help but feel pride in him for that statement.

“Very well," she stated. "We shall be leaving now.”

“Excellent. What’s the plan?”

“Here’s what we’re doing,” said Alex. “Anyone with wings or can fly will fly. Everyone else will load up into the car. I want anyone who’s flying to guard at least one vehicle. Got it?”

“Sounds good.”

“Then enough fooling around! Let’s go!”

Carolyn, Thomas, Sarah, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Spike loaded into Carolyn’s van. Alex and Tom threw their helmets on and mounted their duel runners. Twilight hopped into Alex’s backseat. Reese, Emma, and Rarity entered Reese’s car. Claude, John, and Shining Armor got into Claude’s car. Jenny and Lisa entered Jenny’s newly repaired car. Zelda flew from the backyard and onto the front lawn. Celestia, Cadance, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy stretched their wings.

With one last look over the area to see if everyone was there, Alex accelerated out of the driveway, with each vehicle following him and his five flyers just overhead. Alex looked at the clock on his duel runner’s digital dashboard. In a mere few seconds, it changed from 11:59 to 12:00.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012


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