• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 43: Secret

Friday, June 1st, 2012


Alex didn’t want to wake up. His body was sore from last night’s events and getting up would prove to be painful. Of course, with Twilight sleeping soundly next to him, he felt he had enough energy to gently pet her mane, being careful not to wake her up. Then, for the strangest reason, he began to remember Spike, Twilight’s dragon companion. He had come with Shining Armor and Cadance and then left when they were sent back to Canterlot, almost as if he had vanished.

Upon looking in the place where Spike had slept (a basket in the middle of the floor), he set his eyes for the clock. It said 8:30. With as late in the morning as it was, Alex felt compelled to get up, despite his tired bones telling him otherwise. Alex was sure to make sure that Twilight was still asleep and that he wouldn’t wake her. However, his stirring was too much, and he saw as her eyes fluttered awake. Alex couldn’t help but be taken in over how cute that was.

“Ah,” she yawned, “good morning, Alex. Do you know what time it is?”


“8:30? Oh, dear! That’s far too late! I have to get breakfast, and…”

Twilight was already rushing down the stairs to the kitchen, prompting Alex to follow her.

“You know,” said Alex, “we don’t have anything to do today. You don’t have to rush!”

“But Alex, I eat my breakfast at promptly 7:45! Do you know what that could do to my metabolism?”

Alex then saw a stirring from the living room couch. Kyle sat up and looked at both Alex and Twilight.

“Is this how you normally do wake ups in this house?” asked Kyle, irritated.

“I’m sorry, Kyle,” said Alex. “I forgot you were here.”

“Hmph,” said Kyle. “No biggie, then.”

“Good morning, Kyle,” greeted Twilight.

“Hello, Twilight,” responded Kyle. “What’s on the menu for breakfast?”

“We have some eggs,” answered Alex. “Will eggs work?”

“Eggs will be fine.”

Twilight began to heat up a frying pan and set the eggs next to her. As Twilight was adding butter to the pan, Alex heard a knock at the door.

“Huh?” he exclaimed. “Who would be knocking at this time of day.

Alex went to open the door, and upon finding out who it was, he almost stumbled backwards onto his rump. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were standing right there at his doorstep.

“Princess Celestia,” spoke Alex as humbly as he could given his shock, “such an honor!”

“Princess Celestia?” asked Twilight, rushing to the door. Sure enough, to Twilight’s surprise, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were right there. “Princess Celestia!”

Twilight ran to her mentor, nuzzling her head into her chest while Celestia nuzzled her body with the bottom of her chin.
“Twilight!” exclaimed Celestia. “It’s so good to see you.”

“Hey,” called a familiar voice, “don’t forget me!”

Twilight looked to find Spike standing there in between both alicorns.

“Spike!” chirped Twilight, getting a hug from her baby dragon.

“Doesn’t anypony care about others sleep?” yelled Rainbow Dash, poking her head out of Tom’s bedroom door. Upon hearing her voice, the other ponies got up and left their respective bedrooms, to see who was there. They were just as surprised to see that both princesses arrived. They all quickly made their way downstairs and bowed to their ruler.

“What’s happening?” asked Tom, weary from the previous night. Thomas, Carolyn, and Sarah also came out to see who it was. As soon as they saw both princesses, everyone else became as awake as anyone should be.

Tom rushed into the shower while Thomas and Carolyn went to formally greet their guests.

“It’s an honor for you to be here,” spoke Carolyn. “Would you like me to make you something to eat?”

“That’s quite alright, Mrs. Emmitt. I have had breakfast before I arrived.”

“How about some tea?”

“If you insist.” Princess Celestia sniffed the air. “What smells like something is burning?”

“Oh, the butter!” yelled Twilight.

She rushed to the pan with the blackened butter burning inside of it and threw it in the sink and dousing it with water, all to the laughter of everyone except for Carolyn.

“Oh, my good pan!” she cried.

She rushed to the pan to find that the butter did not scorch the pan too badly.

“What were you even trying to do?” asked Carolyn.

“I was making some eggs for Alex and Kyle.”

“Kyle?” wondered Spike. He then glanced at the living room to see Kyle standing there, waving at him. “AH! Kyle! Don’t let him hurt me!” Spike ran to Twilight and hugged her leg.

“Kyle?” stammered a frightened Pinkie Pie. She then screamed and hid in the cupboard.

“What is the meaning of this?” asked Luna aggressively.

“Spike, Celestia, Luna,” spoke Twilight, “Kyle has defected from Rae’s side; he’s on ours now.”

“Do you believe that?” asked Celestia.

“He told a pretty convincing story,” said Applejack. “There didn’t seem to be any fibbing in it if I saw it.”

“In that case, I formally apologize, Kyle.”

“Not a problem. I’m still getting used to the changes myself.”

Kyle’s stomach began to groan.

“I’ll get breakfast going,” said Carolyn, cleaning the pan Twilight used.

Celestia walked over to Alex to address him.

“Alexander,” she spoke, “I don’t suppose you could bring your other friends with you? I need to make an announcement.”

“No problem,” he answered. He then rushed upstairs to get his phone.

Alex opened the door to allow John in.

“Thanks for coming,” said Alex.

“Are you joking?” asked John. “I wouldn’t miss attending a meeting with the princesses of Equestria for the world.”

“Excellent. Take a seat on the couch.”

John did what he was told. Claude, Reese, Emma, Jenny, Lisa, and Zelda were also over, and with John’s arrival, everyone was there. Alex made his way to the living room where everyone was waiting to hear Celestia’s announcement. Once Celestia and Luna accounted for everyone, they both stepped up to allow everyone to give them their undivided attention.

“Thank you everypony for attending,” Celestia began, taking sips of her cup of tea periodically. “If you need a reason as to why I’m here on Earth, you only need to look into the past. Kyle, in his past alliance to Rae, had injured three of you, two of those injuries almost being fatal.”

Kyle looked away and sighed in deep shame.

“Next, Grant had come to your house, defeated and injured my niece and nephew-in-law, and broke into your house. Then, just yesterday, Queen Chrysalis had kidnapped both Sarah and Jenny, leaving Alex and Tom to risk their lives twice to save them.”

“I still don’t understand,” said Twilight. “What does this have to do with you?”

“I’m glad you asked, my faithful student. With the stakes as high as they’ve become, I’m certain that Rae and her army will only raise them higher, and could only fathom what that entails for all of you. That is why, as of this very moment, Luna and I will initiate a personal guardianship of you all, with us being your guardians.”

“What?” yelled the ponies in unison.

“But, what about Canterlot?” asked Rarity.

“Or Equestria?” butted in Rainbow Dash.

“Who shall rule it in your stead?”

“As far as we’ve known, no attacks have been made to any Equestrian over the month that we’ve entered your lives, so I held my complete faith in Shining Armor and Princess Cadance as temporary rulers of Equestria.”

“What about the sun or the moon? Who’s gonna’ raise them?” asked Applejack.

“I daresay that that has been one of the more troubling aspects of arriving here. Ever since we came here, it seems that the sun and the moon function by themselves. This unnatural occurrence has disturbed my sister and I greatly.”

“I see,” said Twilight. “I guess the only problem that remains is, knowing the game of Duel Monsters.”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that, Twilight. I have watched many of you and your friends duels over the course of our time here. Plus, Shining Armor and Cadance have also been great teachers.”

Reese couldn’t help but smile over that statement, feeling somewhat responsible for their prowess.

“All that we need is a deck. Jonathan, I’m more than certain you can be of assistance.”

“You can count on me, your majesty!” chirped John. “I’ll go right away!”

“That’s great to hear.”

With that, John left to go to his shop, eager to get a deck for each of the princesses. Celestia magically lifted her cup to her lips, only to find the cup empty.

“Do you need more tea, dear?” asked Carolyn.

“That would be splendid. Thank you.”

Within a half an hour, John had constructed a deck for each of the princesses and returned to the Emmitt house, eager to show Celestia and Luna their new arsenal.

“Very good, young colt,” spoke Luna, “let us see what cards you have chosen for my sister and I!”

“Alright,” explained John, fanning through one of the decks. “For Celestia, I got her a Constellar deck, which is great for xyz summoning and swarming.”

“Hmm,” observed Celestia, “I very much admire the sun design on the xyz monsters. Very fitting. I think you’ve picked a fine deck for me, Jonathan.”

“Thank you, your majesty,” answered John with a bow.

“And I?” asked Luna.

“You,” said John, going through her deck. “Your deck can be a bit tricky, but something in me tells you you’re a natural at games. This is an Infernity deck. These monsters’ effects activate when you have no cards in your hand, and they’re pretty devastating to say the least.”

“Yes!” shouted Luna in glee. “These creatures shall be an admirable asset to me! This deck pleases me, Jonathan!”

“I aim to please, your majesty.”

“Please,” giggled Celestia, “just call us by our names. It feels very unbecoming.”

“Of course, yo… Celestia.”

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but giggle some more at John’s devoted attitude towards her and her sister.

“Now,” said John, “let’s see if you’re any good with them.”

Celestia smirked at the thought of a challenge.

Celestia stood before John, ready to duel. Everyone else watched, sitting around them like a campfire. Carolyn and Thomas however, watched from inside the house through the dining room window.

“Being that you technically introduced me formally to Duel Monsters,” said Celestia, “I’d think it would be fitting if you would be the one to be my first duelist.”

“It would be an honor, Celestia,” spoke John. “Enough talk. Let’s get going!”

John constructed his D-Pad onto his arm, allowing the zones to unsheathe from the tablet. Celestia’s horn glowed white, causing a silvery aura to rush from her horn, forming into a wide sheet in front of her. Then, fourteen gold, rectangular spaces magically appeared on the aura. Celestia placed her deck on the lower right hand space while setting some cards face down in the lower left hand space.

“Interesting,” spoke Alex. “She’s old-fashioned.”

John and Celestia drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they yelled.

As everyone watched the duel, Emma couldn’t help but take her eyes off of Kyle. Despite what she saw of him for the past month, she saw him in a different light now. And to her, it all felt very familiar…

Emma crawled over to Kyle, trying her best not to be an intrusion to the other onlookers.

“Hey,” said Emma to Kyle.

“Hey,” he said back. “What are you doing here? Wouldn’t you rather sit with Reese?”

“Listen, about that. You know that’s all water under the bridge, right?”

“Yes, under the bridge.”

Emma watched the duel for a little bit. It was Celestia’s first turn and she already summoned an xyz monster.

“John really picked a good deck, didn’t she?” asked Emma.

“Yes,” answered Kyle. “He did.”

“Who do you think is going to win?”

“The Constellars are a powerful archetype, but John handles his deck very well. It could be anyone’s duel.”

“Really? You think even the novice can win?”

“Look!” shouted Kyle. “I thought that was all under the bridge!”

“Relax!” assured Emma. “I’m just kidding around.”

“You know, kidding around with me is partially why your brother hated me as much as he did.”

Emma then turned to face Kyle.

“On a serious note, it was your inability to control your temper that caused my brother to hate you. I just pulled a prank on you, nothing more.”

“Speaking of,” said Kyle, “what did you do that to me for anyways?”

Emma was now unsure of how to answer that.

“Well… you see… I…”

Kyle, who tried to read Emma’s eyes then looked at her cheeks, which were blushing red. It gave Kyle all he needed to know.

“No… You? Me?”

“Yes,” admitted Emma her voice with as much shame in her voice as there was redness in her face. “I had a crush on you when we were younger. Are you happy now?”

Kyle didn’t know how to respond. With his troubled life, he never had the opportunity to have a girl talk to him like that.

“I don’t understand. I thought you cared for your brother more than me.”

“What? Ew, you’re sick!”

“Hehehe,” sarcastically laughed Kyle. “Not like that. I mean, you never seemed to care for me either way. Whenever you watched us duel, I always saw you looking at Reese.”

“Well, A: he’s my brother; I'll always support him. And B: I could always catch you before you looked at me, so I turned back towards Reese. I certainly couldn’t let my friends know that I had a crush on the popular kid in school, mainly because they were all ogling you too.”

Kyle couldn’t help but giggle at that.

“In fact, the whole prank was a way to egg you on so that I’d be the one girl you’d notice.”

“Turns out that you got noticed in a way you never intended.”

“Now who’s talking about ‘under the bridge!’”

“Alright, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

Emma looked sullen for a bit, then snickered a bit. Kyle joined her in the laugh, trying his best to keep up with her sense of humor.

“Next,” called John his duel continuing, “I construct the overlay network with Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind, Blackwing – Gladius the Midnight Sun, and Shire, Lightsworn Spirit! Xyz summon! Be born, Lapis Lazuli Roc!”

As John’s ace monster appeared, Emma and Kyle refocused their attention on the duel. As they continued to watch, Kyle slipped his hand over Emma’s. At first, she was shocked that he would doo such a thing, but realizing that it was Kyle’s hand touching her, she felt warm and happier. With Kyle’s hand upon Emma’s, the two kept on watching the duel between John and Celestia.

Cont. from Celestia vs. John

Cont. from John’s Turn: John attacks Celestia’s Constellar Hyades (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1100) with his Lapis Lazuli Roc, but Celestia activates Attack Invulnerability, preventing her monster’s destruction. Battle damage is still calculated.

Celestia’s Life Points: 400 -> 100

John places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1100 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


Celestia’s Turn: Celestia overlays Constellar Hyades to xyz summon Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 (ATK: 2700 DEF: 2000). Celestia activates the effect of her Constellar Star Chart, drawing a card when a Constellar xyz monster is special summoned onto her field. Celestia then activates Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying John’s face down card.

Celestia attacks Lapis Lazuli Roc with Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7.

John’s Life Points: 1100 -> 600

Celestia then activates the quick-play spell Dxyz, returning an xyz monster to the extra deck and special summoning the xyz materials attached to it, returning Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 and special summoning Constellar Hyades. Celestia attacks John directly with Constellar Hyades.

John’s Life Points: 600 -> 0

Celestia wins.

John quickly got up. Being that the duel was mostly fun and light-hearted in nature, Celestia’s attacks didn’t phase John too badly.

“I’d say you’re ready,” complimented John.

“I certainly feel ready,” said Celestia as she left her spot.

“Rest dear sister!” called Luna from the sideline, taking her sister’s place. “It is now my time to honor our Equestrian legacy with a duel from one of these expert duelists! Anyone who dares challenge me, step forward now!”

Kyle immediately got up and walked where Luna was standing.

“What are you doing?” asked Emma.

“If she wants to duel anyone for the sake of our safety,” answered Kyle, “why not duel someone who formally fought for the sake of your defeat.”

Emma smiled, knowing that she was about to witness a wonderful duel.

“Good luck,” said John, patting Kyle on the shoulder as he went to take a seat in the empty spot Kyle left.

Luna and Kyle stood apart from one another. Kyle’s D-Pad appeared in its normal plume of flame while Luna’s playing field appeared in a similar manner to Celestia’s, although her aura was a dark blue with lavender colored zones. After Luna placed her deck on her lower right zone, both players drew five cards from their decks.

"DUEL!" they cried.

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