• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 4: Monsoon

Today for Alex, school was going to be interesting. Minus the planet hovering over Earth, Alex was going to face whatever praise or hatred he was going to receive for beating Reese. He walked into the school, and was immediately swamped with people asking him about the “abduction” as they eloquently put it. Alex ignored all questions, as doing so would eventually lead him to possibly revealing the existence of Twilight and her friends. He made it to class just fine, but felt like he wasn’t going to get through the day without having to fight through a sea of people in between every class period.

During his lunch period, he went outside in solitude to make a phone call. He used the number on the card he received yesterday. In a couple of rings, the person picked up.

“Agent Luke answering.”

“Claude, it’s me, Alex.”

“Alex? What are you doing calling me? You can get into serious trouble by using a phone during school hours.”

“I’m already in trouble.”

“…What did you do?”

“Nothing. People are swamping me with questions about my ‘abduction’ yesterday.”

“You’re not telling them anything are you?”

“Not a word.”

“Good. But I don’t know what you think I can do.”

“That depends. During that broadcast yesterday, did that Princess Celestia show any images of the ponies on the TV?”

“Yes, actually. She also said that they were to be treated with the utmost respect while on Earth or we as a species would suffer… dire consequences.”

“Yikes. It’s just that if they tried cracking answers out of me, I didn’t want the safety of the ponies to be jeopardized in any way.”

“Good for you.”

“Also, how is deck hunting for them?”

“They’re looking up decks right now. They should be equipped with one plus their own duel disk by the time you get back.”

“Great. Anyways, that’s all I needed. Will you be there when I get home?”

“No, I’ll be gone by that time. I’ll see you around sometime.”

“Okay. Bye.”


A shadow suddenly loomed over Alex.

“You know that phones aren’t allowed during school hours, Alex. What class are you supposed to be in?”

It was the principal, Mr. Whit. Alex liked him, but he knew that even as a friend, Mr. Whit couldn’t allow students breaking the rules like that.

“I’m sorry Mr. Whit, but I’m finding it rather difficult to go about my day with people swarming around me about the incident that happened yesterday.”

“Well, it isn’t every day that people vanish in a ball of light like that. It’s normal for people to wonder what happened to you, but that’s no excuse for you to break the school rules.”

“Well, I’d hope that my lack of any answers would be a hint for them to leave me alone. If you’re really concerned, I was actually calling my mom saying that if I get hounded out like this some more, I’m going home early.”

“Well, we certainly don’t want you to do that.”

“Then tell them all to leave me alone.”

“I don't have the power do that.”

“Then I’ll see you on Monday.” Alex walked away.

“Wait!” called Mr. Whit, “what about your other classes?”

“All I have left is English and Gym. We’re reviewing The Great Gatsby for a test. I think I can manage that one on my own.” Alex continued to walk.

“How about this? What if I wrote you a pass to leave for your next class early?” Alex thought a bit about it. Alex turned on his heel and walked back towards the school.

“I’ve never asked for anything much,” said Alex, “but in light of the events that have happened in the past twenty-four hours and the attention I’ve garnered because of it, please understand my feelings.”

“That’s why I’m offering you this pass, Alex. Come meet me in the office and I’ll write it up for you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Alex followed Mr. Whit to his office, where he was given a slip of paper excusing him five minutes early before passing period. Alex shook his hand and wished him a good summer if they were to not converse like that before graduation.

Alex left for his English class early. He stood outside the door waiting for the class to begin when someone walked up to him.

“Alex,” he said.

“Reese?” Alex answered. “What are you doing here?” Reese showed him a slip of paper similar to Alex’s.

“Same as you probably.”

“People were hounding you too huh?”

“Sure, I had people crowded around me when I was the school’s top duelist, but this kind of attention is too much for me. Hopefully by next week’s beginning, this will all blow over.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. This was beyond anyone’s control.”

“What if I told you it wasn’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“If I tell you this, you not only have to believe me, but this has to be a secret of ours, got it?”

“You can go ahead and tell me. With all that’s going on, I’m ready to believe anything.”

“Did you watch the news last night? Did you catch the report?”


“You know those aliens that they sent out yesterday?”

“What about them?”

“They’re currently living in my house.” Reese’s eyes widened as a result of this news.


“Do you still have that one card from yesterday on you by chance?” Reese pulled out his deck and took out his Obsidian Imp card.

“What about this card? Tell me.”

Alex explained the whole story of the Stones of Equus to him, along with the theory that someone, or something, was the cause of the planet appearing.

“Normally, I’d say you were nuts,” responded Reese, “but like I said, in the light of all of this, I’m willing to believe in anything.”

“You don’t have to believe me,” said Alex. “Come to my house this weekend. You can meet them yourself.” Reese turned around.

“Thanks, but I’ll pass.” Reese began walking away.

“Wait! Reese! Don’t walk away from this. We need you!”

“But I don’t need you. We’ll see each other again, Alex Yuwell.”

From that point, Reese was too far away to not shout to him. Alex tried to run after him, but the seventh period bell rung, forcing Alex to get to class before he could be bombarded with eager peers.

During Gym, Alex’s class was finishing up their dueling unit. It was the only class he shared with Tom, which he thought was a great way to end the day. Today, the class was finishing a fun tournament of sorts between the students. Alex and another one of his classmates, Emma Miller, who was also Reese’s sister, were the finalists.

Emma was a pretty woman. She was sleek, slender, and very fit. She, like her brother, had black hair, while hers was longer and put into a braided ponytail. The one other trait that she and her brother shared most of all, was their passion and skill with dueling.

“So,” said Emma, “you’re the one who beat my brother. At least that’s what he told me.”

“No, I beat him,” responded Alex.

“From what I saw, you disappeared in the middle of the duel and then reappear after it was all over. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you cheated him.”

“Wrong! It was a fair fight. It may seem hard for you to believe that I beat your brother, but I certainly didn’t cheat.”

“Then prove it to me!” Emma activated and unsheathed her deep blue duel disk, Alex doing the same. Both Emma and Alex drew 5 cards from their decks.

I’m making a promise to myself, thought Alex. I’m not going to use Jade Wyvern at all in this duel. I want to win with my own strength.

“DUEL!” the two both yelled.

Alex vs. Emma

Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Partisan (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800). When Dragunity Partisan is normal summoned, Alex can special summon a Winged Beast-type Dragunity monster from his hand and equip it with Dragunity Partisan, choosing Dragunity Angusticlavii (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1000).

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

If what he says is true, thought Emma, and he really beat my brother, then I must show no mercy.

Emma’s Turn: Emma summons Gishki Vision (ATK: 700 DEF: 500). Emma activates Gishki Aquamirror, using Gishki Vision as the tribute in a ritual summon. With Gishki Vision’s effect, it can be used as the entire tribute for the ritual summoning of a WATER attribute monster. Emma tributes Gishki Vision to ritual summon Evigishki Zealgigas (ATK: 3200 DEF: 0). Emma activates Evigishki Zealgigas’ effect. By paying 1000 life points, Emma can draw one card and reveal it.

Emma’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3000

If it’s a Gishki monster, Emma can shuffle one card from the field to the deck. She draws Gishki Chain, allowing her to shuffle one of Alex’s face down cards into his deck.

Emma attacks Dragunity Angusticlavii with Evigishki Zealgigas, but Alex activates Battle Simulation, halving both monsters ATK until the end phase and preventing both monsters from being destroyed by battle (ATK: 3200 -> 1600) (ATK: 2100 -> 1050). Battle damage is still applied.

Alex’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3450

During the end phase, Evigishki Zealgigas’ and Dragunity Angusticlavii’s ATK return to normal (ATK: 1600 -> 3200) (ATK: 1050 -> 2100).

Emma places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-3000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

I don’t need Jade Wyvern to beat her, thought Alex. As long as I have faith in myself and my deck, I cannot lose.

Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Militum (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). Alex activates Dragunity Militum’s effect. Once per turn, Alex can special summon a Dragunity monster from the spell and trap zone, choosing Draginity Partisan. Alex tunes Dragunity Militum and Dragunity Partisan to synchro summon Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1100).

Alex attacks Evigishki Zealgigas with Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg, with Alex activating Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg’s effect. By banishing a Winged Beast-type monster from his graveyard (Dragunity Militum), he can increase the ATK of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg by the ATK of the banished monster (ATK: 2000 -> 3700).

Emma’s Life Points: 3000 -> 2500

Alex attacks Emma directly with Dragunity Angusticlavii.

Emma’s Life Points: 2500 -> 400

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3450 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Impossible,” mumbled Emma. “This strength…”

“Yes,” finished Alex. “My strength was enough to beat your brother. Can’t you just admit that?”

No, thought Emma. I can’t accept it. I won’t accept it. Suddenly, she noticed her extra deck case glowing brightly. The light coming off the box alerted everyone in the area, stopping any other duels that were happening in the class.

“Woah,” exclaimed Tom. “What’s going on?”

“Something big,” was all Alex managed to get out as he gulped in shock. Emma just smiled.

Emma’s Turn: Emma activates Gishki Aqumirror’s effect from her graveyard, shuffling it into the deck to send a Gishki ritual monster from her deck to her hand. Next, she activates Card Destruction, having both players discard their hands and draw the same number of cards that they discarded. Emma special summons Mermail – Megaloabyss by discarding two WATER monsters from her hand (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1900).

When Mermail – Megaloabyss is special summoned this way, Emma can add an Abyss spell/trap card from her deck to her hand. Next, Emma activates the effect of Mermail – Abyssgunde from her graveyard. If it was sent from the hand to the graveyard, she can special summon a Mermail monster from her graveyard, choosing Mermail – Abyssturge (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1100).

Emma normal summons Gishki Beast (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1300). Emma activates Gishki Beast’s effect. When it’s normal summoned, Emma can special summon a level 4 or lower Gishki monster from her graveyard in defense position, choosing Gishki Chain (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1000). Emma overlays Mermail – Abyssturge, Gishki Beast, and Gishki Chain to xyz summon Sapphire Serpent (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2200).

Emma attacks Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg with Mermail – Megaloabyss, but Alex activates Shift, switching the attack target to Dragunity Angusticlavii.

Alex’s Life Points: 3450 -> 3150

Alex activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster of his is destroyed by battle. Emma then attacks Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg with Sapphire Serpent, but Alex activates Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg’s effect, banishing a Winged Beast-type monster from his graveyard (Dragunity Angusticlavii) to increase the ATK of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg by the ATK of the banished monster (ATK: 2000 -> 4100).

Emma activates the trap Bye Bye Damage, preventing Sapphire Serpent from destruction and inflicting twice the battle damage that she will receive onto her opponent. Then, Emma activates Sapphire Serpent’s effect. If Emma would take battle damage involving Sapphire Serpent, she can detach one xyz material from it to gain life points that she would have lost.

Emma’s Life Points: 400 -> 1700

Alex’s Life Points: 3150 -> 550

Emma places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1700 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

What? thought Tom. Why does she have a Stone of Equus card?

Alex looked as Emma gained a very confident smile on her face.

It looks like kid’s gloves are coming off, thought Alex.

Alex’s Turn: Alex activates Dragon Hatchling, special summoning itself as a Dragon-type monster with the same level as a Dragon-type monster that he controls (6). Alex overlays Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg and Dragon Hatchling to xyz summon Jade Wyvern (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100). Alex activates Dragon Mastery, allowing him to equip a Dragon-type Dragunity monster onto a monster he controls from his hand, equipping him with Dragunity Corsesca. All of Alex’s monsters gain 500 when a Dragunity monster is equipped to them (ATK: 2500 -> 3000).

Alex attacks Sapphire Serpent with Jade Wyvern. Emma activates Sapphire Serpent’s effect, detaching an xyz material from it to gain life points in place of battle damage from battles involving Sapphire Serpent.

Emma’s Life Points: 1700 -> 1900

When a monster equipped with Dragunity Corsesca destroys a monster by battle, Alex can add a level 4 or lower monster with the same type and attribute as the equipped monster from his deck to his hand.

Alex sets one monster face down.

Alex places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-550 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

The students were shocked at the appearance of a card similar to Emma’s.

“What are those things?” asked a student.

“I’ve never seen anything like them!” said another.

“Could those be from that planet?”

“I don’t believe it.”

So much for the lack of attention, thought Alex.

Suddenly, Alex got a text from his phone, so he pulled it out as the teacher wasn’t looking and saw the message. It was from Carolyn.

Alex, I heard you were having trouble at school. Claude says he’s going to pick you up after school. Give Tom the keys to your bike so he can ride it home.

“At least I have an exit strategy,” Alex said to himself.

“There is no way you could have beaten my brother,” yelled Emma. “You will not even be able to defeat me.”

Emma’s Turn: Emma summons Star Boy (ATK: 550 DEF: 500). As long as Star Boy remains face up on the field, all WATER monsters gain 500 ATK (ATK: 550 -> 1050) (ATK: 2400 -> 2900). Next, Emma activates her face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning Sapphire Serpent from her graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn as xyz material to it (ATK: 2800 -> 3300).

Emma then activates her face down Abyssphere, allowing her to special summon a Mermail monster from her deck, choosing another Mermail – Megaloabyss (ATK: 2400 -> 2900). Emma overlays both of her Mermail – Megaloabyss to xyz summon Mermail – Gaioabyss (ATK: 2800 DEF: 1600) (ATK: 2800 -> 3300).

Emma activates Mermail – Gaioabyss’ effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, all monsters that Alex controls with less ATK than Mermail – Gaioabyss have their effects negated until the end phase.

Emma attacks Jade Wyvern with Sapphire Serpent.

Alex’s Life Points: 550 -> 250

Emma then attacks Alex’s face down monster with Mermail – Gaioabyss, which was a Dragunity Phalanx (ATK: 500 DEF: 1100). Finally, Emma attacks Alex directly with Star Boy, but Alex activates Immortal Dragon, special summoning Jade Wyvern from his graveyard. Emma halts her attack.

Emma ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1900 Monsters-3 Face Down Cards-0

Alex was confident. He just had to use one card in his hand and the duel would be over. Emma knew this much as well and awaited the final attack.

Alex’s Turn: Alex activates the effect of Dragon Mastery, equipping Jade Wyvern with Dragunity Darkspear (ATK: 2500 -> 3000).

Alex attacks Star Boy with Jade Wyvern.

Emma’s Life Points: 1900 -> 0

Alex wins.

Emma lied on the floor. She couldn’t believe what happened. Minus the fact that she lost, she had just acquired a new monster that she, or for that matter, no one else has seen before. A large group of people began to swarm around Emma, causing her to recoil in fright. Alex hurried and picked her up before the onslaught of people could overtake her.

“Tom!” Alex called, tossing his keys to his friend. “Ride the bike back home!”

“What about you?” he replied.

“I got a ride!”

Alex pulled Emma by her arms and took her to a pile of colorful backpacks.

“Which one is yours?” he asked quickly.

Emma pointed to a blue one with an ocean waves design on it. The final bell rang. She grabbed her backpack while Alex grabbed his as the two made their way from the gym to the north parking lot being chased all the while.

“Where are you taking me?” asked Emma.

“Somewhere safe. Trust me.”

Alex and Emma waited outside when Alex noticed a car up front that he saw earlier today: a black Dodge Challenger sedan. It was parked on the street just outside Alex’s home. Seeing the increasing flock of people, Alex knew he had no choice but to rely on his instinct. He ran towards the car with Emma in tow, and to his relief, he saw Claude opening the back doors and yelling at them to get in.

Alex let Emma run ahead as she leapt into the back seat and scooted to the other side so Alex could sit in on the side of the open door. Alex got in and slammed the door shut. In the heat of the moment, Alex yelled at Claude to go.

“Punch it!” he cried. Claude left the parking lot as quickly as legally possible, leaving the once approaching students behind.

“That was a close one,” commented Claude.

“I’m sorry,” said Emma, “who are you?”

“Emma, Claude,” Alex introduced, “Claude, Emma.”

“No. I mean who are you?”

“First,” Claude said in an annoyed voice, “you need to tell me who you are.” His rough attitude was beginning to scare Emma.

“Claude, its okay,” Alex told him. “She holds a Stone of Equus card.”

“A Stone of what?” questioned Emma.

“We have a lot to talk about when we get home.”

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