• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 39: Imposter

Thursday, May 31st, 2012


Sarah was brushing her hair in the bathroom and getting ready. Jenny and Lisa would arrive at her house in any minute to pick her up and take her downtown. As she began to apply some mascara to her eyes, she felt a gentle tug at her hair. Upon peering into the mirror, she saw as two robins began to braid her hair. Sarah could hardly comprehend what was happening to her, so she stood still and merely watched as the birds styled and tied up her hair. When they flew away, Sarah held her ponytail in her hands and examined it, gasping at the craftsmanship.

“Do you like it?” asked Fluttershy at the bathroom entrance. “I just thought you should look your best when you go out.”
“Yes,” said Sarah. “I love it.”

Sarah walked up to the yellow pegasus, knelt down, and gave her a hug.

“I hope you have fun today,” said Fluttershy, letting go of the hug. “Oh, that reminds me. Rarity picked out your outfit as well.”

“I’ll have to check it out,” said Sarah, going to her room.

Sarah came downstairs with a simple, summery, icy-blue dress that Rarity found in her closet. Tom, who was in the kitchen, couldn’t help but turn his head.

“You look nice,” he complimented.

“Fluttershy and Rarity helped me,” she chirped. “I can’t wait to see how Jenny and Lisa react.”

“I bet they’ll be blown away.”

“Aw, thanks big brother,” she said, giving him a hug. “Anyways, now just have to play the waiting game.”

Sarah went in the living room and sat on the couch, awaiting the honk of Jenny’s car horn.

Jenny and Lisa were both walking out of Jenny’s house and into the garage where Jenny’s car was kept. The early afternoon sun shining through the sky made the feelings of joy and excitement even higher for the two women.

“Have fun girls!” called Zelda from the front.

“You know we will!” shouted Lisa.

Jenny got into the driver’s seat while Lisa hopped into the passengers seat. Jenny put the key in the ignition and twisted it, bringing it to life. Within seconds, Jenny and Lisa were on their way to the Emmitt house to get Sarah. Unbeknownst to them, a car with the same make, model, year, color and license plate number was parked on the same street as Jenny’s house.

“So they’ve left?” said Rae through a headset worn by the driver, who looked identical to Jenny. There was a woman in the passengers seat who looked exactly like Lisa.

“Yes,” said JENNY, “they just did. I’ve got the address in the GPS, and they should hopefully be none the wiser. They won’t know what hit him.”

“Good. Hopefully, this will go without a hitch.”

“I’ll be back when I’ve completed the mission. Over and out.”

JENNY and LISA drove off, putting their plan into motion.

Jenny and Lisa were now one street away from the Emmitt’s house. They were currently going south and needed to make a left turn going several more houses down before they would get to their destination. As they were coming up to their turn, a pony like creature was hiding behind a tree, concealing itself.

It was black with a dark blue plating on it. It had torn, translucent teal wings, razor-sharp fangs, and beady, cyan eyes. Its mane resembled torn webbing, and it had a curved horn on its forehead. Its legs were also filled with holes.

Just as Jenny’s car passed the tree, the creature quickly flew at the rear tire and stuck its long fangs into it, tearing it to shreds as the wheel continued to roll. The torn tire forced Jenny to a stop while the creature hid in the bushes of a house across the street.

“What the hell?” commented Jenny in frustration as she got out of the car to examine the damage. “I just got these tires a week ago! I smell a lawsuit.”

However, upon looking at the tire, she was shocked to see the tire torn up like paper.

“How in the…”

Before she could finish her thoughts, JENNY’s car began to drive past them. As Jenny looked on, surprised by the similarities between her car and the car driving by, she began to get nervous upon seeing two women who looked like Jenny and Lisa inside. What freaked Jenny out more was that its license plate number was the same.

Jenny pounded her car, prompting Lisa to get out.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Alright,” said Jenny, “my tires have just been slashed, and there was a car just like ours with two girls that looked just like us with a license plate number just like ours.”

“What? Are you okay?”

“I know what I saw, okay?” Jenny pulled her phone out of her purse. “I’m going to call Sarah and-”


Jenny was clocked by an unknown force that caused her to fall to the ground and dropping her phone.

“Jenny!” yelled Lisa running to her side. As soon as she got there, the black pony creature from before pressed its hoof into the phone, crushing it.

Jenny and Lisa looked in shock and terror at this strange creature as it grinned at them. Suddenly, a dozen more began to encircle the two from various areas, approaching closer and closer.

JENNY and LISA arrived at the Emmitts. JENNY blared the horn continuously until she saw Sarah exit her house.

“Okay!” laughed Sarah, entering the back of the car, “I’m here! I’m here!”

“It’s about time,” scoffed JENNY.

“Is something wrong?” asked Sarah, concerned for her “friend’s” rude behavior.

“The phone isn’t working very well right now. Can I see yours?”

“Um, sure.”

Sarah handed her the phone. JENNY placed her hand on her lap, concealing the phone. Green sparks enveloped the phone. JENNY tossed the phone towards Sarah.

“Thanks,” said JENNY uncaringly.

The doppelganger continued traveling west.

“Where are you going?” asked Sarah, “Naperville’s east of here.”

“There’s a bad accident back there,” stated JENNY. “This way’s faster."

JENNY’s car continued on, Sarah now officially her hostage.

Jenny’s fist collided into the face of one of the creatures. Lisa kicked another in the ribs. Jenny chopped one in the neck with the side of her hand. Lisa chokeslamed one into the pavement.

When all was said and done, Jenny and Lisa had left all of their attackers squirming and writing in pain on the ground.

“Lisa,” panted Jenny, still somewhat tuckered from her attack, “you still have your phone?”

“Yeah,” answered Lisa.

“Good. Call Sarah. I’ll get some other help.”

Jenny sprinted as fast as she could down the street to the Emmitt’s house to tell them of their predicament. Thankfully, their house was a few doors down from the end of the street, leaving Jenny to finally get there. Jenny pounded on the door screaming for someone until the door opened up, courtesy of Twilight.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, “hello, Jenny, I thought yo-”

“Get me the keys to Carolyn’s van,” she panted, her voice pent with rage.

“What happened?”

“These black creature things slashed our tires and then attacked us, and then-”

“Wait. Black creature things? What did they look like?”

“They had torn up wings, they had these holes in their legs, their eyes were like little blue beads…”

“Changelings!” shouted Twilight.

“What’s that? What even is that?”

“They’re creatures that can take the form of any other creature. In fact, not too long ago, one of them tried to make a coup on Canterlot.”

“Take the form of any creature? Oh God, Sarah must be with them!”

“You mean…”

“When my tires got slashed, another car rolled by and there were people inside it that looked like Lisa and I.”

“Oh no,” moaned Twilight, “what should we do?”

“Give me Carolyn’s keys! Tell her I’m borrowing it!”

Twilight quickly levitated a set of car keys from the kitchen counter to Jenny’s hand.

“Thank you!” she shouted before running off.

Jenny backed the car out of the garage as soon as she turned it on, almost hitting the mailbox as she turned out and zoomed towards where Lisa was. As expected Lisa was waiting on the side of the road, looking very frustrated.

“Jenny!” called Lisa upon Jenny’s stop. “I can’t call Sarah! Something’s wrong!”

“You think?” Jenny yelled. “Hop in!”

JENNY managed to park in a parking lot between the Egg Harbor Café and the Red Mango. Both got out of the car and walked north and then east, taking them to a narrow alley that would take them to Main St.

“Where are we going?” asked Sarah.

“We’re taking a shortcut,” answered JENNY. “Just go with the flow, okay?”

Sarah was becoming increasingly nervous at her friend’s unusual behavior.

Jenny and Lisa sped down Jackson, as it was a faster alternative than the busier Jefferson.

“Where do you think we’ll even find them?” asked Lisa.

“Just look for ‘our’ car,” answered Jenny.

Jenny continued through Jackson until she found a car that looked like hers, quickly turning in. Upon looking at the license plate, she found it. Finding another parking space would be difficult, and she couldn’t leave another person’s car in the middle of the lot to get a ticket, so she continued to drive.

JENNY, LISA, and Sarah, having crossed Main, continued down a large back alley that would take them to Washington St.

“Why are we going this way?” asked Sarah, getting nervous. “You know I hate going down this alley!”

“Tough!” barked JENNY. “Keep walking!”

Sarah, fed up, grabbed JENNY by the shoulder and turned her around to face her.

“What the hell is your problem?” asked Sarah.

“To hay with this,” sighed JENNY.

Her eyes began to glow a bright green, frightening Sarah into dropping to the ground. JENNY smiled as her hand reached out to grab her. However, a horn honking distracted JENNY, as she and Sarah looked out to see Carolyn’s van speeding through the first alley and across Main St. towards JENNY and Sarah.

Sarah used this confusion to her advantage, pulling her leg in and kicking JENNY in the face and quickly getting up and running to the side. As JENNY got up, LISA also ran to safety. The van continued into the next alley until it sped into JENNY, her body colliding with the van's grill.

JENNY’s body flew hard backwards until it tumbled like a ragdoll. Upon hearing the impact, Jenny broke hard until the van came to a complete stop.

“My queen!” shouted LISA.

Sarah ran to the parked van to see who her savior was. Upon seeing Jenny and Sarah getting out of the car, she was initially confused. Jenny made her way towards JENNY, while Lisa went to check on Sarah.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Wait,” squealed Sarah, scared and unsure, “are you real?”

“You’re name is Sarah Emmitt. Your favorite food is lasagna. Your favorite movie is Ratatouille. And for your ninth birthday, you, Jenny, and I went to Olive Garden for dinner. You had pepperoni and mushroom pizza.”

Sarah hugged Lisa, now sure she was the real Lisa.

Jenny stood over JENNY, who was trying to get up despite her disorientation from the hit.

“How dare you!” growled JENNY.

JENNY quickly shot up, a green ring of fire surrounding her, which soon turned to a pillar of green flames that shot Jenny back. Sarah and Lisa ran near Jenny, seeing what was happening. JENNY’s body transformed into a larger, lankier, and more mature looking changeling, finishing her original form of Queen Chrysalis.

“You’re Queen Chrysalis!” shouted Jenny. “You appeared to us after Alex beat Trixie!”

“Such a good memory,” she stated.

The changeling’s horn started glowing, pulling a scared and screaming Sarah towards her with her magic, and then giving her to LISA, who herself transformed into a changeling, however looking more like the ones that Jenny and Lisa fought earlier. It grabbed hold of Sarah, restricting her movement. Jenny ran towards her.

“Ah ah ah,” scolded Chrysalis. Jenny looked and saw as the changeling holding Sarah placed his fangs on Sarah’s neck. “You wouldn’t want to hurt your friend now, would you?”

“Alright,” grunted Jenny, “if you want her, you’ll have to go through us!”

“It’s the least I can do for you ramming me with your vehicle,” said Chrysalis. “However…”

The changeling queen launched a glowing green strand from her horn, ensnaring Jenny.

“…it’s the driver I want!” she cackled.

“No!” shouted Lisa. “I’m taking you on too.”

“You’ll be important soon enough. Now, be a good girl and get Jenny her D-Pad.”

“In my purse,” Jenny told Lisa.

Lisa ran to the van and grabbed Jenny’s opal D-Pad tablet and graveyard/wrist dealer tossing both to Jenny, who constructed it and put it on her wrist. She and Lisa then backed up, giving her and her opponent some space.

A black smog then appeared on Chrysalis’ left wrist, which formed into a spiky black graveyard/wrist dealer that perfectly matched her arms. Then, two pairs of insect-like wings sprouted from Chrysalis’ back, each pair looking intact, unlike her regular wings. The top set of wings had three zones on the left wing and two on the right wing. The bottom was similar, but there were three zones on the right this time and two zones on the left wing.

“I’ll teach your for messing with me and my friends!” yelled Jenny.

After Jenny unsheathed her D-Pad, Chrysalis drew five cards from her deck using her magic, levitating them in front of her face. Jenny followed suit, drawing five cards from her deck. Jenny took a look at the terrified Sarah, who still laid in the changeling’s grasp.

Don’t worry, Sarah, thought Jenny. I’ll save you.

“DUEL!” Jenny and Chrysalis yelled.

Jenny vs. Queen Chrysalis

Jenny’s Turn: Jenny activates the field spell Sanctuary in the Sky, having any battle damage inflicted to the controller of a Fairy-type monster be reduced to 0.

Jenny summons Vylon Soldier (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1000).

Jenny places three cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-3

“Quite a defense you’ve got there,” stated Chrysalis. “Tell me? Are you really that scared of me?”

“Just make your move, bitch!” growled Jenny.

“With pleasure.”

Chrysalis’ Turn: Chrysalis summons Evilswarm Zahak (ATK: 1850 DEF: 850). Next, Chrysalis activates Double Summon, summoning Evilswarm O’lantern (ATK: 1650 DEF: 1250).


Jenny watched with amazement as she placed her monster cards on the top set of wings and the spells and traps on the bottom set, each summoning and activating cards like they would on a regular duel disk.


Chrysalis attacks Vylon Soldier with Evilswarm Zahak, but Jenny activates Battle Stun Sonic, negating the attack and special summoning a level 4 or lower tuner monster from her hand, choosing Vylon Prism (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1500). Chrysalis attacks Vylon Prism with Evilswarm O’lantern. With Sanctuary in the Sky’s effect, Jenny takes no battle damage from a battle involving one of her Fairy-type monsters. Also, Jenny activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when one of her monsters is destroyed in battle.

When Vylon Prism is sent from the field to the graveyard, Jenny can pay 500 life points to equip Vylon Prism onto a monster she controls, choosing Vylon Soldier.

Jenny’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3500

Chrysalis activates Evilswarm O’lantern’s effect, tributing it to destroy one monster her opponent controls, choosing Vylon Soldier, but Jenny activates Metal Coat, preventing her monster from being destroyed by card effects.

Chrysalis places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“So, you’ve managed to evade my strategies,” said Chrysalis, amused, “…for now.”

“Don’t worry,” grunted Jenny, “I’ll do more than evade!”

“This coming from a duelist who doesn’t even control a Stone of Equus card.”

“I don’t need an Equus card to defeat the likes of you. I was even able to defeat Alex’s Equus monster without one. I can do the same to you!”

“Really? Did you win?”

Jenny was now caught. Alex had surrendered the duel before an outcome could be decided, so she was forced to give the truth.


Chrysalis cackled.

“That’s what I thought. Unless you can beat a duelist in possession of a Stone of Equus card, you will never beat them, yet alone me.”

“Shut up! I will defeat you, and I will save Sarah! Just you wait!”

Jenny’s Turn: Jenny summons Vylon Hept (ATK: 1800 DEF: 800). Jenny activates Vylon Hept’s effect, special summoning one Vylon monster equipped to a monster to her side of the field in defense position. Jenny overlays Vylon Hept, Vylon Prism, and Vylon Soldier to xyz summon Vylon Disigma (ATK: 2500 DEF 2100).

Jenny activates Vylon Disigma’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can equip an attack position effect monster that the opponent controls onto it, choosing Evilswarm Zahak.

Jenny attacks Chrysalis directly with Vylon Disigma.

Chrysalis’ Life Points: 4000 -> 1500

Jenny places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-3500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“Impressive,” stated Chrysalis. “You managed to evade the effect of my Evilswarm Zahak. Now, I’m hardly left with anything.”

“Like I said,” yelled Jenny, clenching her fist at Chrysalis, “don’t underestimate my power! If I believe hard enough, I will take you down!”

“So naïve.”


“I have yet to summon my Stone of Equus yet, and with what I have on the field and in my hand, all I need is the right card to summon it. Then, you will be completely helpless!”

“Just try it.”

“Persistent to the end. I love when my prey does that!”

Chrysalis’ Turn: Chrysalis activates Brain Control, paying 800 life points to gain control of an opponent’s monster this turn, choosing Vylon Disigma.

Chrysalis’ Life Points: 1500 -> 700

Chrysalis activates Dyxz, returning a monster that she controls to the extra deck and special summoning any xyz materials detached to it, special summoning Vylon Hept and Vylon Soldier. Chrysalis activates Call of the Haunted, special summoning a monster from her graveyard in attack position, choosing Evilswarm Zahak. Next, Chrysalis normal summons Evilswarm Salamandra (ATK: 1850 DEF: 950). Chrysalis overlays Evilswarm Zahak, Vylon Hept, and Vylon Soldier to xyz summon Turquoise Windigo (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1600).

Chrysalis activates Evilswarm Salamandra’s effect, banishing one monster from her graveyard to have Evilswarm Salamandra’s ATK increase by 300 (ATK: 1850 -> 2150). Then Chrysalis activates Turquoise Windigo’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, her opponent cannot activate spell or trap cards or use their effects until the end phase.

Chrysalis attacks Jenny directly with Turquoise Windigo.

Jenny’s Life Points: 3500 -> 1900

Chrysalis attacks Jenny directly with Evilswarm Salamandra.

Jenny’s Life Points: 1900 -> 0

Chrysalis wins.

“JENNY!” yelled Lisa.

Jenny crumpled to the floor, rendered unconscious by Chrysalis’ merciless onslaught. Sarah was openly weeping over Jenny’s motionless body. Chrysalis’ zone-wings receded back into her body while her wrist dealer vanished from her wrist.

“How satisfying,” Chrysalis said to herself.

The changeling queen pulled Jenny in with her magic.

“No!” shouted Lisa, running at Chrysalis to save her friend.

Chrysalis was fully prepared, using a beam of green magic to blast Lisa onto the ground. Lisa tried to get up, but found that her body was completely numb, restricting her movement.

“Don’t worry,” mocked Chrysalis, Jenny’s body now lain across Chrysalis’ back, “you’ll be able to move again once we leave. If you and your friends want to save them, come to the west side of Herrick Lake. We’ll be waiting. Minion,” she said to the changeling holding Sarah, “come!”

The changeling hissed in response, bringing Sarah closer to Chrysalis. Chrysalis’ horn glowed a bright green, enveloping the four of them.

“Ta,” Chrysalis finally said before she, her minion, and her two captors vanished.

Lisa shot up as if she though she could capture them, but to no avail. Lisa sunk to her knees and crouched into the ground her hand supporting her body. Suddenly, the sound of a duel runner came from behind. Lisa was too grief-stricken to care who it was. As the bike came to a stop, she heard the familiar voice of Tom approaching.

“Lisa!” he shouted. He came to Lisa and knelt to her level on one knee. “Lisa, Twilight told me that Chrysalis kidnapped Sarah. Where is she?”

“She’s gone,” sobbed Lisa. “Chrysalis came and took Sarah away. Jenny too.”

“What? Jenny… Sarah?”

Tom clenched his jaw and shut his eyes, fury and anger overtaking him. Tom slammed the ground with his fist several times, bloodying his hand. Tom, seething, exhaled and inhaled with desperate wheezes, one of his best friends and his own sister taken away from him.

“JENNY!” he shouted at the top of his lungs at the sky. “SARAH!”

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