• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 38: Gauntlet

Earlier that morning, Alex decided to sleep in for the first time in long time. He hardly stirred, and Twilight sleeping by his side again only made it more peaceful. However, their period of rest would be coming to an end.

A knock was heard at the door, which Twilight, with her sensitive pony hearing, could hear distinctively. Upon picking her head up, she stretched her limbs, accidently nudging Alex, awakening him as well.

“What is it, Twilight?” he asked.

“Sounds like someone’s at the door.”

Alex began to make his way out of his bedroom.

“Who would come here at a time like this?” he asked to himself.

Alex got to the top of the stairs to see Carolyn talking to someone. The visitor had a woman’s voice.

“…If that’s okay?” finished the woman. Alex seemed to have only caught the end of the discussion.

“Well,” said Carolyn, unsure of herself, “My kids and the ponies are sleeping upstairs, so unless you can be quiet, I’d suggest that you didn’t.”

“Didn’t what?” asked Alex, making his presence known.

Upon getting further downstairs, he saw that the woman was Zelda. She carried a small duffle bag.

“Oh,” spoke Zelda. “Hey. I’m sorry if I woke you.”

“It’s fine,” he said. “I’m usually up way before then anyway. What are you doing here?”

“I was just going to tune up my glider. And to answer your question, Carolyn, I only plan on seeing what I can do with a wrench. If I need a drill or something, I’ll just wait until everyone’s up.”

“Oh,” exclaimed Carolyn, “in that case, go right ahead. Everyone is usually up in about an hour or so anyways, so you should be good until then.”

“Excellent. I’ll be as quiet as possible.”

“Follow me,” said Alex. “ I’ll lead you to the back entrance.”

Alex led Zelda into the house, passing by the kitchen and the dining room, then into the living room, where there was a large glass door. Alex flicked a switch on the door, unlocking it. He then pushed it open, revealing the backyard with her glider there, safe and sound.

“Thanks, bedhead,” she said.

Alex felt the top of his hair, and felt that it was going off in all directions. Thankfully, his sweatpants and red shirt were a bit more presentable for his guest. He followed her to the back where the glider was kept.

“I would have gladly taken a shower,” said Alex, “but you’re the one who woke me up.”

“Well,” spoke Zelda in a faux-condescending tone, “sorry.”

“Whatever, go ahead and work on your machine. I’m going to try and look a little more presentable for my guest.”

“Go right ahead. I won’t leave.”

Alex re-entered the house through the back, leaving Zelda to work in solitude.

Upon returning from the shower, putting on some clean clothes, and styling his hair, Alex noticed that the ponies were awake, probably having heard Zelda’s knocking. Whether Tom or Sarah was up was not something he wanted to test, so he went out to the back to Zelda again.

“Hey,” said Alex, “I’m going to get a drink. Need anything?”

“Do you have any milk?” she asked.

Alex responded by heading back into the house and into the kitchen. He grabbed two glasses from the cupboard and grabbed a half-empty gallon of milk and a brand new container of orange juice. After finding that the milk was still good according to its expiration date, he poured one glass with milk and the other with orange juice.

Zelda was only fifteen minutes into her work and she was already covered in dark patches of grease. Suddenly, she felt a cold feeling on her shoulder, causing her to turn around to see Alex, each hand holding a drink. His left hand was carrying hers.

“Thanks,” she said, taking her glass and placing it on a small table next to her.

“By the way,” said Alex, backing up back towards the house, “your entrance woke the rest of the ponies up. I’m not sure if Tom and Sarah are up though.”

“I’ll apologize when I wash up.”

“Alright, then.”

Alex set his drink on the table and walked back into the house.

“What?” asked Zelda, acting insulted, “You aren’t going to keep me company?”

“What? I, uh, I was just going to…”

Zelda laughed at Alex’s expense.

“Relax, dude. I’ll be fine. You go on and do what you need to do.”

“Actually, I was just going to run up to my room and grab my deck and sort it. I can do that here.”

Zelda actually seemed surprised by his answer.

“R- Really? You want to be with me?”

“Well, I figured if any of Rae’s minions comes back to attack us, they’ll have two people to fight. Makes sense, right?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Alex ran back into the house and up the stairs, almost running into Tom on the way up, who was still in his pajamas.

“Slow down there, bud,” said Tom. “Who’s even here?”

“Did Rainbow Dash wake you?”

“Yeah. She heard a knock at the door and fell out of bed. Something about being used to flying down from her bed, whatever that means. Anyways, who’s here.”

“Zelda. She’s over to work on her glider for a while.”

“Wait!” yelled Rainbow Dash, popping her head out of Tom’s room. “Zelda’s here? Awesome! I’m going to ask for a rematch.”

Rainbow Dash popped back into Tom’s room, the only other thing being heard by Tom and Alex was the bedroom window opening up and the a faint whoosh.

“Anyways, I was going to grab my deck and go back down so I can keep her company.”

“I don’t think you’re going to need to worry about keeping her company.”

“I meant keep her company as in ‘not pester her into dueling me.’”

“Whatever, man. I don’t know about you, but I need an Eggo in the worst way.”

Tom and Alex went their separate ways.

“Come on,” pleaded Rainbow Dash, “just one!”

“No,” answered Zelda, who was more preoccupied with tightening a nut in the glider.

“I’m not going to get better if I don’t!”

“Not now.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it eventually?”


“Come on! Give me an answer!”

“Rainbow Dash,” called Alex’s voice. Rainbow Dash turned around to see Alex standing at the back entrance. “Leave her alone. She’s busy.”

“No, it’s fine,” said Zelda. “She can stay, as long as she’s quiet.”

“Pfft,” hissed Rainbow Dash. “The hay with this.” She then flew into the house, leaving Alex and Zelda alone.

“Let me just pull up a deck chair and a table,” said Alex, “and then I can get started.”

For about three hours, Zelda toiled on her glider while Alex continued to sort and manage the cards in his deck. By now, Zelda was covered head to toe in grease and sweat, and her clothes didn’t fare much better. With one final twist of her wrench, Zelda wiped her brow with a dirty rag.

“Whew,” she exclaimed. “Finished.”

She threw her wrench on the ground and walked to the back with her duffle bag in hand.

“Do you know where the shower is?” she asked Alex as he walked past him.

“Up the stairs, first door on your left.”


Once Zelda went inside, Alex began to gather his cards together and reform his finished deck.

In fifteen minutes, Zelda walked back outside with a completely different outfit. She was wearing her usual black boots, but instead of her jeans, she wore loose khaki pants with an ornate green t-shirt with a brown cowgirl-styled vest. Her ponytail even looked a bit messy, as opposed to its straightened and managed look. Alex looked stunned.

“Wow,” he managed to get out.

“You like it?” she asked, while spinning, showing her wardrobe. “I got them all yesterday when I went shopping with Jenny and Lisa.”

“They look very nice on you.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“By the way,” said Alex, can I talk to you in private?”

“…What for?”

Alex wagged his finger back and forth, bringing Zelda closer to her.

“I want to duel you,” he whispered.

“What?” whispered Zelda. “Why do you have to ask me in private?”

Alex cocked his head to his house, reminding her of Rainbow Dash.

“Oh,” she continued to whisper, “right.”

“I may have defeated a Gauntlet class duelist, but I only did it with your help. If I’m going to have any chance of standing against Gilda or Grant, or even Rae for that matter, I need to get a taste of how hard they duel. I figured you’d be very helpful in those regards.”

“Sure. I can do that. How do you think you’re going to do it though?”

“I have an idea. Just go with it.”

Alex put his helmet on an adjusted his wrist dealer to its riding duel setting. He then began his journey to the downtown riding track all alone. As expected, he wasn’t being followed by Rainbow Dash. For all she knew, this was just a normal outing for him. His journey continued without a hitch until he reached the ramp that led to the track.

“Zelda,” he said on the Bluetooth connected to his helmet, “I’m here. You ready?”

“Always,” she said back at his house. There was a green ring around the right frame of her goggles which shut off upon the ending of their conversation. She was already on her glider, ready to go. She quickly lifted into the air and made a beeline for downtown Naperville.

Upon hearing the glider leave the house, Rainbow Dash perked up from napping on Tom’s bed.

“Finally,” she exclaimed. “I thought she’d NEVER be done!”

As quick as lightning, she opened the window and set off for her. Almost a couple of minutes after they had left, Shining Armor and Cadance appeared at the Emmitt’s house.

Alex looked towards the general direction of his house, and saw the glider coming in hot.

“Speed World 2, set on!” yelled Alex, pushing the button on his duel runner.

Zelda’s gauntlet D-Pad, having been aware of Speed World’s activation, appeared on her arm with its deck in the dealer. Alex revved his engine and accelerated up the ramp, through the gate, and onto the track. Zelda approached from behind, taking the lead in the process.

“Rainbow Dash chasing you?” asked Alex with a grin.

“Probably,” answered Zelda, “but that’s not why I’m going fast. If you want to duel a Gauntlet Class duelist, then she’s going to duel like one. Don’t expect anything less than my very best, plus some extra.”

“I’m ready for anything you can dish out, Zelda. Bring it on!”

Zelda looked behind to see a cyan dot in the distance.

“Hurry!” shouted Zelda. “She’s gaining on us! Draw your hand!”

Alex and Zelda quickly drew their hands.

“DUEL!” they both shouted, just in time.

Rainbow Dash was just a couple of yards from the group upon the declaration of their duel.

“NO!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “I said I was going to take her on!”

“Rainbow Dash,” yelled Zelda, “this is something I need to do. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll take you on next.”

Rainbow Dash’s response amounted to little more than a disgruntled mumbling.

“Alright,” called Alex, “everything’s set. Now, Zelda, show me what you’re made of!”

Zelda vs. Alex

Zelda’s Turn: Z:1 A:0 – Zelda sets a monster.

Zelda places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Show her your stuff, Alex!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

I can’t be too reckless, thought Alex. The main reason Rainbow Dash lost to Zelda was because her traps did her in. If I can get rid of those, her deck will be easy pickings.

“Alright,” shouted Alex, “let’s see if I can beat a Gauntlet class duelist on my own.”

Alex’s Turn: Z:1 A:1 – Alex special summons Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit, as he controls no monsters while his opponent controls one (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1400). Next, he normal summons Dragunity Aklys (ATK: 1000 DEF: 800). When Dragunity Aklys is normal summoned, Alex can special summon a Dragunity type monster from his hand and equip it with Dragunity Aklys, choosing Dragunity Militum (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). Alex activates Dragunity Militum’s effect, allowing him to special summon a Dragunity monster from the spell/trap card zone, choosing Dragunity Aklys. Alex tunes Dragunity Militum and Dragunity Aklys to synchro summon Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1200).

When Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana is synchro summoned, Alex can equip one level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster from his graveyard onto it, choosing Dragunity Aklys. Alex then activates Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana’s effect. By sending one card equipped to it to the graveyard, he can double its ATK until the end phase (ATK: 1900 -> 3800). When Dragunity Aklys is sent to the graveyard while equipped to a monster, Alex can destroy one card on the field, choosing Zelda’s face down card.

Alex attacks Zelda's face down monster with Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit, which is a Gusto Guldo (ATK: 500 DEF: 500). When Gusto Gulldo is sent from the field to the graveyard, Zelda can special summon a level 2 or lower Gusto monster from her deck, choosing Winda, Priestess of Gusto in defense position. Alex attacks Winda, Priestess of Gusto with Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. When Winda, Priestess of Gusto is destroyed by battle by an opponent’s attacking monster, Zelda can special summon a Gusto tuner monster from her deck, choosing Gusto Squirro (ATK: 0 DEF: 1800).

Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit and Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana to xyz summon Jade Wyvern (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100).

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“Impressive,” stated Zelda, “but it’s going to take a LOT more than that to defeat me.”

“Your deck is very fast,” said Alex. “And if I’m not mistaken, you’re probably going to summon your ace on me, aren’t you?”

“Just you wait and see.”

Zelda’s Turn: Z:2 A:2 – Zelda activates the speed spell Count Up, discarding a number of cards to increase her speed counters by two for each card discarded when she has at least two speed counters (2) (2 x 2 = 4, SpC.: 2 -> 6). Gilda activates the effect of the Gusto Griffin that she discarded, special summoning a Gusto monster from her deck, choosing Windaar, Sage of Gusto (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1000).

Next, Zelda activates Overboost, increasing her speed counters by four (SpC.: 6 -> 10). Zelda normal summons Gusto Thunbolt (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1200). Zelda tunes Gusto Thunbolt with Gusto Squirro to synchro summon Daigusto Griffins (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1300).

Zelda activates Daigusto Griffins' effect. By removing eight speed counters (SpC.: 10 -> 2), she can special summon a level 7 or lower synchro monster from her extra deck by removing one tuner and one non-tuner monster in her graveyard from play whose levels equal the targeted synchro monster, banishing Gusto Thunbolt and Gusto Squirro to summon Daigusto Sphreez (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1300). This special summon is treated as a synchro summon.

When Daigusto Sphreez is summoned, Zelda can add one Gusto monster from her graveyard to her hand, choosing Gusto Griffin. Zelda tunes Daigusto Sphreez with Daigusto Griffins to accel synchro summon Gusto Flaming Pheenix (ATK: 3300 DEF: 2500).

Zelda attacks Jade Wyvern with Gusto Flaming Pheenix, but Alex activates Jade Wyvern’s effect. By detaching one xyz material, Alex can prevent the destruction of one monster on the field by battle until the end phase, choosing Jade Wyvern. Battle Damage is still applied.

Alex’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3200

During the end phase, Overboost’s effect reduce’s Zelda’s speed counters to one (SpC.: 2 -> 1).

Zelda places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Watch out,” called Rainbow Dash to Alex. “If you’re not careful, she’s going to dominate the field.”

“Thanks, Rainbow!” responded Alex sarcastically.

I’m very well aware of her deck abilities, he thought. Another thing I’m going to have to watch out for is Pheenix’s effect. No matter how I destroy it, it will just come back and hurt me in the process. If I can keep that from happening, all while maintaining some strong monsters, I should be golden.

Alex’s Turn: Z:2 A:3 – Alex activates the speed spell Angel Baton, drawing two cards and discarding one when he has at least two speed counters. Next, he activates his trap Immortal Dragon, special summoning a Dragon-type monster from his graveyard, choosing Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). Alex then normal summons Hieratic Dragon of Eset without tributes, making its ATK 1000 (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1200) (ATK: 1900 -> 1000).

Alex activates Hieratic Dragon of Eset’s effect, making the levels of all Hieratic monsters on the field the same as a Dragon-type normal monster that he controls, choosing Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord (Lvl.: 5 -> 8). Alex overlays Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord and Hieratic Dragon of Eset to xyz summon Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2400).

Alex activates Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis’ effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Alex can tribute any number of monsters on the field or hand to destroy that many cards on the field, tributing Jade Wyvern to destroy Zelda’s face down card.

Alex attacks Windaar, Sage of Gusto with Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis.

Zelda’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3000

Alex activates his face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning an xyz monster in his graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn to it as xyz material, choosing Jade Wyvern.

Alex places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Hmph,” exclaimed Zelda. “I’m surprised you didn’t go after my Pheenix.”

“Why would you be?” said Alex. “If I destroyed your ace, you would have been able to bring it right back. Then when I would try to attack, your trap would probably set me back even further.”

Zelda smirked. His intuition and natural dueling instincts was more than impressing her. However, she sped up, leading Alex to try and catch her.

“Your strategies are serving you well,” she said, “but you’re going to need to do more than just whittle away at my life points to get me worried about losing.”

Zelda’s Turn: Z:3 A:4 – Zelda activates her own Angel Baton, drawing two cards and discarding one when she has at least two speed counters. Zelda reuses the effect of Gusto Griffin, special summoning a Gusto monster from her deck when its been discarded, special summoning Musto, Oracle of Gusto (ATK: 1800 DEF: 900). Zelda activates Musto, Oracle of Gusto’s effect. By shuffling one Gusto monster from her graveyard to her deck, she can target one monster on the field and negate its effects until the end phase, choosing Jade Wyvern.

Zelda attacks Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis with Gusto Flaming Pheenix.

Alex’s Life Points: 3200 -> 2900

Alex activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster he controls is destroyed by battle.

Zelda places two card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

No doubt one of those traps is there to protect Musto, thought Alex. However, if I want to see any progress in this duel, I need to gamble over finding out which trap, if any or both, is going to harm me.

“Let’s do it!” yelled Alex.

Alex’s Turn: Z:4 A:5 – Alex summons Dragunity Dux (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). When Dragunity Dux is normal summoned, Alex can equip one level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster from his graveyard onto it, choosing Dragunity Aklys.

Alex then activates High Speed Crash, destroying one card he controls to destroy another card on the field when he has two or more speed counters, choosing his Dragunity Aklys and Zelda’s face down card. Alex reuses the effect of Dragunity Aklys, destroying one card on the field when it’s sent to the graveyard while equipped to a monster, choosing Gusto Flaming Feenix.

Alex attacks Musto, Oracle of Gusto with Jade Wyvern.

Zelda’s Life Points: 3000 -> 2300

During the end phase, Zelda can banish one Gusto synchro monster in her graveyard to special summon Gusto Flaming Pheenix from her graveyard and inflict damage equal half of the banished monster’s ATK, choosing Daigusto Griffins (ATK: 2100).

Alex’s Life Points: 2900 -> 1850

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-1850 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“You sure are lucky,” said Zelda. “If you destroyed my other trap, you would have been screwed!”

“Sometimes,” said Alex, “luck is the only way to play the game, and it just so happens that I just got dealt a good card, no pun intended.”

“I wonder why you decided to make me use Pheenix’s effect that time. Unless…”

Zelda then remembered back to Alex’s second duel with Kyle, specifically the end of it. Zelda then grit her teeth into an angry scowl.

“Like hell I’ll let you do that!”

Zelda continued to accelerate, making Alex go even faster. While Zelda and Rainbow Dash were easily able to maneuver over the track, Alex had a very difficult time maintaining the numerous curves and hills in the track on his duel runner.

Now that he’s preoccupied with not crashing, thought Zelda, this next turn should hopefully be a breeze.

Zelda’s Turn: Z:5 A:6 – Zelda activates her face down Blessings for Gusto, shuffling two Gusto monsters from her graveyard to her deck to special summon a Gusto monster from her graveyard, choosing Daigusto Sphreez. Zelda then activates the speed spell Speed Energy, having one of her monsters gain 200 ATK times the number of speed counters she has when she has two or more speed counters, choosing Gusto Flaming Pheenix (5 x 200 = 1000, ATK: 3300 -> 4300).

Zelda attacks Jade Wyvern with Daigusto Sphreez. With Daigusto Sphreez’s effect, it cannot be destroyed by battle. Also, any battle damage that she would take with a battle involving a Gusto monster is inflicted onto the opponent instead. However, Alex activates his trap Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, negating the attack, and setting it back face down. Zelda attacks Jade Wyvern with Gusto Flaming Pheenix, but Alex activates Jade Wyvern's effect, detaching its last xyz material to prevent Jade Wyvern's destruction by battle.

Alex’s Life Points: 1850 -> 50

During the end phase, Gusto Flaming Pheenix's ATK returns to normal (ATK: 4300 -> 3300).

Zelda ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-2300 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

Zelda continued to scowl, angered with not defeating her opponent. However, upon looking at Alex’s face, she calmed down upon realizing he was laughing.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, slightly irritated.

“I can’t remember the last time I was pushed this far into a corner!” replied Alex through his giggles. “If I win this duel now, how cool would that be, huh?”

“I’d like to see that. You’ve got one monster and no others to help you summon your other strong monster.”

“To tell you the truth, I just need one good card.”

Rainbow Dash looked intently, excited to see how this duel would pan out. Alex put his fingers on his deck.

“My turn!” he shouted. “DRAW!”

Rainbow Dash smiled upon seeing Alex’s enormous grin.

Alex’s Turn: Z:6 A:7 – Alex activates Speed World 2’s effect. By removing four speed counters (SpC.: 7 -> 3), Alex can inflict 800 points of damage for each speed spell in his hand. He has two.

Zelda’s Life Points: 2300 -> 700

Alex activates the speed spell Synchro Defuse, taking control of an opponent’s synchro monster until the end phase when he has two or more speed counters, choosing Daigusto Sphreez. Alex tributes Daigusto Sphreez to summon Hieratic Dragon of Su (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1000). Alex activates his face down Call of the Haunted, allowing him to special summon a monster from his graveyard in attack position, choosing Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana.

Alex overlays Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana and Hieratic Dragon of Su to xyz summon Hieratic Dragon King of Atum (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2100). As his life points are below 500, Alex overlays Jade Wyvern and Hieratic Dragon King of Atum to xyz summon Shining Platinum Dragon (ATK: 3500 DEF: 2500).

Alex activates Shining Platinum Dragon’s effect. By detaching all xyz materials from it, Alex can reveal the top cards of his deck equal to the number of xyz materials detached, and Shining Platinum Dragon gains 500 ATK for each Dragon-type monster revealed by this effect (4). The cards revealed are Dragunity Primus Pilus, Hieratic Seal from the Ashes, the speed spell Ancient Rules, and Hieratic Dragon of Asar (ATK: 3500 -> 4000).

Alex attacks Gusto Flaming Pheenix with Shining Platinum Dragon.

Zelda’s Life Points: 700 -> 0

Alex wins.

The jets on Zelda’s glider began to blast out exhaust, causing it to slow down and descend. Alex and Rainbow Dash followed her to where she eventually stopped on the track, which just happened to be the track’s entrance.

As soon as Zelda’s glider was parked, she sat down and slid off her glider, sitting back down and leaning against her machine, panting. A halo formed at Zelda’s elbow and scanned all the way down to her fingertips, causing her D-Pad to disappear.

“Zelda,” said Alex, “you alright?”

“Never better,” said Zelda with a smile. “You did wonderful out there.”

“Thanks. I feel a lot more confident now.”

“Hey,” interrupted Rainbow Dash, “I hate to break up this sappy moment, but I think I deserve a rematch now.”

“Can you give it a rest, Rainbow Dash?” groaned Zelda. “I’m beat.”

“What? But you said you’d take me on next!”

“I never said right after him.”

As Rainbow Dash and Zelda continued to argue, Alex checked his watch. It was around 11:30.

“I don’t know about you all,” said Alex, getting the other two to stop their squabbling, “but I could go for some lunch.”

“Come to think of it,” said Zelda after a brief lapse in thought, “I too feel a bit peckish.”

“How does Noodles and Company sound?”

“Great. And, uh, Rainbow Dash,” she said, getting the mare’s attention, “once I get some food in me, I should be right as rain again to take you on.”

“Awesome!” she cheered. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”

Rainbow Dash zoomed off towards the town. After looking at each other for a while, Alex and Zelda laughed over Rainbow Dash’s folly over the fact that she had no idea where the restaurant was.

Zelda came back out of the front door with her duffle bag in hand, having parked her glider in Alex’s backyard again. The sun was beginning to set. Jenny and Lisa were already parked on the side of the street, ready to take their guest back to Jenny’s house.

“So,” said Alex, seeing her out in the front yard, “this is farewell?”

“For now,” she said. She then went up to Alex and gave him a hug.

“Thank you so much for today,” she whispered into his ear.

Alex was surprised by the hug, but nonetheless, returned it.

“Yeah,” he said. “No problem.”

“Come on!” called Jenny. “Mom’s got dinner waiting!”

“Well,” finished Zelda, “bye!”

Zelda ran off to the car and got into the rear passenger’s side door. Alex watched the car pull away until it was out of sight.

“So,” said the voice of Twilight, causing Alex to jump in shock, “did you enjoy your time with her?”

“Yes,” replied Alex. “Yes, I did.”

“You know, they way you two were hugging each other, I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned out to be her very special somepony.”

“Very special some… What?!? Me and her? But we just met! Plus, she’s just an ally of ours; I don’t have ‘those’ feelings about her... well, not yet, I mean…”

Twilight giggled.

“It’s okay, Alex. I’m just teasing.”

“Right! Of course you were…”

“ALEX!” called Carolyn’s voice from inside. “TWILIGHT! DINNER!”

Alex led the way, opening the door for Twilight before entering the house himself.

Later that night, Rae Sulfa Tun examined the captures that Grant made in his break-in just days before. She looked at one image in particular from a capture on Sarah’s Facebook wall.

“Hanging with Jenny and Lisa in Naperville this Thursday. So excited!”

“Yes,” chuckled Rae. “Aren’t we all?”

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