• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,072 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-Six

Saturday, the afternoon of the Grand Galloping Gala

Megan glanced down at herself as she buttoned up her green Gala dress. She, Molly, her daughters and the rest of the gala attendees were in the back of Carousel Boutique, getting ready for tonight. Unlike a number of dresses she had worn over the years, this one was easy to put on, with a minimum of fuss. No tiny zipper in the back, just a series of buttons that were rather large. Probably for a pony's mouth and hooves, she thought to herself. She slid a deep-red vest on over the dress and cinched a brown belt around her waist. She walked to a full-length mirror mounted to the wall and looked herself over. “Behold, I am Annie Oakley reborn!” she declared, holding her arms out and twirling about. Her skirt, calf-length, flared out slightly, keeping her legs free for movement. Patterns stitched on her sleeves caught the light, shining slightly.

Rarity trotted over to Megan's side. The unicorn was wearing her dress, but her mane and tail were still ensconced in curlers and her hooves were bereft of her custom-made glass slippers. “I am sorry, darling,” she said, batting her eyes in Megan's direction. “It turned out adapting clothes to the human form was a bit harder than I thought. I spent most of the time simply adapting what I know to your body.” She rolled her eyes. “Same basic structure – four limbs, a torso, and a head. The details, though?” She snorted. “Please!”

Megan looked herself over, rubbing her fingers along finely-stitched embroidered patterns of leaves and branches along the belt. “I think you did a great job,” she said, reaching down and gently patting Rarity right behind her horn. She looked over to Molly, who was standing next to Pinkie Pie as the latter was sitting in a chair and having her mane dried. “A lot fancier than what we wore the first time, don't you think?”

Molly's eyes shifted over. She wore a slim blue dress with sparkling strands woven into the fabric that shimmered when the light hit it at the right angles, tracing lines down her body. Her blond hair was done up in curls, reminiscent of when she was younger. “Rarity, if this is a rush job from you, I'd kill to see something from you when you have enough time.” She placed a hand on the back of her head and winked at her reflection. “I'm ready for my closeup, Mister De Mille!”

Megan held up a hand at everypony’s confusion. “Old movie reference, everyone. Carry on.”

A few more minutes of primping and preparation passed before there was a knock at the door. “How you ladies doing in there?” Mike's voice called out from the other side.

Rarity looked over her shoulder, her horn glowing slightly as she adjusted laurel leaves around Dash's ears. “We'll be done in a few minutes, Mike!” she called out. “Perfection does take time, after all.”

Dash snorted and stomped her hooves. “Can perfection take a little less time, please?” She fidgeted slightly. “Come on, Rarity! It's not gonna be staying in place once I meet the Wonderbolts!” She reared back, nickering slightly.

Rarity's eyes narrowed and took on an ominous glint to them. “Rainbow Dash, if you don't stand still, I'll get Michelle to brush your mane and tail!”

Dash's entire body shot straight, locking into place. “I'm good, I'm good!” she cried out, eyes widening.

Another half-minute passed before Rarity's horn ceased glowing. “And there,” she announced. “With that clip, you'll have to do another sonic rainboom to dislodge it.”

Danielle wandered over to the pair. Her gray dress flowed out at the bottom, barely brushing the tops of her feet. A hat reminiscent of those worn at graduation ceremonies topped her short brown hair. “Dash, you look like you flew right out of Greece or Rome,” she commented. She looked to Rarity and smiled. “Rarity, I don't know how we can repay you for these.” She waved her left hand right above her abdomen and spun about. “This fits like a glove!”

Rarity gave a rather unladylike snort. She waited for Danielle to face her before waving the young woman in. She waited for Danielle to lean forward before speaking. “Truth be told, Danielle? If anyone asks, just tell them who made it. With that kind of publicity I'll be raking in so many bits I'll have to buy city hall to store the rest in!” Her eyes went wide and a rather mad bark of laughter escaped her mouth.

Dash and Danielle glanced at each other before backing off, keeping their eyes on Rarity as she rubbed her hooves together. They spun around, spotting Megan kneeling down in front of a safe. Dash hopped into the air, spread her wings out under her multi-colored cape and glided over to hover by her head. “Watcha doing?” Dash asked.

Megan spun the safe's dial around a few times before pulling down on the release lever and opening the solid-steel door. “Rarity let me keep a pair of pistols inside here while we changed.” She extracted a pair of Colt single-action revolvers from the safe. With a practiced motion, Megan opened up the cylinder and eyed the chambers. “I don't anticipate trouble, but it never hurts to be prepared.”

Dash blinked and her jaw dropped. “You're bringing a gun to the Grand Galloping Gala?” She landed on the floor with a mild click of her hooves hitting the tiled floor. “B-but why? And do the princesses know? And... why?”

Megan glanced up, holstering both pistols in her belt. “Yes, I am. I asked Celestia, Luna, and Cadance and then cleared it with Shining Armor since the Royal Guard will be providing security. I'm not expecting trouble, but I won't be caught unprepared.” She slid .38 long colt cartridges into slots on the belt. “The day I don't bring any weapons is the day I'll need them.”

Rarity trotted over to Dash's side and observed Megan arming herself. “I do hope the holsters I made for you are up to your specifications,” she said. “I used a soft plastic and made sure the opening was trimmed down, with nothing for your pistols to get hung up on.”

Megan stood up. She turned away from Rarity and Dash before grabbing one of her Colts and drawing it out. After a beat, she holstered it once more. “Quick and smooth,” she commented, smiling. “Thanks, Rarity.”

Danielle wandered over and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Mom, is it gonna be all right bringing your Peacemakers to the Gala? Those are antiques, after all.” She leaned in over the safe, resting her hands on its gray surface. “I'm surprised you don't have one of your rifles slung over your back.”

Megan shook her head. “Too obvious. The pistols and my knife will do for protection in case something goes down.”

Dash blinked. “Knife? You've got a knife, too?”

Megan raised her right leg and planted her foot on the safe, showing off the hilt of a knife tucked into a scabbard sown into the boot. “Again, I don't want to use it, but I feel better having it on me.” She grunted slightly as she swung her leg back out and onto the floor. “Damn, not as limber as I used to be.” she said through slightly-gritted teeth.

The hair drier Pinkie sat under tilted back, allowing the party pony to bound out of her chair. She hopped about the room. “Oh, this is gonna be great!” she shouted, landing right beside Dash. “Are you all excited because I'm excited too because this night will be GREAT!” She suddenly floated up and over to a ponykin that her dress was hanging off of. She rolled her eyes. “Okay, Rarity. I'll get ready!”

Rarity glanced back and nodded, the glow around her horn fading. “Good, because you're the last one.” She raised a hoof and waved it about, making sharp downward motions with it. “Twilight and Fluttershy are outside getting some sort of surprise ready.” She shrugged as everyone looked to her. “I don't have a clue what, hence the 'surprise' part. And Applejack's getting her apple stand ready for tonight, too.” Her eyes suddenly began following her bare hoof and she gasped. “Oh, no! I've still got a ton of preparation ahead of me!” She reared back and kicked the air before galloping up to a large white desk with a mirror mounted on it. Drawers opened, brushes, tweezers and a dozen other makeup implements floated out. Compacts flew up and opened all around Rarity as the rollers in her mane and tail loosened.

Megan nodded in Rarity's general direction. “Okay, she's done for the next hour.” She glanced to her right. “Danielle, could you please check on Twilight and Fluttershy? I think Michelle's with them, too.” She glanced to the back and a door that led outside to the rear of Carousel Boutique. “I'm gonna go check on Applejack.”

There was another knock on the door. “You ladies all right?” Mike's voice called out again. “Spike's getting a little anxious out here.”

Rarity turned from the veritable cloud of beauty-enhancement products floating about her head and tail. “We're still getting rea-dy!” she called out. She turned back and rolled her eyes. “Honestly, stallions can be so impatient! Perfection takes time, after all!”

Megan walked up to the door and leaned against it. “Give us a few more minutes, Mike. We're almost ready.” She stepped back and began walking to the rear, pausing near Rarity's desk and looking down. “Rarity, how were Mike and Danny with their own suits? They're not exactly ones for fancy clothes.” She suddenly snorted. “Okay, none of us really are.”

Rarity looked up as a false eyelash attached itself to an eyelid. “Those two? Well... they didn't put up any sort of fuss about it.” She cocked her head to the side and bit her lower lip. “Actually, Mike seemed rather enthused. He kept on slipping into some odd accent that sounded right out of Canterlot.” She turned back to the mirror. “And Danny kept on referencing something called an 'Astin Martin'.”

Megan blinked and looked to the door. “Nah,” she said, waving an errant thought off. She turned and, without another word, went for the door and outside the Boutique.

Mike adjusted his tie and looked himself over in the mirror. “Martini. Shaken, not stirred,” he said, a large grin forming on his mouth. He glanced over as Danny rolled over, clad in a similar tuxedo. “I need a watch that deflects bullets and maybe a really cool car.”

Danny looked up. “That's all?” He motioned to his wheelchair. The frame had been polished to a high shine, and the wheels had decorative rims attached to the hub. Gems lined his armrests, alternating between rubies and emeralds. “I swear, all I need is a missile launcher and oil slick installed.”

Spike wandered over to the pair. He wore the shirt and coat of a tuxedo and a jewel-encrusted bow tie. A top hat perched on his head crest, balanced just so. He leaned on Danny's wheelchair and pointed a finger up at Mike. “Looking good, guys. Looking real good.”

Mike pointed right back at the baby dragon. “Right back at you, Spike.” He took a few steps forward. “Never been into fancy clothes, but I think anything Rarity makes can be an exception.” He tugged on his jacket sleeve. “Not even my wedding suit fit this good.”

Danny rubbed his chin as he looked Mike over. “A shame she couldn't hide that unsightly bulge that makes you look less like Bond and more like a member of the Secret Service.” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “Bad enough Megan's packing heat, but you too?”

Mike rolled his eyes and pulled back his jacket, revealing a shoulder holster and a Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver tucked inside. “I'm not too fond of wearing it, but considering all the insane stuff Megan's told me about Ponyland, rereading her books and some of the stuff Twilight's told us about what she's done since coming to Ponyville, I'm not taking any chances at the moment.” His eyes fell upon the door that led to the back changing rooms. “Especially not with Michelle and Danielle there.”

Danny opened his mouth before his head dropped. “Okay, got me there,” he admitted. His head shot over to the door as it opened, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Molly and Danielle strutting out.

Rarity walked up to Mike and looked up at him. “So sorry we took so long.” She glanced over her shoulder at everyone else. “Perfection may take a bit of time, but it's worth it in the end.” She crossed a foreleg in front of the other and batted her long eyelashes at Mike. “Wouldn't you agree, Mike?”

Mike held up a hand. “No arguments from me, Rarity.” He looked up and over at Danielle and his mouth opened slightly. “Danielle, you look... beautiful!” He walked over to his older daughter and shook his head. “My word, you're all grown up.” He looked to Molly. “When did she grow up?” He looked back to a quickly-blushing Danielle. “When did you grow up?”

Molly shook her head. She placed a forearm on Mike's shoulder and leaned against him. “Should I go back over the Rainbow Bridge to get Jimmy back for the Gala?”

Mike jerked his shoulder back and mock-glared at her. “Quiet, Molly.” He looked back to Danielle, still staring in disbelief. “My little girl's all grown up.”

Pinkie pulled out a handkerchief from somewhere in her mane and dabbed her eyes. “Oh, that's so sweet! Daddy's little girl is growing up. But it's also sad, because she's growing up. But I know what can cheer everyone up!”

Danny rolled over to Pinkie and leaned over his armrest. “Pinkie, you wouldn't happen to have heard of a pegasus pony named Surprise, would you? White coat, a very similar cutie mark to yours?” He waved a hand in front of her muzzle. “Ring any bells from family history?”

Pinkie's eyes crossed as they tried following Danny's hand. “Not off the top of my mane.” She rubbed the frizzy pink mass that sat upon her head. “But I DO love surprises!” Her eyes glanced over at Danny. “Was this pegasus a friend of yours from Dream Valley?” she asked, her voice taking on an air of seriousness.

Danny nodded. “She was,” he said, his voice catching at the end. He looked around at the ladies. “Say, where's Megan?”

Molly's head bobbed back in the direction the ladies had come from. “She went out to check on Applejack, Michelle and that cart of hers.” Her jaw canted to the right. “Is Applejack really thinking of trying to sell stuff at the Gala?” She scratched her head. “You'd think something like this would be catered.”

Dash shrugged. “Hey, who'd wanna eat catering when you've got the best apple-based products in Equestria right there?” She hopped into the air and sped to the front door. “Anyway, I'm bored in here. Let's see how Twilight and Fluttershy are doing.”

Danielle walked past her father to the front of the store. “Dash is right. Let's go check on Twilight and Fluttershy.” She followed Dash outside.

Rarity, Molly, Danielle, and Pinkie followed the pair, Mike at the rear. He stopped in front of a mirror, held up an index finger and pointed it at the reflective surface. “Bang!” he said, grinning like a child.

Molly rolled her eyes to the ceiling. She spun about, marched back and grabbed Mike by the arm. “Come on, double-O-dummy,” she said, dragging him out.

Megan walked outside into the cool, crisp late-morning air. She took in a deep breath and smiled. “Damn, this feels good.” She looked around, quickly spotting Applejack and Michelle next to the Apple family's market cart. Michelle, wearing her Gala dress, was opening up several drawers, calling out amounts of food to Applejack, who was sitting with a clipboard in front of her and a pencil in her mouth.

“Five cases of apple fritters!” Michelle called out. She closed a drawer and opened another. “Fifty cartons of hay fries.” She closed that drawer and swung open a door. “Two kegs of cider.” She looked back to Applejack. “I think that's it, Applejack.”

Applejack finished writing and dropped the pencil. She looked up and nodded to the young girl. “Mighty grateful of you to help me out here, Michelle. Made my work a whole heapin' ton easier.” She rose to her hooves and trotted to the cart. “If I make enough bits, it'll help out something fierce!”

Megan cleared her throat, catching their attention. Michelle's head spun around, but Applejack's entire body swung about, her eyes widening. Megan's eyes shifted between the two as she walked over to Michelle. “Looks like you did a great job helping out Applejack, Michelle. That's very nice of you.” She dropped to one knee in front of her daughter and adjusted a ribbon tied in her hair. “Now why don't you head out front, okay? Everyone else is there.”

Michelle wrapped her arms around Megan's neck and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “All right, Mommy.” She smiled at Applejack before running off around Carousel Boutique, quickly disappearing around the corner.

Megan smiled as she watched Michelle run off. She glanced to Applejack; the earth pony not quite meeting her eyes. “Applejack, you all right? You were avoiding me earlier when we got dressed and hurried out here.” She stood up and took a step closer to Applejack. “Is there anything wrong?”

Applejack's cheeks puffed out and her eyes darted back and forth. “No, nothing's wrong,” she drawled out.

Megan rolled her eyes and sighed. “Applejack, you're the Element of Honesty. That also makes you the worst liar in Equestria!” She planted her hands on her hips and glared down. “Is it something I did? Is it something someone else did?”

Applejack's head whipped up and she met Megan's glare. “Yeah, it is something you did. And something I did, and something my family did!” She kicked at the grass, sending up a clod of dirt as she visibly deflated. “No, it's not really you.” She let out a breath. “That videotape Princess Celestia showed my family and I on Wednesday was of you and the original Applejack, in Dream Valley.” Her head hung at a low angle, her hat shadowing most of her face. “It was just odd, seeing you there with her back in the day.” She looked up. “And now here, with all of us. It just really drove home the whole business of the Mag'ne and who you are and what you are to Equestria.”

Megan blinked. “What I am.” She hung her head. “Applejack, I'm just me. I helped out some dear friends when they needed help. That's all.” She dropped back down to one knee and held out a hand. “Yeah, it was a long time ago, for Equestria and myself. But I'm flesh and blood, like yourself.”

A sigh escaped Applejack. “I know, and I'm sorry.” She cocked her head to the side. “What was she really like?”

“The original Applejack?” Megan rubbed her chin. A smile slowly spread across her face and her eyes lit up. “She could be a bit of a klutz, and sometimes had four left hooves. But she was fearless, level-headed in danger and one heck of a farmer. And she loved her children.” She leaned over, grabbed the brim of Applejack's hat and tilted it up to look her in the eyes. “And she'd be proud to call you, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith kin.”

Applejack blinked, her eyes suddenly moist. “Thank you kindly, Megan.” She turned and trotted over to the cart's harness. “Well, I kept the others waiting long enough. Time to get along!” She knelt down and hitched herself up. “Gotta thank Rarity for makin' sure my dress can work with the harness, too.”

Megan stood up, grunting slightly. “I'll make sure to stop by and purchase some snacks,” she said, winking as the pair walked around to the front of Carousel Boutique and everyone else gathered there. Megan walked over to Mike's side, looking him over. “I'd make some Bond joke, but you really do look great in it,” she said, winking.

Mike shrugged. “All for her majesty's secret service.” He looked Megan over and let out a whistle. “And you put any Bond girl to shame, Megan.” He leaned over and kissed her, holding it for a moment before moving back. “You're even more beautiful than when I married you.”

Megan threaded an arm through Mike's. “And you're even more handsome.” She looked around, quickly focusing on Twilight. “What's going on?”

Twilight stood in front of a pair of apples, a single scroll next to her. Her horn flared to life and her eyes screwed shut in concentration. Both apples glowed for a moment before quickly expanding, golden bits breaking out of the skin and a pair of windows forming on the sides. Within seconds, both apples had transformed into carriages, one larger than the other but both with fine gold decorations.

Megan's jaw dropped. “Okay, now that is impressive!”

Twilight let out a breath and wiped her forehead as her horn stopped glowing. “Thanks. But I'm afraid that's about it from me.” She let out another breath. “I wanted to enlarge some of Fluttershy's mice to tow the carriages, but between these two apples and teleporting everyone over from Earth, I just don't have the energy at the moment.” She hung her head. “I'm sorry, everyone.”

Spike walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her neck. “Don't worry, Twilight. This right here was still super awesome!”

Twilight smiled and leaned into the hug. “Thanks, Spike.” She motioned to the scroll. “Could you please send that to Princess Celestia?” As Spike grabbed the scroll and breathed his green flame on it, she walked to her left as Big Mac, Caramel, Doctor Whooves and Blues Noteworthy approached from across the street, each one clad in the top half of a tuxedo. “I asked for some help.”

Applejack's right eye narrowed slightly at Big Mac and Caramel. “You might wanna have told me about this.”

Big Mac shrugged. “Sorry, sis. Wanted this to be a bit of a surprise.” He looked over in Fluttershy's general direction, his already-red cheeks turning an even deeper shade. He walked up to her and bowed his head. “Miss Fluttershy, it'd be my great honor to be your escort for the Grand Galloping Gala. If you'll have me, that is.”

Spike's cheeks suddenly bulged. He spat out another gout of emerald flame, the smoke quickly coalescing into a golden ticket that hovered above the stallion.

Fluttershy glanced away. “I'd be honored,” she said, grinning. She reached out and gently touched Big Mac's foreleg, her cheeks turning a bright crimson.

Rarity held a handkerchief up to her muzzle and gently dabbed her nose. “Oh, how romantic!”

Applejack let out a happy sigh. “About danged time,” she muttered, grinning.

Twilight walked over to Caramel, the Doctor and Blues. “Are you three sure you don't want tickets?” she asked. “This is an awfully big favor you're doing for us. And this is the Grand Galloping Gala, after all.”

The Doctor shook his head. “Thank you, but no, Twilight. I think I'd rather spend a nice evening home with Ditzy and the foals.” He turned his head. “And the Gala's more boring than Gallifrey on a slow day,” he muttered under his breath.

Caramel waved Twilight off. “I'm fine, Miss Twilight, I tell you. I just as soon walk back home. Gala doesn't sound like my kind of night, I tell you.”

Blues spoke up. “And I've got inventory to prepare for this week, although I appreciate it all the same.” He turned to the carriages, then to Caramel. “Hmm, looks like we'll be hauling partners, buddy!” he said, slapping Caramel on the shoulder.

Caramel's eyes widened and his cheeks paled. “I... I don't know what you mean, I t-tell you.” He slowly turned to see Big Mac and Doctor Whooves already hitched up to an apple carriage, one that Twilight and her friends were already boarding. Big Mac winked at him and smirked slightly.

Caramel trotted right up to him and leaned in close. “Just what do you think you're doing?”

Big Mac snorted. “Makin' sure you got a chance to talk to Blues.” He leaned his head to the side. “And just tryin' to help my favorite cousin out, too.” He reached out with a well-muscled foreleg and gently pushed Caramel away. “Now go on, Caramel. We gotta get movin' soon.”

Caramel sucked in a deep breath and slowly walked over to the other apple carriage, hitching himself up to it. He kept his head straight ahead as Megan and her own family boarded it.

Blues looked to him. “Say, after we drop everyone off, care to walk with me back to Ponyville? It'll be pretty dark and I'd feel a lot better with somepony by my side on the way there.” He paused, waiting for an answer... for about a minute. “Caramel? You all right?”

Caramel's head whipped around. “Sure!” he shouted, right in Blues' face. “I'd love to!”

Blues blinked. “Okay, thanks.” He reached over and smoothed his mane down from the sudden frizz it had developed.

Spike climbed up onto the first carriage. “Giddy up!” he shouted, thrusting his tiny arms in the air and waving them about.

Big Mac glanced up at the baby dragon. He reared back and stomped on the ground, sending Spike a half-foot into the air. “Excuse me?”

Spike gulped and scratched the back of his head. “Ah, I mean... you would gentlestallions be so kind as to take us on our way?”

Big Mac and the Doctor exchanged a glance before trotting off. Caramel and Blues waited for them to pass before following. After a few turns the two carriages were on the main road to Canterlot and the Grand Galloping Gala, carrying passengers, hopes and dreams within.

Author's Note:

1. For some, the Gala will go better. For others, worse. For Blueblood... *Cringes*

2. Thanks to EdBecerra from the spacebattles thread for helping me with my selection of firearm for Megan. And thanks to everyone else from there for their aid.

3. Also thanks to shubzilla for the proofreading.

4. Megan will not be using her pistols or knife at the Gala. Neither will Mike.