• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 11,510 Views, 431 Comments

Bound by Scales - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Scalebound Crossover] Normally, dragons are fierce predators. But for one guy, ending up in Equestria causes a powerful dragon to become his greatest Ally

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6- Colder than my heart, if you can imagine Part 1

Bound By Scales- Colder than my heart,

if you can imagine Part 1

Point of View: Ken

The next morning, Fizzle and I took the liberty of practicing with the mass amount of weaponry inside the armory. There were swords, scimitars, halberds, warhammers… You name it, the temple had some form of it. However, according to Fizzle, most of these weapons were only Draconic kinds of it. Different cultures and civilizations had their weapons forged with either different materials or used different methods to make them. Dragons used fire and the strongest kind of steel there was, making it more durable than any of the other cultures. Ponykind, as I was told, used magic while forging their weapons. Which meant that the weapons would have enchantments of different kinds applied to them. The Crystal Empire in the north used frozen saronite to forge their armor and weapons, making them just as strong as dragon forged weapons. The list went on and on.

As I was saying though, we weren’t there to just browse the selection of equipment that was inside the barracks. We were there to practice. After the encounter with the gems, I personally noticed that I could improve on being able to adapt to the environment around me and improve in combat. Right now, I was blocking and parrying Fizzle’s halberd by using the two blades that I had acquired when I first met Revaan. Needless to say, the white dragon was impressed with my fighting abilities.

“Looks like Revaan has taught you well,” He told me as his polearm went past my head. “I’m a little surprised though that you aren’t using any of your abilities.”

I groaned internally upon hearing that. The reason being that I had not fully discovered what my powers were. I was wanting to ask Revaan after I got back yesterday, but he was tired and I thought that bringing up a subject that involved his kin would be… abrupt. Yesterday, he was forced to recall about his lover before she died and judging from his expression, I could tell that it was a sore subject.

I still needed to answer Fizzle though as we stopped training for a brief moment. “That’s because I only know a few. My dragon arm and my dragon armor form. But, I am unsure what else I am capable of. I originally thought that I would be able to control the same elemental abilities as Revaan, but I haven’t had the chance to ask.”

The elemental abilities was more of an… assumption than anything else. In the times I did see him use his powers, he had a breath of fire, brought suits of armor to life using energy, and used Fire magic again in order for the Heart of the Temple to be lit again. Fizzle though, had something else to say. “Ken, in all seriousness, if you are bound to Revaan, then you probably can control magic like he does… Onyx dragons were rare because unlike other species of dragons, they could control multiple elemental powers. Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Poison and lastly Aether. Your arm is only one of those magics and that is Aether, but maybe over time you will find a way to unlock the others.”

“How so?” I asked him.

“Gemstones,” Fizzle replied. “They do more than just help us grow. Different color stones helped us learn different magics. Ruby's taught fire, Sapphires taught Ice, Emeralds had dragons learn earth, Topaz had dragons acquire lightning and so on. Get the picture?”

Now that was something new. “Partially, yes. But I don’t think I can eat gems like dragons can.”

“Yes, but you can still be taught magic. Revaan can teach you how to control your powers as you use them more.”

“That… is a very good point. Right now though, he’s exhausted and I need to make sure I’m prepared if I’m summoned again or if I need to trek through the Everfree.” I told him. He smirked, setting his weapon aside and turning towards the door.

“Follow me. I found some things yesterday that might be… useful on your next adventure.” He told me as he opened the door and lead me into another room. “While you were gone, Maple and I stumbled upon this supply room and I found some things that might be useful for any future adventures you embark on.” I saw a messenger bag made of leather and a pile of crystals that had a teal blue glow eradicating from it.

“The bag is enchanted to where it can store anything inside it. Including any other weapons that you want to bring along with you,” Fizzle explain as he handed it to me. Adjusting it, it felt snug and comfortable. That’s also when the white dragon got five of the crystals and placed them in the bag for me. “Also, these are Soul Shards. Cracking one of these open and letting the contents soak you like water will heal whoever you apply it to and restore any energy expended. Keep the empty crystals though. We can use them as extra materials for making other items and gear.”

“That makes sense,” I told him. Walking back into the armory, I walked along the weapon racks for a moment. I had both of my swords on my back, but I thought a second weapon to have besides my bow would be a good idea. Thinking about what I might need, I pulled a spear with a tip that resembled the swords I already had on me. “I think this would work perfectly.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” The dragon said as I practiced a little with the spear. It had a good grip and I could be able to use it to strike multiple times at close and long range. Making this a very effective weapon when dealing with multiple foes at once. This would really come in handy. Placing the spear in the bag, I soon turned around, looking back at Fizzle. “Hey Fizzle, can I ask you something? You said that Onyx dragons were able to wield multiple kinds of magic. If that’s the case, then why are there only a few left?”

“That… is unknown. A lot of our kind believed that it started with Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago.”

“Who?” I asked.

“It was what happened when one of the Pony Princesses, Luna, was corrupted somehow. I don’t remember much, but it lead to an event called the Eternal Night, where Dark Magic was everywhere you went and with that, the Everfree forest was corrupted. Some say that the magic had corrupted many of the Onyx back then and it drove them mad, leading to a war with the other dragonkins. Only few remained after that, but because of it, their kind became constant targets by anyone powerful enough to try and kill one.”

Dear god, that sounded horrible. Now I know why Revaan was overjoyed with seeing Spike. In a way… I felt sorry for him. During those though, I felt another strange tugging behind me and sighed. “Well great… I’m getting summoned again… Hey Fizzle?”

“Yes Ken?”

“If Revaan wakes up, tell him I’m getting summoned by a Displaced and for him to use my Scale to catch up with me later. I rather not disturb his sleep right now.” The White dragon nodded as he dashed out of the room, leaving me to fade into the void as I put my headphones on and let the music I was listening to flow through my body and soul. A cold chill running through my body and down my spine.

Upon arrival, I felt my feet hit solid ground as I barreled myself in a rolling motion before getting on my feet and seeing the forest I was in. Looking around, I was trying to find the person who summoned me and needed my help. But when I found them, that was an entirely different story.

I found a man lying on the ground, face down. Black spikey hair, tan skin, strange clothes and barely breathing. “H-hey! Are you alright!?” All I heard was some moans as I rushed to grab one of the Soul shards that I had in my bag and cracked it open like I was cracking an egg. The energy from the crystals spilled out onto the person on the ground, seeping into their clothes and skin as the magic was taking effect, healing him and restoring any stamina he had previously expended. Placing my fingers against his neck, I was relieved to feel that he had a pulse. However, when he had gotten up and looked at me, I can tell that he was startled. Most specifically because of my appearance. Something inside my head told me that he was not familiar with the Displaced… at all.

“You okay?” I asked, calmly.

“I- yeah… Just…” the man briefly spoke before sighing deeply. “Sorry, there isn't much time for greetings, whoever you are. My name is Gray, thanks for whatever you did. But there is a problem at hand, I need to reach Canterlot and stop an invasion before it is too late.” After giving me a small bow, he soon turned around. “I will be going now, find me on Canterlot later, I will pay your for your troubles.”

Without giving me the chance to say anything, he leaped towards what appeared to be a railway above him. But then, used some sort of Ice Magic to not only make a wall, but also a handcar to move along the train tracks above. I was personally beginning to wonder since when was there a train, but instead paid attention to what was important and used my dragon arm to pull myself to Gray

“Wait up! It’s rude to leave someone behind.”

“What are you doing? Get down!” He spoke, annoyed by my actions. “I need to reach Canterlot to stop an invasion! I can’t bring any more civilians there!”

Do I look like I am a freaking civilian? I got two swords on my back for god's sake. “I get that. If you going to let me finish, I was going to say that I can help you!”

“Help me? Do you even know what you are go against?” He shot back at me. “I’m going to war, every second I loose here is a live being loss. Are you sure you wish to help? Are you ready to take a live? Because I can see it, you haven't kill a living being… you haven't take the life of another. Are you sure you want to follow me? Because the path I take would be filled with death, so again I ask you. Do you really wish to go come with me and fight? to protect the innocent? to fight until you can't feel your body?” He told me. Either this guy had a rough life or he’s doing a good job at being a total jackass. “You may wield a sword, you may have the magic, the instincts, and the power. But are you ready to take a life?”

I placed my headphones on my head and just grinned, “You are making it sound like I hadn’t been in a fight before. For being a Displaced, you seriously need to not underestimate your allies. Especially the ones that saved your life.” Seeing the wall of the castle we were approaching to, I used my dragon arm to yank myself away from Grays cart and within the castle walls. First thing I noticed was that changelings were flooding the streets from almost everywhere. and right now. A swarm of thirty of them were going towards me.

“Ken, what in the ancestor's name are you doing?”

“Revaan? What the hell are you doing inside my head?” I asked the dragon as I unsheathed both of my swords. “I was summoned by a Displaced and now I’m fighting changelings that appear to be invading Canterlot.”

I heard Revaan choke a little as I began to slash and strike the bugs that were coming towards me, their bodies falling to the ground. Shortly afterwards, I heard Revaan speaking again as I ducked and avoided another attack. “Ken, I need you to summon me there as soon as possible. I can’t have you screw anything up.”

“Care to explain what you mean?”

“From what Maple told me while you first met Applejack, what’s going on is the Royal Wedding Invasion, where Queen Chrysalis tried to capture Canterlot during the marriage of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. For us, that was three years ago. You are in another Displaced’s past!”

“Well great… I’ll try to bring you here when I’m not under attack and almost getting myself killed. Give me fifteen minutes.” I heard Revaan sigh and agree as I now held both blades in my hand. One of the nearby guards, who I had just saved, was galloping up to me.

“Thanks you for saving my life, stranger!! What can I do to repay you?”

I thought about it, then answered. “Have you and your allies try to regroup at the train station. There is someone coming by the name of Gray that is trying to help even the odds against these changelings. I want you to do the best you can to help him. Where is the Changelings leader?”

“We believe she is in the Royal Palace.” He told me, pointing a hoof at the structure.

“I’ll be trying to clear a path in order to make it easier for your forces to move through. The courtyard has been recaptured, but right now, gather your men and do what I told you.” The Stallion saluted, issuing orders to his troops to go to the train station while a few others set up position at the courtyard. I was looking around, using my arm to reach the rooftop. Only to notice a few of those bug eyed bastards to get into a tall tower that served as an observatory. A sound of a scream went out.

“Oh hell no you don’t.” I growled, using my arm again in short bursts to continue speeding up. Soon, I reached the watchtower and yanked a changeling off of the rails while I kicked another one off of the building. However, what I saw surprised me.

It was Luna. Well, more likely this world’s Luna. And she seemed to have some questions for me.

“W-who are thou?” She asked. I could tell she was scared. The Alicorn was just previously attacked by changelings. Who wouldn’t be scared?

“Easy there… My name is Ken Ahkrin. I am not here to harm you,” I told her, resisting the temptation to help her with my right arm and instead offered my left hand. She took my hand and I helped herself up as she brushed the dust off of her.

“Ken?” She asked for clarification, looking at me strangely. “We are sorry, thou just seem… familiar.”

“I get that a lot. Mostly because of my arm though since I’m part dragon.” I told her, scratching the back of my head with my dragon arm. “Still, we got a bigger problem that we need to deal with and that would involve the intruders that tried to enter your room. Just… on a bigger scale.” I pulled back the curtain to the observatory so she was able to look down upon Canterlot and what we were seeing startled Luna. Changelings were everywhere, hurting civilians and making it difficult for the guards to protect them.

“The guards have recaptured the courtyard and the train station, but they need help with making sure the civilians are safe.” I explained to her, pointing out the locations to her.

Luna seemed to be frozen in place, her gaze not changing from the gruesome battle from below. Her expression became darker as her mane’s flow intensified. “Ken? Does thou know our sister’s status?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. But my guess would be that she would be trying to face the Queen of the Changelings. One of the guards said that she might be in the palace so I was working my way there until I heard you earlier and saw those drones invade your observatory.”

Luna suddenly closed her eyes, there was silence for a few moments as I watched her. When he open her eyes they narrowed more than they already were, almost becoming slits. “We can feel our sister, it worries us that our sister seems so calm with a crisis this size. Sir Ken, have thou seen the guards? The main priority should be claiming the city back, if we could regroup what little of the guard is left. Then we could begin to recover our city from those hideous creatures!” She yelled the last part, making me clutch my ears despite my headphones being on.

“Last I saw them, they had recaptured the train station and the courtyard. I was trying to clear a path to the Palace last time I was on the ground. They’re trying to help the civilians hide since the railway has been damaged, preventing them from escaping.” I told her. “Also, remember when I said that I was part dragon? Well… if you see a two story dragon appear next to the palace… don’t be alarmed. He’s my friend.”

Luna gave me shocked look, it didn't last long though as her gaze became serious again. “Thine help would be greatly accepted Sir Ken, but we fear for our sister's health. We will communicate to our guard about thine ally.”

“Alright. Would you happen to know a way to sneak into the palace undetected?” I asked her. “I want to catch them by surprise.”

“We are sorry Sir Ken, but we haven't been around long to know.” She gave me a solemn look before sighing. “We ask for thine help Sir Ken, search for our sister and made sure she is okay. We will direct the defense of Canterlot while thou does this for we.”

“You have my word, Luna. I will make sure she is safe.” Before I left though, I handed her two of the four remaining shards I had left. “I was going to ask where to go, but before that, you should take these. Crack them open to apply the magic to anyone who's hurt and it should restore their health and magic. When we meet though, I would like the remains of the crystals though. I can use them for other purposes.”

Luna looked at the crystal with a questioning gaze. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again, her gaze now of awe towards the healing crystal. “Such a powerful spell, we will use thine tool wisely Sir Ken. For directions then we can tell thou that our sister seems to reside on the catedral.” She raised her left arm and pointed towards a giant building in front of the castle’s entrance. “May the light bright your path and thee shadow protect thine back. Farewell Sir Ken, stay safe.” With that she opened both of her wings, which were bigger than I previously had thought as she took flight.

Well, time to get a move on. Taking the advice Luna gave me, I leaped forth and used my grappling ability from my arm to pull myself to the ground. I sheathed both of my swords and placed them inside my leather bag, grabbing the grip of the spear that was inside and pulling it out. It was time to get back to work. I was racing towards the cathedral, but everything around me was beginning to be… quiet. In a creepy silent hill sort of way.

That though, was followed by an explosion a few homes down and the wind that was released from the blast. I tried getting closer, but the light was hard to see and the wind made it very hard to move. But when the light began to fade, I was shocked to see Gray lying on the ground again and even more messed up than before.

“Gray, get up!!” I yelled, rushing to him and using my spear to pole vault myself over. First thing I did was crack open another soul shard to heal the downed cryomancer. Now I only had one of these left after giving the other two I had to Luna a few moments ago. I was going to ask about what happened, until I saw it for myself right in front of me.

“Jesus christ, that is one ugly bug.” Turning around, I offered a hand to Gray so I could help him up. “You okay, Gray?”

“Sure… Ehrm, never really got your name down.” He told me as I helped him up.

“Ken. Ken Akhrin.” I told him, soon remembering Revaan. “Oh and heads up, in five minutes, a friend of mine will help us… even the odds. You think you can last that long?” He frowned a little, only to soon have a smile on his face.

“The question would be, would you? Cause-”

“No, no no no no! Little colt should go boom!~” The voice had me turn around to see who exactly was speaking.

There, in the air was another of those Changelings, but it was different than the ones I have fought so far. For one this Changeling seemed to stay on the air without the use of wings. The other was that it was covered from head to hoof in a dark brown coat, yet what made this Changeling different than those I have fought so far are his eyes. They were glowing underneath the hood, they send chills down my spines. Something was telling me that this Changeling was bad news.

"Well! Matters not! Two colts have come~ Pandemonium shall break loose and everything will go boom!~" Yep, something was very wrong with this Changeling for his mouth could be seen yet it didn't open when he talked.

"Pandemonium, control yourself we are under orders to maintain collateral damage at minimum." Said another voice, looking below I saw again two Changelings, and just like the last one they were way different than those I fought on my way here. The one that seemed to have speak was a Changeling almost as tall as me, wearing a black suit, black pants and a black fedora. He was resting his back against the other oddity to the group. If I didn't know any better I could have confused that thing as a giant golem. Yet it was not, for two pair of glowing orbs seemed to watch me from inside its helmet.

"Catacomb hate! Pandemonium wants to play! Two colts have entered my stage! Hate Catacomb hate! You just want them all for yourself!~" Shouted the coated Changeling whose name seemed to be Pandemonium. "This are my prey! Their bodies are for my entertainment! They shall go boom over and over again!~ Hiahiahiahiahia!" Okay that laugh was three levels above creepiness.

"The Queen's orders are absolute Pandemonium, if you don't control your powers then me and Berserker shall take you down without hesitation." Said the Changeling wearing a suit, if I understood then his name was Catacomb. "That, and they seem to be made of a tougher stuff than those weaklings from before. They should be entertainment enough for us."

"Buuuuut Catacomb!~ Berserker always finish them too fast!~ There would be nothing left to make go boom!!~" Pandemonium began to lower itself towards the other two Changelings.

Raising an eyebrow I turned towards Gray who was looking at those Changelings with a calculating gaze. "Sooo.... When do we kick their asses? They don't seem to be hard to beat." With a sigh, I look back at them. “Or eat for that matter once my friend shows up.”

Shaking his head his eyes never once looked back at me. "No, those Changelings aren't normal. Their magic is clothed and I can't feel it, yet when they attack I can sense their magic, and they are almost at par with mine. The one with the suit seems to be the leader, so far he have been shooting magic at me. The giant one... I don't know anything about it, but for something so big to appear out of nowhere? Don't underestimate him. For the clothed one... Well I don't need to tell you that there is something seriously wrong with that one. So yeah, we could but it won't be easy."

“I call dibs on the biggest one there is,” I heard Revaan mentally speak inside my head. “I’m dying to tear off some changeling heads.”

“Alright.” I said, lifting my dragon arm up as it glowed green a little. “Revaan… Sick ‘em.” Seconds after saying that, the dragon soon dive bombed onto the three of them, causing them to scatter as the dragon went for Berserker. However, one thing I could tell right away was that Gray was surprised by Revaan’s sudden appearance. He even looked like he saw him as a threat and was going to attack him if I didn’t put my hand out in front of him. “Easy there, Gray. That dragon is my ally. Our souls are linked to one another so if you try hurting him, you hurt me as well. Comes with being a Scalebound.”

Revaan was surprised though that Berserker did not die instantly by squashing him. There was something in his armor that was effecting the fight between them.

"Look Catacomb! Puppy have come to play! Berserker have his prey!~ Go help him and let those two colts -.” The changeling was soon interjected by a breath of fire Revaan had blindsided it with that was meant for Berserker, followed by me running up to grab it and slam into the ground.

“Can’t you just shut up for five seconds!?”

“Hehehe! Me play game with Colt. It involves… EXPLOSIONS!!”

“Ken, get out of there!” Following Revaan’s advice, I dashed backwards just in time as the body of the Changeling began to glow in a white bright light. The explosion send a wave of heat that would have burned a normal person but thanks to me being part dragon it got little effect on myself.

“Oh~? Little colt doesn't goes boom! Why does little colt goes boom!? Pandemonium is angry! Little colt doesn't wants to go boom!” I was really getting annoyed by this Changeling.

“Shut the hell up already!!” I shouted, launching myself towards the Changeling, this time the Changeling floated out of my way just before I could hit him.

“Bad little colt! Pandemonium is going to made you go boom!~” The Changeling shouted, giant balls of fire formed around Pandemonium. Then they began to shrink, it seemed like heart beats and at each beat they became smaller. In seconds Pandemonium surrounded himself with a ring of ten white balls the size of gold balls around himself, making a circle on while he floated. “Pandemonium is gonna show you! Pandemonium is gonna make you go BOOM!”

Without warning, the white balls soon shot out towards me. I tried leaping out of the way, only to realize that they were following me! God damn, these things are tracking me. Dashing backwards, I tried to use my dragon arm to propel myself. But something different happened. Energy shots fired out from my arm instead. Hitting a couple of them and causing them to detonate. but the other eight of them soon continued to chase.

The beat in the music I listen to grew quiet… but suddenly changed. Wait… is that-? Oh… f*** the hell yes! Now I didn’t want to run anymore. Now I wanted to fight… And this fight, I was going to win. Picking up speed, I now was going towards Pandemonium now, catching him by surprise. Instead of charging at him, I slipped under the changeling and used my spear like a baseball bat to smack him into the explosive balls of fire he had follow me. Hopefully, that would do the trick. But I had a hunch he wasn’t dead yet. Not by a long shot.

“You alright Ken?” Revaan asked me.

“Never better… Let’s kick things up a notch.” I smirked, looking back at the changeling. He was emerging from the explosion that had just occurred. And from what I can tell… he was pissed. My concern though was the big guy that Revaan was trying to fight. But… an idea then came to me.

“Hey Revaan, mind if I take on both of them at once?”

“Okay, either you are crazy or you're thinking is suicidal.” He told me.

“I got a plan. It just involves giving this two idiots a false sense of security. Let me handle these two. The guards here need aerial support to deal with the rest of the swarm. I already told Luna to be expecting you, so she and guards might see you as an ally.”

“Fair enough.” He replied, using his wings to take off into the air, leaving me with Tweedle Dum and Tweedle idiot. The giant Changeling spared a glance towards Revaan and became still.

“Hey, Berserker. You and your midget friend are dealing with me now.” I shouted, catching his attention along with the psycho midget.

“No~ Puppy come back! Berserker’s gonna take my fun!~” Shouted Pandemonium in despair. Revaan was long since gone making an eerie silence fall. “Doesnt matter! I will make you go boom~ Berserker won’t take my fun~” Shouted Pandemonium, his voice being creepier and darker as more giant balls of fire appeared around him.

“Oh really now? Well, then…” I taunted him, holding my arms out as I held my spear. “HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!!”

“Hyahahaha! Pandemonium is gonna.make.you.go.booom!” The spheres around the insane pyromancer began to circle around him at an insane speed making them see more like a giant circle. Without notice, the spheres came flying towards me, each from a different angle. “Now it is time to go BOOM!”

Now, this… was when things got interesting. From the changelings point of view, they thought that they killed me. But soon, those same flames were beginning to die down as the scales on my arm expanded and moved across my body. I was now in my dragon armor form… and I was going to enjoy thrashing the living hell out of these two.

“Sorry little one… Playtime’s over.”

“WHAT!? No! Why doesnt little colt goes boom! Pandemonium is angry! Berserker! Why doesnt colt goes boom!~”

“F*** you! That’s why!”

“Grrrrr… Mad! Pandemonium is mad! I don't care anymore! You arent fun! You are a broken toy! You don't go boom like the others!~” Shouted Pandemonium to the skies, and his mouth for the first time moved as he barred his fangs.

“That’s because I’m not like the others. Now, show me what you got. Otherwise, you’ll make this fight look boring.” I teased, using the last bit to try and provoke Pandemonium because of his childish nature.

“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut UP!!!” Yelled Pandemonium, twenty balls appeared around him as his body became surrounded by a dark red glow. “You want me mad!? You will have me mad! I will destroy you! I will burn you! Pandemonium shall run FREE!” More and more balls began to appear around Pandemonium before circling around him, forming three ring of light around his body. “I will destroy you!”

“You will try.” The Changeling had enough, using his magic to have the rings surround around me. The heat of the balls of fire felt like the inside of a volcano as he tried to have them all collide into me. They zoomed in quickly, but one of them hit the ground and coughed up a dust cloud, giving me a chance to barrel roll to my right and hurled my spear at Pandemonium as it struck his left shoulder. Next, I used my dragon arm to pull him down to the ground, impaling the spearhead deeper upon reaching the ground. Pandemonium was screaming in pain as it tried to stagger to it’s feet.

“No! Pandemonium is angry! Why can't Pandemonium use his powers! Pandemonium needs to go boom! Why can't I go boom!? What have you done to Pandemonium!?” Shouted Pandemonium while thrashing on the ground.

I walked over, seeing that the changeling was in pain. Watching him struggle was just sickening. The least I can do was ease his suffering. But as I got closer… I heard the Changeling say something… different as it’s eyes changed color from a blood red to a cool blue. His thrashing came to a stop as slowly his eyes raised and focused on mines. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he muttered two words.

“Thank...you…” His eyes suddenly changed from blue to red again, yet he just… froze there. Thinking that he was dead, I began to approach towards him only to hear laughter.

“This isn't over… you may have defeat me! But I’m one of many! Pandemonium shall walk among the living again! Hyahahaha!” His body began to crack, light beginning to pour out from his body. Oh crap, he was going to explode! I leaped out of the way as the changeling exploded, his insides and green blood flying everywhere. I even thought I saw his heart get stuck in a nearby tree. Still though, that was only the first of two opponents I needed to face.

Wait a second… Where was he? Turning around, I saw him just looking at me. I was going to say something, until he grunted and disappeared in a flash of green flames as I reverted back to normal. Now… I needed to find Gray. It’s time we deal with the queen.[center“Revaan. Get ready. Once I find Gray, we’re making the Changeling queen regret her decision of coming here.”

“Got it.” I heard him tell me mentally as I ran to the cathedral. As I approached it, two things greeted me. A giant set of doors blowing away. The other, green light coming from the inside. Something seemed wrong.

Those suspicions were soon answered as I saw a familiar Ice Mage fly out the cathedral.

“That is what you deserve for defying the Queen!” Shouted an angry Changeling. Looking upwards I could make out a tall female Changeling floating in the air just like Pandemonium. Her hands were glowing with dark green energy as did her eyes. In a way… she looked pissed.

It did not take long for her to notice me though as Gray crash landed… somewhere on the city behind me.

“And who are you? Another fool that believes in peace.” She practically spat that word as if it was venom. “Fools! All of you! Surrender now and I will see that you're executed swiftly!” I happened to notice what appeared to be this world's version of Twilight and her friends behind her inside the cathedral, but taking in Chrysalis’ words… all I did was just laugh.

“I would honestly say that you are the fool this time.”

“What did you just call me!? I take back what I said, your death shall be slowly and painful! Just like that other fool!” She shouted as her magic began to fluke around her, wisps of fire appeared and disappeared while the glow of her hands and eyes intensified.

“Yeah… you’re just as crazy as the exploding midget that detonated himself. Besides, you are overlooking something.”

Chrysalis gave a snarl before an evil smile appeared on her face. “Oh? Tell me then little fool. What did I miss? Because all I see is thrash.”

I smiled, pointing one of my fingers above her. “My friend.” Around that moment, Revaan soon made his appearance, landing on the roof of the cathedral and staring down the queen. The dragon's appearance definitely startled the queen. Just as much as the ponies inside were startled by the shaking of the cathedral’s walls.

“Why hello there…” Revaan snarled, overlooking the queen. “You must be the queen in charge…”

“Dragon… What are you doing here? Didn't your kind made an oath to not getting on the other races’ problems? Or are you here to help me conquer the city?”

“Neither…” Revaan growled. Leaping from the roof, he grabbed Chrysalis and threw her into a nearby building before letting out a breath of fire. “I am here because you are planning to hurt the lives of innocent souls. And for that, you will pay for your crimes.”

I just looked towards the burning house where Revaan just threw Chrysalis into, there wasn't any movement and then the house came down. Dust and smoke began to cover the sky above as we continue to watch the possible tomb of the Queen of Changelings. “Well… that was way more easier than I thought.”

“We aren’t done yet. If she is strong enough to send Gray flying out of the cathedral like that, then this is probably nothing to her.” He warned me. Soon enough, The earth began to tremble as I switched weapons. This time to my two swords. Suddenly the fire of the house came back to life but instead of red and yellow flames they were green.

The earth’s trembling became worse and from inside the fire, a black form began to rise in the air. The wind suddenly pushed me backwards, the dust flew and the inferno grew in size and heat. Pieces of rock began to rise in the air and green wisp of flame appeared and disappeared around me.

“Insolents! Know your place dragon!” From the flames a dark green beam of light shot towards Revaan. All he did was move his neck as the beam missed. This allowed me the chance to grapple Chrysalis towards me, slicing at her across the chest.

“You mess with him, you mess with me.” I warned her, getting into a crouching stance with both blades at the ready.

Suddenly her eyes flashed red before returning to their normal green color. Her eyes narrowed and I found myself pushed backwards by an invisible force. When it stopped I looked upwards and saw three round plates moving around Chrysalis. “You will pay for your actions fool!” Her horn flashed and flames began to appear around her. When they came back the cut I made on her chest disappeared. “Know your place!” She raised her left arm and pointed her index finger at me. From the point a dark green ball began to form, jumping backward my eyes widened as the the ball seemed to shoot towards me at an incredible speed. I was going to dodge it, until Revaan’s tail came down and had the fireball burst.

“Not a smart choice,” He growl as his fangs dug into Chrysalis’ arm breifly before she pulled it away. “You try to harm my partner… You got another thing coming.” Just like with me the plates grew in size and crashed against Revaan, they began to push him backwards as Chrysalis again was surrounded by fire. When the fire died down the bite marks were gone.

“You shall pay for that, lizard!” Shouted Chrysalis, her horn began to glow as chunks of earth began to rise to the air. All around me, small pieces of rubble, furnitures, and metal began to rise to the air. They began to gain speed and in seconds they were all high in the air. “Die!” She shook her hand towards Raveen, the million of pieces rock, metal and furniture came flying towards Revaan who didn't have time to act. But, to my surprise, a dark blue shield appeared and blocked all the incoming projectiles. Soon, I heard a familiar voice shout out.

“Thou will not harm thine allies!” From the sky a dark blue figure began to descent. In front of Revaan now stood no other than Princess Luna.

“LUNA!! Oh, am I glad to see you!” I shouted, still paying attention to Chrysalis.

“Thanks Sir Ken, we began to worry for thine health when we sensed the magic coming from here. Our troops are pushing the Changelings outside the city as we speak.”

“Good to know. My concern though is with Gray,” I told her, pointing in the direction he flew. “He’s an ally of mine and Chrysalis sent him flying a few moments ago. I hope he’s alright-” Suddenly a shield formed around me as a sea of green fire engulfed me. The ball grew in size and pushed the flames away from me as I took a glance at the Changeling Queen in the air. Her body was surrounded by a dark green aura and the round plates that floated around her began to form a complete ball. Ball of flames formed on the area around her and began to circle on the sky.

“This insolence, this transgression, IT SHAN'T GO UNPUNISHED!” Yelled the Changeling Queen.

The attack went towards all three of us and it went off with a explosion and a cloud of smoke. However, as the dust cleared, something appeared in between us and her. A huge wall of pure ice that reached the sky.

“Gray…” I spoke, looking back in the direction in which the attack came from as Luna landed to my left. Looking at her, I spoke again. “Oh the tables have turned in our favor now.”

“Sorry for being late, Ken! Just woke up Twilight, she knows more about magic than me. I can't seem to be able to free Cadance and it seemed like you needed a little help.” The Cryo-mage said, he then saw Luna at my side and his eyes widened.

“Luna?” I hear Gray whisper. Looking towards Luna she seemed to be in pain, she was clutching her head with both hands and began to stumble a little as she looked at Gray. Remembering Chrysalis, I soon got in front of them.

“Gray, how long do I need to hold her off for?”

“Wha? Ugh. Forgot about her for a second. We just need to hold her off until Cadance realize the spell. What I can't fathom is why is Queen Chrysalis so powerful? I don't remember her being like this from the show…” I hear Gray whispering to himself.

I grinned, having the scales around my arm expand again. “It was the same with Pandemonium earlier. Let me deal with this.” Taking my dragon armor form, I stared down the queen, blades at the ready. I knew she was in a bubble, but I had one idea that I could try. If I channeled the magic into my swords and continue striking multiple times, her shield could wear down. My dragon armor state allowed for me to have my attacks deal more damage than normal. Rushing in, I began to strike at her multiple times, causing her shield to slowly crack. Now, I was getting somewhere.

That was, until she threw me into the air. But, luckily, Revaan caught me and had me propel myself forward. Gray on the ground was channeling his magic, making a giant light blue rune appear behind Chrysalis..

“Ice-Make! Ice Impact!” From the rune a giant hammer with a weird design appeared. Chrysalis’s attention was on us, so she didn't saw it coming.

The blow sent the queen flying. Flying towards Revaan and I as I moved forward. I threw my first sword forward, getting her in the chest before grabbing her with my Dragon arm.

“This is for all the lives you’ve hurt.”

From twenty feet up in the air, I hurled towards the ground and slammed her face first, followed by pulling out my blade. Looking back at Gray, I noticed Luna. “Is she alright?”

Gray looked at me in confusion before his eyes landed on Luna, it was like a switch turned on as he forgot about the fight, he didn't say anything and made a dash towards Luna. Soon, I noticed Chrysalis slowly emerge.


Her eyes flashed red and her stance changed. I noticed the magic from the cathedral though and soon grinned.

“Not stop… Stall.”

Then she said something that threw me on a loop.

“Where… what I’m doing here?” Even the tone of her voice changed but before I could dwell more on this, the pink barrier began to grow at an alarming speed.

“Two words… You’re… screwed.” I told her. This, in turn, caused her to turn around to see what was happening. But it was already too late. Whatever was going on inside the temple, it sent the queen and all the changelings that were left in the city flying like she had been hit with a home run bat. Now though, all the ponies were what remained as I turned back to normal. However… things weren’t so calm once the dust had settled.

“What the HAY!?! Girls, There is a DRAGON OUT HERE!!!”

Ah crap.

End Chapter 6

Author's Note:

Part 1 of a crossover with Betoran and his story The Heart of Gray. Stay tuned for more in the future.

Cookie for whoever gets the title reference.

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