• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,456 Views, 33 Comments

Fears - Short Stories

The mane six must face their fears to prove themselves to Nightmare Moon.

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101 Designs (for stuck-up rich ponies)

Rarity watched the crowd trot away before teleporting the messed up dresses and herself to her workshop, immediately noticing it was pitch black. "How odd..." The unicorn mumbled as she walked around in the darkness, looking for a light switch. She made her way over to the door and, when she couldn't find the light switch where it always has been, she groaned out of frustration and curiosity, light up her horn, and looked at the wall.

The light switch was a couple inches over from where she was. "Oops," she giggled, "silly me." She proceeded to turn on the light switch, then turned around, eyes closed, and walked over to her work space. She had taken this route so many times before that she didn't need her eyes open to navigate around her usually clean shop. Almost immediately, she felt something press into her left fore leg and her chest; curious to know what it is, she opened her eyes and screamed.

Her shop had been ransacked. There was ripped ribbon and fabric, along with ponequins all over the floor, some had been marked on with marker, and most, marked or not, had literally lost their heads, which were scattered around the room as if somepony had positioned them there precisely to try and scare her. She didn't know who would do this, as she didn't think she did anything to Sweetie Belle to tick her off lately. But whomever was trying to scare her was doing an excellent job.

Rarity screamed again and ran upstairs to her room, where she conveniently had a spare sewing machine and supplies. When she got there, she made dresses and suits for all the mares and stallions that were there--especially Sapphire--in record time. It hardly even seemed like an hour passed, and yet, all the dresses and suits were breathtaking.

Rarity walked downstairs, now somewhat over the shock of somepony breaking and entering; sewing always helped ease her nerves, and began to levitate object to their proper place and mend the things that had been broken. She smiled as she super-glued the last ponequin head onto its rightful owner, glad that the whole disaster was just about over.

She used her magic to grab all 101 designs and teleported back to the Gala.

Author's Note:

...before teleporting the messed up dresses and herself to her workshop...

She used her magic to grab all 100 designs...

Rarity's magic probably isn't strong enough for any of this, (no offense, Rarity) but, hay...it's Fanfiction. :derpytongue2: