"No!' Granny cried, slamming her hoof into her rug. "I ain't goin down without a fight!" She picked herself up and slowly walked herself over towards a wall. From there, she felt alongside it to get to the doorway of her room, only to discover somepony had closed it while she was crying.
Granny started to debate whether to call for help, never the type of pony who liked to ask for such a thing. A thought wormed its way inside her brain, making her decision final. Her property and sight was riding if she called for assistance; if she didn't, things would be going a whole lot more slower and they possibly could be homeless by the time she got down the stairs.
She could also potentially hurt herself--or worse--if she even tried to make it down the stairs alone."Applejack?" Granny called, "I need yer help!"
Almost immediately, fast hoofsteps approached and the door swung open to reveal a happy yet frantic Applejack. "What can I do ya fer, Granny?" She asked, extending a hoof to the elder. "Y'all hungry? Wanna come downstairs and get some grub?"
"Something like that..." Granny replied, reaching out for Applejack's hoof. Applejack saw the hoof that was a couple inches off to the right. She moved her hoof so the two were touching. "Ah'd like ta try somethin, first, 'fore ah eat." She started to make her way towards the stairs, Applejack following. "Let's go outside, Applejack. Ah need ya ta do me a favor."
"Uhhh...How'll this help with your eyesight, Granny?" A confused Applejack asked, her hooves filled with the familiar substance of mud. "Makin mud pies don't seem to be the..ya know..right thing to do at a time like this."
"Just place the mud piles on mah eyes, Applejack, I know what ah'm doin!" Granny Smith complained; she was lying in the grass, in the shade of an apple tree, eyes closed, waiting for the mud to hit her face.
"Y'all sure..?" Applejack didn't really want to do something that seemed downright crazy, this was one of those things.
"Ah'm as sure as my fur is green! Now hurry, Applejack! Put the mud over my eyes!" Applejack sighed before doing as Granny requested and placing the goopy substance over Granny's eyes. "Now, do ya remember the lines I told ya to recite?" Granny asked.
"I....I guess so..."
Granny seemed to be getting more urgent with each passing second. "Recite em!"
Applejack sighed again and began to recite her lines as best as she could with her accent. "This pony shall no longer be blind, else mah name isn't Applejack." She stood on her hind legs before continuing. "With Celestia as mah witness, and Clover as a helpful founder, let this pony see the light of day once more!"
If it weren't so sunny out, the orange earth pony could have sworn there would have been lightning after her words were spoken. She got back on all fours and turned around to see Granny reaching up to wipe the mud from her eyes, stopping herself just in time. "Get the hose, Applejack." she instructed, "wash this mud off of my eyes."
The farm pony was through with questioning her zany Granny's ways and headed off for the hose, still curious on what in Equestria Granny Smith was planning. After a while, she spotted the dull green hose hiding in plane sight. She grabbed it with her mouth, turned it on, and dragged in back to where Granny was lying down.
She then sprayed the cold water over the elders face, Granny not shivering one bit, even when a breeze flew by. She just kept her eyes clenched tight and waited patiently for the water to stop running.
Applejack turned off the hose after a good five minutes, telling Granny Smith to stay put as she put it away. She started walking towards where the hose was placed last, practically walking all the way around the house before a scream of delight caught her by surprise, making her drop the hose she held.
It was Granny's.
"I can see again! I CAN SEE AGAIN!!"
these side stories are getting really interesting, please continue .