• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,013 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Confrontation


Starlight barely had the time to turn her head as a blast of magic grazed her cheek. She cried out sharply as she reeled back.

“Don’t you dare call me that!” Twilight shouted, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. “Where’s Spike? What did you do with him?”

“You have to understand--”

“What about the Princesses? What did you do with them?” Another blast of magic shot out from Twilight’s horn, but this time Starlight was more prepared. She quickly conjured a protective barrier in the form of a blue shield, deflecting Twilight’s attacks. “Or did you turn them into foals too!?

Twilight lunged forward and sent multiple attacks at Starlight, bright beams of violet shooting through the darkness. Starlight grunted, springing back and forth in attempt to defend herself. Dodging Twilight’s magic, she took off down the hallway with her attacker not far behind. “Don’t run from me!”

Gritting her teeth, Starlight spun around and focused on strengthening her shield. Beads started to form under Twilight’s disheveled bangs as she tried with all her might to destroy Starlight’s barrier. Her breathing grew heavy and her eyes burned with pure hatred and frustration as she delivered blow after blow.

“You’re not the alicorn you once were, Twilight,” Starlight said, glaring at the smaller unicorn through her shield as she deflected another spell.

“Your magic is weaker. Stop this and I’ll explain!”

“There’s nothing to explain!” Twilight yelled, her energy slowly seeping out of her.


Two pairs of eyes flicked momentarily as Sunshine skidded in between the two unicorns. Multiple heads popped out behind one of the door frames, accompanied by confused-filled mumbles. Sunshine looked back and forth between her sister and mother, almost at a loss for words. “Whats going on?” She turned to Twilight, her eyes burning bright with accusation. “What are you doing!?

“Applejack, move!” Twilight yelled, not taking her eyes off Starlight.

“...What? Appleja--” Her sentence trailed off, her face flooding with realization and disbelief. “Oh, for Heaven’s sake, Moonlight! Have you lost your mind? They’re just mares from a book!

“No they’re not!” Twilight half sobbed, regarding Sunshine fully. She choked at the sight of her friend’s appearance. It was like seeing through opened eyes again. Sunshine’s expression immediately softened considerably at the sight of her sister’s heartbreak. “Moonlight, what…”

“Just look!” Twilight threw her saddle back off her back, causing it to topple onto its side. Numerous jewels spilled out, each one a different shape and color. Starlight couldn’t hold back her gasp.

Multiple eyes fell on the jewels. Sapphire stepped out from the guest room with wide eyes. “Moonlight, what’s wrong with you? What are those?”

“And where did you get them?” Buttercup breathed. Prism was the last one to walk out, looking unnaturally pale. She looked between Twilight and Starlight and frowned.

“Girls, don’t go near those! They’re dangerous!” Starlight shouted behind her shield. She tried to use her levitation to grab the elements and pull them towards her, but Twilight managed to block Starlight’s magic and fire at her once more. Starlight and the shield staggered backward, cursing in a low growl.

Don’t you dare,” Twilight hissed.

The four girls looked on in confusion and horror. “What's going on!?!” Buttercup exclaimed. “Stop it! Please!” but neither unicorn complied.

“Girls,” Starlight panted, her eyes flickering to them, almost pleading. “Your sister hit her head, she’s not well!” In the blink of an eye, she teleported behind Twilight and knelt down to snatch the elements, but Twilight proved to be just as fast and slammed into Starlight’s side headfirst.

The others gasped and shouted as their mother and sister slid across the floor.

“Girls, you have to trust me!” Twilight said before yelping as Starlight pinned her to the floor. Twilight squirmed for a few moments before kicking one of her hind legs into Starlight’s abdomen. Starlight released a deep, short gasp while Twilight rolled out from underneath her. “You need to touch the elements! I’d never do anything to hurt you!”

Starlight scowled and gripped Twilight’s tail with her magic. “Be quiet,” she growled, dragging Twilight backwards across the floor.

Twilight struggled and twisted her head around to face Starlight. “You owe them!”

“I don’t owe you anything,” Starlight hissed, encasing Twilight’s whole body in her aura. “You owe me everything!

Twilight rose into the air, wriggling and squirming. “I can still be your mother, Twilight,” Starlight whispered, her eyes growing large. “I...I loved you, fed you, cared for you when you were sick and comforted you when you were frightened.” She paused as her breaths came out faster. “Everything I’ve taught you, everything we’ve been through...why would you throw that all away? And for what? Everything you’ve ever needed is right here!” She smiled faintly. “We can still be a family.”

There was a silence. Then, with a few tears slipping down her cheek, Twilight croaked, “I’d rather die.

Starlight gasped quietly. Twilight couldn’t see Starlight’s expression, or anything else, for her vision was blurring with tears.

Then came a quiet, “Very well.”

Instantly, Twilight began to feel a harsh pressure on her brain. “Ah!” she clutched her head between her hooves, her eyes shut tight and her teeth clenched. “What are you doing?

Prism rushed forward. “Mom!?

“You’re hurting her!” Buttercup shouted, horrified.

“It’ll be okay my starlings,” Starlight murmured, her forehead creasing in concentration. “It’s for her own good.”

Twilight’s eyes snapped open. “You wouldn’t!” She thrashed around as the pressure on her skull hardened. “Stop! Please!” Her frantic eyes flew Sunshine. “Applejack! She’s taking my memories! Please lis--AHHH!”

Sunshine trembled. “Moonlight! I...I--!”

“It’s alright Sunshine!” Starlight shouted. “Don’t be afraid!”

“Applejack!” Twilight wailed as tendrils of bright blue magic began seeping into Twilight’s head. “You know I’d never lie to you!

Sunshine suddenly jerked. After a few tense moments, Sunshine looked down at the jewels and blinked. Quicker than a wing beat, she dashed forward.

“S-Sunhine,” Sapphire called out with an edge of uncertainty. “What are you doing?” As Sunshine continued on, Sapphire's head whipped back and forth between the rest of her gaping siblings. “What do we do? Should we do something!?”

Buttercup and Prism looked too dazed to answer.

Sunshine’s shadow loomed over the scattered gems, the orange gem shaped like an apple shining brightly in the dark.

“Sunshine no!” Starlight shrieked. She struggled to levitate the elements, but all her magic was solely focused on Twilight. She quickly inched over sideways. “Sunshine don’t touch those, they’re--”

Sunshine looked Starlight square in the eye. Her hoof lowered. “I trust you, Moonlight….” she whispered.


But Starlight was too late. Sunshine’s eyes shone white, eliciting a few cries and shouts.

“Sunshine!” Prism shouted, running to to her sibling. After a few seconds, Sunshine exhaled sharply as the brightness dimmed down, and her forest green irises reappeared.

Her head snapped up.

Prism lifted a shaky hoof and started to place it on her sister’s shoulder. “S-Sunshi--”

With a pained roar, Applejack charged at Starlight and knocked into her, causing Twilight to fall out of the air in the process. Starlight cried out in pain as her body was slammed into a wall, leaving cracks in it. She weakly flopped onto the floor with a groan.


Starlight looked up and couldn’t help but cower in Applejack’s shadow as she towered over her. She was still small, but the amount of pain and hatred in Applejack’s smoldering gaze made her shrink back like prey hiding from its predator. Her lips pulled back in a fearful snarl, and her muscles trembled uncontrollably.


Starlight screamed as Applejack’s hooves descended on her. She whimpered softly, her eyes squeezed shut.

But the pain never came. “Wha--”

“What’s going on here!?” Sunset yelled, her aura freezing Applejack’s hooves in place. She trotted into the room and looked around at the damage. “What in Equestri--” Her breath hitched in her throat. “A….Apple...” She shook her head and her breathing growing shaky. She stepped back as Applejack turned her head, panting heavily. “But...no, that...that can’t…”

Sunset’s eyes darted over to the others, just in time to see Rarity collapse onto the floor with a wail. A purple diamond lay in front of her. “It can’t be…” A purple unicorn hugged her from behind, crying softly. “Celestia...oh, Celestia!” Starlight quickly slid out from Applejack and bolted down the hall. The farm pony yelled and screamed at her, kicking her hooves with force.

Twilight rose her head and met her eyes. “Sunset!

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes rolled up as she collapsed, releasing her hold on Applejack.

“That monster!” Rarity sobbed, rocking back and forth. She shook her head over and over, her purple locks falling over her face. “I’ll never forgive her...never...never…”

Applejack shot down the hallway after Starlight. “Applejack, wait!” Twilight called. She looked down at Rarity and hugged her tightly. “Rarity...I know. I know. I’m so sorry. Rarity, I need your help in curing the others. Rarity please, I need you!” She let out a strangled sob.

Rarity continued to weep, but managed a weak nod.

Twilight glanced at over at Buttercup, who was holding Prism upright. The yellow pegasus watched her with large, confused eyes. "Moonlight..."

“I’m sorry,” Twilight whispered, choking on her words. “For everything.” She turned away and raced after Applejack with Buttercup calling out her old name.

“Where is she,” Applejack growled, charging through the castle, occasionally barging into different rooms Starlight could be hiding in. “I know you’re here! Come out and face me!

Only silence answered back.

"What's the matter? Can't bare to face me when I'm not your little filly anymore?!"

She waited, taking in gulps of breath.

“Coward. Filthy good for nothin’ COWARD!” she hollered to the darkness.


Said mare turned to see Twilight’s silhouette galloping toward her. “Applejack wait!”

“I can’t find her,” Applejack panted, shaking her head.

“We still have to find Pinkie,” Twilight said shakily. “She’s still in the infirmary!”

Applejack’s pupils shrunk, and she broke out into cold sweat. “Oh Heavens,” she said faintly. The two mares quickly raced down the long corridors of Canterlot Castle. When they finally reached the infirmary, they found the door left wide open.

Hearts thumping, Twilight and Applejack rushed inside, only to skid to a halt in the entryway. Far across the room, Starlight was near and open window with a small pink pony draped across her back. The two of them gasped, but Starlight only glanced at them. “How nice,” she commented, her voice hollow. A rueful smile crossed her face. “Just like the old days...isn’t it?”

She looked back at Pearl, who was unconscious but shivering, small beads of sweat gathering at her forehead.

“Give it up, Starlight!” Applejack said. “Twilight broke your spell and soon everypony’s gonna find out about you. Put Pinkie Pie down and at least have the decency to turn yourself in. IT’S OVER.”

Starlight went quiet. “So quick. So quick, how you turn on me.” She looked at Twilight. “I gave you more love then Celestia ever could. Fluttershy’s never been bullied her entire life with me!”

“Rarity was never this close to your family. Rainbow Dash was always alone, and Applejack...Applejack, didn’t you ever wish you had a mother?

Applejack set her jaw and fixed Starlight with an icy stare. “My Ma’s been gone a long time. I admit it... I wish I still had her around. But when she was more than--” her voice wavered a little. “More of a Ma in nine years of my life than you could ever be in eighteen!”

Starlight blanched. She looked at the stony faces that were once her daughters and swallowed hard. Twilight and Applejack stepped forward, but let out a sharp cry of warning.


Before anypony could react, Starlight levitated Pearl off of her back and held her outside the window.

The two young mares stood in shock as their friend floated limply in the night sky. Starlight’s blue eyes were sharp. “Touch me and I drop her,” she said. “Go ahead. Try it.” Her eyes began to water. “Get your revenge!

Neither pony moved an inch. Starlight burst out laughing, shaking her head. “Oh stars. What’s the point? I’ll be killed either way. The question is, by whom? You...the Guards...the Princesses….your families...maybe even random strangers when the word gets out.”

Pearl rose higher into the air. Her voice trembled. “All I ever wanted was to make Equestria a better place... "

“Starlight,” Applejack said slowly. “Don’t do this...not her. For Heaven’s sake, not her…”

Alert voices echoed through the halls.

“Not a sound,” said Starlight.

“Twilight,” Applejack said.

“It’s alright, Applejack,” Twilight said, finally speaking. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Starlight. “She won’t hurt Pinkie. She’s bluffing.”

Applejack snapped her head in Twilight’s direction. “What?

“She won’t do it,” Twilight repeated.

“Oh? And why wouldn’t I, Twilight?” Starlight snarled. “You said it yourselves. I’m not your mother anymore--why should I care if she dies? Huh?”

“Because I know the feeling isn’t mutual,” Twilight said. “You’re not our mother. But to you, we’re still your daughters.” Twilight lifted her chin. “And I know you’d never hurt your own child.”

A tear slid down Starlight’s eye. A long period of silence stretched between them. “Just let me keep her,” she said just above a whisper.

Before anypony could speak, a harsh voice rang out. “There she is!”

A small gasp escaped Starlight. Without a word, she abruptly tossed Pearl on one of the beds before jumping out the window. Twilight’s mouth fell open. Before she knew it, she was at the windowsill and peered down with baited breath. Applejack went over to Pinkie and turned her over. “Sugarcube,” she breathed, placing a hoof over her forehead.

“She’s getting away,” Twilight sighed. She watched as Starlight slid her way down a vine. As the words left her mouth, the infirmary was suddenly swarmed with Royal Guards. Two guards nudged the girls out of the way and poked their heads outside.

“There she goes!” one called. As soon as the pink unicorn reached the bottom, she looked up in their direction and quickly ran across the fields before disappearing in a bright blue flash.

“Captain!” a pegasus guard shouted, brushing past Rarity. “Captain, she’s escaping!”

“What’s going on!?” another guard squeaked as they all filed out.

“Find that mare!” a voice boomed. Hooves thundered against the floor, multiple voices overlapping in a confused chaotic blur. Twilight could only watch as dozens of ponies brushed past her.


Twilight looked up to see Sunset Shimmer racing toward her and her mouth went dry.

As Sunset slowed, they regarded one another with wide eyes.

After long moment, Twilight finally wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. “You’re...uh...you’re a lot older than I remember.”

Author's Note:

This is nowhere near over.