• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 4,486 Views, 74 Comments

Return Of The Showmare - Horizon Spark

Through some unfortunate events, Trixie is forced to stay with her eternal enemy; Twilight Sparkle. But, why does she hate her so much?

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Chapter 15: The Magic We Share

Chapter 15: The Magic We Share

“I propose a toast,” Rarity announced holding up a glass of punch. “a toast to the greatest magician in all of Equestria!”

Sugarcube Corner was filled with the cheers of many guests towards the mare of the hour. As she downed her glass of punch she happily stated to the others. “Well, I’m far from being Equestria’s greatest magician. I wouldn’t even call myself the best.”

Rainbow hovered right next to the magician. “You gotta be kidding me. With all that magical stuff you been doing, saying you’re not the best magician is like saying I’m not the best and most awesome flyer and future Wonderbolt. And I think we all know at least one of those ain’t true.”

Trixie rolled her eyes at the Pegasus. “And I thought my ego was huge.”

“I’m afraid I gotta agree with Dash here.” Applejack said as she tipped her hat. “Now I don’t know much about any of that fancy magical mumbo jumbo, but I do know a lot about hard work, and all I saw was all your work payin’ off.”

“Well you two I appreciate your compliments towards me. But I…OOF!”

Trixie was cut off as a pink blur scooped her up into a crushing hug. “Omigosh Trixie! Didja see the cake I made for you? It has you with all of our Twilight’s on it!”

Trixie tried to respond but the party pony had more to say. “Ooh, can you do that again? I Sooo want to see Twifive again, that one really knew how to party. Or maybe you can make clones out of me!”

Pinkie Pie continued her tirade as Trixie attempted to let go. “I mean I know there was that time with the mirror pool and all of those Pinkie Pies were running around causing trouble which ended in me having to stare at paint for hours. But it would be super fun to see a Pinkie Two or maybe a Pinkie Forty two!”

“Woah there Pinkie, how bout we slow down here for a sec. Our performer here must be plumb tuckered out.”

“Plus I think the first time we had Pinkie clones running around Ponyville should be the last.”

“Aww shucks.” Pinkie said as she finally let go of the blue mare with a sheepish grin.

Trixie was about to tell Pinkie that a spell to that extreme wasn’t necessarily impossible. Until Fluttershy stepped in and inadvertently interrupted her. “Still that was a really great trick you did. Everypony loved you.”

Trixie couldn’t help but blush, the constant praises from left to right was a reward she thought she deserved. But as quickly as the feeling came to her, she shook her head and completely waved it off. “I appreciate your kindness Fluttershy, all of you guys in fact. But to be honest, I was just doing what any other magician does onstage.” Trixie lowered her head as she took off her hat. “I’m no different than any other magician throughout history.”

“I beg to differ.” Twilight Sparkle said as she came up to her friends with Spike in tow. “While there have been thousands of very magical and powerful Unicorns, I doubt any of them is like you. You said it yourself; you are one of a kind.”

The other five gave their nods agreement. But one baby dragon had something to say. “Yeah well, just as long as their no clones to replace me. Number 1 assistant is my job.”

The seven laughed at Spike’s little joke, a joke he didn’t seem to get himself. The rest of the party was filled with games, food and small talks among the ponies. Trixie soon found herself alone sipping her drink as she looked among her friends. From Applejack challenging Rainbow to apple bobbing, from Fluttershy’s conversation with Twilight, and Pinkie as she stuffs her face with cake. She simply enjoyed the time she been having with all of her new friends. But there was one friend in particular she focused on the most.

Twilight Sparkle. It amazed her how much things can change. She was once her most hated enemy, the pony she thought ruined her life and wanted nothing more than to defeat her and prove her magical prowess. But now she was her best friend, her mentor, her savior in the darkest of times. Months ago, she wouldn’t even be caught dead in the same room with her, much less talk to her. But nowadays she looks up to the Princess, she admired the pony and everything she had done for her so far.

But recently she started to get this strange feeling, this feeling she couldn’t understand but knew that it was more than joy or admiration. She never experienced it with any other pony, and of all ponies she could’ve ever met why was it Twilight that made her feel this?

“I just don’t understand it.” Trixie said shaking her head frustratingly.

“Is everything alright darling?”

Trixie looked to her left to see Rarity by her side. She wore a calm and gentle smile that presented an inviting aura around her. An aura that made Trixie tell her story without hesitation.

“No Rarity.” She answered. “I’ll tell you what’s the matter, but would you mind keeping it a secret for now?”

Rarity placed a hoof on the magician’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. “Tell me whatever troubles you, and I promise to you’re your secret safe.”

Trixie sighed. “Have you ever gotten…feelings towards another pony?”

Rarity looked at the magician with confusion. “I beg your pardon?”

“Feeling towards another. Like these emotions that you only get when you are around a certain somepony. And these feelings just happen to be aimed towards a friend that you once thought was an enemy.”

Rarity had to take a moment to understand what the magician was thinking. But the moment the lightbulb went off in her head, a small but devious smirk came across her face. “Oh my…” She started to give a rather wicked chuckle.

A chuckle that certainly caught Trixie off guard. “Wh…what is so funny!?”

The fashionista calmed herself down. “My apologies darling. But while I don’t have the exact same feelings you’ve experienced so far, I know exactly what it is.” She dipped her head forward to get closer to her friend. She whispered. “You have fallen in love my dear.”

“What!” Trixie nearly shouted off the top of her lungs, but luckily for her sake none heard her. She quickly composed herself as she whispered towards Rarity. “What in the world did you just say?”

“Well isn’t it obvious darling? It appears that an old rival turned best friend has caught your eye. Unfortunately, it seems that you can’t accept these personal feelings of yours. Oh this is starting to sound just like my romance novels!”

Trixie blushed furiously as she started to stutter. “H…how dare you accuse me of this nonsense! Th…there is n…no way I am in love with Twilight Sparkle!”

“…I never mentioned Twilight dear. At all.”

Realizing the mistake she just made, Trixie slapped herself as her face became a rich shade of crimson. “Ughh I just don’t get it Rarity! It’s true, I think I’ve fallen in love with that mare. But I can’t for the life of me understand.” Desperate, she grabbed Rarity’s shoulders and brought her towards her. “Please help me, I want to understand this all!”

“Alright, alright calm down girl.”

“Sorry.” After taking a few deep breaths, the magician calmed down ready to talk to the seamstress. “But really, I need your help.”

“Well giving love advice is not my specialty, but maybe we can start by asking a few questions. Tell me, how long have you had these feelings?”

“If I were to guess, I would say they’ve been around since last month. Ever since then I’ve started to look at her in this different perspective.”

“Interesting. And tell me, what do you honestly see in our friend? What do you like about Twilight?”

Trixie gave a wide smile. “Well what isn’t there to like about Twilight? She’s smart, kind, friendly, a wiz at magic, and she’s overall the greatest friend anypony could ask for.” She sighed as another reason came to her head. “She’s also such a beautiful mare.”

Rarity gave a slight grin. ”Is she now?”

Trixie started to chuckle haughtily. “Well you should see her face every time I accomplished a very complicated trick. Not only does she have this adorable smile, but she makes this cute squeaking sound with her voice that’s just absolutely priceless! But you didn’t hear it from me.”

The two unicorns couldn’t help but laugh at the visual images Trixie shared. They then spent the next minute praising the Alicorn. They talked about her powerful magic, her accomplishments with the others that helped save Equestria, and the many instances she made them laugh with her antics.

But as the conversation came to a halt, it was Rarity who was ready to turn serious. “Now Trixie, tell me why you falling in love with Twilight is so problematic. After all it seems that you like her very much.”

Trixie sighed as she took off her hat and stared deeply into its stitching. “I’ve done so many terrible things to her, and yet she’s been helping me get back on my hooves and become the magician you see right now. But what I don’t get is why she was helping me in the first place. Why does this mare insist on helping and not expect anything in return? And why do these feelings make me want to stop being friends with her and become her marefriend?”

Trixie started to slump on the table as her head started to ache. “She means a lot to me, but why do I love her? My head hurts, I have a knot in my stomach, and I need answers right now.”

Suddenly, a hoof grasped the hooves of Trixie’s. She looked up and saw a small and gentle smile adorned her friends face. Her voice was soft as she spoke slowly. “Listen carefully darling. You two are amazing in your own rights, and personally I think you would both make a great couple. However if there are answers you are looking for, I’m afraid I can’t provide that. But what I can provide is the answer on what you should do next.”

“Whatever it is I will do it, just please tell me.”

Rarity giggled as she leaned in closer. “Talk to her.”

Before Trixie could give her reply, Rarity continued. “What you need to do is talk to that mare about how you’ve been feeling and what you both mean to each other. She needs to know these feelings from you, and you need to know why she’s willing to do everything in her power to help you. And before you ask trust me, you’d be surprised how effective talking is.”

Trixie looked behind her to see the Alicorn indulging in her third slice of cake. She was reminded of all the moments the two shared between them, and knew in her heart that that she needed to share these feelings with her and maybe then can she finally get the closure she needed. But the more she thought about it, many negative thoughts came to her mind. What if Twilight didn’t felt the same feelings for her? She was her teacher and friend, not her marefriend. Worst case scenario it could destroy the bond between them, which scared her more than any Ursa Minor ever could.

As the bad thoughts kept leering in, she suddenly heard the small clatter of hooves and cheers of young voices. Looking behind her she saw Pinkie Pie and the others with a small group fillies as they all stared at her in wonder at the magician before them.

Trixie looked at the group before her in wonderment. Among them she recognized the Crusaders along with Snips and Snails, but there were also fillies and colts she never met, but were all attendees at her show. She also noticed all her friends who were all smiling at her with a feeling of anticipation.

Hesitantly, Trixie raised her hoof towards the children. “Can I help you all?”

“Oh my gosh, It really is her! The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Wow, she looks even cooler up close.”

“See, I told you guys we knew her.”

“Hey, can we please see that card trick again?”

Trixie was barraged with compliments and requests from kids. So much so that it started to overwhelm her.

That is until Applejack stepped in. “Now settle down kids, no need to cause a ruckus here. Come on let’s get ya’ll situated so Trixie can get ready. So how ‘bout some cake?”

The children all cheered as they followed Applejack towards the food. Meanwhile Trixie just stood there utterly confused at the situation. “What is all this?” She asked.

Pinkie jumped in with an even wider grin. “Well after the show there were so many parents who were like, ‘my child really liked that Trixie girl’. And then Miss Cheerilee told me that her students would love to see Trixie perform again! So I brought them all here!”

Trixie couldn’t properly process the situation before her. Twilight stepped in. “With their parents’ permission of course, I allowed these kids to come over for a bit and come see you. That is if you’re alright with that.”

Trixie was still surprised by the small crowd before her. But it was a pleasant one nonetheless, and she was more than happy to entertain children who came to see her. With a flick of her mane she grinned. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will humbly provide for these foals. I’ll make sure these children will leave with the widest smiles, all will be satisfied by my superior skills.”

“Uhh…excuse me Ms. Trixie?”

Trixie faintly heard a meek and quiet voice that Trixie faintly recognized. “Moonlight?” Lowering her head, she saw the colt from his own Birthday party from long ago. She remembered the day the birthday boy was ecstatic to see her, but her own insecurities to perform led her to leave the party prematurely without even saying goodbye. “What are you doing here?”

Moonlight rubbed his hooves on the floor nervously. “I-I wanted to see you again since…um…because the last time I saw you um…” The colt blushed as he stumbled upon what he wanted to say. “You…left my party when I asked you to do a trick.”

He looked back at the magician with pleading eyes, not noticing the concerned look she was giving back. “I’m really sorry if I offended you. I just really wanted you to do a cool magic trick because I really like them and you’re such a great magician and…please don’t be mad at me.”

Trixie’s mind was racing as she remembered the way she acted back then. The way she declined the offer of a simple trick, the way she stormed off when Pinkie Pie was showing her magic tricks. She was reminded about the way she acted back then; selfish, rude, and afraid to show her own magic. And she hid it all behind a mask of confidence and self-adoration.

But that was the old Trixie, the new Trixie was better than that. And it was time to prove it this young fan.

With a calming sigh, she laughed dramatically surprising the small colt. She floated her hat towards her torso and bowed. “Dearest Moonlight, apologies won’t be necessary on my behalf.”

“Wait…what?” The colt confusingly asked.

“It should be I who should apologize for my…rather premature exit at your party. But I’ll be sure to make it up to you. Besides, I’m so happy to see you once more!”

Moonlight nearly tripped backwards as the last sentence ranged deeply in his ears. “Y…you…you're happy to see me?”

Trixie giggled. “Simply elated!” Suddenly Trixie heard a very audible squeal as Moonlight was bouncing around her, completely ignoring the bewildered stares from the others.

“Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! The blue coated Unicorn exclaimed. “This is so cool! The greatest and most powerful magician ever is happy to see ME! Oh geez, this has to be a dream, this can’t be real. Oh Luna if this is a dream please don’t wake me up because this is SO AWESOME!!” As he continued his excitement fueled rush, he noticed that he was floating a good two feet above the ground, and his idol was giving him a sly grin. He blushed furiously back at her. “Uhh…too much?”

Trixie shook her head as she brings the colt back to the ground. “When it comes to enthusiasm like that, nothing is too much for me. And it brings me an unbelievable amount of joy to see that enthusiasm come from a young fan from you.”

“When I grow up I wanna be an amazing magician just like you. I wanna learn all sorts of magic tricks and show all of my friends. I wanna travel all over Equestria and become the best magician ever!”


Moonlight eagerly nodded. Then he used his magic to float over a small magician’s hat towards him. The hat was small enough to fit his smaller head and the design was fairly simple, being a dark shade of blue and covered in white stars. “I even got my mum to make this cool hat. And when I learn all the cool tricks, then I’m gonna wear this! Do you like it?”

Trixie could feel her heart warm up like a furnace. Moonlight is her first fan in…who knows how long. The first fan who looks up to her and even wants to be like her when he grows up. He even got his mother to make him his own hat. It reminded her about how she was when she was little and eager to learn all about magic. It excited to meet a fan like this, but another thought came to her.

“Tell me Moonlight, is your mother here?”

“Ooh let me get her!” Moonlight immediately left to fetch his mother. After a minute he returned pulling a full grown mare who had a similar color scheme to her son. She wore small glasses and her mane was tied up in a bun. “Here she is mum, it really is her!”

“Settle down now Moonlight let’s not be hasty.” Her son let go of her hoof and she used her free hoof to rub her son’s mane. She spoke with a heavenly voice as she extended her other hoof. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Trixie, I’m his mother, Starry Night.”

“Starry Night,” Trixie said as she shook the mother’s hoof. “the pleasure is all mine. And might I say that you might have a future performer right there.”

“Oh I bet I do. This little one would spend hours upon hours reading up all sorts of magic tricks. If I didn’t know any better I would say he spends more time on them and not his school work.”

Moonlight started to blush a little. His mother went on. “Anyways, he’s pretty good at some of the simple tricks, and he loves to show them to my husband and me, and even his friends. And I have you to thank for that.”

Trixie smiled warmly at the statement. “Do I really have that much of an impact?”

“Oh yes, ever since we saw your show in Canterlot he’s been so engrossed in magic, more than I thought possible. And when he’s not reading all those stuffy books he’s showing off his magic to the other students. He told me that the others all love his tricks and even told me that he made some new friends!”

Starry Night wiped her eyes. “I’ve never seen my little boy so confident in so long. I couldn’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done.”

That word she used: confidence…an emotion she was starting to feel. Just now she learned that her shows have inspired a small colt to follow her hoofsteps and become a magician of his own power. And just hearing these kind words from both mother and child gave her more confidence than she ever had before.

“Starry Night and Moonlight.” She announced. “I thank you both for this little chat, honestly it means so much to hear from fans who love my work.” Both mother and son smiled at the magician as she kept going. “And Starry Night, If the life of a magician is what you’re son truly desire, then I implore you to give him the support he needs. I’ve know the hard way that the life of a magician can be a tough one.”

Reminiscing about all of her past mistakes, Trixie immediately changed her mood as she playfully rubbed the small colt’s head. Moonlight couldn’t help but laugh, excited to see that his idol was actually giving him this much attention. “But with a family to support him all the way through the good times and the bad, then there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll become just as great and powerful as me.”

The words of the magician sparked a special connection neither sides never thought they had. It was more than a simple chat between a fan and a celebrity, it was a one-to-one between two ponies who actually meant a lot to without even knowing each other.

With small tears streaming down he cheeks, Starry gave her a war smile. “Thank you Trixie. And don’t worry, my husband and I are in full support towards our son’s dream. We’ll make sure he gets to his goal.”

“Yeah and I won’t stop until I get as good as you.” Moonlight bounced up and down, his previous nervousness completely forgotten. “I’ll get so good at magic that you’ll love them all and maybe you can come to my shows!”

Trixie laughed happily as she placed her hat on her head. “I would love to see your performance my dear. But for now, how about I give the performance of my own?”

Moonlight nodded eagerly exclaiming his enthusiasm.

Moments later the many kids and guests came towards Trixie, their faces plastered with the expression of utter joy. Their endless amounts of anticipation fueling their excitement as Trixie stood boldly in front of them.

“Now gather around children, for it is finally time for the encore you’ve all been waiting for. We may not have much time, but I will show all of my power that will make these small moments the best in your life!”

The children all cheered loudly as Trixie prepared for her show. A realization came to the magician as she readied herself to entertain her audience. She realized how far she has come ever since she changed her ways. Now she had a small but humble fan base, now she has a crowd that truly adores her. And best of all, she has friends whom she can rely on when she needs them.

She felt like she could do anything, she can accomplish anything if she puts her mind to it. When this show is over…she’ll be ready to talk to Twilight.


“I don’t know about you Trixie, but I’m about ready to call it a night.”

“Yes…I suppose it is that time. I can see Spike is way ahead of us.”

The two mares were busy taking Spike to his room as the midnight hour was coming to. After the party, everypony headed to their homes, wanting to get a good night’s rest. Trixie’s performance was loved by all in the room, especially Moonlight who was cheering the loudest the entire time. As thanks for all of his support, she even signed his hat: Always stay Great and Powerful-Trixie

Who knew his bear hugs could rival that of Pinkie Pie’s.

“It was certainly an experience that I will cherish always. I especially wish Moonlight luck on his journey to become the greatest magician.”

Twilight chuckled as the two turned towards Spike’s room. “He certainly was passionate about his dream of becoming a magician. Kind of reminds me of a certain friend, don’t you think so?”

“And what pray tell do you mean by that Sparkle?”

“I’m just saying that one day he’ll be headlining in Canterlot. Maybe one day he’ll be teaching the old magician some new tricks.”

“And I’m just saying that he shouldn’t get so cocky. He may be quite the prodigy, but I will always have more experience than he ever will. After all there’s nothing wrong with being second best.”

The two mares laughed at their own small banter between them. They had a tendency to tease each other, mostly due to Trixie’s rather conceited attitude. Their laughter almost stirred the small dragon, so they shushed themselves quietly and tucked Spike into bed.

After they left the room, the two migrated to Twilight’s bedroom where the Alicorn planned to get a good night’s rest. The blue mare noticed that she was finally alone with her, and there were no distractions in sight. She saw this as her chance to finally get the answers she wanted from Twilight and get the closure she needed.

“So Trixie, there’s something I was wondering for a while now.” Twilight said.

Trixie groaned inwardly. “Whatever is it?”

“Well it seems like you accomplished a lot now. Ponyville forgives you, you reconciled with your past, and you’ve improved immensely as a magician. Not that I mind you being here, but what do you plan on doing now?”

Trixie stopped immediately in her tracks right when she heard that. She knew that sooner or later she would have to leave the castle, but a part of her didn’t want to leave. At least not yet. “I guess I have overstayed my welcome, when do you want me to leave?”

“Well I certainly don’t want you to think I want you to leave immediately. But at the same time you can’t just live here forever.”

Trixie sighed. “You’re right Twilight. Ponyville is a great place to live in, and I only wish I had a castle like yours. But this is not my home, and I can’t present my shows here forever. I want all of Equestria to see my enactments; they need to see the new performer I’ve become!

“This is why I plan on traveling all over Equestria, a whole year visiting every major city on the map for my comeback tour. A tour that will show that I have changed and that I am now the great and powerful magician I was always meant to be. It will certainly take some time and it definitely won’t be an easy journey. But if it’s a chance to redeem myself for all I’ve done, I see no reason to complain.”

Twilight gave her friend a satisfied smile. She knows that Trixie has come a long way since her days of boasting about her powers or using dangerous artifacts. She was proud of not only on how far she had come, but herself for making it all happen. “Well I wish you good luck on your journey.”

“Well we’ve both proven that I do not need luck when it comes to my magical prowess. Then again there are many things I’ll need before I can leave properly. Food, water, a map of Equestria, oh and some books or anything else to keep me entertained. What I’ll also need is my…”

As she thought of all of the essentials she’ll need, Trixie realized that she was forgetting something very important. The most important object she’ll need, and it was now gone. “I’ll…need my wagon to travel again. And it’s was destroyed many months ago.” Trixie felt a pang of sadness as she remembered her wagon, demolished beyond repair on her arrival to Ponyville. Without it, traveling would be near impossible.

Trixie tried to think of a way to acquire another wagon, building one herself would be exhausting and tedious, buying one might be too expensive. But the thoughts of how much one would cost were dashed away when Twilight laid a hoof on her shoulder and gave her a big smile. ‘You can’t be serious.’ She thought knowing exactly what will happen next. ‘Gee I wonder what will happen next.’

“It’s a little funny you mentioned your caravan.” Twilight admitted with a sly grin. “I had a little chat with Applejack during your performance with the kids, and as thanks for helping her with the recent harvest she agreed to help build a new mobile caravan for you to travel in. Of course, we’ll need your input on the design and how it should be built since it’s obviously your caravan. So give it a week and we should have it all…”

“ALRIGHT THAT’S IT TWILIGHT!” Trixie shouted low enough as to not wake up the dragon. “I don’t get it, every generous offer you have given me and now this? A NEW CARAVAN, REALLY? This is just ridiculous!”

Twilight nearly fell over at the magician’s sudden outburst. Before she could retort, she could faintly see small tears streaming down her eyes as she started to sob. “Trixie…is there something wrong?”

Trixie’s voice sputtered as she tried to respond. “No Twilight, and that’s the exact problem! Please tell me, why are you doing this?”

“You mean offering a new caravan to travel in to you? What’s wrong with doing something nice to help my best friend?”

“There isn’t anything wrong with that…it’s just…I…” Trixie sat down on her haunches as she started to cry. Her insides felt like they were tied up in knots, her feelings of heartache and regret practically destroying her from the inside out. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t fight back the tears she was still shedding. “I just don’t know.”

Trixie felt cold, her hooves trembled, and her heart was beating like a jackhammer. The confidence she showed earlier shattered into a million pieces, unable to do anything but fall over as she broke down into a feverish mess. All these emotions and all these memories came all at once and wrecked her mind like a violent whirlwind.

But just as soon as the storm started, Trixie felt it gradually coming to a halt. The stone cold feeling was immediately replaced with a warm, feathery embrace. It was an embrace she felt many other times before, but this one felt so much better. In an instant all of her fears and all of her doubts were washed away as she held on to this embrace, never wanting to let go.

Many minuets passed as Trixie just clung onto the embrace. As soon as it started however, she was forced to let go a small whimper leaving her as she did. She then felt a soft hoof touch her face, wiping the tears that was still streaming down her face and fixing her disheveled mane. She felt herself smile as she finally opened her eyes and saw Twilight, retracting her rather wet hoof.

Twilight smiled as she spoke the next words softly. “Feeling better?”

Trixie didn’t respond immediately as she just sat there and stared at the mare before her. She just stared at her and saw the radiance in her eyes, her beautiful mane, her pillowy cheeks, and that wonderful smile. It was a sight she could stare at for hours.

Finally with much hesitation and thought she finally decided on what to say next. “Twilight…I really need to talk to you, and you must be one-hundred percent honest with me.”

Twilight could understand the seriousness in her voice. In the few months she had been with Trixie, she never imagined the theatrical and over-dramatic mare acting like this. Following the breakdown she had earlier, she knew that this was more than important. “Whatever it is, I want you to tell me everything.”

Trixie sighed as she stared deeply into Twilight’s eyes. “Why have you been so kind to me?”

The question definitely caught the Alicorn off guard. It was such a simple question and was easy to answer. But she immediately knew that it had far more meaning than she thought. “What do you want to know?”

Trixie took a moment to collect her thoughts. “Ever since you’ve brought me here you’ve shown me nothing but compassion and sympathy, despite my animosity towards you. You’ve introduced me to your amazing friends and helped me improve my magic. Not to mention you helped me consoled with my past and made me a better mare. For the first time since the passing of my mother I finally feel refreshed, free from my past and it’s all thanks to you.”

Trixie sighed. “But that’s what I don’t get. I hated you Twilight, I wanted nothing to do with you or your friends. No matter what I said or did, you never gave up on me. You stayed patient and kept showing me hospitality, no doubt lesser ponies would’ve kicked me out during the first week. So why are you being the exception? Why have you been so nice to me?”

It was at this point that Twilight started to get nervous as she stumble on her words, “Well…isn’t it obvious, I’m your friend. And as the Princess of Friendship, I must do everything in my power to help a friend in need.”

Trixie furrowed her brows unimpressively. “I doubt that is the full truth. Sure if Rarity or Fluttershy, or anypony else in your circle of friends was in the same position, I know you would’ve treat them with the same generosity, but I know that I am the one exception.”

Twilight was starting to sweat. “Uh…well…what do you mean?”

“Come on Twilight, it’s not enough that you allowed me to stay here for well over a month and taught me magic for my shows. But you’ve let me put on a show in Ponyville, turned me into a much nicer pony, and now you’re having Applejack build me a brand new stage free of charge. You even saved my life from that rampaging Ursa, even though you took a major beating, you put priority towards me.”

Trixie walked towards the Alicorn who was sweating bullets, her smile doing a terrible job hiding her anxiety. “While I appreciate everything you have done, I know you’re giving me some sort of free pass. Trixie demands answers, and you shall be the one to give them to me!”

“Please Trixie, there’s no need to get all huffy.” Twilight said trying to calm the magician down. “Look, I just really…really like you Trixie. I want to help you get back on your hooves because you’re my friend. There’s seriously not anything more than…”

“Complete horse apples your majesty!” Trixie desperately yelled. “Don’t you dare hide any facts from me! Even if it takes my whole life, I won’t leave until you explain why I’m in love with you!”

“Wait, what was that?”

“You heard what I said Sparkle. I don’t know what sort of spell you put on me, but I can’t help but become enamored by you. I’m madly in love with you Twilight, but for Celestia sakes I just don’t know why!”

Silence immediately filled the air between the two mares. Trixie’s speech prevented either from wanting to continue as they stared into each other’s eyes. After a whole ten seconds, one finally made her reaction. “Trixie…is all that…true?”

Trixie sighed solemnly. “All of it is true. I think I’m in love with you Twilight. You’re kind, you’re beautiful, and you must be the smartest pony I’ve ever met. I love your personality, your magic is one of the best I’ve seen, and I just love talking to you each and every day. As weird as it is for me to say this, I’m glad to have met you all those years ago, because I wouldn’t have become the magician I’m proud to be. More importantly, I wouldn’t have gotten the honor to be your friend Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight just stood there utterly speechless. Never had any pony in her life confessed their love towards her. Trixie didn’t see it, but she was starting to get the biggest grin she ever had.

Yet a question still lingered in her mind. “So why do you think being in love with me is bad?”

Trixie grimaced. “What isn’t the problem? I love you, and I want to spend so much time with you in the future. But there’s no doubt you just see me as friend. Maybe you’re not even attracted to me, maybe there’s another pony who’s more worthy of your love. Whichever is the case, I don’t want these feelings to ruin the friendship we already have. I’m…scared that you might dislike me for wanting you.”

Trixie rubbed her eyes trying to hide the tears forming. “So…if you don’t share these feelings, then I’ll humbly accept it. I’ll cease these feelings as much as I can, and we can just forget it all ever happened. I won’t mind at all really.”

Trixie gave a fake smile as she kept rubbing her eyes. As much as she would accept Twilight’s rejection of her love, she knew that she would never be the same again. But just as she was about to look up, a rush of force enveloped her, knocking her to the ground.

She looked to see Twilight was clasping her tightly in her hooves. Confused she spoke. “So…you do love me?”

Twilight looked into the magician’s eyes with tear filled eyes and a relied smile. “Trixie…I…I do love you. I love you so much!”

Trixie immediately felt relief as she processed the words in her mind. “So you really did do all this because you love me?”

Twilight sighed. “Not exactly. At first I did it because I wanted to be nice, you were a pony in trouble, and I wanted to help you. But as the times went by and we started to talk more, I started to see you for who you really were. You’re an amazing and talented mare, and I’ve always had a bit of an admiration for you.”

That one word she used definitely caught Trixie off guard. “Wait…you admired me?”

Twilight blushed. “We never really talked during school, but I thought it was amazing that you were a magician. You came to Ponyville, you appeared in as this flashy performer with powerful magic who thought was superior to everypony. While I never liked braggarts, I was so inspired by everything you did. So much that I was afraid of upstaging you.”

Now Trixie was starting to not believe the words she was hearing. “I don’t understand. You were Celestia’s star pupil. She taught you magic that made mine look like child’s play. How was I an inspiration to you?”

“Because Celestia never taught me how to perform in public. I always kept my magic to myself, I was afraid if I showed it off it could hurt somepony. If that were me I’d freeze up instantly. But after I saw you up there, it taught me that magic is always a part of me, and there’s definitely no shame in using it whether for entertainment, or helping others.” Twilight gave a small look of regret as she frowned. “I just wish I learned that lesson sooner, I could’ve helped you sooner.”

Trixie felt her hooves clasp around Twilight’s as she gave her a heartfelt smile. “I never knew you thought of me that way.” A previous thought of doubt came to her. “I don’t still don’t know what you see in me. You’re THE Princess of Friendship; you saved the world multiple times and remain as this beacon of hope for everypony. I’m just some wandering magician who used revenge to cope with tragedy. Despite how I felt I always thought you deserved better than me, one who can give you everything a princess truly deserves.”

“NO.” Twilight responded as she shook her head. “I may be royalty, but we both now that’s not true. I was never one for wanting more; I don’t care if you were rich or poor. To me you’re perfect just the way you are, and I want to spend the rest of my life with the one mare who is more than just a best friend.”

The magician started to cry once more, but this time they were tears of joy. “T…Twilight…”

“I was so relieved when you came back after the Alicorn Amulet incident, and you had no idea how terrible I felt when I broke that picture. You’re a pony I care for just as much as my family or my friends. You make me smile when I’m feeling down, you’re a great pony to talk to, and just being by your side makes me determined for whatever life wants to throw at me next.

“I could go on forever about how much I love being with you, but no other words can explain how much you mean to me. I’m proud to say that with all my heart, I love you Lulamoon!”

In that instant, all of her future fears and worries vanished as she just sat there and embrace her lover. She realized immediately that it doesn’t matter who she was or is now. What matters is the future she’ll be ready to face, and the mare who believes in her. Sighing, she let go of Twilight and looked straight into her eyes. “Thank you Twilight, thank you for everything. I just wish I didn’t have to go on my year long journey so I could just be with you.”

“Me too, but since you don’t have to leave now…” Twilight then lowered her eyelids in a rather sultry way. “maybe you and I could spend some quality time together.”

Trixie immediately turned red as she back away from Twilight. “I…uh…what?”

“Oh shoot!” Twilight exclaimed. Her horn glowed as a large pink book came towards her. She flipped through it rapidly. “I thought lowering the eyelids and saying a euphemism for love was the next step!”

“Next step of what?”

“The next step it says in this book.” She showed the cover to Trixie which read: ‘Wooing your Lover 101: A Guide to Attracting Your Marefriend’. “I must’ve missed something if you’re not immediately turned on, wait a sec let me try to fix this.”

‘She read a book so she can learn how to confess her love to me.’ Trixie thought through the confusion. ‘Equestria’s Princess of Friendship; the biggest nerd I’ve ever met.’ Shaking her head, she decided to finally throw caution in the wind as she grabbed Twilight by the shoulders. “Get over here you sexy bookworm!”

Without warning Trixie brought Twilight’s face towards her as she kissed her right on the lips. The deep kiss stunned the Princess in the electrifying moment of intimacy, but she quickly melted into it as she wrapped her arms around the mare. They fell over lost in their own bliss, never wanting the moment to end.

Trixie’s last remaining thoughts about the future were vanquished as her first ever kiss gave her an instant feeling of relief. She now felt hope as she caressed her lover’s mane, enjoying the sweet taste of strawberries.

Twilight was enjoying her first kiss as well. Locked into the embrace she loved every single second of this passionate moment. Her former rival, her best friend, Trixie was her one and only love, and she was hers.

Unfortunately, the moment had to come to an end as they separated. They both stared lovingly into each other’s eyes still stuck together like glue. After a moment of silence, Twilight spoke with a satisfied sigh. “That…felt…wonderful.”

Trixie gave a pleased giggle. “That it did Sparkle…that it did. In fact...Trixie proposes that we do again.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and yawned. “As much as I would love to do this for hours, we really need to go to bed now.”

Trixie gave a disappointed groan, but it turned to a sneaky grin. “Fine, but Trixie will go to sleep on one condition for you.”

“A condition?”

“If you are to be Trixie’s Great and Powerful marefriend, then you must prove that you’re a Great and Powerful pony. Which is why I demand a lovely dinner at night. Something…regal and worth the bits that we shall pay equally together. I will only accept a restaurant of the highest degree, and while we eat, we shall talk about our preferences so we can know each other more. And furthermore I…mmf…”

Trixie was cut off as a small peck on her nose from Twilight silenced her. She chuckled happily as she nuzzled her. “Trust me, we’ll have the best dinner date you deserve.”

Trixie smiled contently as she levitated a blanket over them and got closer to her. She kissed her on the nose as she stated matter-of-factly. “Any date with my dearest love will truly be a magical one.”

Author's Note:

This is like the first love scene I ever written and I'm not sure if it's too cheesy or too terrible. I'll let you decide.
Anyways after so long the moment you've all been waiting for finally happened, and I would love opinions.

Stay tuned for the finale!