• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 4,486 Views, 74 Comments

Return Of The Showmare - Horizon Spark

Through some unfortunate events, Trixie is forced to stay with her eternal enemy; Twilight Sparkle. But, why does she hate her so much?

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Chapter 12: Intertwined

Chapter 12: Intertwined

A week and a half after her death, Silver Wand’s funeral was held in the Canterlot Castle gardens. Many throughout Equestria attended, from friends to co-workers, to the many fans who adored her shows. Princess Celestia coordinated most of the event, making sure that her deceased friend would have a proper burial.

The many who attended shared their thoughts and praises on the magician. While each said it differently, they all shared the same view that Silver Wand was an amazing pony who shows and charismatic personality is a major influence in all of Equestria. Princess Celestia was the last to say her final words:

“Many years ago, a young Unicorn came to Canterlot to entertain and prove herself as a magician among the Canterlot elites. She failed however to win their attention claiming the she used nothing but cheap parlor tricks, but I on the other hoof took great interest in her. I brought her to my castle for a show, and while she was nervous at first she gave an outstanding performance that I will never forget. We soon became great friends. We’d talk, we’d laugh, she would show me her newest trick and I became her private audience. I watched her as she became the star magician, and soon became one of the most powerful Unicorns in recent history, whose performances has brought smiles to ponies wherever she went.

“Silver has taught us to never give up on whatever dream we have. And no matter what stands in our way, or how hard it is to reach our goal, you will accomplish them one day. She may be gone but her legacy will never be forgotten.” Celestia slowly walked up to the casket and placed a hoof on Silver Wand’s heart. “Rest in peace my friend.”


Trixie slowly opened the door to her room, walking towards the windowsill she sat and looked out into the snowy cityscape. Much has happened after her mother’s death. She began living in the Canterlot Orphanage ran by an old friend of Silver Wand. She slept in a calming private room where her belongings were moved in it for safe-keeping. Despite her disdain she attended her mother’s funeral, yet she did not stay for long as the grief was too much for her. Soon afterwards, Trixie finally graduated Celestia’s school for Gifted Unicorns. She got her diploma signifying that she was in the highest level of Unicorns, knowing many spells others can only dream of. But with no family to cheer her on as she walked among her fellow classmates, it was nothing more than a bitter-sweet memory.

Trixie sighed as she stared out her window towards the winter wonderland. It was Hearth’s Warming Eve and many families were outside enjoying each other’s company out in the cold. The little magician remembered all the walks she had with her mother.

It’s been a recurring theme for the past week; remembering her time with her mom, all the spells they’ve practiced, all the playtimes they’ve had, and the loving ‘mother-daughter’ moments they’ve shared together. But for every moment she remembered, her sadness grew more until she couldn’t bother to move do anything she’d normally do.

“Trixie dear?”

Trixie turned around to the creaking sounds of a wooden door, and the hooves of a rather old stallion. He and his wife were humble Pegasi who were once long time next door neighbors of Silver Wand before she started traveling. They ran the orphanage in the time being, taking in any lost foal that came their way. The two were more than happy to look after Silver’s daughter.

Trixie turned back to the window as the orange stallion approached her. “Dinner is ready whenever you are. Everypony is eating now.”

Trixie responded with silence.

“We also have your Hearth’s Warming present under the tree. If you want we can open them early while I get some hot cocoa. You’d like that right?”

More silence.

The stallion sighed. “We all miss her Trixie, the girl was far too young to be taken out of this world. But sulking like this is not a healthy way to cope with her loss. How about you join me and the missus huh?”


Another sigh. “I get it. Foals shouldn’t be in these types of situations. I hate the sight of children lost without their parents, especially on Hearth’s Warming. I won’t pressure you to come out, but promise me and the missus that you’ll get better alright? We don’t want to see you like this, and I know for a fact Silver would love for you to smile again.” Before the stallion left he stopped when he heard a small grunt.

“Thank you Mr. Cumulous Cloud.” Trixie said with a small yet noticeable positive tone. “And thanks again for letting me stay here.”

Cumulous smiled. “Your very welcome my dear. Just be sure to join us all for dinner before you go to bed.” With that said he left the room closing the door.

Trixie went back to starring back at the window. She really did appreciate the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Cloud. She never knew them when she was young, but being friends of her mother was a definite sign that she was in good hooves. She mentally noted to thank them for everything in some way.

More tears fell down her check as thoughts of her mother came back to her. “Oh mother…why did you have to leave me like this? Without you I don’t know what to do.” Trixie began to bawl not being able to take any more. “I have no friends here, and I can’t perform without you cheering me on or help me practice. I just wish I could see you once more, I just want you to see that I’m finally as good as you now. But…you’re gone now and…I’ll…I’ll…”

“Are you enjoying yourself my student?”

A familiar and gentle sounding voice made Trixie look back at the window. When she finally saw where it came from, she did a double-take not believing her eyes. Princess Celestia was walking out in the cold wearing a yellow scarf around her neck. But what really caught her eye was the small foal walking next to her.

“This is amazing Princess, I never saw Canterlot like this before. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome Twilight. I’m glad that we could have this little walk and talk, but we should be getting you to bed right about now. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Twilight Sparkle yawned. “But I’m not tired. I just…need another…cup of hot chocolate.” She started to slow down as her head drooped. She suddenly found herself floating in midair before laying on Celestia’s back.

“Tell you what, let’s head back to the castle and have one more cup hot chocolate before bed. We can even read a little bedtime story while we enjoy our drinks.”

“Thank you Princess, Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming my faithful student.”

And with that Celestia teleported away with Twilight in tow. Trixie gawked at the space they left behind with utter disbelief. They both looked so happy together. Twilight especially looked as if she was having the time of her life. She was so cheerful, so carefree, so loved…

It was at this moment that Trixie felt a mixture of several emotions. First sadness, then frustration, and finally pure utter rage.

She let out a loud angry yell, running around her room and stomping her hooves. “That no good, insignificant, waste of…of…AAAGGHHH!!! IT’S NOT FAIR!” Streams of tears started to pour. “That dirty Sparkle. SHE ruined my life, mother is gone because of her, this is all her fault! I HATE THAT UNICORN!”

Trixie fell over in frustration as she started to bawl on the floor. The weight of her loss fell on her like an emotional avalanche. She did this for several minutes venting out all of her anger. When she had finally calmed down the first thing she saw when she looked up was the many boxes leftover after her mother’s death. Wiping her face with a hoof she slowly got up to see the many items inside each one. There were spell books, magical props, and other belongings she left behind. But off the corner of her eye Trixie found beneath the many items, a photo album.

She opened the album to discover that it was filled with old pictures of Silver Wand. There were pictures of when she was a much younger performing for a huge crowd. Others had Trixie’s late father smiling happily with his wife; one featured an exhausted Silver Wand holding a newborn Unicorn foal in her hooves. Trixie nearly started to cry once more as she recognize the last picture of her and her mother, the last picture of them before Silver’s death.

For the first time since that fateful day, Trixie finally felt something in her heart. As if a small flame that has been dormant for years has finally been lit into a blazing inferno. Just holding the album in her hooves made her blood boil with a strange feeling of both anger and passion. With a determined look on her face, she realized what her new goal is: defeating Twilight Sparkle.

“No! I refuse to take this standing anymore Sparkle. You may be better than me, but I won’t let you get away with ruining my life!” Trixie quickly levitated her hat and cape onto her and gazed out the window. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will show you that I’m the top Unicorn! I will train and become stronger until she is finally better than you in every way. You will regret the day you decided to cross my path.”

Trixie went back to the window as she flashed a menacing grin. “One day you’ll see just how pathetic you truly are compared to me. For the sake of mother and her legacy, I will not rest until I defeat you once and for all. So enjoy your time in the spotlight while you still can Sparkle, because rest assured, I will have my revenge!”


“Twilight what happened out there!”

“No time to talk Spike. We need to get Trixie first aid.”

Trixie shook her head as the high surge of magic made her head ache like Tartarus and blurred her vision.

“But what about you? You’re bleeding!”

“I’ll be fine, we need to prioritize on her first.”

Trixie couldn’t keep her head up to hear what was happening. The events that transpired still burned in her memory, yet all she could focus on was when Twilight saved her from the Ursa.

“But Twilight you have worse injuries, you could possibly…”

“I know Spike, and I’ll tend to my wounds while you get the first aid. Please do it for Trixie, she’s been through a lot and it’s the least we can do.”

“...Alright. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you. I’ll look after her while you’re gone. I have a lot of thinking to do.”

Trixie didn’t know exactly why, but she got the strange feeling that she was finally safe.


Trixie slowly awoke in a groggy state. She blinked a few times to clear her eyes then looked around to see she was back in the castle and was lying down on a blanket surrounded by many soft pillows. She let out a sigh of relief, glad that she was out of the forest and into a safe place.

“How are you holding up?”

Trixie turned to see Twilight Sparkle trotting up to her slowly. While her smile was that of joy, the rest told another story. She was wrapped in bandages around her torso, and smaller bandages covered the scars around her head and neck. She started to cringe at the sight of her state. “I…I’m okay Sparkle. Just…really shaken up is all.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s good to know. You don’t have any major injuries to note, just some nicks and bruises around the leg and head area. But just in case I brought you an ice pack for your head. She levitated a small bag of ice and gave it to Trixie.

She took the pack with her magic, but only placed it on the floor. “Thank you, but I can’t accept it.”

“Why not? You’ve been through a lot and that’s going to make you feel better.”

“But look at you! That Ursa knocked you out and did all that to you!” Trixie pointed at her bandages that were slightly red with her blood. “If there’s anypony who needs medical attention it’s you.”

Twilight chuckled lightly as she slowly walked toward the magician. “I know, and a blow like that would’ve done a lot more if I was still a Unicorn. But I’m an Alicorn, and we not only have more durability, but we can heal much faster than normal. Something the Princesses taught me well.” Twilight then sat right in front of her guest. “As far as I’m aware of, you are my concern now Trixie.”

“I don’t deserve this.”

“What do you mean?”

Trixie turned her head away from the Alicorn. “All of your help and all of your kindness. After what I did tonight, I don’t deserve any of this.”

“Don’t say that Trixie,” Twilight said trying to cheer the magician up. “You were just angry and scared. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Trixie didn’t respond despite her efforts to make her feel better. Twilight tried thinking of something else to say, but quickly realized that words of encouragement weren’t the answer. She took a deep breath as she spoke in an understanding voice. “Trixie…I know you don’t want to talk about this, but it’s the only way we can make you feel better. So please tell me, was Silver Wand really your mother?”

A moment passed as the question hung in the silent air. The empty room was now filled with tension and feelings of regret. In her best efforts to stop the awkward silence, Twilight spoke up. “It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m probably the last pony you would ever want to know your past. Especially after what just happened. But I think talking will make you feel…”


Twilight immediately quieted herself when she suddenly heard Trixie spoke in a quiet monotone voice.

“She was such an incredible pony and an amazing magician. Ever since I first saw her perform I wanted to be like her, I made it my dream to perform like her. So I trained everyday as much as I could to become just as good as her. I did this because I loved her, she was an inspiration and was all I had since I never knew my father. I thought this was the best way to show her how much I appreciated her.

“Soon enough I was able to put on my first show, got my cutie mark in magic and was enrolled in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Everything was going so well, until YOU came along.”

“M-me!” The Alicorn exclaimed startled by Trixie outburst.

“I saw firsthoof the power you possessed at your entrance exam; I saw the potential you had. And I was scared, so much so that I saw you as nothing more than my enemy. Some…freakish obstacle that I vowed to overcome no matter what. But you were always three steps ahead of me, I could never come close to your power. I hated that fact, but not as much as I hated you Sparkle.

Twilight took a step back and looked in concern as Trixie got up from her haunches and stepped closer towards her.

“I hated you Sparkle! You took my friends, my spotlight, and my chances of becoming the student of the Princess away from me. I wanted to beat you so badly that did whatever I thought was necessary, even if that meant using a dangerous spell forbidden for my age.” Trixie lifted her head and flashed a small grin. “Of course, nothing changed. You were still the famous prodigy destined for greatness, and all I did was made a fool of myself and put others in danger.”

Twilight started to remember Trixie’s actions back in the school. Though faint she remembered the blue filly that would constantly try to impress the students with feats of magic, but would always result in small awkward stomps of mild approval, or a humiliating roar of laughter. The day she tried to use the Full Transfiguration Spell was etched in her mind as the last memory she had of the younger magician.

“Mother of course caught wind of what I did and gave me a stern talk, but that same day she told me that I would become the greatest and most powerful magician in Equestria. But then I learned nearly a year later that…she was sick. An incurable sickness to be exact. And then…when I saw her at the hospital…she died…”

“Trixie I’m…”

Twilight wasn’t able to finish when Trixie suddenly rushed towards her with tear-filled eyes and an angry snarl. “She didn’t even get to see me graduate Sparkle! I’ve never felt so miserable in my entire life! And then I saw you having just a grand old time with Princess Celestia without even a care in the world, while I was stuck in an orphanage with no real friends or family to turn to!” Trixie stomped towards Twilight who backed up out of fear. “It was at that moment that I blamed you for taking everything from me, and I vowed to show you that my magic is better than yours in every single way! I spent everyday training and performing to the masses getting better at magic with every passing day!”

Twilight soon found herself backed into a wall with the irate mare now pinning her with her hooves. “And then there were the rumors of the Unicorn sensation, the Element of Magic, and the ever so famous student of the Princess herself, Twilight Sparkle! When I heard that you lived in Ponyville, I knew I finally had the chance to prove to you that I was the strongest Unicorn in Equestria! But I failed. You were still better than me in every way, and I was labeled as a lying street performer with no talent! I was so humiliated that I wanted to get my revenge on you by any means necessary! So then I…I…”

Twilight gulped as a nervous sweat went down her face. “That’s when you used the Alicorn Amulet to get back at me.”

“I knew of its immense yet corrupt and dangerous power, but I only cared about how strong it would make me. It was fueled by my hatred and anger towards you, but even with that power I still lost to you, and I just did more harm to Ponyville and my career. I was ruined…”

The strength in Trixie’s hooves started to wane as she fell off the Alicorn in a slump. “I…I just wanted to become stronger than you, to show the world that I was just as special as you and continue mother’s legacy. But you were so much stronger than me…so much better than me.” The dam started to burst. “And then you became an Alicorn…a princess of Equestria. And after countless failures of revitalizing my shows, and seeing you once more…I realized that I’ll never come close to matching you, and I’ll always be a…failure.”

The unicorn finally broke down as she started to cry her eyes out on the floor. Twilight immediately rushed towards her as she hugged her tightly. “Oh Trixie… I’m sorry. Your career, your family, I’m so sorry for everything!” Twilight held on tighter as small warm tears began to stream down her own cheeks.

The two embraced each other for minuets, neither wanting to let go in the slightest. Trixie then felt something that tickled her back slightly. They were Twilight’s wings, the symbol of her ascension wrapped around her in what Pegasi called a “winghug”. She had to admit, she never felt anything so soft and warm since the hugs from her mother. She felt so loved, so protected, that nothing was going to hurt her while Sparkle was around her. After a while, the two calmed down as they softly held on to each other.

“Trixie…can I ask you something?”


“Do…do you still hate me?”

Trixie stepped back from Twilight with a baffled expression, unable to imagine Twilight asking her that.

Twilight continued. “I don’t blame you if you still hold resentment towards me. I may not have caused it directly, but I can’t help but feel guilty about what happened to you over the last few years. If you still hate me, then I’ll do whatever I can do to make up for it.”

Trixie never felt so uncomfortable in her entire life. A question she still don’t know the right answer to even after Rarity had asked her. Didn’t help that she used the word ‘hate’, a word she found too strong at this moment. “I don’t…dislike you. You said it yourself, you’re not the direct cause of what happened to my mother or my career. There’s no one to blame but myself.”

“But it still stands. In fact looking back at it, I could’ve done something to help you. When you left Ponyville on your first visit I could’ve done something to see if there was something wrong, but I let you leave expecting you to learn from that experience without even thinking you actually would. Even after the Alicorn Amulet incident, I could’ve definitely done something to help you, maybe I could’ve stopped this path you’ve been on earlier. I don’t know, the past can’t be changed, but I know I could’ve helped you in some way.”

Trixie sighed as she smiled in a melancholic manner. “That’s the thing Sparkle, I was doomed the day I vowed my so called ‘vengeance’ on you. Even if you did anything it wouldn’t have changed a thing. Just goes to show you that I should’ve stopped a long time ago.”

It was now Twilight’s turn to give out a baffled expression. “Should’ve stopped? You’re not saying what I think you’re saying are you?”

“Look at me Twilight, don’t you see it? What kind of magician spends her entire life on some petty revenge? What kind of child blames the death of her mother on a filly whose only “crime” was her own existence? A pathetic excuse for a magician like me who’s nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I could’ve just left you alone and moved on with my life, but I just had to be the cause of so much trouble to you and all of Ponyville. I’m not cut out to be a magician at all. A pitiful mare like me should just quit this business and…”


Trixie stopped her rant as she looked upon the Alicorn who was on the verge of tears. “Twilight I…”

“I don’t ever want to hear you say that again! You are a great magician and an even greater pony. Even after your mom’s passing, you kept going while lesser ponies would’ve called it quits then and there. I mean, performing onstage with all those eyes watching your every move? I could never do that with the confidence you have. And do I even need to bring up the fact that you saved three fillies from falling off a dam?”

“I did do all those didn’t I?”

“Trust me; you’re better than you think. Some Unicorns can only dream of achieving what you can do, but you on the other hoof never had a problem when it comes to performing in front of anypony. Besides, the Trixie I know would never call herself pathetic and quit. The Trixie I know would keep her head high up and get back onstage better than ever. She would fail and fail then try again until she’s successful. And I would know your mother wouldn’t let you quit either.

Trixie started to smile as she heard the Alicorn’s words of kindness. It almost reminded her 0f the words of encouragement her mother would give her. She then stood back up and flicked her mane in a prideful manner. “You’re right Twilight! The Great and Powerful Trixie shall not just stop and throw in the towel! In fact, Trixie scoffs at the idea of quitting. I may have been on hard times recently, and some may say that I have a ruined career, but when you have fallen there’s nowhere else to go but up. I will rise above those who doubt my power and continue my mother’s legacy to become the greatest magician in Equestria!”

Twilight happily shook her head at Trixie’s enthusiasm. She was just happy to see the magician was willing to get back on her hooves and wiling to start again. ‘Seems like it doesn’t take much for you to see that you really are amazing’. Twilight nearly fell over as a large force caught her off guard. “Whoa there, you seem happy.”

“OH THANK YOU TWILIGHT!” Trixie exclaimed happily with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for still believing in me when I thought all was lost. With your teachings and my superior magic, we’ll show the Equestria no, the world that I am still great and powerful!” She squeezed the mare for a few more seconds until the Alicorn tapped her shoulder prompting her to let go with a shy grin. “Heh. Sorry about the theatrics especially from earlier. Old habits die hard they say.”

“It’s alright Trixie, I’m just glad your back to your usual self. Plus the theatrics and third-person speech has been growing on me for a while.”

“Well of course. I’ve been told that I’ve… had that sort of effect…” Trixie yawned as she felt fatigued from earlier. Her eyes drooped and she started to collapse. Twilight noticed it and started to nudge her side. “How about…we continue this in the morning? Trixie…should call it a night…”

“Oh of course. How about we…uh…Trixie? Twilight looked down to see Trixie was already asleep and was gripping onto her leg rather tightly. The Alicorn smiled warmly at how cute she looked and decided not to interrupt it. With her magic she levitated a nearby blanket and covered the both of them with it. She laid right next to her and started to close her eyes. “Goodnight Trixie…”

Author's Note:

BTW how about that Trixie episode?:pinkiehappy:


Yeah this story got even more outdated, but whatever. Only got 4 or 5 chapters left so yippie!