• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 8,997 Views, 333 Comments

Beyond the Skies - FrostTheWolf

It all started with obtaining a Crystalline necklace that looked like a Traptanium Crystal. Now, for one boy, he can turn into a Skylander. But he still needs to get a hold of his powers first. [Skylanders Crossover][Displaced]

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Scroll 20.5- Memo to the Academy (Bonus)

Author's Note:

This chapter has been one that I have been wanting to do for some time, but haven't found the right time to do it. This chapter is more of a comedic fun chapter than a serious one and it was inspired by a few different 'Skippys List' prompts that I've read which include the following

  • The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation (SCP)
  • Things X-Com Operatives are not allowed to do, including the 'Foreign Deployment Edition' one from the story Mente Materia by Arad. Go check out his stuff. They're freaking awesome.
  • And most importantly, the 'Memo' chapters from the story 'The Potion Shop' by AshFur. Heck, the name for the chapter is a reference to that. Go check him out, he's got a lot of great works

Hope you guys enjoy this. If you have any ideas for any future rules, I would be happy to hear them for you. After all, there are going to be more added to this over the course of the story.

In the meantime, I hope all of you enjoy what I have here and stay tuned for more.

Beyond the Skies- Memo to the Academy

If you are a Skylander and you have stayed long enough at Skylander Academy, getting a request to be seen by the staff members meant one of three things: A) there was an important matter regarding security at the academy or conduct outside of the academy that needed to be addressed immediately, or B) there was an emergency going on and they need all active Skylanders on standby. Yet, in Spyro’s experience at the academy, the latter of the two was rather rare, considering that many of them have been false alarms, mainly due to accidents that were mostly caused by Flynn accidentally knocking something over or doing something that he was told not to do.

So, it was a bit of a surprise to him when he ran outside to find a few other Skylanders waiting nearby where Tessa and Whiskers were standing. He could see Stealth Elf, Jet-Vac, Pop Fizz and even Cynder as he got closer, all four of them turning around at the sound of his footsteps as he looked back at them. “Hi, guys. Sorry I’m late.”

“There you are, Spyro. Haven’t I told you that you should be here as quickly as possible when it comes to emergencies?” Jet Vac asked him.

The dragon was going to respond, but he was soon interrupted as both of them heard Stealth Elf interject. “Jet-Vac, I don’t believe Tessa asked for us to gather here just so you can tell Spyro the importance of being here on time,” she said, before looking back to Tessa, “Isn’t that right?”

The fox nodded in response to the elf’s comment as she looked back at the other Skylanders. “Why, yes, actually… but before we get started, let me ask a question. Who here is familiar with a boy that comes here named Calvin? Kind of looks like this,” Tessa now held up a photograph of the boy that Mags took of him the last time he was at the academy, handing it to Stealth Elf so she could show the other Skylanders that were there. Both Spyro and the elf were quick to respond as they simultaneously nodded their heads.

Cynder was the next one to reply as she looked at the photo that Stealth Elf was holding onto. “I think I’ve seen him a couple times around the academy, but I never really got his name,” she replied honestly.

“First time I’ve seen him before,” Pop Fizz added.

“Hang on a minute,” they now heard the sky baron speak up, walking over to where Stealth Elf was standing as he took a closer look at the photograph. “I recognize this one!”

“Oh, here we go,” Stealth Elf rolled her eyes as she facepalmed herself.

“You’ve seen Calvin before, Jet?” Spyro now asked, a bit curious by what he said.

“Why, of course!” the sky baron proudly proclaimed, “I was on patrol a while back, and I found him staring at the signs that were posted in the M.A.P. Based on his confusion, the M.A.P.’s lack of a proper navigational layout and his appearance, I deducted that he was a lost tourist looking for someplace to have a vacation without having to worry about getting attacked by monsters. But all the places I thought he would go, I wouldn’t think that the academy would be the most ideal choice.”

That alone was enough to draw out laughter from both Spyro and Tessa as both of them looked at Jet-Vac, all while the sky baron had a rather puzzled look on his face. “I don’t seem to understand. What’s so funny?”

“Jet,” Stealth Elf now took the initiative to speak, “Calvin wasn’t, and frankly never was, a tourist. He was looking for the academy because he wanted to talk to Hugo, and now, he comes here to undergo training with King Pen.”

“Now, why would a lad like him want to take on something like that?”

Since he was seeing that Stealth Elf was not getting anywhere with what she was saying, Spyro now took it upon himself to speak. “Because he’s more than what you might think. He can turn into other Skylanders because of the necklace he wears. Heck, he even created an Imaginator by himself! Trust me, Tessa, Stealth Elf and I have all seen him do it before.”

Cynder and Jet looked at each other for a moment, a bit baffled by what the purple dragon just told them. “Y-you’re serious?”

“Definitely. Heck, Spitfire told me that he even transformed into King Pen in front of King Pen himself. He’s the real deal,” Spyro told them, shortly before turning back around to Tessa now as a new question began to surface in his head. “Though, what exactly does he have to do with this?”

“Well, based on what Buzz told me, there was a recent incident where Calvin summoned a Skylander to help fix a problem and ended up making it even worse, worse to the point that Master Eon himself had to be notified of everything,” Tessa told them, before turning to Whiskers as she grabbed a series of scrolls that she had in the pouch compartment of the bird’s saddle. “So, to prevent any more of these instances from happening, Buzz, Master Eon and a few members of the Academy’s staff had to come up with this.”

Once she turned back around, she handed a scroll to each one of them. The scrolls had a red ribbon wrapped around it, and it was held together by the Skylander Academy seal. “What is this exactly?”

“That is a series of rules and guidelines for any future missions that might involve you guys going to where Calvin is down below in Equestria,” Tessa answered the dragon’s question. “Of course, Cali says that we should take these rules seriously, even if some of them are… well… strange.”

“How strange are we talking about here?” Cynder herself now asked, “I mean, I’ve only heard about this Equestria from what a few other Skylanders told me, but we have all had to handle strange things almost every day around here. Surely, it can’t be too strange... right?”

Stealth Elf and Spyro just looked at Cynder for a moment, before the dragon let out a sigh as they began to open the scroll. “Oh, you have no idea.”

For all Skylanders and Academy personnel, after consulting with Master Eon in light of recent events, we have composed a list in regards to how you should act with our Equestrian allies. I suggest you review these carefully in the likely event that your assistance may be required on future matters. Any future changes or additions to the rules will be added onto this page by magic, so don’t misplace this!

-Head of Security (And Secret Ninja Commando Operations), Buzz


1- Before we begin, I want everyone reading to take a look at the picture that’s on the back of this list. The human on the back is named Calvin. He is an ally and someone who’s helping us with handling everything going on in Equestria while also taking lessons from King Pen and the Senseis.
1a- He is not the pizza delivery guy
1b- Or the enchilada delivery guy
1c- Or the sushi delivery guy
1d- I cannot stress this enough. No matter how many times Flynn may tell you otherwise, Calvin is in no way a food delivery guy! How many times do I have to tell you that!?
2- Why, yes, Equestria is a continent filled with sapient talking ponies. This does not mean that Equestria is considered Trail Blazer’s homeland. He’s already confirmed that he’s not from there, and ever since its discovery, he has been asked about this non-stop to the point that he’s now in the same anger management class as Fryno.
2a- Trail Blazer is also not the official Equestrian tourism ambassador either. He will not provide any vacation getaways if you ask him.
2b- For the love of the elements, stop assuming that Equestria is Trail Blazer’s homeland! You’re making yourself look like a bunch of fools at this rate.
3- The equestrian named Twilight Sparkle is a princess of Equestria and must be treated with the utmost respect, unless she says otherwise.
3a- While it may be true that Princess Twilight does live in a castle and she travels to Canterlot Castle to conduct official royal business, you are not allowed to say the phrase ‘I’m sorry, but your princess is in another castle’ if you’re there when she’s absent. Nobody gets the reference, so let’s move on.
3b- You must also treat her friends with the same amount of respect as well, along with her assistant Spike and her student, Starlight Glimmer.
4- Just because the dragon named Spike can eat and digest crystals doesn’t mean that any dragon Skylanders should attempt to do the same thing for ‘nutritional benefits’. Bash has been in the infirmary with a major toothache for the last couple of days after trying to attempt it himself unsuccessfully.
5- One thing that I must stress is that in no circumstance are any Skylanders allowed to use any form of spellcraft that involves hypnosis or mind control. Recent events have shown that equestrians are very susceptible to such magic and will get out of control if left unchecked.
5a- This is further stressed when interacting with the being named Discord. We do not want a repeat of the ‘traveling circus’ incident from last week.
6- Speaking of which, all Skylanders and academy personnel must take extreme caution when interacting with the draconequus (half dragon, half pony, half who knows what else) named Discord. Eyewitness accounts from numerous people suggest that he has enough raw magical power to classify himself as a force of nature.
6a- No, there is no such thing as a ‘Discord Insurance Policy’ to cover for any damages that may result from interacting with him.
6b- Even if Discord provides proof that it exists.
6c- Especially if Discord provides proof that it exists. The fact that you are believing something that he told you directly is already questionable in multiple ways.
6d- Come on now, what do I have to hide?
6e- Discord himself is not allowed to edit or make any changes to this document.
7- If you happen to find yourself interacting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (whether they are fillies or in their human forms) and they request for your help with something that’s unrelated or might get the three of them in trouble, please respectfully decline.
7a- This rule still applies if they say ‘pretty please’ and/or ask nicely.
7b- It also applies if they try doing pouty faces, too.
7c- Okay, after further review with Princess Twilight, only Skylander Academy Personnel and Senseis can interact with them.
7ci- No, Flynn does not count in the above category and is not allowed to supervise them, especially after the lava tamale incident at the academy food court.
8- It’s most likely that the first pony that you would be able to meet aside from Princess Twilight is her friend, Pinkie Pie. Otherwise known as the Element of Laughter.
8a- If she gets excited from meeting you and seeing you as somepony new to Ponyville, that’s normal.
8b- If she sets up a special ‘WELCOME TO PONYVILLE’ surprise party for you, that is also normal. She’s known as Ponyville’s pristine party planner for a reason.
8bi- The party in itself is not optional under any circumstances.
8c- Under no circumstances should you ever make a ‘Pinkie Promise’ with Pinkie Pie.
8ci- If you do end up making a Pinkie Promise with her, you MUST fulfill that promise and cannot ask for anypony or any Skylander to help get you out of it. They will just laugh at you if you try.
8cii- Breaking a Pinkie Promise is its own punishment.
8d- Do NOT try to apply logic and common sense to Pinkie Pie. Not only for her actions, but also for what she’s capable of.
8di- The above rule also applies to Discord as well. Even he doesn’t know how Pinkie Pie does what she does on a daily basis, and that’s saying something.
8e- Do NOT try to figure out how Pinkie Pie does the stuff she does. We'd rather not lose a Skylander to mental breakdowns caused by trying to figure her out, like I almost suffered.
8f- Under no circumstances is Pain-Yatta allowed to come to Ponyville whenever Pinkie Pie’s in town. Her first instinct would be to chase him with his own lollipop, something that even we didn’t think was remotely possible.
8fi- This also applies to both Master Flare Wolf, Trigger Happy, Boomer, Countdown and Fire Kraken as well. For the love of Skylands, DO NOT let any of them meet her. That’s a recipe for disaster just waiting to happen.
8fii- While we’re at it, don’t let her meet Wrecking Ball, especially in regards to anything involving food.
9- For all Skylanders Academy staff, please bare in mind that no one is allowed to throw anything into a spinning vortex that just happens to be flying by. Princess Twilight has been receiving complaints of how items from the academy have been dumped into the front and backyards of some of the locals homes in Ponyville.
9a- Furthermore, if any Skylanders are in Ponyville, please keep an eye out. We got a report saying that the villain named Sheep Creep was recently thrown into one of these vortexes and might be on Equestrian soil right now.
9b- On an unrelated note... Hugo, Master Eon and I would like to have a word you in my office.
10- If you happen to meet an orange colored earth pony wearing a stetson hat, has a blonde mane and tail and a cutie mark of three apples that speaks almost like Mags, then that is Applejack. A friend of Princess Twilight, Element on Honesty and farmer at Sweet Apple Acres.
10a- Under no circumstances are you to try and lie to Applejack to get out of something. She can tell that you are lying, and it’ll make you even more suspicious around her.
10b- Applejack is willing to allow some Skylanders be able to help out around her farm. However, if you choose to help, you MUST listen to everything she tells you to do and not ignore them. There will be grave consequences if you do.
10c- If you cause any damage to either the barn or the orchard, you are solely responsible for fixing them. Don’t even think about trying to make the academy responsible for your mistakes.
10d- Do not drink any hard apple cider from Sweet Apple Acres. It’s effects are as disorientating as drinking some of the unfinished potions from Fizzland.
10e- Furthermore, do not let Pop Fizz have a taste of hard apple cider either. That would just make things worse.
11- If you happen to find yourself meeting a light yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail with a cutie mark of three butterflies, please be cautious. That is Fluttershy, another one of Twilight’s friends and the Element of Kindness. She’s very friendly around her friends, but extremely timid around new creatures that she hasn’t met before. So, don’t startle her.
11a- While it is true that she does happen to enjoy interacting with and taking care of animals, it doesn’t mean that you can call her home a petting zoo. The animals that she cares for would not be amused by you saying that, including the bear that’s three times Fluttershy’s size.
11b- If she wants to be friends with you, do not come off as a jerk and say no. That would just end up hurting her feelings and have her friend Rainbow Dash get on your case.
12- Speaking of which, the cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail with a cutie mark of a rainbow lightning bolt is known as Rainbow Dash, a member of the Wonderbolts and Element of Loyalty.
12a- Rainbow Dash, as per her element, is rather loyal to her friends and doesn’t take any stray comments about them lightly. Please watch what you say around her.
12b- Under no circumstances are you to challenge her to a race of any sort. She’s a member of a pegasus flight team that consists of some of the fastest and most talented flyers in Equestria, so challenging her to something that you are obviously going to lose at is just plain pointless.
12bi- The above rule is applied further to speed type swap force members. Just because you can break the speed record on a track doesn’t mean you have any chance of beating her when you can’t fly.
12c- While it is true that pegasi and griffons are able to walk on clouds, that’s because they have the magic that allows them to do so. No Skylanders should attempt to try to walk on it themselves.
12ci- This goes furthermore for Air Skylanders. Aside from the exceptions of Sonic Boom, Whirlwind, Scratch, Stormblade, Free Ranger, Thunderbolt, Lightning Rod, Bad Juju and Jet-Vac, other Air Skylanders who have attempted to walk on clouds have failed and ended up falling through. Please stop trying to prove otherwise.
12cii- While it is possible to have a pony cast a spell on you to allow you to walk on clouds, this solution is only temporary and will still lead to you falling through when it runs out. So, don’t even think about it.
12ciii- I said stop thinking about it!!
12d- Unless you have a lot of time to waste, do NOT get Applejack and Rainbow Dash to compete against each other over ANYTHING. You'll regret it if you do.
13- Another one of Princess Twilight’s friends that you’ll probably meet is a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail and has a cutie mark of three diamonds. Her name is Rarity, Element of Generosity and owner of the Carousel Boutique.
13a- Just because it is called the Carousel Boutique does not mean that there’s an actual carousel. The fact that I have to bring this up in itself is just embarrassing.
13b- Despite her insistence on the matter, there will be no such official Skylander Academy uniform for the students that are attending. More than likely, the uniforms would not stay in one piece after a few days.
13bi- Even if she already has a design for it. The fact that she hasn’t even met some of our students here doesn’t help her in this case.
13c- Yes, Rarity does have a spell that allows for her to look for and find diamonds and crystals. No, it doesn’t mean that you can go with her on her next diamond hunting expedition just so you can have enough gold to buy those upgrades you desperately want from Persephone. We know that one of you would try that at some point.
13d- Please try to prevent Flashwing from meeting Rarity, for all of our sakes.
13di- Matter of fact, prevent the Golden Queen from meeting Rarity either.
14- Now that I’ve explained each of Princess Twilight’s friends, one thing that I absolutely want to make sure that everyone is aware of is that she and her friends are collectively known as the six Elements of Harmony. This is much different than the element system that we have for the Skylanders and are based on personal virtues, so let’s not try and get them confused.
14a- Furthermore, there is no such thing as a ‘seventh’ element of harmony, nor is it known as ‘The element of BOOM!!’ and neither is Flynn the bearer of said element.
14b- Taking a piece of rope and tying it to an imaginite crystal to prove the previous statement false will be met with disciplinary action. I’m watching you, Flynn.
15- Princess Twilight has also informed us that right now, she has taken a student under her wing by the name of Starlight Glimmer. As such, the following rules apply when interacting with her:
→ Just because Starlight is seen as a reformed villain does not mean she will ‘fit in’ with the other reformed villains that are senseis at the academy. She hasn’t met many of the Skylanders yet, so let's not rush anything.
→ We aren’t going to have Starlight Glimmer sit in on any of the classes that we would be teaching at the academy. Not only is our curriculum much different from that of Princess Twilight’s, but her presence alone would be distracting to a lot of the students.
→ No, we are not opening up a foreign exchange program so we can have Starlight come here. Now, stop asking!
16- If any academy equipment malfunctions while on campus or in Equestria, blaming said malfunctions on ‘the ghost of Master Eon’ is no longer a reasonable excuse. Master Eon has expressed his dissatisfaction with the phrase and wishes that you stop saying that.
17- For all Supercharger Skylanders, you are only allowed to bring your vehicles to Equestria if there’s a situation that would require it or if its an emergency, or if you’re specifically allowed it by one of the princesses.
17i- And no, this doesn’t count permissions gained from Princess Twilight while she’s distracted with books. Please get her full undivided attention first.
17a- No, making waves in the Ponyville lake so that the locals can go surfing and cool off during the summer doesn’t count as an emergency.
17ai- The above statement does not apply if Equestria happens to be going through a heat wave. In which case, it can be treated as an emergency.
18- On the outskirts of Ponyville, there lies a pool that can replicate anything as long as you repeat a specific phrase. No, I am NOT telling you the phrase because I am not letting this be an excuse for you to be in two places at once
18i- Or train against yourself
18ii- Or challenge yourself to a dance off.
18iii- Or practically any other form of competition
18iv- There is no legitimate reason for me to tell you the phrase, so stop trying to convince me otherwise
18a- Furthermore, the Mirror Pool is NOT to be used by Dr. Krankcase to in order to replicate any patients in the infirmary so he could ‘give one a placebo and see what happens’. That was a bad idea the moment that you decided to speak it out loud.
18b- You know what, no Skylanders are allowed anywhere near the Mirror Pool… ever.
18c- And no to any friends of said Skylanders being used as a middleman for the Mirror Pool for whatever reason.
19- Whenever in Equestria, please keep in mind that Princess Twilight is in fact only one of four princesses in the Equestrian Monarchy, and she is the newest one. The other three are Princess Celestia, the princess of the sun, Princess Luna, the princess of the moon and Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love.
19a- Like what was previously stated in section 3, you are to treat all three with the utmost respect unless they say otherwise.
19b- In Equestria, both Celestia and Luna are responsible for the day-night cycle, at least in the lands below. Don’t tell anypony that you happen to meet otherwise.
19c- Just because Princess Cadance is the Princess of Love does not mean you can hire her as your relationship counselor. She has better things to do with her time, and you all have work to do.
19ci- Please refrain from any ‘ship’ jokes around Cadance. To her, ship is an abbreviated term for relationship and not anything regarding the actual vehicle.
19cii- The above rule applies furthermore to Flynn. Knowing him, he’s bound to do it unintentionally at some point.
19d- Why, yes, it is true that Luna has the power to walk inside dreams and meddle with them to protect the dreamers from nightmares. Please do bear in mind that you cannot request specific kinds of dreams from her. Elements knows that Flynn would try and ask for her to use her powers in order to get good dreams all the time, and most of those dreams will probably involve food.
20- Princess Celestia, as far as we know right now, is one of the most powerful beings in Equestria right now and has been ruling over her kingdom for more than a thousand years. Antagonize at your own risk.
20a- If you happen to witness Princess Celestia eating any form of dessert, especially cake, do NOT ask her about it. That, in itself, is its own punishment.
20b- Although some ponies find it funny, do not even consider pulling a prank on Princess Celestia under the pretense that you will get away with it. She will look for you, she will find you and she will get you back. No questions asked.
20bi- The above rule also applies to any of the other princesses, too. The last thing we want is for you to be banished to the moon because you did something stupid.
20bii- Yes, you actually can get banished to the moon. Don’t ask me how, but it's somehow happened before.
21- On the outskirts of Ponyville is the Everfree Forest. A dark woodland thicket that’s home to many of the most dangerous creatures in Equestria. Enter at your own risk.
21a- No Skylander is allowed to do ‘training’ in the forest by picking a fight with every living creature in it. This is their home, not your personal training ground. They’re only attacking because you are causing a ruckus in there.
21b- If you find a patch of blue flowers at any point when in the Everfree, STAY AWAY from them. Those are poison joke flowers and stepping in them will only be the first of your problems.
21bi- To give you some insight, poison joke is a plant that causes ridicule-inducing afflictions to those that come into contact with it, with each case being different depending on who is affected. We can’t even produce a list of side effects for being exposed since they are so vast and varied.
21bii- Despite the fact that the word ‘poison’ is in its name, poison joke is much different from its counterpart, poison oak. Poison oak is a flower that poisons anyone that comes into contact with it while poison joke afflicts its victims through the use of practical joke curses.
21c- A cure for poison joke can be found at the home of the zebra alchemist who lives in the Everfree named Zecora, provided that you tell her that you are a friend of Princess Twilight.
21ci- Please do not try to question her use of rhymes while she’s speaking. It is how she normally talks to anypony that she meets.
21cii- Any attempts for Zecora to create a potion that would make you more awesome or make things go BOOM has been unanimously rejected. Please request her to make something that actually exists.
21ciii- For those who want to help her with the potions that she makes, please note that dumping random ingredients into her pot to see what would happen is NOT advised in any way. It may work with Pop Fizz’s soda’s, but the same logic does not apply here.
21civ- Furthermore, like with Rarity and Flashwing in section 13d, please try to prevent Pop Fizz and Zecora from meeting at all costs.
21civ1- That also includes Double Trouble as well. He may know about potions, but he is not known for fully reading the instructions on how to make such potions, nor does he take proper safety precautions for his creations. So yeah, don’t let him anywhere near Zecora’s hut.
22- While it is encouraged to be friendly with the locals in Ponyville and to spend time with the children at the school playground, please make sure that all activities that you choose to have them participate in are safe and would not cause any injuries.
22a- Master Boom Bloom, please keep in mind that having the children play jump rope with your vines is not a good idea.
22ai- Even if you think that it’s perfectly safe.
22aii- Especially if you think that it’s perfectly safe.
22aiii- Even if the children agree with you that it's perfectly safe. We’ve already had too many instances where someone would say that and then karma kicks in ten seconds later.
22b- Wolfgang, while we like your enthusiasm in wanting to interact with the children and townsfolk of Equestria, we are not moving forward with your idea of loudly playing hard rock music during sing along hour at the Ponyville Elementary School.
22bi- No, this decision is not because we hate your music. It’s because we’re worried that playing it loudly would cause irreversible hearing loss or deafness to the children as well as the staff at the school. Besides, I don’t think ruined eardrums are a best first impression.
23- As far as we know of right now, there are no living plants like those that we have seen in the Skylands, so please stop asking.
24- For all Skylanders, if you want to improve the training regimen of the Equestrian Royal Guard, please make sure not to do anything that could inflict lasting harm. As far as we know right now, Equestrians have not harnessed the Skylands elements, and we are still trying to learn how Equestrian magic functions.
24a- Yes, we are aware that several Skylanders have served as guards before becoming Skylanders, and each one of you might have been trained differently. However, please bear in mind that we are all working collaboratively together for the next time that Kaos tries to attack the Skylands or Equestria. Leave any personal grudges or rivalries in regards to enhancing their training at the door.
24b- Wildfire and Master Ember, please be careful when using your equipment around the Equestrians. Unless they have a heat resistant spell active, equestrian fur is known to be extremely flammable. Combusting ponies is the last thing that we would want right now
24c- High Volt, please bare in mind that playing ‘Dodge the Static Spear’ with new recruits is not considered as the best way to test someone’s endurance. Please do something else.
24d- Knight Light, you are allowed to use your traptanium scimitar to help with weapons training, but do bear in mind that we currently do not know if traptanium or traptanium weapons work in Equestria the same way that they do in Skylands. So, please be careful.
24di- The above rule also applies to all Trap Masters, too. Including Snap Shot, who is helping teach archery at the Canterlot Archery Range.
24e- Grilla Drilla, please bare in mind that many Equestrian species aren’t monkeys. So, with that in mind, they can’t do climbing exercises the same way you can.
24ei- We are also not providing the entire royal guard drills similar to the ones that you have either, because that is not what we mean when we asked if you want to oversee combat drills.
25- To all undead skylanders, do take note that most Equestrians do not exactly see walking skeletons, skeletal dogs, floating eyeballs, ghosts, vampires, undead vampires, ghouls, spirits possessing suits of armor, werewolves or anything else as normal creatures that you would see on a daily basis here. If anything, they might see anything that was just mentioned as something they should hide from. So, please do your best to not spook them.
25a- The above rule applies further to Funny Bone. We already know about how you startled Rainbow Dash when she first came to the academy. Please don’t try that again.
26- To Pit Boss, Rattle Shake and Cobra Cadabra, if you do happen to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle, it is more than likely that she will either jump into the arms of the nearest person there or try to hide up on the rafters of wherever you’re at. This has nothing to do with you. Princess Celestia has confirmed that Twilight has a long standing fear of snakes.
26a- No, this is not one of those ‘fears’ that can easily be fixed. Celestia has tried that, but it only made things worse.
27- Trigger Happy, while it might be tempting, please don’t use any Equestrian bits as ‘extra ammo’ for your pistols. While blowing up enemies is one thing, blowing up the Equestrian economy is something that should be avoided at all costs.
28- If any tech skylanders happen to find themselves encountering either Princess Twilight or her student, Starlight Glimmer, make sure to set limits to the inevitable barrage of questions on how Skylands technology works. There are doubts about being able to last through their stamina when they get going.
28a- This also applies to anything else that they might ask about Skylands, too. We all have a job to do, and it’s not playing twenty questions.
29- For those who are interested in taking part of some of the games and sports that Equestria has or plan on teaching some games from Skylands to the Equestrians, please make sure that they can be able to perform the actions of the particular activity first without causing harm to themselves or others in the process.
29a- Skystones (and the numerous variations of the game) is one good example of a game that you can be able to teach the Equestrians how to play. Reviving Roboto-ball? Not so much.
29b- Also, Equestrians have outlawed any form of gladiatorial combat, so you are not allowed to challenge each other like at the academy unless it’s non-lethal. They don’t have a safety recall spell to prevent death for such duels.
29c- As a side note, Cali has a few extra playing card decks if you want to borrow one from her.
30- For all dragons that happen to go to Equestria, please be careful of your actions. As far as we know, outside of Spike, most ponies are afraid of dragons and see them as greedy and self centered brutes. Try to show them otherwise.
30a- This also applies furthermore to Blades, since he has a tendency to use his blades more than his head.
30ai- No, that was not intended as a cheap pun.
30b- Also include Sunburn on that list, too. I know that he’s only part dragon, but it still applies. Besides, I don’t think we want for this newfound partnership to go up in flames.
30bi- Okay, that one was intentional. But I think all of you understand by now how serious this is, so I’m not sorry.

As mentioned in the beginning, more rules will be included over time once we have learned more about Equestria and the creatures that call it home. So, please make sure to keep this on you.

After Tessa finished reading, Spyro just stared at her for a moment. Looking at all of his companions, he could only find it in him to ask her one question.

“Is this some kind of joke?”

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