• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 641 Views, 6 Comments

A New Days Dawn - Blue dragon 116

The horsemen are gone Thomas has seemingly passed on and all the world seems to have returned to as it once was. But all is not well, those thought dead will return both good and bad as a defeated king return to equestria with vengeance in his heart

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A chance meeting with fate

Black surrounded me, and was all I could see as I drifted in some abyss without a name. Time crawled by, stripping me of all my senses and then my memories. Leaving only a hallow shell of what I once was, what ever that may be not even a hint of my identity left . And then every so often I could faintly hear voices in the abyss almost like they were speaking to me. But try as I might I could never understand what was said or even figure out why they sounded so familiar.

Time continued to drag on and the voices would come less and less until it seemed they were no more. The moment even came were I considered releasing what little I could call myself to the abyss. But then a light began to blaze in the darkness and a voice could be heard calling to me.

"Father I miss you, even though I've never met you except in mothers memories I still miss you. Mother and Aunt Luna have given up hope that you will return to us, but not me I still believe father." Said the voice until another voice could be heard speaking to the first just barely above a whisper. "It is time I left father, good bye I eagerly await your return to us."

And just like that all was silent and dark once more as the light faded away with the voices. Leaving me to ponder why the name Luna struck a chord in what was left of my mind. And the more I thought about it the more I began to see a form take shape in the darkness before me. At first it was just spots and blotches but then the figure began to take shape. A tall, proud equine form with a horn spiraling from its forehead with graceful wings unfurled. The form of a crescent moon began to take shape on her flanks while her mane and tail began to flow and light up the darkness with the light of a million stars. My eyes grew wide as understanding began to work its way into my clouded mind and foggy memories began to return. But then everything came crashing back when finally the pony opened her eyes to reveal blue eyes like snakes and a smile began to form on her face.

My lips began to quiver as all I was came rushing back to me, while the forms of all the ponies I knew began to take shape alongside Luna. Until all the ponies I ever met stood before me, and I couldn't help but smile as my eyes traveled across those before me. Only to stop when they came to rest on Chrysalis and Luna. Because just behind the two was the shadow of a pony i've never met before. The shadows of Luna and Chrysalis stepped aside to allow a better look at the new comer. But before I could get a clear look I was blinded by a flash of white and a voice boomed across the abyss.

"Ohh so this is where you have been hiding all this time Thomas? I should have known you wouldn't leave here."

From behind my eyelids I could see the light begin to fade and the sound of horseshoes on stones greeted my ears. Slowly I peeled my eyes open and winced from the glare of the unfamiliar light. But when my eyes finally adjusted the sight that stood before me astounded me. For just before me with a tender, motherly smile to rival Celestia's stood Faust the mother of the two princesses and author of fate. And I glanced down at my feet to find myself in alicorn form. My jet black coat and burning mane and tail contrasting harshly with the lively colors all around us. We stood in a glistening field in early spring with a gentle breeze making the grass dance as it passed. For a long second we simply stared at one another one with a smile, the other with a slack jawed, dumbfounded expression. Finally the silence was broken when Faust trotted up to me and began to speak.

"So we meet in person at last Thomas, my new avatar of fear." She said a thoughtful expression on her face. Her eyes lighting up after a moment as if she had a epiphany.

"It is just as I thought, you are just like him and yet entirely different." She said cryptically as she began to look me over.

"You know I usually make it a point of knowing whom i'm being compared too, that way i know whether or not to be insulted." I said quirking a eyebrow at Faust in confusion.

"Ohh you have met him before a rather nasty pony. He is the one that bound you and Timor together and kept you locked up for so long." Faust said offhandedly as if it was simply common knowledge.

"How dare you compare me to that monster i'm nothing like him." I screamed in rage my mane and tail erupting in a geyser of flames burning much of the foliage around us.

"If you had been paying attention you would have noticed that I said similar not the same." Faust said her tone tinted with agitation, as her horn and the burnt foliage around us glowed with a light blue aura. " You are both similar in the fact that I can only see the things you have already done. But that is where the similarities end because he is a angry and vengeful pony, where as you are forgiving and kind." By the time Faust finished speaking the burnt foliage around us had returned to its lively and vibrant state.

"You can only see what we have already done?" I asked my confusion and curiosity and confusion surpassing my anger.

"Indeed that is all I can see of your fate." She said a small smirk appearing on her face. "Normally I can see all the things a pony or person has done. And I can see the choices they will have to make which will have a major impact on their lives." Another long silence filled the space around us as I pondered what I had been told and what it could possibly mean.

"Im honestly surprised you have not been revived yet by either my daughters or Chrysalis." Faust said a almost bored expression on her face as she looked me over.

"Im sure they think I am dead, I must admit until you showed up I thought the same." I said confused by the sudden change of topic.

"Well that just wont do, we cant leave Equestria without her champion." Faust said clicking her tongue as she trotted up to me. "And more importantly we cant leave my daughter without her lover now can we."

With that said Faust's horn began to glow and the world around us began to fade away until only we two were left standing in a plane of white. And then Faust herself began to fade ever so slowly and the world began to turn dark once again.

"Wait what are you doing Faust." I shouted earning a tired smile from Faust's disembodied head.

"I am sending you back to your lovers Thomas so you can defend them once more. A old enemy and a possible friend are coming to Equestria. Both of which you know so well, and only you can defeat them should it come to that. But fear not old friend we shall see each other again sometime in the near future, and I will answer all your questions then" Faust said before all faded to black once more leaving me alone feeling as if my body were encased in stone, and more confused than ever before. But with a experimental flex of my arm I could hear stone crack and the pressure pushing against me lessened ever so slightly while I could feel a gentle breeze brushing against my skin.

"Honey Im coming home"

The stars light the sky over Canterlot in a beautiful display while most of the city's residents slept soundly in their homes. Meanwhile Chrysalis, Luna, and Terra all stood on separate balcony's of the castle all starring in the direction of the little town on the horizon, or rather what stood just on the other side of the town. Chrysalis and Luna wore necklaces left by their shared love, while Terra sat next to two odd objects her father once owned. And for hours the they simply stared all hoping for a sign they were afraid would never come. And then the two necklaces began to glow with a light from deep within their cores. While the two odd objects glowed and chirped and filled the stillness of night with a song.

The music echoed in the silence slowly changing their expressions from surprise to hope and joy. And then ever so faintly a voice could be heard floating on the breeze singing along with the song. All three snapped away from their treasures and back towards ponyvile, their eyes alight with hope. With a crack like thunder the three of them took to the sky's and raced towards ponvile at speeds that would have made Rainbowdash envious. They reached their destination just as the song ended and alighted in front of the statue of a father and lover. And as they watched the stone began to crack and break with a green light shinning through the cracks to light up the night. Then suddenly they were all blown back as a explosion destroyed the statute and shattered the silence completely.

"Terra, Terra where are you, are you alright?" Chrysalis yelled as she drug herself to her hooves and found her daughter and Luna silhouetted against the green flames. Watching as something seemed to be moving in the fires core and even coming closer. And finally a bipedal figure stumbled out of the inferno and fell to its knees in front of Chrysalis and Luna who could only stare wide eyed at the person before them. While Terra took a few steps forward until she was almost on top of her father and gently probed his emotions and said.

My ears rang and my vision was blurred as I stumbled out of the flames and fell to my knees, desperately trying to catch my breath. When finally it seemed I could breath again my breath was robbed from me by the sound of a unfamiliar voice saying.

"Father...... is that you father?"

"Now that's a name that's going to take some getting used to." I wheezed as I looked up into the hopeful eyes of the one who was obviously my daughter. Starring at her for a moment awestruck by her eyes and color of her mane, almost missing her mother and Luna standing behind her.

"Hey girls did you miss me." I said with a cheeky grin before my vision swam and I nearly fell over.

"What say you we save the sarcasm for another eve?" Luna said her voice calm and serine but her eyes full of hope, worry, and concern as she sat down beside me.

"That sounds like a grand idea Luna." I mumbled as I began to fade into sleep. "But you three better be there when I wake up"

"We will do our best Thomas." Chrysalis said, her chuckling was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Comments ( 6 )

The song fit nice we the emotions can't wait for more :raritystarry:


no I'm not random

It doesnt make you similar to someone if you can see what theyve done but not what they will do a similar fate yes not a similar person

6904601 Thomas and his captor are similar only in the sense that Faust can only see so much about there fates, that is where the similarity end.

EHHHHH! More story to read for an amazing fic please...MORE goddamit it's hard to find good stories were cryssi is ze lover of ze main character! I see it also more then a year since ya last posted...that will not do at all.

hay do continue this its a good story:pinkiesmile:

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