• Published 4th Dec 2014
  • 1,111 Views, 8 Comments

Manipulation - Crescent_Blues

Twilight, in her first fight, utterly destroys her opponents. For about five minutes. Then things take a turn for the worse. Spike gets burned and sent to the hospital, and Twilight goes into a rage for weeks on end.

  • ...

Web she weaves

It was dark. It was a little stuffy. And it was just how Twilight wanted it.

"Flashing eyes, flashing eyes, flashing eyes..." Twilight snorted and pounded her hoof on the ground." And he breathed fire...he breathed fire! Too soon...It has to be connected though!"

Twilight slammed her hooves down again and look at the pictures and notes and magi-copied texts from books pinned to her walls and linked together via-yarn. Her eyes danced between stories of creatures who changed shape and sapped love to ghost stories of ghouls to the boogie-mare on the moon. She grit her teeth and mag-copied more texts and put more holes in the walls with hers pins, snip-snip more yarn to her web.

A soft knock came from the door. Twilight whipped around looked at the wooden slab keeping her from doing her work. Twilight's door ripped open and she barked out: "What!" Before looking at the pony in front of her.

Twilight Velvet and Nightlight looked at her for a minute, both with mild fear and waves of concern in their eyes. Then her father pulled a mirror in front or her.

Twilight opened her mouth to say that wasn't a mirror, but the image moved with her. She stared at her reflection in mild horror.

Her mane was pulled back and had clumps of it sticking out here and there, dancing in her face, cover her eyes, which were red and bloodshot. There were dark bags under her eyes and parts of her coat caked with tears. She lit up her horn for a moment and cringed: her magic was a dark rose instead of her usual magenta. That seemed to worry her parents most of all.

" Twilight..." her parents stepped into the room and turned on the light. The majority of two of her walls were covered in pictures and pins and yarn, but her bed was still visible and usable. Velvet led Twilight over to the bed and sat down with her while Nightlight remained standing. " I know this hit you hard, but the doctors the Princess had to examine Spike said he would be fine. The burns will heal, sweet heart."

"But he shouldn't have breathed fire yet!" Twilight wailed. New tears trickled down her face. "Dragons don't work like that! I read every book on them! It's physically impossible! Their bodies won't let them. And then he did! It isn't scientifically possible!" Twilight's fake smile curled into a grimace as the scene replayed in her head.

" And Comet Tail's eyes! And their magic! You saw the notes!" Twilight was hyperventilating. And then she started to ramble." A squared plus B squared equals C squared, the circumference of a circle is Pi times diamet-"


Twilight looked at her father and sniffled. "I know darling. I know your scared and worried and yes we did see the notes. We believe you. But this-" he waved his hoof at her walls" isn't healthy. Your magic has gotten dark sweet heart. That certainly ins't healthy. How about we go get some ice cream and visit Spike, okay? That's about all he can eat right now anyway. Afterwards we can help you take down the yarn, put it in a box, and read you some of your Mum's new novel, okay?" He smiled at her and ruffled her mane.

The little filly rubbed her hooves together. "...Okay Daddy." She hopped off the bad and walked towards the door with her parents.

"Maybe we can even get your brother to come with us."


Twilight smiled. Everything was going to be okay. She could see Shining visit from the academy, get ice cream, go see Spike, read stories with her mom and dad . . . it would be okay. Everything would be okay.

And for once in many days, Twilight's mind was free of those burning green eyes.

Author's Note:

Wow that was a long break. Future chapters coming in snipets.

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