• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,989 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 15

“Well, I believe we won’t have any problems when Giratina is finally able to walk around the castle,” Celestia said as she walked into her room, Luna following a few steps behind. “Would you like some tea?” she offered to her sister.

“Well... I would like that,” Luna replied with a small smile. “It will keep me from looming over Giri as he sleeps. I do NOT need him snarking about that.”

A light chuckle rolled out of Celestia’s throat. “No, you don’t, but speaking of Giratina, I wish to talk to you about that.” Her horn lit up and brought over a teapot and two cups.

“You cannot talk me out of being with him Tia,” Luna said flatly. They’d had that discussion once or twice before.

“I wouldn’t dare to think of doing so Luna,” Celestia replied as she poured the tea and offered a cup to Luna. “However, I would like to urge you not to go too fast on catching up with him. I am happy that the two of you are finally together again, but the last thing that needs to happen is for you to basically crawl underneath him and-”

“Tia!” Luna exclaimed with a furious blush. “I would never do that!” Celestia gave the younger alicorn a slightly disbelieving raise of her eyebrow. “... I would never do that anymore...” Luna corrected herself, blushing further. “It’s hardly my fault that he usually shows up in my once a century Heat Cycle... which he thankfully avoided this time.”

“Still, the two of you should take this a bit slower,” Celestia suggested, taking a sip of her tea. “It has been a long time for the both of you, and Giratina seemed to be here for a different accord than normal.”

“Yes, I believe that from what Twilight told me, the Bearer of the Element of Honesty has been trapped within his world,” Luna replied with a small frown. “Applejack is amongst Giratina’s friends but eager to return home.”

“Mostly because of that doppelganger that fought him,” Celestia said with a small frown. “I am assuming you are going to help Giratina in finding a way back to his home and bringing back Applejack?”

Luna just gave her a flat little smile by way of answer. Of course I am. She thought to herself.

The elder alicorn simply nodded her head. “Just making sure my dear sister. I will just have to take care of your court duties during your absence then.”

Luna closed her eyes and looked down as that occurred to her. “Sister... I would not ask you to do this for me lightly. I know that you will say yes ahead of time but...” She looked up at Celestia and opened her eyes. “Know that I do not plan to make this a habit.”

Celestia turned her head to fully face at Luna with a warm smile. “Sister, I do not mind the extra work, and knowing that you are happy and with the one you love is good enough cause for your leave of absence. It’s a far better one than during the last thousand years of your imprisonment.”

The blue mare smiled and leaned over to nuzzle Celestia. “Thank you sister.”

“It is no problem my little sister,” the white mare said with a small chuckle.

Luna smiled. “Still, it needs to be said. You have done a great deal of lifting on my account and this is yet another one.”

“Only because that what older sisters should do... and part of it because I expect you do the same whenever I decide to take a vacation,” Celestia replied, teasing a bit at the end as she took another sip of her tea.

A soft look touched Luna’s face before she nodded. “Have no fear, when you need me to be there for you, I will,” Luna said with a smile. “Always.”

The white mare smiled and nuzzled her sister. “Thank you Luna... now, you should get the rest of your duties done and prepare your room for Giratina's visit. Don’t want him to get the idea that you’re a messy mare,” she teased once more with a jesting smile.

Luna rolled her eyes and her horn glowed, swatting Celestia on the rear with a bit of magic. “The mere implication that my room is messy.” She said, faux snootiness in every word as she rose to her hooves.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Well at least make sure the sound cancellation wards are recast; I don’t want to explain why there were loud screa-”

“Tia!” she exclaimed, blushing again. “Weren’t you the one who just told me NOT to do that sort of thing?”

“Yes, but that was more of doing it right away the next time you meet him, and I do know you my little sister,” Celestia said with a coy smile. “Catch up first, and if he’s willing, feel free to truly ‘catch up’. Just make sure the wards are strongly cast okay?”

Luna blushed crimson again and then nodded. “Knowledgable as ever...” she said with a roll of her eyes.

Celestia shrugged her wing slightly. “Hey, we are sisters, I’m entitled to poke a bit of fun with you.”

“So long as you let me return the favor, thunder thighs,” Luna replied with a wicked smirk.

“Hey, my thighs are just the right shape you know,” Celestia said with a small chuckle. “And besides, don’t tell me you can’t resist eating strawberry cake now and then.”

Luna just smiled. “True, though I’ve never taken it to such err... extremes,” she raised an eyebrow at Celestia.

Celestia looked at her flatly. “...I’ll have you know, I do a fair enough amount exercise afterwards. Besides, after a long day of court hearing the drone of nobles, eating a whole cake is far more entertaining.”

“Whatever you say sister,” Luna replied, chuckling softly. “I’m off to finish up my duties, I’ll see you... whenever I happen to see you again.”

Celestia nodded her head. “Farewell then.”

Luna gave her a little joking half bow and then left, a smile on her face. Celestia shook her head slightly and took another sip of her tea and let out a small sigh. Ahhh... things are about to turn a bit more normal after a long time...

Giratina stood beside the medical bed he’d slept in over the night and was stretching out his body. “Ugh.... I haven’t been this stiff in... well, forever really,” he commented to himself as the feeling of bones cracking echoed in his ear. After once final crack of a stiff part in his neck, he turned and made his way to the door, opening and stepping through.

He ran face first into Luna. “Omph,” the mare grunted before chuckling. “You know it’s a cliche way to meet when WE first met each other doing something similar.”

The changeling shook his head slightly and chuckled lightly. “Yes... though this isn’t a cave and we’re not flinging attacks at one another,” he replied with a small smile.

“True, and I must say, I’m very grateful for that,” Luna replied before she gave him a loving nuzzle, doing her best to feed him. “So how are you feeling?”

“Better, a lot better,” he replied with a short nod of his head, and letting out a short sigh as the feeling of her love filling him. “Still a bit stiff from sleeping in a bed for over twenty-four hours, but nothing a little walking around can’t fix.”

“Well then why don’t I show you the castle?” Luna replied with a smile. “After all, you’ve never been to this one.”

“Technically... I only saw it from the outside a couple of times I’ve visited to check up on you,” Giratina said with a small nod of his head. “But I would rather like to resume in finding out who attacked me and possib-”

“Later.” It was not a suggestion, it was a direct order. She eyed him warningly.

Giratina meet her gaze with a frown and closed his eyes, letting out sigh. “Alright... but let’s do this as fast as possible, please.”

“It’s a tour Giri, I can’t rush it,” Luna said as she put a wing across his back and drew him closer to her warm furred side. “Besides, can you really say that you’ll regret spending more time with me out of my armor?”

“.....not really,” he replied, leaning a bit more into her side as his mind recalled the feeling it hadn’t felt in a very long time. He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Luna... I’m just worried that whoever is behind this could be targeting Matt and Roxanne I... don’t want to lose them.”

Luna was silent for a moment before she pressed her neck against his. “I’m sure they will be fine Giri,” she said quietly. “And this may sound incredibly selfish of me... but I just want some time with you after all this... time.”

“I know... so do I... I just wish it was at a better time,” the changeling said with another sigh, leaning a bit more against the mare’s body. “Don’t get me wrong Luna, I love you with all of my heart, but I owe Matt and Roxanne a lot for what they did. If they did get hurt or even... die, I don’t know how I could ever really... forgive myself.”

“You love so much,” she said softly. “And it’s something that would surprise many... but not me.” She nuzzled his cheek with her own. “Because I know that beneath those armored sides, you have a big heart Giri.” She kissed him. “I just... I ask for a single night with you, it does not even require us to make love... I just want to remember what it was like to have you there beside me.”

Giratina remained silent for a moment as he looked down at the mare’s teal eyes. “...alright, for you... my lovely moon.” He leaned down to kiss her lovingly, putting aside the idea of resisting any longer.

Luna’s eyes sparked with joy as she kissed him back deeply and he felt another large flow of love work its way into his system before she broke the kiss, a little breathless. “I guess you really did... miss me,” she said with a large smile. Then she shook her head and used her magic to straighten her mane, wing still clutching his side tightly. “Well then, let’s go see the castle shall we?”

“Let’s,” the changeling agreed with a soft smile, nuzzling her once.

The tour was winding down and while Giratina had noticed that he was getting curious looks from both the Guards and the castle’s residents, none of them looked frightened or afraid of him. In retrospect, that might have been because Luna hadn’t taken her wing off of his side the entire time. He paid them and their looks no mind and just continued to focus on Luna as she described the part of the castle they were in.

“And finally we’re approaching my bedro-” Luna paused as she saw the stallion who was waiting for them outside her door. He had white fur and a blonde mane, held aloft in a golden magical glow was rather lovely looking cake.

“Auntie Luna,” the stallion said with a smile. “I was just beginning to think that I would have to put this cake in the refrigerator.”

Luna smiled. “Oh, Blueblood, that was very kind of you,” she said with a nod of her head. “Giri, this is my darling nephew Prince Blueblood.”

Giratina raised an eyebrow as he looked at the unicorn. “Nephew?” he asked, giving a small questioningly look at Luna.

“Auntie Tia adopted me when I was a foal,” Blueblood said, walking forwards, delicious smelling cake floating beside his head all the way. “My parents had... well they’d fallen sick and she’d come to our bakery that day and saw me working by myself.” The stallion sounded sad but it was clear that he’d long ago come to terms with the way of things. “At any rate, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Giri was it?”

“Giratina,” the changeling corrected, raising a hoof for a shake. “And it’s nice to meet you too Blueblood.” He glanced at the cake. “I’m guessing it’s been freshly baked?”

“Ah, my mistake,” Blueblood said before shaking his hoof. “And yes, I’d heard that a friend of Auntie Luna’s was sent to the hospital and had been seen up and about so I baked up a quick little cake.” He looked over Giratina. “Though I’m afraid I don’t know if it’ll do a changeling any good.”

“To be honest, I don’t know either,” Giratina said with a small frown at the thought if he could still eat food.

“I believe we discovered that you could long ago,” Luna told him, nudging him with her hips. “And even he can’t, it’s still a lovely thought, thanks you Blueblood.” She bent down and gave the blonde stallion a nuzzle before taking the cake from his magic. “Thank you.”

“Yes, thank you,” Giratina added with a polite bow of his head.

“You’re both very welcome,” Blueblood said with a smile, returning the nuzzle before taking a step away. “Ah well, time to go see what the other nobles are gossiping about now, most likely you two to be honest but it’s good to keep an ear to the ground with them, heh.”

“Indeed,” Luna agreed, giving him a mock salute. “Stay safe, Prince.”

He chuckled and gave her a mock salute of his own. “And yourself, Princess.” With that and another chuckle, he walked off.

“What a dear,” Luna said once he was far enough away not to hear.

“He seems like a nice fellow,” Giratina commented. “I guess Celestia knows best on choosing who to be her adopted son.”

“She always has been good at choosing family, myself being the exception I suppose,” Luna agreed as she pushed open the door to reveal her room.

Its walls were a light blue that got darker the closer to the ceiling they got until they became a steady black, small ‘stars’ were painted within the darkness forming the constellations. A bookshelf took up one of those walls, well dusted with the books protected by glass. A few other odds and ends lay about the room though it was clear that the only things Luna really cared for were the bookshelf and the neatly made, alicorn sized bed with light blue sheets attop it.

“I see your book collection is as strong as ever,” Giratina said with a small chuckle.

“Indeed, please let me know if any of the titles interest you, the glass is enchanted to... dissuade ponies from trying to open it,” she said with a small blush as she set Blueblood’s cake down on the bedside table and used her magic to cut a small slice. She took a bite of the chocolate cake and smiled. “Mmmm, good little baker.”

Giratina raised an eyebrow at her. “Dissuade huh?” he asked with a small chuckle as he walked up to one of the shelves and began to scan through the titles. “What do you do, give them embarrassing dreams?”

“No of course not, that would be an abuse of my power,” she replied. “No, it shocks them.”

Giratina rolled his eyes slightly. “It was just a joke, though I mostly made it of how you reminding me that I can ‘eat’.” He glanced up at her. “To be fair, I was mostly still a ‘ghost’ at the time, and anything that entered into me mostly just got... absorbed to put it lightly.”

Luna shrugged and finished her slice before cutting off another small one and sending it over to a fridge hidden in the corner and gently placing it within it. “Oh well, it was still a lovely gesture by Blueblood.”

“Indeed, and he seemed to be a bit more... above par compared to some of the other nobles I’ve seen around the castle,” he noted as he walked back towards Luna. “He didn’t stick his nose high in the air at the sight of me.”

“Idiots just don’t know how lovely you smell and how to appreciate it,” Luna stated slyly, leaning over to nuzzle him.

The changeling chuckle lightly. “Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason why they do it,” he said with a small shake of his head.

Luna chuckled as well before looking him over. “Odd question but have you gotten taller?” she asked as he sat down beside her on the edge of the bed.

He frowns slightly as he quickly judged their heights. “I... really don’t know, I thought I was always taller than you?”

“You were... you just seem a little bit more now,” she said, frowning faintly. “And... well you seem more powerful too.”

Giratina gave her questioning look. “More powerful? How can you possibly figure that out?”

“I don’t know... you feel more like your father,” she confessed with a small frown. “But that could just be my imagination.”

Giratina scoffed lightly. “Maybe... it has been a while since we’ve been together like this, you’re probably just picking up something you never noticed before till now.”

“Yes, that’s probably it,” she agreed with a chuckle. “Sorry to worry you Giri, I know you’d prefer to have nothing to do with him.”

“Hmm... it’s hard to do considering I’m his oldest son.” The changeling shakes his head. “Still, the tour around the castle was... good. This places looks a lot bigger that it seems to be.”

“I’ve noticed that as well, I have looked into it multiple times but Tia will not tell me what spell she used to do it,” Luna agreed with a small shake of her head.

“I guess your sister needs to keep some secrets away from you huh?” he said with a small chuckle.

“I suppose,” she agreed with a small chuckle as she leaned against him, a sense of true love filling him from just the gesture alone. “Anything more you’d like to say to me Giri?” she asked, her horn glowing as she closed her eyes. “Because I’m moving the moon.”

“Hehe... well, I guess I can say... thank you.” Giratina lowered his head to nuzzle the back of her head. “I can tell how much you miss me and how happy you are to see me thanks to the constant love you’re feeding me with... I wish I could return the gesture.”

“Just having you with me is enough,” Luna said with a soft smile as she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Unless you’d like to see if you can’t find another way.”

A small smirk cross the changeling’s lips. “Maybe... though I might be a bit rusty on the technique of doing so.”

“Hey, we’ve got all night,” Luna replied, nuzzling him. “And tomorrow we leave to see if we can’t track down this doppelganger and run my sword through his chest.”

“Heheh, ah, my little moon,” Giratina said, moving his head away to look at her with a smile. “Pretty as the rays that shines off her, but has thorns like a rose.”

“I like to think that my Greatsword is a bit more potent than a thorn my dear Giri,” she replied, smirking before she kissed him on the lips. “But that was still a lovely thing to say.”

He shrugged his wings lightly. “Thanks, I tried my best. After all, I did say I am a bit rusty,” he said with a smile. He then crawled a bit closer to her. “So, how about we work on taking a bit of that rust off?” he ask, leaning forward for a kiss.

Luna just leaned into the kiss, the fleeting feeling of having forgotten something in the back of her mind as she deepened it.