• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,730 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

  • ...

Part 5: I Am Sorry

A Blind Delight
Part 5: I Am Sorry

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor awoke with the feeling of warmth in his chest. "Cursed sun how dare you wake me with your warmth." He muttered getting to his feet. He felt sick to his stomach and all around groggy after his drinking binge with Cloudkicker.

"Good to see your awake Trevor." Cloudkicker said walking into the room. "I made breakfast if you want any." He nodded taking hold of her hand.

"I didn't count the stairs last night mind helping me out?" Trevor smiled to her not seeing her blush like crazy.

"S-sure it's the least I can do after you carried me up here last night." She gently squeezed his hand moving down the stairs counting out the stairs as she descended them. "So Trevor how did you know which room was mine?"

"I listened when you went to your room yesterday and made a judgement call on which one it was." He said with a shrug Cloudkicker face-palmed laughing.

"You are the craziest stallion I have ever met Trevor." Trevor soon joined her laughter unable to control his mirth.

"I'm not a stallion Cloudkicker I am a human." Cloudkicker stopped at the Table helping Trevor into a chair.

Cloudkicker took her own seat smiling to Trevor. "Why do I find him so interesting he is only another stallion yet he is so different. Almost like an exotic animal." She reached across the table placing her hand on top of his only for his hand to twitch at the touch.

"Cloudkicker what are you doing?" Trevor asked calmly. She smiled brushing her thumb against his knuckles feeling how rough they were.

"Trevor what does the world look like to you?" She asked continuing to pet his knuckles. "How do you see the world?"

"I don't see the corruption of the outside world the ugliness of people I see what everything truly is." He loosened his hand smiling. "I see peoples hearts and the beauty of the world without it being tainted by sight." She ceased her petting standing up slowly.

"So what do you see in me?" She asked walking over to him.

"I see a woman who wishes to be recognized not for what she does or what she is but for Who she is on the inside. A sweet innocent girl who loves those around her dearly and will fight tooth and nail to protect what she believes. That is what I see in you Cloudkicker." He held his hand out to her which she took gently placing against her cheek. Trevor felt a wetness on her face. "Come now dry those tears a beautiful woman should not cry she should smile." Cloudkicker let out a shaky giggle. "Much better never let your smile waiver."

"Dammit Trevor, you sure have a way with words." Trevor raised his other hand patting her on the shoulder.

"Mother always said I could see what couldn't be seen."

"Well I guess your mother is a very intelligent mare." Cloudkicker smiled lowering his hand from her cheek holding it tenderly.

"Do you think you can help me today I need to go visit Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy today. Sadly I don't know where they live and can't really see if I'm close." He scratched the back of his head slightly embarrassed with having to ask for help.

"Sure but why do you need to visit them?" Trevor sighed knowing that lying would only cause more trouble.

"I need to apologize for how I acted towards them yesterday that is all." Cloudkicker squeezed his hand gently before she began to lead him to the door.

"We can eat while we are out let's go do this now." Trevor nodded following Cloudkicker out of the home into town and towards their first destination.


Cloudkicker and Trevor arrived at Twilight's library with the door being closed and a sign on it. "Warning: Studying In Progress DO NOT DISTURB!" Cloudkicker read out with a raised eyebrow.

"Allow me." Trevor said knocking on the door gently. The door was suddenly thrown open with a very angry looking Twilight her eyes glowing white.

"CAN YOU NOT READ THE SIGN!?" She yelled scaring Cloudkicker but leaving Trevor un-phased.

"Twilight lower your voice I am right in front of you." Twilight's eyes returned to normal but she continued to glare at him. "Also I am blind can't read the sign. to save my life." Twilight let out a sigh of anger.

"Can I help you Trevor?" She asked pinching the bridge of her nose. "I am very busy right now so please make this quick." Trevor nodded before he bowed to Twilight.

"I am deeply sorry for the way I acted last night and the trouble I had caused you and your friends." He did not stand until he finished his apology.

"I appreciate your apology yet I am not the one you need to apologize to." She crossed her arms annoyed. "Go to Applejack next she is the one you need to talk to." Trevor nodded turning away hearing the door slam shut.

"That could have gone better." Cloudkicker said with a sigh.

"Yea and I'm blind." Trevor sounded disappointed as can be. "Let's just finish this day up so I can slam my head into pulp against a very hard wall."

"I suggest a drink tonight instead of head trauma." Trevor nodded as she led him to Applejack's orchard.


Trevor began to smell the faint smell of apples in the air. He knew he was near an orchard but at the same time he felt very out of place in the area. "How much farther Cloudkicker?" He asked listening close to his surroundings.

"We just entered the property line for Sweet Apple Acres Applejack should be around here somewhere." Trevor nodded but froze when he heard a strange sound.

"What's that sound?" He asked stopping shifting his head towards the sound. "Sound's like a hammer on wood." He said slightly confused.

"Your probably hearing Applejack or her brother apple-bucking." Trevor turned to her with a puzzled look. "They kick the trees to make the ripe apples fall from the trees."

"Sounds ineffective and painful." He said walking towards the noise. Cloudkicker followed him keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

The sound of kicking got louder as they continued deeper into the orchard. Trevor froze when the thumping stopped. A loud whistling was heard coming towards Trevor to late for him to dodge as the object slammed into his face breaking his glasses and knocking him back onto the ground. "TREVOR!" Cloudkicker yelled kneeling down to him to see if he was alright. Blood was streaming out of his nose his eyes wide open.

"Ow. Fuck..." Was all he said sitting up rubbing his head. "What the hell hit me in the face?" He asked placing his hand on his face.

"It was an apple from what I saw."

"WHAT IN TARTARUS ARE YOU DOING ON MY PROPERTY!?" Applejack yelled stomping forward to Trevor. "COME HERE TO FINISH THE JOB?!" Trevor looked towards the yelling.

"Applejack what in Tartarus are you doing attacking Trevor like that?" She asked standing between Trevor and the angry Applejack.

"This Varmint right here tried to kill me yesterday drawing his blade on me and everything." She pushed past Cloudkicker grabbing Trevor by his shirt lifting him to his feet. "I have the right to protect my property from a monster." She reeled her fist back before slamming it into Trevor's face which in turn put him back on the ground.

Cloudkicker grabbed Applejack from behind locking her arms. "Enough Applejack he didn't come here to fight he came to apologize to you." Cloudkicker swept Applejack's feet out from under her forcing both of them to the ground. They both struggle to restrain and to get out of the restraint.

"Cloudkicker let her go." Trevor said standing up slowly. His eyes were already turning black from the earlier hit.

"But Trevor she attacked you if I let her go she will attack yo-"

"LIEUTENANT CLOUDKICKER!" Trevor boomed suddenly making both Cloudkicker and Applejack jump at the volume. "I said let her go." Trevor said his voice low and dangerous.

Cloudkicker released Applejack backing away from her. Applejack rose to her feet warry of what Trevor was going to do. "I let her go Trevor just be careful." He nodded.

"What now monster?" Applejack asked angrily.

"First off enough of that shit calling me a monster I am a person just like you so treat me like one." Applejack listened her glare not leaving her face. "Secondly I am not here to fight you, hurt you, or kill you. I just want to talk." He raised his hands showing he meant no harm.

"Drop the cane and I will believe you." Applejack said calmly.

"Cloudkicker." Trevor called to her she snapped her of fingers in response. He tossed his cane towards the noise. "Keep it safe it's all I have." Cloudkicker caught it holding onto it tightly.

"You have three minutes." Applejack said but was surprised to see Trevor drop down to his knees bowing his head low to her.

"I have tainted my blade with the blood of the innocent and can only beg for your forgiveness for the pain I have caused you." He knew how humiliating this was for him but it was part of the code. "So please Applejack can you ever forgive me for my ignorance and violence?"

"I will on one condition." Trevor nodded listening to her condition. "Forgive me for blowing my top like that."

"Already in the past Applejack I am not a vengeful man towards my friends." Trevor stood up losing his bearings. "Cloudkicker?" He asked hearing her walk forward handing him his cane. "Thank you I felt so lost without her." He smiled taking hold of her hand.

"You should probably go to Fluttershy and get that looked at" Applejack said rubbing the back of her head. "Still sorry about hitting you."

"Don't worry about it I barely even felt it." He lied placing his hands against his left eye feeling the pain jump across his entire face.

"Go now and get that looked at before it get's worse." Applejack said looking at Cloudkicker. "Can you fly him there?"

"Of course." Cloudkicker wrapped her arms around Trevor's chest. "Hang on tight." Trevor did just that as Cloudkicker took off into the air Trevor holding on for dear life.


When Cloudkicker finally landed Trevor was still holding on tightly. "Trevor I know you like my body but you can let go now." Cloudkicker said giggling. Trevor let go listening to his surroundings.

"Next time can we walk I have no bearing of which way to go now?" He heard a door close gently behind him which made him glance over instinctively towards the noise. Cloudkicker took hold of his hand moving him forward towards the sound he heard. Cloudkicker knocked gently on the door it was so faint Trevor barely even heard it.

The door let out a soft squeak as it opened a crack. "H-hello?" Fluttershy asked looking out to see Cloudkicker and then noticed Trevor. "Oh my goodness what happened to you Trevor?" She asked placing a hand on his face he winced at the touch.

"Well Fluttershy the thing is-" Cloudkicker began when Trevor cut her off.

"I fell into a set of stairs face-first I broke my glasses in the process." He lied as if it was what actually happened. Cloudkicker was shocked that he was covering for Applejack.

"You poor thing come inside and I will see what I can do." Trevor nodded being led into the home to a couch where he sat down feeling the homeliness of Fluttershy's home. "Wait here as I go get my things."

"Thank you Fluttershy." Trevor said smiling to her.

A few minutes later Trevor's eyes were wrapped up in gauze keeping them closed. "It should be fully healed in a few days until then please leave the wrapping on." Fluttershy cleaned her hands calmly. "So Trevor can you tell me what really happened to you?" She asked strangely calm.

"I fell into a set of stairs that's what happened." Trevor turned towards her smiling. "So please Fluttershy drop it if you will." She stared at him before realizing that the "Stare" would not work. She sighed drying off her hands.

"So how do your eyes feel?"

"Well I still can't see but the pain has left my eyes and face so better I guess." Trevor shrugged smiling.

"Well then it's better than just leaving how your eye looked before." Cloudkicker said with a short laugh.

Trevor stood slowly holding his cane in his hands he bowed towards Fluttershy. "Thank you very much for helping me. I also apologize for my actions yesterday evening it was out of character of me."

"Think nothing of it Trevor you were just protecting yourself." She smiled sweetly towards him. "Don't hesitate to come back and visit... If you don't mind me saying."

"Of course I will come back to visit. Sadly I must leave I have a few more people to speak with before night comes." He turned towards Cloudkicker smiling. "Let's go find Rainbow Dash." Trevor said grabbing her hand gently. "Let's walk this time flying is not for the blind." Cloudkicker let out a nervous laugh before tightening her grip on Trevor's hand. She smiled with a gentle blush gracing her cheeks before they walked out of the home towards a field. This action was picked up by Fluttershy who smiled happily for the two.


The meeting with Rainbow Dash went as expected. They found her napping on a cloud high above a field. At first she was crabby about being awoken but when Trevor apologized he got the response he knew he was going to get."

"Hey Applejack is hot headed sometimes and jumps the shark at times. So don't worry about it as long as my friends forgive you I will to."

That left two more people to speak to. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both for some reason made Trevor nervous on how they would react. Pinkie might just brush it away like Rainbow did or she might go ballistic about it. Rarity could either be calm and intelligent about the whole thing or be extremely upset about the whole thing.

Trevor swallowed nervously on his way to Pinkie's Cloudkicker at the front. "You have been really quiet since we left Fluttershy's are you nervous?" Trevor only nodded. "Why it's just Pinkie Pie?"

"That's what I'm afraid of." Trevor said with a shiver.

They opened the door to Sugar Cube Corner Trevor could feel the eyes of a certain pink pony upon him. He gulped a little more than afraid for what was in store.

"Trevor it's so good to see you after what happened yesterday how are you I'm fine by the way what happened to your face you look like a mummy are you getting ready for nightmare night that is so cool why didn't I think of that I guess we should get started on costumes would you like a cupcake?" Pinkie said seeming to not need to breathe during the entire long winded speech.

"Uhhhhhhh... Sure?" Trevor asked only to feel a soft pastry being shoved into his mouth.

"So what did you come here for to apologize to me?" She asked grinning. Trevor swallowed the pastry gasping for breath.

"Yes but how did you know that?"

"The Author has been thinking about how I would react to you apologizing to me the entire time he has been at work so I came up with my own response." She looked off in a random direction. "Sorry but you took to long Mr. Author." Trevor raised an eyebrow at Pinkie he was about to ask what she was talking about when a voice in his head whispered to him.

(Drop it Comrade it's better you don't know.)

Trevor heeded the voice's warning and just shrugged it off.

"Any-who I accept your apology Trevor we are friends after all. Now hurry along Rarity is waiting for you and Mr. Author has to leave work soon." Trevor opened his mouth to say something but shut it after rethinking about it.

"Ok Pinkie we will see you some other time." Cloudkicker said leading Trevor out of the bakery. Next stop Rarity's.

The walk to Rarity's was a little quiet with Trevor only asking a few questions about his surrounds or how everything looked in Cloudkicker's eyes. "The clouds look perfect today almost like they are made of cotton." Trevor smiled still holding her hand. "We are here Trevor are you ready?" Trevor nodded slowly taking a deep breath.

Trevor knocked on her door. "Coming~." A voice said on the other side of the door. The door opened with Rarity smiling then it vanished when she saw Trevor. "Oh my Celestia, Trevor what happened to you?" She looked towards Cloudkicker looking for answers.

"I fell into a set of stairs breaking my glasses in the process last night. I went to Fluttershy's today and got it all fixed." He smiled to Rarity.

"Besides that Darling come inside we need to talk." They way Rarity said that he felt off.

As Cloudkicker helped him into the boutique they took a seat on the couch. Rarity brought in a tea set setting down a cup of tea in front of Trevor and Cloudkicker. "What happened yesterday?" Cloudkicker asked confused both Trevor and Rarity lowered their heads.

"After the spa Trevor had a breakdown I'm not sure what all happened before I saw him outside the locker room. All I know is that he was very angry and sad." Rarity said looking to Cloudkicker.

"But Trevor stormed out of the Hot Spring for some reason I don't know why." Trevor picked up the tea cup slowly taking a sip silently.

"Trevor?" Rarity asked only for him to set down his cup.

"I will not speak about the reason why I stormed out. All I know is I thought you were trying to make a move on me. Just so you could make fun of me." Trevor said calmly.

"I'm sorry Trevor." Cloudkicker said calmly taking hold of his hand which he squeezed gently.

"It's ok I'm still damaged is all and will take sometime to get over but it will happen." Rarity watched the two taking notice of something. Cloudkicker was smiling and blushing while she watched Trevor. She smiled slyly.

"Cloudkicker do you mind if I speak with you for a minute?" Rarity asked seeing both of them perk up at her speaking.

"Um sure I don't see a problem with that." Cloudkicker rose to her feet letting go of Trevor's hand. She followed Rarity up the stairs to her work room. When the door closed Rarity turned towards Cloudkicker.

"So Cloudkicker do you have feelings for Trevor?" Rarity asked with a smile. Cloudkicker blushed madly at the question.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Rarity." She looked away trying to hide her blush.

"Oh come now darling I can see your practically head over hooves in love with him. I do have to say he is quite the catch but are you just trying to lay with him or do you want something more?" Cloudkicker scratched the back of her head nervously. "So what did he do to tame you like this?" Rarity asked placing her hands on her hips smiling.

"We just talked last night about standard things like past loves and everything." She pressed her fingertips together nervously. "He also talked about what he saw in people and explained the real me to the letter." Rarity smiled sweetly to her. "He is such a sweet guy and I am so sorry for him everyone treated him like dirt for a disability he didn't want." Her hands clenched into fists. "But he is such a good guy why would they treat him like that." Rarity placed a hand on Cloudkicker's shoulder.

"It's ok Darling." Rarity said calmly before wrapping her in a gentle hug. "Just don't lose him and keep him safe." Cloudkicker nodded before there was a scream coming from downstairs. Cloudkicker and Rarity rushed out of the room to see a little foal in the corner of the room and Trevor on the other side of the couch holding his cane tightly.

"Trevor what is going on?" Cloudkicker asked Trevor looked towards her.

"I don't know someone screamed I hopped the couch." Trevor said shakily.

"Sweetie Bell." Rarity said walking down the stairs towards the small foal. "It's ok that's Trevor he is a friend it's ok." She hugged her sister calming her. Cloudkicker helped Trevor to his feet.

"Who is Sweetie Bell?" Trevor asked looking towards Where he last heard Rarity speak.

"Sweetie Bell is Rarity's little sister." Trevor's ears perked up to that.

"Can she come over here for a second I would like to meet her?" Trevor knelt down.

Rarity helped her sister up walking her towards Trevor. "It's ok Sweetie Bell he is not going to hurt you." Rarity said in a soothing tone. "Just tell him when you are in front of him so he knows." Sweetie Bell nodded stopping in front of him.

"Hello Mr. Trevor." She said almost completely shy of him.

"Hello Sweetie Bell." He extended his hand out to her which she took hesitantly. "How old are you Sweetie Bell?" He asked continuing to smile.

"I am 11 years old." She was opening up to him albeit slowly.

"Really now my sister is 11 as well are as much of a trouble maker as she is?" He asked joking with her.

"No I'm a good kid."

"That's what she would say to me as well although she would get into trouble all the time." Sweetie Bell giggled.

"What is your sister's name?" Trevor froze remembering that he will never see her again.

"Her name is Sara and she was very pretty."

"Ok Sweetie Bell go upstairs and play." Sweetie nodded to her sister running upstairs to play. Trevor stood placing his hands on the bandages where his eyes would be. "You ok Trevor?" Rarity asked.

"Yes just remembered I'm no longer home and won't see her ever again." Cloudkicker grabbed his hand gently. "I'm alright." He sighed sniffing once. "Can we go back to your house Cloudkicker?"

"Of course Trevor." Cloudkicker began leading him out of of the boutique.

"I am sorry for yesterday Rarity."

"It's ok Darling just please be safe from now on please for Cloudkicker." Trevor looked back to her with a raised eyebrow.

"I will Rarity." Trevor smiled leaving the boutique returning to Cloudkicker's home.

Author's Note:

Long chapter is LONG! People might not like this chapter but it has to go up anyway so thank you again for reading. I will continue to update every week.