• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

Dissing Discord (or Terrorizing Talantilo)


Stan flew through the air without a care in Equestria. His wings took him to places he never knew, which was everywhere. He flew all around Canterlot, not paying attention to anything ecept-

“WHOA *Hick*...Look at that size of that white orb.” Stan took a sip from his bottle of booze, that he had found in a trash can a little while ago, and stared intently at the moon. “It’s so...white...just like that one horse…”

He snickered and pulled out the poster of her he had taken from Carl. “Hehe, oh, she’ll be even MORE white when I’m done… and when she’s done, and when I finished...off that drink she would give me… and I’d be like…’hey girl, don’t be down. Ya just gotta get up and fly with the air in the wind’ yeah...that’s what I would say…” He then immediately stopped flying and started falling down.


“So, is there a reason why you brought me out here?”

Discord laughed a bit. “Oh, just to...show you around.”

Fluttershy giggled. She knew that he had no idea what he was doing, and neither did she, but a date is probably pretty awkward the first time, so to her, it was fine.

“Around the garden?” Fluttershy let go of his neck and pointed ahead.

“Y-yeah.” Discord nodded. “To the gardens, that’s exactly why I brought you here. Yup, I totally know what I’m doing.”

Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. “So what now?”

Discord looked around and shrugged. “We can just...lay down.” He awkwardly laid his body down on the grass, leaving Fluttershy to fly in he air.

“Um...Do you mind if I?” Fluttershy blushed and pointed at his back.

Discord blushed back. He knew she asked to just ‘lay down’ on him, but to him...it was making his mind go in the gutter.

“I-I just wanna lay down is all. Wings get tired too you know.” Fluttershy rubbed her arm and looked down “This is so awkward.” She thought.

Discord decided that now would be a good time to just get this over with and start. “Sure, just..uh, pick a spot and sit.” Fluttershy smiled and glided down to his back. She carefully placed her hooves on his body and laid down. Discord adjusted himself so they could see one another without him craning his neck so much. “Comfy?”

“Y-yeah...um...so want do-” Her ear twitched, making her stand in attention. “Did you hear something?”

Discord took a direct approach and caressed her hair. “Just your beautiful voice Shy”

Fluttershy giggled. She was starting to get more comfortable with all of this. Even though it was a bit weird with him being bigger and all.

Her ear twitched again. “Can’t you hear that Dissy?”

Discord chuckled. “Dissy...how cute.” He thought. “I’m telling you Fluttershy, all I hear is a cute little pony resting on me.”

Fluttershy laughed. “You’re so corny Discord.”

Discord started to get worried. Did he come on too strong? “That’s not a bad thing...Right?” He looked up at her with innocent eyes.

Fluttershy waved her hoof in the air. “Of course it’s not Dissy, I find it a little adorable.”

Discord raised an eye. “Really? And why is that?”

Fluttershy tapped her chin and stood up. “Not sure why I find it cute, maybe it’s the way you talk. It’s so...so...lovely.”

“But not as Lovely as you my dear.” Discord started adjusting himself again. He wrapped his tail around Fluttershy and raised her in the air while he laid on his back.

Fluttershy yelped. “T-that tickled Dissy.” She laughed a bit as Discord continued holding her.

“I just want to get a better view of my love.” He stopped twirling her around and placed her on his stomach.

Fluttershy stopped laughing and looked into his eyes. Yellow or not, they were still beautiful to her. “You know Discord. This is pretty fun.”

Discord smiled, he had to admit, even though her eyes were bigger than normal, they were still pretty cute. “Well...I guess it is...I mean, I would have more fun doing ca-”



“OW” Discord rolled over and held his face in pain while Fluttershy shot into the air. “What the-” He looked up to see the most ugliest creature he had ever laid eyes on. “A changeling!? What are you doing here?”

“A changeling?” Fluttershy landed on the floor and held one of her hooves to her chest.

At that moment. The changeling got his head out of the ground and took a swig from a bottle that somehow still had liquid in it. He staggered a bit and looked at Discord. “Why hello deep and dark fear of mine, *hick* how you doin’? Hows your pony snack? She in your belly yet?”

“W-what?” Discord back up from this weird creature. “What are you talking about changeling?”

The changeling walked backwards until it was next to Fluttershy. “Oh come on senjor, surely you hypnotized this little mare so you could eat her.” The changeling turned to Fluttershy and belched. “Right?”

Fluttershy pushed him off. “What are you talking about, he hasn’t-”

“Don’t play...play Yazzie with me mare. I know for a single fact that you have eyes that swirl in your head because” Stan grabbed Fluttershy’s head and turned it to Discord. “THAT! creature right there has entered your mind so he could...could...uh….what did he do again?”

Fluttershy shoved the changeling to the ground and ran up to Discord. “What is he talking about Dissy?”

Discord was getting embarrassed. This bug was making him look like a bad guy again. And he wasn’t! “I-I-I don’t-”

“OH yeah! You wanted to make it so that she could fall in love with you and..” The changeling started hugging himself in a suggestive manner and making “mwah” sounds.

They both blushed and looked at each other. “I-I-I.” Discord didn’t know what to say to that. This changeling was talking about things that were not true, it was starting to bug him...no pun intended.

The changeling stopped and smiled. “And when you’re done with that, you would...um...you would...” The changeling had to think about how he would demonstrate this creature eating the smaller one. He finally had the idea and slowly held up his hoof, licking one of the holes in it while moaning.

Discord dropped his jaw, Fluttershy yelped, and a puking noise was heard in the distant bushes. “MMmhhhhh, and then you would swallow it whole while Mmmhhh-ing, and then you would-”

“ENOUGH!” Discord flew up to him and grabbed his throat. “You ugly little-”

“Are you gonna do that to me now?” The changeling stop smiling and tilted his head.

Fluttershy backed up. “A-are you?” Discord turned around to see Fluttershy on the verge of tears.

“Shy? You don’t actually-”

“I’m warning you right now El Talantilerobaliro, I so do not taste as good as the other hundreds of brothers and sisters you ate.”

“How could you!” Fluttershy couldn’t take it anymore, all of this new information about how her apparent friend was a monster was too much for her. She broke down and started to cry.

Discord dropped the changeling and turned around. “F-fluttershy…” He was getting sick and tired of this bug saying how he was a monster. He held up a paw to try and comfort her.

“LOOK OUT!” The changeling yelled. “He’s gonna do ya!”

Fluttershy squeaked and flew away. “Fluttershy!” Discord growled at the changeling before flying after her. "You'll pay for this!" He yelled, leaving the bug to his beer.

“Hu...well that was one strange Spanish goat.” He chuckled to himself and sipped his bottle. “Maybe I should've replaced ‘do’ with ‘get’...or was it got...yeah...gotten would've been better.”

The changelings ear stem twitched as another one of his kind came out of the bushes, puke plastered on his mouth. “S-Stan..d-did you just.”

Stan raised his bottle in the air and yelled, “Well hello Mr. Carl, glad you could make it to the all night party.”

Carl wiped the love pile off of him and walked up to his friend. “Stan, do you realize what you did?”

Stan belched and said, “Of course I realize what you did, I unfortunately got eaten by El dismortalitilero...Shame really, I thought I would last about…” Stan checked his invisible watch. “Five hours ago...Hey Carl, what time is it?”

Carl continued to stand there with his mouth gaped. He never knew a changeling like him would be able to withstand the powers of El Discordtalantilo. Was his drunkenness making him more powerful? “We need to go home Stan.”

“Cathy!” Stan yelled. “When will you stop saying that and realized that I want to be intimate friends with her.” Stan pointed up at the tower without looking.

“Um..Stan, that’s the wrong one.” Carl pointed where he was pointing. Stan followed his friends sight and saw that a different colored alicorn was standing on the balcony.

“Weird,” Stan scratched his head. “I thought the white one would be up this late.”

Carl smacked him upside the head, no longer caring that he was doing it now. “Stan, the dark one is in control of the night...or was it the moon.”

“Moon..." Stan turned away from her and at the moon, realizing that, if an mare like her could make something like that, then maybe she was just as beautiful. "Hehe, moon or not, she’s still pretty pretty...almost as good as that other one…” Stan smiled at her. The dark mare did look just as beautiful as the white mare, and with this one now out and about, maybe Stan could have a chance with this one before he got to the other one. Almost like a warm up.

Carl nearly puked again. “Can we stop talking about how you wanting to get laid Stan! Especially with royalty.”

“Hey look!” Stan lifted his arm, smacking Carl while doing so, and pointed at the blue colored alicorn. “She’s flying!” Stan chugged the rest of his drink and slammed it on the grass. “Looks like the other one want’s a piece of this black flank.” Stan staggered and flew after her.

“STAN! Ugh…” Carl just sighed and flew after him. “What have I created?”