• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 104: Crystallized Horrors

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
This chapter was edited by both Kestrel and Lucky424

Chapter 104: Crystallized Horrors

“What do you mean we’re not allowed in the barracks?!” Dash furrowed her brow as she glared at the security guards barring them from the recruit barracks. “You just let Soarin through, why not us? Our quarters are back there for Celestia’s sake!” she continued as she made a hoof motion behind her to Squall, Little Star, Matteo, and Storm. They had no idea where Twister was, but Dash wasn’t about to invite his presence again so soon after his little ‘lesson.’ The earth pony security guard on the left simply shook his head.

“Captain Spitfire’s orders. No entry until the situation is over,” he said flatly.

“What situation?” Dash threw her hooves out. “What’s going on back there?” she asked as she and her friends watched Misty Fly and Fire Streak trot right by and enter the barracks unhindered.

“It has to do with the Shadowbolts,” the other guard spoke up. “Aside from that, I don’t know. We were told to keep this area secure. Only the medical staff and the Command Elites are allowed through until further notice.”

“But…” Dash was ready to protest further but before she could a hoof pressed roughly on the top of her head. She blinked and turned beneath its pressure to see Silver Lining standing right beside her while looking down at her sternly. Wave Chill was beside him, as if waiting for Silver before proceeding.

“Dash, go back to the battledome,” he ordered. Dash lifted her brow and pointed towards the barracks.

“But what’s going—”

“Squad Foxtrot Captain Rainbow Dash,” Silver called out her rank sharply. “Stop pestering the guards, and do as you’re told. That’s an order.”

Dash’s mouth hung open as Silver removed his hoof from atop her head and made his way past the guards with Wave Chill in tow. She flattened her brow and growled as the guards stood aside, let the two elites in, and once more barred their path. She shook her head and turned towards the rest of Foxtrot and Storm, clearly not in much of a mood to talk. Storm, however, took the chance.

“Guess we’re not finding anything out until later…” he put casually as they all turned back towards the east hallway.

“Yeah, yeah…” Dash grumbled in frustration.

“By the way…” Little Star spoke up as she glanced back and forth. “Where is Twister?”

“DON’T ASK!” Dash quickly replied.

The medical team had responded quickly and professionally from the moment Spitfire sent for them. As soon as Bliss got word of a medical emergency, she had her assistants as well as several Wonderbolts helped her move loads of supplies as well as roll medical beds from the infirmary into the barracks. What was initially being used as a holding cell had quickly been turned into a hospital… because something was horribly, HORRIBLY wrong with the Shadowbolts they had captive…

Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Luna all stood out of the way near the door and watched with dread as the Shadowbolts, now occupying the medical beds, moaned and groaned in pain, jittering and writhing. Some of them had to be bound to their bed because they wouldn’t remain still.

However, their motions and noises were the least horrific part of it. Their suits had been removed in order to for the medical team to examine them… and the removal had revealed something that was truly unnerving.

Their bodies were covered in rashes and scabs that were hard to the touch. It was reminiscent of a crystal pony’s body when within the range of the Empire, only it didn’t look natural, instead very painful, and littered about their bodies. Worse… they also had open wounds that were not bleeding, but instead had clear, white crystal formations jutting out of them as if said crystals had formed within their bodies and were trying to push themselves out.

Was this a side effect of prolonged use of the magic crystals? There was no way they could know. Spitfire had sent Air Mach to wait in the lobby for the next report from the Renegades. They needed to get Descent and Starry Skies into the barracks to see it for themselves… and to see if they had any idea what was happening and if there was anything they could do about it. Specifically Starry Skies, because she herself, had once used the crystals… had she experienced anything like what they were seeing here?

“Ah… AHHHHHH!” cried one of the Shadowbolt stallions as Bliss ran up to him.

“Mahogany! Witching! Hold him down!” she called to two of her assistants as they frantically ran over and used their magic to hold the stallion’s hooves in place. The two unicorns grunted as the stallion ripped and pulled at their magic auras, but managed to hold him down as Bliss concentrated and channeled her magic through her horn. She focused it on his head and began to hum as her aura surrounded his head. The stallion slowly calmed down, panting, but relaxing as his head dropped back down on his pillow.

Bliss exhaled and slumped down. Her unique magic ability to relieve pain temporarily was being useful here, but it was having a huge drain on her after casting it easily twenty or so times in the past hour. She stared at the crystals jutting out of the stallion’s shoulders and chest and shook her head, not knowing what she could do to help this strange condition. Mahogany and Witching quickly trotted over to Bliss and helped her walk to another table where she began to check on a Shadowbolt mare.

“What is this…?” Soarin thought out loud as Fire and Misty Fly walked in behind them and both were quickly visibly shocked at the sight.

“This must have something to do with the crystals… there’s no other explanation…” Spitfire shared her thoughts as Silver Lining and Wave Chill followed close behind Misty and Fire.

“But…” Fleetfoot spoke up. “But aren’t the Renegade Shadowbolts also former users of the crystals?” she asked while glancing at Luna. Luna had remained speechless since they entered. It was a disturbing sight indeed, but seeing Princess Luna at a loss for words was equally as troubling.

“That’s why I have Air Mach waiting in the lobby,” Spitfire explained as she glanced back at the members of squad two and three who had come as she requested. “I want Descent and Starry to get in here as soon as possible to tell us what the hell this is… if they even know.”

“This is why…” a voice suddenly echoed all around them, causing them to all flinch and look around. Discord suddenly dropped through the ceiling and slowly floated down. He touched down on the floor with his back turned to them, shaking his head at the Shadowbolts. “Mortals shouldn’t touch what they don’t understand.” He turned and looked at them, admittedly surprised to see that none of them had an initial negative reaction to him… for once. “There’s a very good reason that chaos magic is only something a god such as myself can handle.”

“Discord!” Luna finally spoke up, surprising all of them as she stepped towards Discord. Her tone was unusual towards him, as if there was concern in her voice. “Please…” she looked away and scanned the room, her eyes passing over all of the Shadowbolts in extreme pain. “This is no time to nurse mysteries… these ponies are suffering from pain caused by chaos magic, correct? Then you MUST know what we can do to help them!”

Discord stared down at Luna, swiping his snaggletooth back and forth across his lower lip as he scanned all the Wonderbolts looking at him as well. He snorted and shook his head.

“Sorry, no can do.”

“Discord!” Luna took another step towards him. “Please! You must—!” She was cut off as Discord reached his hand towards her mouth and pinched her lips shut.

“Lulu… your desire to act quickly is refreshing… but believe me, if I knew how these pseudo-chaos crystals worked, I’d give you an answer. If it was pure chaos magic, I’d be able to give you an explanation, albeit one I doubt you’d understand, but as for how its properties affect a mortal’s body… much less in a way related to these crystals, I’m afraid there is little I can do to help.”


Discord’s eyes widened as he picked up a voice he really didn’t want to hear. The Wonderbolts all flinched and turned, stepping aside as Silver Lining pushed through them and walked with heavy steps towards Discord. Discord cringed as Silver approached, snarling quietly.

“Good gracious…” he grumbled. “Who let the old bag of bones in here?” he said with a very annoyed tone in his voice as Silver planted himself less than a yard from Discord and glared.

“Says the sorry excuse for a god who’s been around longer than all of us combined by a longshot,” Silver fired back, holding himself firm in the presence of Discord. Discord rolled his eyes.

“I’d hardly call that a basis for calling me old,” he waved a hand in the air dismissively. “Seeing as how I’m still fine and chipper while you get a limp from something as simple as walking to the bathroom…”

The rest of the Wonderbolts looked back and forth between Silver and Discord, wondering where this sudden jargon between them came from as if they had a history. Silver growled as his nostrils flared.

“Cut the crap and stop acting like you can’t do anything, you duffel bag of discarded animal parts!” Silver shouted as he took another step towards Discord. Discord lowered his head down towards Silver as the two exchanged glares.

“HEY!” Spitfire suddenly stepped forward and got between them. “That’s enough!” she pushed them apart before turning to Silver. “Silver, what has gotten into you?!”

“You don’t honestly believe he can’t do anything about this?” Silver glared at Spitfire while pointing harshly at Discord. All eyes went to Discord as he stood up straight and crossed his arms. Silver shook his head while keep his eyes harshly set on Discord. “I’d sooner trust the intelligence in my left ass-cheek than the crap I hear from his mouth!”

“You’re welcome to your opinion…” Discord turned his back to them. “But—” he got no further. Silver shoved Spitfire aside, made his way around Discord, reached up, and yanked him down to his eye level by the scraggly beard. Discord immediately narrowed his eyes as he met Silvers glare.

“We all know you could snap your fingers and make this all better! Now tell us what you know already! We’re sick of your shit!” Silver demanded, the rest of the Wonderbolts watched in awe as Silver asserted himself in the face of a god that could erase him from existence with the snap of his fingers if he really wanted to.

“Hmph…” Discord grunted as he pulled himself free of Silver’s grip and stood up straight again. “I liked you better when Blizzard did all the talking…” he turned away from them all and shook his head. “However, I regret to inform you that this is a very rare case. I am, indeed, stumped.”

Silver growled, shaking his blanket off of him and pulling a hoof back. Fleetfoot and Soarin quickly reached forward, grabbing onto him to hold him back.

“I oughtta break my hoof off in your—”

“Sweet Celestia!” Discord glared at Silver while pointing at him. “Will you please shut up for a moment?”

“Second Commander Silver Lining…” Luna spoke up, moving beside Silver and placing a hoof gently on his back. Silver stopped pulling against Soarin and Fleetfoot, glancing at Luna before calming down. “Please let him speak,” she requested calmly. Silver scoffed and looked away from Luna.

“Hmph… no matter what he says… I’m not buying it,” Silver made his stance clear. Discord just rolled his eyes.

“Good because it’s not for sale,” he replied sarcastically before facing the rest of them. “Anyway… something I’ve already voiced to Lulu is that, despite what you all might think…” he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at all of them. “I am playing my part in all of this. Sure, I haven’t been lending you all much of a hoof, but there’s more to this scenario than what’s happening to you, as I’m sure you’re putting together from this,” he made a head motion to the suffering Shadowbolts. “I can’t be foalsitting all of you when I have my own agenda as well. Part of that agenda has been trying to figure out exactly what these crystals are and how they work.” He paused as he turned towards Silver. “And while it’s true that I could simply snap my fingers and make something happen… I admit that I’m a little reluctant to try it here.”

“I’ve gotta hear this,” Silver scoffed again.

“Silver,” Spitfire said his name sternly as she walked forward and glared at him. “I don’t know what sort of vendetta you have against Discord, but stop it. That’s an order.”

“Hmph…” Silver averted his eyes from Spitfire and did as he was told.

“Thank you,” Discord snorted before continuing. “Chaos magic is not something to be approached blindly. The crystals emulate the properties of chaos magic… but as I said, I don’t know how they work, so it would be foolish to assume I could counter it with my own magic,” he glanced at Luna. “There’s a very good reason that I have certain restrictions in place in exchange for my freedom. The most notable of which is the one I’m reminded of most often, not to bend reality… or the course of time and space. Whilst I admit to… safely disregarding this restriction once or twice for noble reasons, it can have very dangerous and serious effects if not handled properly. There are serious consequences linked to bending the natural rules of the universe and my past incidents of running amok were only fixed through the intense effort of both of the sublime sisters… and even together, they were barely able to stitch everything back together.”

“And… we only have one of them,” Soarin spoke up as he and the rest looked towards Luna.

“Precisely,” Discord nodded before looking towards the Shadowbolts again. “And while having me here to handle it would easily fill the gap of a missing Celestia, I still don’t believe it’s a risk worth taking. If I were to say… try and relieve these Shadowbolts from their pain and something went wrong or the crystal version of the magic exploded or went wild, there’s no telling what could happen. Chaos magic is unpredictable by nature. If the clash were to cause an intense reaction… it could easily cause more damage than I ever had in the past and I can’t guarantee, even with Lulu’s help, that I’d be able to fix it.”

“Hmph,” Silver grunted again.

“Yes, Silver,” Discord lowered his face down to his. “Even I’m capable of approaching a situation carefully while considering all the angles… in fact, that’s something I learned from all the times I crossed paths with your mentor.”

Silver’s eyes widened slightly before he furrowed his brow.

“Now…” Discord took one last look around the room. “I’ll leave this all to you. If you’ll excuse me, there are quite a few things I have to look into, so—”

“Hold it RIGHT there,” Silver suddenly cut off Discord while holding up a hoof. Discord had his fingers primed to snap, but he held them in place while raising an eyebrow. The rest of the Wonderbolts and Luna looked towards Silver as he slowly walked towards Discord.

“You always have to get the last word in, don’t you?” Discord sighed as Silver approached him. “Very well… give me your best shot.”

“Oh, you bet I will,” Silver smirked as he stopped in front of Discord. “You almost had me there,” Silver glared as he began. “You mentioned that you were looking into what the crystals are… but you didn’t say anything regarding figuring out WHERE they came from!”

Discord’s eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. All eyes went to Discord as Silver began to chuckle with a snide grin on his face.

“I know how you think you slippery, snake-bodied son of a bitch. You’ve already figured out where the crystals have come from… haven’t you?” Silver pressed as he took another step forward and pointed his hoof directly up into Discord’s face. Discord flattened his brow, reaching out a finger and pushing Silver’s hoof down.

“This is EXACTLY… why I don’t miss Blizzard Strike,” he grinded his teeth together. “You’re turning into him and it’s really grinding my gears…” he said as two metal gears appeared beside his head and began turning as they made painful creaking noises. “Do yourself a favor…” he started again as the gears disappeared from beside him. “And stop while you’re ahead. The last thing we need is another mortal finding his way into higher realms of existence…” he paused, giving Soarin a very quick glance. “I don’t think my sanity could handle a fourth…”

“Huh?” Soarin blinked as he caught what Discord said, his eyes widening slightly as he remembered the conversations in his head… but he had little time to think about it. Silver was not backing down.

“You beat around the bush more than a single, puberty-stricken teenager on Hearts and Hooves Day!” Silver shook his head. “I’m WAITING for an answer!”

“You’re not getting one,” Discord snapped as he turned away from Silver.

“Like I didn’t see that one coming.” Silver rolled his eyes. Discord turned sharply towards Silver while clenching his fists.

“Before you all start throwing accusations at me… it’s not by my choice. Yes, even I have my loyalties… I’m sure that’s something all of you can relate to!” His calm demeanor had buckled, the god of chaos himself showing frustration instead of his usual suave calm. “Now, as I was saying… I have many things to attend to. I have my own role to play, and when the time finally comes, I hope you all thank me and regret giving me any lip!” he reached his hand up to snap his fingers, giving Silver one more, harsh glare before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

All the Wonderbolts remained silent, their ears once against filling with only the sounds of groaning Shadowbolts and the medical team rushing about to do whatever they could. Silver suddenly stomped a hoof on the floor and started walking towards the exit, scooping up his blanket as he walked. Spitfire came to her senses and quickly turned to him.

“Silver!” she called after him.

“Put a reprimand on my record or whatever, I really don’t give a damn,” Silver replied instantly.

“That’s not—” Spitfire tried to stop him, but he already had the door open… only to walk face first into Air Mach.

“Whoa! Preemptive strike? You looking for a fight, old timer?!” he quickly took a battle stance with a smirk on his face.

“Get out of my face before I rearrange yours,” Silver said coldly before pushing Air Mach aside and walking out into the barracks. Descent, Starry Skies, Blazetail, and Flashwind were all following behind Air Mach and all stood aside as Silver stormed out. They only watched him for a moment before turning back towards the barracks.

“Descent!” Spitfire called to him as she approached the door.

“We came as requested, what is going—”

“AAAH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” a Shadowbolt mare near the back suddenly cried out. Bliss was up and rushing towards her in an instant with several assistants behind her.

“What in the…” Descent blinked and quickly pushed past Spitfire, his eyes snapping open as he came to a screeching halt. “What…?”

Descent scanned the room back and forth, looking over the captive Shadowbolts and the strange, painful condition their bodies were in. His mouth hung slightly agape as the moans and groans of pain moved in and out of his ears, the Shadowbolts twitching and shivering as the crystal scabbing and jutting formations made their nerves burn. Starry Skies walked up beside him, showing much less of a visual response, but clearly reacting. Blazetail and Flashwind followed close behind, Flashwind gasping and throwing a hoof over her mouth as they examined the afflicted Shadowbolts.

Descent quickly turned to Spitfire and pointed towards the Shadowbolts.

“What is this?!” he demanded, causing the hearts of the Wonderbolts and Luna to sink.

“We…” Soarin’s ears flopped down. “We were hoping you would know…” He looked back at the other Wonderbolts. Wave Chill and Fire Streak were both comforting Misty, who seemed to not be taking the sight of the Shadowbolts very well. It was to be expected though. While Misty had not been exposed as much as these Shadowbolts had… she had been exposed to the capabilities of them, and just how tempting they were. If she had not resisted Nightshade’s temptation… would she be like this right now?

Descent made his way over to the first bed, where a Shadowbolt stallion lay. He looked him over carefully, taking in the horrific sight of the hardened scabs and the clear crystals poking right out from his body.

“Starry!” Descent quickly turned to Starry Skies. “I never used those cursed things… but you have. Did anything like this happen to you?” his voice was filled with intense purpose as if he was frantic to figure out what was going on. Starry put up a hoof and shook her head.

“I didn’t use it for very long… and even when I did, I only used it if absolutely necessary. There was a brief period of minor withdrawal, but it was weak, nothing I couldn’t easily resist.”

“Hmm…” Descent looked back towards the Shadowbolts. “That would explain why this didn’t happen to any of our former Shadowbolts in the Renegades… they are all ponies who either didn’t try the crystals or ones we pulled away quickly… so this…” Descent gritted his teeth. “This is what happens… if…” He let his head hang down.

“It would appear.” Spitfire stepped up beside him. “That this is what happens after prolonged exposure,” she said with a shudder, recalling her brief experience of being affected by the crystal magic. “The body is forced to adjust… and when the crystal is taken away… this happens?”

“Oh my god!” Flashwind suddenly yelled out, drawing all attention to her. Blazetail’s eyes had widened as well, suggesting whatever Flashwind has realized… he had too. “Blazetail!” Flashwind turned to him. “Our son!” She grabbed him by the shoulder.

Soarin’s mouth hung open as he listened. He watched as Flashwind clung to Blazetail’s shoulder… and looked back towards the Shadowbolts.

If this was what happened when the crystal was taken away… that meant… Rapidfire…

“Our baby… he’s… oh god… this could happen to him too!” Flashwind shook Blazetail. Blazetail remained silent. Soarin recalled Blazetail not speaking kindly about Rapidfire… but even in the wake of doing so, he was still Rapidfire’s father… and this was likely not an easy pill to swallow. He reached around Flashwind and pulled her in tightly as she worried like a good mother should.

“Descent…” Luna spoke up as she stepped towards him. Descent was simply staring at the Shadowbolts as Bliss and her crew moved about. He hadn’t said a word since he asked Starry if she had experienced anything like what he was witnessing.

“But…” Fleetfoot suddenly spoke up. “These are all just the regular Shadowbolts right…? Holy…” she shook her head. “They all only had one crystal on them… what would happen to their commanders if we took their crystals away? They use three…”

“RGH!” Descent suddenly stomped on the floor so hard that the room shook slightly.

“The hell?” Starry blinked as Descent turned around and quickly left, passing by Luna, the former Wonderbolt captains anxious about their son, and the rest of the Wonderbolts, nearly knocking over both Fleetfoot and Soarin as he left the room.

Spitfire sighed as she turned to Luna. Luna looked down at the floor and shook her head.

“It seems there is much more pain and suffering among all involved… than we first thought…” she said to herself as she looked out towards the Shadowbolts before instinctively moving towards Bliss to offer any assistance she could. Spitfire followed right behind with similar intentions.

Soarin and Fleetfoot glanced at each other before looking at Starry Skies. Starry was scanning the room, but there was little emotion on her face. Aside from a few snorts, she barely showed any reaction. Fleetfoot looked towards the door, seeing that Descent had stopped right outside and was facing the opposite wall. She looked right back at Starry.

“Hey… aren’t you going to go talk to him?” she asked, taking a few steps towards her. Starry turned and glared at Fleetfoot, obviously being wary of her.

“What the hell for?” she replied flatly. Fleetfoot furrowed her brow as she clutched her blanket.

“What for?!” She removed a hoof from her blanket and pointed towards the door. “This is obviously weighing pretty heavily on Descent… shouldn’t you like… you know… go talk to him?”

Starry lifted an eyebrow, looking out towards Descent before shrugging.

“You have a very strange perception of Descent… he isn’t some emotionally weak ninny like most of you guys are,” she hissed before looking back towards the Shadowbolts.

“Wow!” Fleetfoot threw her hooves out. “Could you be any more of an ice block?! Do you even care about what’s going on?” she pointed towards the Shadowbolts.

“Frankly, I couldn’t care less,” Starry narrowed her eyes at Fleetfoot as she stared back with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Soarin only sighed as he watched Fleetfoot struggle to understand Starry. “What? Don’t give me that look… I have no sympathy for these idiots who let themselves be controlled by something as simple as addiction.”

“But—!” Fleetfoot gritted her teeth and averted her eyes.

“Get this through your thick skull,” Starry growled. “In the Shadowbolts… those who are strong fly with us… and those who are weak are left behind.” She made a head motion towards the Shadowbolts. “These dumbasses are weaklings, succumbing to something that I easily pushed aside. As far as I’m concerned… none of the pegasi who still fly with the Shadowbolts are REAL Shadowbolts… only those who now fly with the Renegades are… so excuse me if I don’t give a damn about these traitors.”

“Would you say the same…?” Soarin stepped up behind Fleetfoot, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “About Nightshade?”

Starry’s pupils shrank as she opened her mouth to retort… but no words came. She quickly turned away.

“Nightshade is dead…” she said in a voice that had clearly changed tone.

“You don’t know that,” Soarin stated firmly. “And something tells me that… if you knew she was still alive, you wouldn’t speak of her in such a way. Am I right?” Soarin asked as Fleetfoot settled down and let him take over.

“I…” Starry’s ears drooped as she remained facing away.

“A code of ethics should only dictate your feelings so far, Starry…” Soarin said as he glanced towards Spitfire further into the room. “Guidelines are meant to dictate our decisions, not our hearts… I’d like to think even you would agree with that.”

Starry remained silent. She simply sat and stared at the wall with her back turned to them. Soarin sighed, glancing over his shoulder at Blazetail and Flashwind as Air Mach, Wave Chill, Fire Streak, and Misty Fly approached them to help comfort Flashwind. He looked past them out the door, spotting Descent still sitting outside.

Without another word to Starry Skies, Soarin gave Fleetfoot a gentle pat on the shoulder before turning and walking out the door.

“Descent…” Soarin said his name quietly as he approached. Descent made no effort to turn and look at him.

“Hm?” Descent hummed in response. For a moment nothing else was said. Soarin stopped a yard from him and simply stood there as Descent remained facing away. Several times, Soarin opened his mouth to speak, but in the end, decided against it. What was he supposed to say? It wasn’t very hard to piece together what was on Descent’s mind. It all came together… and was now a mess.

Eventually Descent sighed. It was a long, heavy sigh that caused his shoulders to drop slightly. Soarin’s ears stood up as he waited for Descent to speak… but ended up waiting several more moments before he did.

“So this is what has become of my family…” he said in a serious tone. His posture had weakened, but his voice still held its usual strength. “I know every Shadowbolt in that room by name… and they are all fine warriors, the perfect example of what a Shadowbolt stands for.” He shook his head slowly. “And now, without the crystals that tore them from me… they are reduced to this. Helpless, crying out in pain as something foreign to their bodies destroys them from inside out.”

Soarin’s ears flattened. There were absolutely no words he could offer. This was not his problem. Anything said would easily come off as forced. He got the feeling Descent didn’t want it anyway.

“I may have saved several Shadowbolts from this before it could happen, but…” he grunted and growled. “If this is what awaits those who are left… by freeing them would I only be killing them?”

“Descent, none of them are dead!” Soarin stepped up quickly to strike the thought from his head, but Descent turned around and glared.

“But who’s to say they won’t be?!” he snapped at Soarin. Soarin stopped dead in his tracks, but didn’t back away or flinch. “Do you see what’s happening to them? They are suffering! Crying out in pain, writhing and retching as your medical staff runs around without a clue towards what course of action to take!”

Soarin scrunched his face and held in the urge to give false hopes. Not even Discord was willing to risk it… so they really had nothing they could do. The only thing that came to mind was to get them crystals… or let them go… but both of those were definitely not options.

“Had I known this would be what happened, I wouldn’t have been so eager to smash the crystals they wielded,” he shook his head. “This is the first time we’ve taken Shadowbolts captive… every other time we ridded a crystal from one in the recent past, they were retrieved by their comrades. This is…” Descent turned back around. “What has become of us…? Why?!”

Soarin admitted that he was at just as much of a loss. Their boon of having captured enemies to interrogate had turned into a seemingly hopeless fight to keep them alive.

“And what’s worse…” Descent shook his head again. “If this is what happens to a wielder of a single crystal… then… the commanders are doomed.”

Soarin wanted to retort and tell him once again that he couldn’t assume that, but who was he kidding? The Shadowbolts they had captive were of lower rank among their new order, each wielding only a single crystal, and he was surprised they weren’t begging to kill them yet based on how much pain they were clearly in. Each commander wielded THREE… and easily used them much more than the rest. Their exposure was literally triple that of the others, it made Soarin shudder to think what would happen once the crystals were taken away.

Not to mention… if Nightshade was still alive… she had been more exposed to the crystals than easily the rest combined…

That was, no doubt, also on Descent’s mind.

“I’ve known the Shadowbolt commanders for a long time…” Descent suddenly spoke up again. “In fact, several of them have been there the whole time I’ve been a Shadowbolt. I wouldn’t say I think highly of all of them, but some of them were very good friends. Devil… Moon… Witch… Sin… and Blade, especially Blade,” he shook his head. “Nightshade and Starry Skies were always my first choice of combat partners… but were they ever busy, those were the ones I’d fight beside in a heartbeat. I could care less about Angel, Trance, and Ruin… those three always got on my nerves, but the rest were alright,” Descent turned and faced Soarin. His expression remaining firm as it always did. “Regardless, because Nightshade’s fate is unknown, it was my goal to get them more than anypony else out of the clutches of the crystals. With them, it would have been easy to coral the rest, but now…” he growled. “Now I’m not so sure if that’s possible.”

“We don’t know for sure,” Soarin spoke up despite how long he had already held back. “If we can find a way to counter the withdrawal effect, then maybe we can—”

“I’m not going to get my hopes up,” Descent cut him off. “From what I’ve seen here… I’m afraid my plans have changed.” He stood up and started walking down the barracks hallway. The weight of the situation was heavy on his shoulders, but he walked upright with the usual strength as if he was standing tall in the face of a terrible, terrible revelation. “If this is what they will suffer after we break them from the enemy’s grasp… then I will put them out of their misery and save them a long, painful demise.”

Soarin’s ears stood up and his eyes widened. He wanted to retort… but it wasn’t his choice to make. The Wonderbolts and the Renegades had different agendas. Even WITHIN the Renegades, there were different agendas. Descent had one goal: restore the Shadowbolts to their former glory. And that goal had just gotten one hell of a wrench thrown into it, forcing Descent to make a very difficult choice.

It was clear from what was happening that ‘saving’ the Shadowbolts may only cause them intense suffering… possibly killing them as a result. Descent wasn’t one to express care, but as somepony who referred to the Shadowbolts as his family… it was clear that wasn’t something he wanted to put them through. That left only one choice, and clearly it was a choice Descent was hoping to avoid.

But Soarin wasn’t so willing to accept it. Descent’s mission was not his, but he refused to believe they couldn’t save the Shadowbolts under the influence of the crystals. There had to be a way to help them. There just had to be… but it didn’t seem like the solution was within their grasp, not even close. There was only so much Bliss could do in the meantime, not to mention she still had to worry about the Wonderbolts and Renegades as well.

Whatever the case may be and whether or not a solution would surface… it was now very clear what was at stake. Not just for them and the Renegades, but for the Shadowbolts as well. It was already known that they were being controlled… but was it against their will? Perhaps the terrified reaction to their crystals being smashed indicated they knew what would happen eventually without another to take its place? As much as he disliked the stallion… he couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Rapidfire’s mind. He was obviously working with the Shadowbolts, but Rapidfire was never one to completely follow orders. If the Shadowbolts were really being controlled through harsh restrictions… Soarin just couldn’t see Rapidfire simply conforming to it. They had encountered him once and then had yet to see him again.

Whatever waited for them on the horizon was unknown. Soarin could only hope that once they had received the training for magic deflection and got the compound moving again… that they’d be able to turn the tides and get some answers.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Short, but this was originall part of chapte 103, obviously this was meant to be a very heavy bunch of scenes, so i didnt want Twister overshadowing it.

Anyway... it looks like Descent is being faced with a terrible choice... if he saves his fellow Shadowbolts who are still being controlled... will he really be leading them to excruciating pain and... death? He has accepted it... but Soarin hasn't... is there a solution to this? Only time will tell.

But there is definitely much more on the line than firs thought... for BOTH sides.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! :eeyup:

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