• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,512 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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113. Warlord of Bleak Island

As commanded, Rainbow, Pterax, and I meet up with the rest of the Pegasus Corps...or what's left of them after this battle. I can't help but notice how many of them aren't with us right now. Even though the battle ended with our crushing victory...we've definitely taken some losses. Rainbow clearly notices as well, because she's been quiet.

Pterax is holding himself proudly, repeatedly gazing over at the dark mass of changelings forming up Chrysalis' army. Several times he tries to draw attention to himself and his kind, but eventually stops when he doesn't get much of a reaction from Rainbow or me.

“This is hard,” I eventually admit. Even though Chrysalis healed me, I'm still tired as hell. I haven't slept for two days, and it's starting to take its toll on me now that there's no pressing enemy to fight. We've defeated Sombra's initial invasion force; surely it's okay if I take some time to rest.

“Yeah,” Rainbow agrees, giving a huge yawn. She's in the same boat I am, though she's doing a better job of hiding it. “I need a nap. Where's the nearest cloud?”

“Sorry you, two, but we won't be sleeping for a while,” Spitfire tells us, swooping in from above, where she'd been organizing the rest of the Pegasus Corps in preparation for our movement. Rainbow and I both groan hopelessly, wanting nothing more than to just pass out where we are. Fucking falling to our death; sleep is more important. “I understand. You two aren't soldiers, so you're not used to this kind of thing.”

“What? Do the Wonderbolts do this kind of thing a lot?” Rainbow asks with a hint of trepidation. You know, I almost forgot, what with all of the crazy shit going on, that Rainbow really wants to be a Wonderbolt.

“On occasion. Usually whenever there's a significant monster attack, we don't sleep until the problem is taken care of,” Spitfire answers with a wry smile. “Don't worry though. We're all feeling the same as you. I'll have us set up camp once we've met up with Commander Iron. I've already sent out a scout to search for them.”

“Thank god,” I sigh, looking forward to getting some sleep for the first time since this whole mess started. Spitfire smiles at me...but that smile quickly disappears when Chrysalis joins us, her insectoid wings buzzing as they work to keep her in flight. Mantis follows her dutifully close behind.

“My hive is ready to fly, whenever you feel ready.” Chrysalis' words are polite, but they sound almost smug, as if she's mocking what she perceives to be a lack of efficiency. Yeah well, we don't have a hive mind like you, bitch.

“Good. We'll likely have to proceed on hoof once we meet up with the Bleak Island army,” Spitfire reveals. Chrysalis rolls her eyes, but nods. “Will you stay with us, or fly ahead to Trotsdale?”

“Hmm...I see no need to accompany you...but...” Chrysalis trails off, but then she glances at Rainbow and I. As if deciding something, she turns back to Mantis. “Mantis. Take the majority of the hive and proceed to Trotsdale. I'll stay here with a token force and make sure these pathetic ponies don't get themselves killed.”

Mantis salutes and flies away to meet up with the large changeling force. Chrysalis turns back to us with a smirk, even as Spitfire and Rainbow glare back at her. They didn't miss the insult the queen just dealt them.

“Something the matter? I'm doing you a favor,” Chrysalis addresses them sweetly. Okay, she's deliberately antagonizing us. Rainbow's hooves are tensed and her teeth are grinding together, while Spitfire just stares. “Now, shall we go?”

“Yes. The sooner we get moving, the sooner we can all get some rest,” Spitfire responds diplomatically, placing a hoof on Rainbow to soothe her temper. Then, she turns to the rest of the Pegasus Corps. “Alright everypony! Let's get moving! We're headed west to meet up with our other allies!”

With a chorus of acknowledgment, the Pegasus Corps starts to move.

We don't have to fly very far to the west before we meet up with Spitfire's scout, who directs us towards the Bleak Island Army. If I remember right, Bleak Island is far off the coast of Vanhoover city (fuck the puns). That's likely where their military disembarked from their vessels, or whatever they used to get over here.

According to the scout, their army has been using the train from Vanhoover to get as close to Cloudsdale as possible. The railway runs from the city all the way to Canterlot, with only one other stop along the way: just southwest of the gorge that we damaged to cut off the enemy reinforcements. Apparently it's called the Galloping Gorge.

We soon catch sight of their camp as we near the Unicorn Range. At the base of the foothills just south of the railroad, there's a collection of large white tents situated around campfires. The camps aren't anything special. In fact, it looks like they're deliberately set up in such an unremarkable fashion to make it easier to pack up and move. The setting sun reflects off of the unique silver armor of the soldiers inhabiting the camp.

Together with Spitfire, Rainbow, and Chrysalis, I land at the edge of the camp. We left Pterax behind with the other changelings to keep order. Upon our approach, two earth pony soldiers come to meet us. Huh. They look...well...grizzlier than the typical Equestrian soldier. By that I mean that their manes are scruffier and their bodies are scarred, as if they've seen a lot of battle. They're wearing armor similar to what Iron wears, except simpler in design, with only a breastplate, helmet, and greaves protecting the legs. The color scheme is mostly silver, though there is the ever present motif of a golden eagle emblazoned across the breastplates.

“Hail, Equestrians,” one of the soldiers calls to us, addressing mostly Rainbow and Spitfire. He and the other soldier give Chrysalis and me curious and wary glances, but don't say anything. They've never seen anything like us, I bet.

“Greetings, soldiers. Is Commander Iron here? I need to speak with him,” Spitfire returns the call cordially, dipping her head. The soldiers respond strangely to her request, glancing at one another in confusion.

“Commander?” one of the soldiers echoes to the other, who then proceeds to shrug and look insulted. The first soldier turns back to Spitfire, his eyes narrowed. “Is that a joke? Commander!?

“Excuse me?” Spitfire questions, confused. I'm similarly confused. Why would they take offense to that? Is there like, some other meaning to that rank in Bleak Island? Fuck, I don't know their customs. I just hope this doesn't turn into a mess.

“Stalwart Iron is...what kind of sick joke is that? Do you have any idea...?!” the first soldier starts to explain, his voice rising. The second soldier sighs and nudges the other roughly with his shoulder, cutting him off.

“My apologies. Yes, he is here. He is with our Warlord in the main tent. They've been waiting for your arrival,” he finally answers us, dipping his head apologetically. He tips a hoof over his shoulder, indicating the largest tent in the camp. “Move along, and don't tarry.”

“Thank you,” Spitfire responds shortly and gestures for the rest of us to follow her. I do so, stepping past the guards and eyeing them strangely.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow asks Spitfire, looking perplexed. “Something wrong with being a commander?”

“I don't know...but I don't feel very welcome here,” Spitfire admits. Looking around, I have to say that I agree. Whenever we pass by a group of Bleak Island soldiers, all conversation usually ceases and they look up at us with unreadable expressions. They don't say anything or show any real emotion; they just watch us.

“Absurd. Why would they allow us entry if they weren't willing to work with us? Or better yet, why even come to Equestria?” Chrysalis scoffs, looking around at all the different soldiers with interest. “I still don't see why you need their help. My changelings and I are more than enough to deal with this Sombra character.”

“Uh, because our forces got hit hard in their attack? Plus, your changelings can't do shit to Sombra himself,” I point out. Chrysalis's eyes orient on me, though her head remains still. I freeze, wondering if I made her mad or not. Thankfully, she doesn't respond, and instead returns to looking around the camp. Yeesh, allies or not. She'll never not be scary.

“Even so, Chrysalis brings up a valid point. The Bleak Islanders have always been rather reclusive. I heard it was difficult even setting up trade agreements with them,” Spitfire divulges. Huh...then I don't know. I know next to nothing about these guys, apart from the whole civil war bit.

“I guess we'll find out,” I say with a shrug as we near the main tent, passing a large bonfire on the way.

There's a ton of soldiers here, sleeping in the tents or out here eating or taking care of their weapons. There's not that many of them, compared to the Equestrian or changeling armies. If I had to estimate, I'd only say there's a few hundred here.

I notice that there's an even mix of species here. Some of the earth ponies have weapons that they're polishing, but the unicorns have the most pronounced weapons. They're strange exotic weapons, but none of them are tridents like what Iron uses.

There are two guards standing on either side of the main tent. Upon noticing our arrival, one of them lifts up the tent flap. “They're just inside,” one of them tells us gruffly. I follow Spitfire inside, glancing at the two soldiers warily.

The interior of the tent is sparsely decorated, consisting of only a few bedrolls and a rough cloth spread across the majority of the floor to separate their hooves from the grass and dirt below. Standing in the center of the tent is Commander Iron...and the largest unicorn I've ever fucking seen in my life.

Seriously, how the hell did a unicorn ever grow to be this size? Standing tall above Iron, I'd have to say this guy is at least a head taller than Big Mac, and that guy's pretty large as it is.

The large dark brown furred unicorn turns his head to regard us with golden eyes. Is it just me, or is he sizing us up? “They do not seem to be alicorns,” the massive pony rumbles in a distinct bass tone. His gaze eventually settles upon Chrysalis, and his expression changes almost imperceptibly. “Except for this one.”

“This one has a name and a title, if you please,” Chrysalis snaps irritably, causing everyone in the room, including me, to wince. That's not really the best first impression to give to our would be allies who may or may not want to be here in the first place. “I am Queen Chrysalis, and I will thank you to refer to me as such, lest you regret it.”

The large unicorn raises a brow and steps towards Chrysalis, his bulky crimson armor clanking together as he does so. He looks almost intrigued, releasing an inquisitive grunt. “Oh? Chrysalis, is it?” he repeats, omitting her title, much to her annoyance. The unicorn looks back at Iron, who seems to be standing alert, as if he expects there to be combat at any moment. “Brother, I think I like this one. Uniquely attractive and courageous...perhaps I should have visited Equestria before now.”

I have to physically hold my jaw shut to prevent it from falling open. Did...did this guy just call Chrysalis attractive? Both Rainbow and Spitfire are glancing between the large unicorn and Chrysalis with wide-eyed expressions, no doubt thinking the same thing that I am.

“Excuse me? You do realize I'm standing right here,” Chrysalis emits, raising a brow. Although she sounds annoyed, I can't help but notice that she looks a little pleased at the compliment. Heh, bitch she might be, but still a vain bitch.

“Can we just get to business?” Spitfire inserts before the situation can deviate any further from our intended purpose.

“Yes, I believe that would be prudent,” Iron agrees hastily, coughing nervously. The large unicorn nods and plods back over to his brother, his long white mane flowing behind him. Iron indicates the crimson-clad unicorn with one hoof.“Now, then. Captain Spitfire, this is Warlord Salamul, sole ruler of Bleak Island.”

“You need not show me deference, brother. You are equally as important as I,” Salamul chides Iron lightly, interestingly enough. Iron pauses and looks down, his eyes downcast for some reason. Once again, I wonder what the hell went down at Bleak Island to make Iron act so uncharacteristically in the presence of a fellow Islander. Salamul then turns to Spitfire, offering his hoof. “A pleasure, Spitfire. Am I to believe you are the head of the military?”

Spitfire accepts the hoof politely, though her eyes widen a bit at the strength she feels behind the simple hoofshake. “Not quite. I am but one of five captains in the Equestrian military. The true leaders of our military are the princesses,” Spitfire explains. Salamul nods, withdrawing his hoof. I notice he looks a little pleased.

“That's good. I was about to be disappointed if that were the case,” Salamul expresses. Iron sighs and plants his face into his hoof, even as Spitfire looks mildly insulted by that statement. Salamul's eyes soon fall upon me. “One last thing before we continue. Brother, what is this one?”

Oh, he's talking about me. Damn, this guy is difficult to read. His expressions rarely change, and his tone remains constant. Still, I guess I better respond. “My name's Seth. I'm a temporary commander for Equestria,” I tell him. Salamul blinks, showing a hint of disbelief. Before I know what's happening, he approaches me and starts looking me over in a rather uncomfortable manner.

“Commander? You?” Salamul repeats, lifting up one of my arms. I jerk it away from him indignantly. “How can you fight? You walk on two legs like a minotaur, but have not the muscular build. What good are you?”

“Can we please focus!? I don't want to spend all day standing here watching some self-entitled Warlord decide whether or not we're good enough for him!” Chrysalis butts in, having lost her patience. Once again, we all stare in shock at Chrysalis, and then back at Salamul. We just hope that he doesn't take too much offense to her. Chrysalis glares at Salamul as the warlord glances at her. “Do you even know the situation we're in, Salamul?”

“Not particularly,” Salamul reveals offhand, as if it doesn't really matter to him either way. The hell? Is this guy for real? Did he really just bring over a bunch of soldiers to Equestria without really knowing what he's up against? “My brother came back after several years and told me he needed my help. That's more than enough for me.”

“I'm glad I can still count on you,” Iron tells Salamul with a grateful nod. Sheesh, what’s with this guy? He has no idea that we're up against what equates to a god in terms of sheer power.

“You can always count on me, Brother. Our ponies will follow you,” Salamul emphasizes. Iron scuffs at the ground nervously. He looks grateful, but that uncomfortable way he's holding himself is still present. Salamul then turns back to Spitfire. “Direct any orders you have to my brother. I am his axe, as he is my shield.”

“Understood. Thank you for your cooperation,” Spitfire responds with an uncertain nod. I have to agree with her. These Bleak Islanders are fucking weird. For one, why the hell is their warlord content to take orders from Iron? “Commander, how many troops have you brought?”

“Four hundred in total, not including myself and my brother,” Iron responds. I notice that when Spitfire revealed Iron's rank, Salamul gives her a sharp glance, much like the ones we got from those other soldiers during a similar situation.

“Just four hundred? That's all?” Chrysalis retorts, scoffing. “I brought several times that amount. Where's your commitment to the cause?”

“Oh, don't fucking make me laugh,” I shoot back at Chrysalis sardonically.

“Don't underestimate the ponies of Bleak Island,” Salamul cuts in, staring at Chrysalis pointedly before she can react to my scathing words. “We've seen far more combat than any paltry Equestrian pony. Our experience and skill more than makes up for our number.”

“Quality over quantity,” I rephrase, tapping my chin. Judging from the way the soldiers outside are all scarred, I can believe that. Even Salamul here is covered with a few visible scars. Come to think of it, Iron has a scar too, right on his eye.

“Precisely,” Salamul agrees. Chrysalis doesn't look convinced, but she lets it go when Spitfire starts talking again.

“At least it's something. With the changelings and the griffons, we should have a strong enough force to strike at the Crystal Empire,” Spitfire decides. “Alright. It's not dark yet, but our forces are exhausted. Everyone can take tonight to get some sleep, and then we march to Trotsdale first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Are the princesses there? I greatly desire to meet with them,” Salamul inputs, his expression shifting into one of mild curiosity. Spitfire nods, causing Salamul to look satisfied and glance at Iron. “Excellent. I do hope they're as strong as you say, Brother.”

I can't help but scoff at that. Please, I don't care who you are. Celestia could kick you into next week. Sombra doesn't count. That fucker cheated, and everypony knows it.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel something tugging on my leg. I look down to see a tired Rainbow tugging on my pant leg with her hoof. “Seth, can we go to sleep now? I haven't slept for two days!” She complains.

“Hmph, I'm leaving now. I'll thank you not to disturb my rest,” Chrysalis states, shooting Rainbow a glare and leaving the tent now that the meeting is essentially over. As confusing as it is that Salamul is just willing to let Iron call the shots, it certainly makes negotiating easier.

“Yes, everyone get some sleep,” Spitfire agrees, gesturing to Rainbow and I with her head. “Go on ahead, you two. I have a few things to discuss with Commander Iron before I retire.”

“Thanks. Where do we sleep? Is there a tent for us, or do we just pick a spot outside?” I question, brushing Rainbow's hoof off of my pants.

“I made sure we packed a few extra tents. Ask one of the soldiers outside to help you find them,” Iron answers shortly. Oh good, that should be fun. Ask one of the soldiers that would really rather we not be here. That sounds like fun.

“I'll send somepony to get you in the morning,” Spitfire calls after us as Rainbow and I leave the tent. I acknowledge her with a half-hearted wave, and then we're back out in the camp.

As we were directed, Rainbow and I end up accosting a random soldier for help finding a tent. Of course, he isn't that happy about it, because he has “much better things to do than help out some two-legged freak.” Suffice to say, I had to hold Rainbow back to keep her from slugging him over it.

After I threatened to go get Iron, the soldier relents and leads us to the collection of extra tents in the supply tent. He quickly hightails it out of there back to his post, leaving the two of us to set up the tent ourselves.

Several minutes later, Rainbow and I are inside our new small tent, staring at the single foldable cot in the center of the room. There are a few others in the supply tent, but Rainbow insisted that we only needed the one.

“Rainbow, it looks a little small,” I observe, my hands in my pockets. Next to me, Rainbow nonchalantly starts stripping off her armor plates and tossing them in a corner, making a loud racket as she does so. “Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, but it's big enough,” Rainbow assures me with a devious smile, kicking off the iron plates on her hooves. She wiggles her rump so the plates on her back slide off, and once again I start to feel a little weird, such that I look away and run a hand through my hair. I wish she wouldn't do that in front of me.

“How do you figure?”

“Oh quit complaining. If the bed is smaller, than that just means we have to squeeze a little closer together,” Rainbow insinuates, tossing away the last piece of her armor. She stretches out like a cat, giving a little moan. “Ah, I've been wearing that for two days now. I'm so cramped!”

“Whatever,” I grunt, kicking off my shoes and climbing into the cot first, my exhausted body rejoicing at the opportunity to relax. Rainbow soon joins me, her hooves scrabbling on my chest until she finds decent leverage to hoist herself up into my lap. This really is a small bed, so she stretches herself across my chest, her face right above mine. “Comfortable?”

“I am now,” Rainbow declares, lying her head in the little crook between my head and shoulders adorably. She heaves a tired sigh, her eyelids starting to droop. “These Bleak Island ponies are weird.”

“No kidding. It is practically impossible to read that Salamul guy. Besides, who the fuck calls a changeling attractive?” I respond, my exhaustion starting to catch up with me as well. It's getting harder to talk, especially when an involuntary yawn escapes me.

Rainbow giggles at that. “Apparently he does. What a weirdo. You see how he was okay with letting Iron do everything? What's up with that?”

“Yeah...I get the feeling Iron's a lot more important in Bleak Island than he let on. Especially with all those soldiers getting insulted by the fact that he's a commander,” I respond tiredly, idly wrapping an arm around Rainbow's body, stroking the ends of her mane. Rainbow hums contently at the treatment, closing her eyes. “Fuck, I can't think right now. I'm so tired.”

“So go to sleep, you silly human,” Rainbow murmurs sleepily, lightly tapping my nose with a hoof before letting herself fall limp.

Yeah, that sounds really nice. Once I close my eyes, sleep comes upon me before I even realize it. Glorious unconsciousness soon overtakes me.

My eyes feel like crushing weights. We wake the next morning when my alarm goes off at 6, which I assumed would be around the time we would start moving towards Trotsdale. However, I'm guessing I might have a little more time, because it's completely dark outside, and there isn't much movement going on outside, as far as I can hear.

God, I didn't get enough sleep. I know I didn't. It takes an insane amount of effort just to open my eyes; my eyelids feel like they're made of solid metal. The next thing that hits me is how sore I feel. My muscles ache all over my body, reminding me that I spent practically the past two days fighting nonstop.

I groan, finally managing to open my eyes. The first thing I see is Rainbow's face right in front of me, the mare curled up on my chest. Her hooves are slipping down my side, as this cot is very small. Right...if I'm going to get up, I need to wake her up first.

“Rainbow...get up,” I tell her weakly, reaching my hands up to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Rainbow doesn't stir, her mouth slightly open as she snores quietly. This is going to be more difficult than I thought, isn't it? I nudge her repeatedly, but her body is limp, barely moving at my attempts to wake her. “Rainbow! Wake the fuck up!”

Rainbow still doesn't move, which causes me to take things to the next step. With the little strength that I've gained back now that I'm a little more awake, I flip her off of me so that she's laying on the cot, and I'm over top of her. I call out her name a few more times and slap her face gently, to no effect. Sheesh, I guess she needed this sleep more than I did. Seriously, what the hell do I do to wake up a pony this oblivious?

Okay, it's time to take drastic measures. I lean down and bite her on the ear. To my annoyance, even that doesn't work. As I pull back, I catch sight of her face, sleeping peacefully. My eyes slide down to her partially parted lips, and a rather dumb idea comes to mind.

“This is stupid...it's all your fault, fucking oblivious pony,” I grumble to myself, leaning back down to her, and lifting her head slightly with my hands. I gulp and hesitate once, and then I press my lips to hers, hoping that at least this will work.

When Rainbow tries to breathe in, she wakes with a start, her eyes shooting open in surprise. It takes her several seconds to realize that she's being kissed, and then another second to realize that it's me doing the kissing. She suddenly reacts by returning my affections vigorously, taking me by surprise when she leans up into me, her hooves wrapping around my neck.

I give a slight yelp when Rainbow somehow manages to flip me over, climbing on top of me and straddling my chest. She rubs her eyes with a hoof, and then she smiles down at me, panting slightly. “Did...did you just kiss me awake?” she breathes, her cheeks a little flushed. I try to respond, but she doesn’t let me. She dives back onto me, her lips enveloping mine once more. This time, it’s with more fervor than usual, her tongue pressing against my mouth. Oh god, what have I unleashed? She's never used her tongue before, what do I even...

Our session is abruptly interrupted when the flap of our tent flies open, a dark shape entering the room. “Time to get up, Seth! We're about to get mo...” I hear Chrysalis's distorted voice start to say, but then she cuts off when Rainbow doesn't bother to stop kissing me. Chrysalis's mouth closes with a tight snap, a low growl rumbling in her throat. “Well. I see you're already awake.”

Rainbow breaks away from me as Chrysalis storms out of the tent furiously, leaving behind a slight hint of magic in her wake. Oho, she's pissed. Rainbow turns her head over her shoulder and sticks her tongue out at the tent entrance, even though Chrysalis can no longer see her. “Heh. That's what you get, witch. Mine,” Rainbow gloats, pawing at my chest possessively with her hoof.

“Okay, now that you've managed to piss off Chrysalis, can I get up now? It sounds like we're about to get moving,” I say dryly, panting a little from Rainbow's voracious assault on my mouth. I guess I triggered her or something by kissing her awake. I see Rainbow looking reluctant to move. “Spitfire'll be looking for us.”

Rainbow looks uncertain for a few more seconds before finally shrugging. “Eh, she can wait,” she decides. Wait seriously? Since when has Rainbow ever turned down a chance to see Spitfire? What is she...gah, Rainbow's kissing me again, her tongue once again seeking entrance to my mouth. This time, I only hesitate slightly before tentatively opening my mouth into the kiss, allowing her tongue inside.

I find that it doesn't feel anywhere near as disgusting as I thought it might.

“There you are. Where have you been?” Spitfire greets us as we approach her, a little after packing up our tent. Next to the captain is a simmering Chrysalis, Iron, and the massive form of Salamul. “Queen Chrysalis went to wake you twenty minutes ago!”

I shrug, blushing a little from the intense...uh...what even was that? Were we basically making out? I've heard that phrase all the time, but I never really knew what it meant except from what I gathered from context. I certainly never thought that phrase would ever apply to me. My head is still feeling a little light. God, I'm embarrassed.

Rainbow shrugs as well, looking sprightly and happy next to me. She's wearing her armor again, but it doesn't seem to be weighing her down all that much.

“They were probably too busy slobbering all over each other,” Chrysalis scoffs bitterly. Spitfire looks between the two of us with surprise, before finally connecting the dots when she sees the blush on my face and Rainbow's smug expression. She gives a little chuckle out of good humor, while Iron and Salamul make no reaction whatsoever. Chrysalis is more than pissed though. “Clearly they don't think much about the safety of Equestria.”

“Like you care about Equestria,” Rainbow retorts sarcastically back at Chrysalis, who just scoffs. Suddenly, a smug grin appears on Rainbow's muzzle. “Wait, hold on. Oh Celestia, you're jealous, aren't you? The queen of the changelings is jealous of me!”

Chrysalis sharply turns to glare at Rainbow. So intense is the hate and anger in her gaze, that I swear Rainbow would be dead a million times over if looks could kill. Spitfire tenses up when Chrysalis takes a step towards Rainbow. My eyes harden as well, and I step slightly in front of Rainbow.

“Don't get so full of yourself, brat,” Chrysalis hisses scathingly at Rainbow, and then she turns away, her wings spreading and starting to buzz, lifting her into the air. “I'm going to rally my forces. Don't wait up for me.”

Once she's gone, Rainbow quickly loses her composure and falls over laughing, while Spitfire stares disapprovingly at her. “Did you see her face!? She's so jealous! Baaahahaha!” Rainbow squeals with merriment. Her display gets me to grin despite myself as well. It's not often that something can unsettle Chrysalis to that degree.

“Rainbow Dash, please don't antagonize our allies. Our relations with them are strained enough as it is,” Spitfire scolds Rainbow once the cyan mare gets up off of the ground, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Aw come on, it was just a bit of fun! She was so smug yesterday,” Rainbow protests. However, she eventually gives in under Spitfire's stern stare, her smile dropping as she accepts the chastisement. “Yes, Captain Spitfire. Won't happen again.”

“Thank you. As long as you understand,” Spitfire responds with a satisfied nod. The captain looks around for a few seconds to make sure no changelings are nearby, and then she leans in. “Though between friends, that was pretty funny.”

Rainbow's grin returns, and then she and Spitfire bump their front hooves together. Iron shakes his head with a sigh next to them, probably figuring we're past all hope. Salamul's face is as stony as it has always been.

Holy shit, how did I not notice that monster before? Hidden just behind Salamul's bulk is an incredibly large weapon, which I only see once the warlord turns his head to speak to Iron in a low voice. It's an axe embedded in the ground beside him, or at least I think it is. It's the largest axe I've ever seen. It consists of one lethal blade extending from the haft, the steel colored pure black. The haft itself is a massive pole with jagged and uneven edges and is colored as bloody crimson as the rest of Salamul's armor.

I can't help but gape at it until Salamul moves again, hiding it once against from view. Jesus that's an exotic looking weapon. Looking back at Iron, I notice he's carrying his trident once more, but also his shield. Last I remembered, that shield had been shattered absorbing a powerful attack from Sombra himself, but now I see it hanging in front of Iron, as good as new. Well, almost as good as new. I can still see a few lines of lighter steel where there had once been cracks. I guess that he got it repaired back at Bleak Island, or whatever.

“Pterax, reporting.” My thoughts are interrupted by the changeling infiltrator that lands next to me, having come from the swarm of changelings flying overhead. He looks at me, which reminds me that he's literally reporting to me. Chrysalis did order him to follow me.

“There you are. I was wondering where you went last night,” I remark to him, moving to give him room to join us.

“I was with my kind, of course. It felt good to be connected with them all again,” Pterax reveals. Okay, don't have a clue what that means, but whatever. He's stuck with my team, so at least he's here now.

“Good. I believe we're about ready to move. Iron, give the order to your countryponies, if you will,” Spitfire declares. When Iron looks at her with a raised brow, she explains. “I don't feel comfortable giving them orders. They don't seem like they'd take very well to that.”

“Of course not. You are an unknown to us, Spitfire,” Salamul responds as if it should have been obvious. “We will not respect you until we have seen you perform on the field of battle. Only once you have fought alongside us will you see our attitude towards you change.”

“I see...I'll keep that in mind,” Spitfire responds, looking a little troubled and intrigued at the same time. “I've never been out of Equestria much. Your culture is interesting.”

Salamul grunts noncommittally at that response. Iron shakes his head again and turns back to the ranks of Bleak Islanders that have been forming up behind us. All chatter silences the moment they spot Iron looking back at them without the commander even having to say anything.

“Fellow ponies of Bleak Island! We march for Trotsdale!” Iron calls out in a strong level voice that easily projects to the entirety of the Bleak Island army.

“Yes, Stalwart Iron! All hail the Warlords!” the army calls out as one, loud and clear enough to give me chills.

With that, our combined force starts to move for Trotsdale. The Bleak Islanders march on hoof, while the changelings and Pegasus Corps fly overhead, all of us on our way to meet up with the main body of the Equestrian forces.

As we march, one niggling, questioning thought fills my mind, nursing a powerful curiosity within me.

Warlords? As in plural? Who's the other?

Author's Note:

Waaah! I almost forgot to post this one because I was taking a hot bath and fell asleep. But lo, here I am with another chapter of...this.

I know I've made a few references to Bleak Island and all, but you really don't know anything about them. I hope that considering how many of you like Iron you'll all find this chapter interesting. I found it rather fun to write about their culture for the first time.

Also, jealous Chrysalis. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, thanks to Schadenponi for editing this, and don't forget to leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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